Visual Media Visual Entertainment Dominates Modern Cultures. Essay

Visual Media Visual entertainment dominates modern cultures. From hundreds of television channels to hundreds of thousands of video channels on the Internet, getting an in-depth look into the lives of others is a common occurrence, made possible because of the social influences of visual media. Reality television shows have shifted values from that of being conservative to being able to do just about anything on television. Value is no longer placed on privacy and decency, but on advertising everything that occurs in a person's life. Visual media entertainment has converted society from one full of morals and values, to one with limited respect. Although visual media has brought great advances to society as well, a limited number of individuals actually take advantage of this phenomenon.

When looking back to the 1950's it becomes impossible to imagine that in just 60 more years, life as it existed back then would no longer be reality (Fiske, 2011). Privacy, conservative values, family bonding, and physical play are things that would get completely redefined as technology continued to develop. One of the biggest cultural changes in America however, was the television set. It displayed visual media that people were not used to seeing. It allowed a glimpse into the lives of others -- something that was previously unheard of. Different cultures were rarely explored, but after visual media was introduced, the homogeneity that existed in the United States was shattered. It drastically changed American culture because it started exposing people to the reality...


No longer were they shielded behind ignorance. From explicit images of the Vietnam War to flashes of riots being broadcasted all over television sets, Americans woke up from their idealistic way of life and realized that their community was not so perfect (Fiske, 2011). This led to the beginning of the visual media revolution.
The social influences nowadays however, have for the most part been negative. The caliber of the television shows that are being broadcasted as a part of modern culture is heavily influenced by reality television (Turner, 2006). These shows have given millions of viewers a false sense of what it means to be well-off. It has given individuals an incorrect idea of how much work needs to be put into something if one were to make it in the world. Television shows like "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" (2007) or "The Osbournes" (2002) started a television revolution where being rich and having fun became more important than the process of getting there. All that gets depicted on television are the results of having millions of dollars, not necessarily the values that brought them the money to begin with. It has given millions of young viewers a false impression of how society functions (Fiske, 2011). Watching these families on television make viewers think that the show depicts regular everyday life for the majority of American families. However, the truth is far from that. The only thing that this belief has caused is a shift toward the worst for American values.

The Internet has revolutionized the way…

Sources Used in Documents:


Fiske, J. (2011). Television culture. (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

Haridakis, P., & Hanson, G. (2009). Social interaction and co-viewing with YouTube: Blending mass communication reception and social connection. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media,53(2), 317-335.

Huffaker, D. (2010). Dimensions of leadership and social influence in online communities. Human Communication Research, 36(4), 593-617.

Kaplan, A.M., & Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media. Business Horizons, 53(1), 59-68.

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