We Can But Should Term Paper

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Health Information & QR Codes Basic medical information and medical history is critical in case of medical emergencies. If first responders do not have that information patients can be put at risk for medication reactions, medical complications, and treatment processes can take longer as healthcare providers are left to explore the patient's condition in the dark. When the medical information is non-attainable, patients can also be put at risk for death in cases of coronary and heart health issues. QR codes are scanned by smartphone or mobile phones containing camera software that link to a website URL to retrieve basic medical information that is used to get the patient help.

ERMedStat (Harrington, 2012) is a company that uses QR codes and smartphones to provide first responders with basic medical history. The information contains blood type, emergency contacts, allergic reactions, medical complications, and a list of medications. The company does not collect insurance information, driver's license, or social security numbers in efforts to prevent identity theft and medical insurance theft.

Medical emergencies arise without notice and do not always leave the patient conscious or alert to give the needed information for care. Some medical conditions can cause unconsciousness and confusion that leave the patient incapable of answering questions. And, there is not always someone around who knows the patient medical information to give the information to the first responders. Having a QR code...


It is as easy as the paramedic scanning the code to retrieve information to be relayed to medical providers to get the needed care fast and efficiently.
Patients can make a profile on Lifesquare that consists of basic medical information (Staff, 2012) of medication and other allergies, a list of medications, emergency contacts, physician information, and basic history of the patient. The patient then receives stickers containing the QR codes that can be placed on the refrigerator, wallets, backpacks, and bike helmets. Medical information can be updated online. If an emergency arises, the QR Code is easily accessible to obtain medical information.

The information is stored in secure HIPPA compliant servers (How it Works). HIPPA is a medical information law that requires medical information to be highly secured and only accessible on a need to know basis. Paramedics only are allowed to access the information in case of emergencies. With HIPPA security requirements only certain persons can attain the information as it is needed to provide the needed care.

Because medical emergencies can happen anywhere, stickers can also be applied to wrist watches, necklace pendants, and other personal affects that can be worn on person. If someone is in the mall shopping and suddenly collapses, the QR code can be scanned from the person's personal affect to retrieve the medical information.…

Sources Used in Documents:


Harrington, C. (2012, Mar 7). Maryville company uses QR codes to share medical histories in emergencies. Retrieved from knoxvillebiz.com: http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2012/mar/07/marville-company-uses-qr-codes-to-share-medical/

How it Works. (n.d.). Retrieved from Lifesquare: https://www.lifesquare.com/how

Staff, T.N. (2012, Sep 26). New QR Codes Tell Paramedics Your Medical Info. Retrieved from Tech News Daily: http://www.technewsdaily.com/6264-new-qr-codes-tell-paramedics-your-medical-info.html

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