Smartphones Essays (Examples)

646+ documents containing “smartphones”.

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Smartphones and the Great Digital Divide
Even though 44% of African-Americans and Latinos own a smartphone while only 30% of White, non-Hispanics do, many people contend that this isn't really closing the great digital divide because African-Americans and Latinos use their smartphones more for entertainment than empowerment. Build an argument to support the previous statement.

One can in fact argue that while more minority persons own a smartphone than Caucasian individuals, one still can't take this as evidence of closing the digital divide. This is largely as a result of the fact that the usage of smartphones by Hispanics and African-Americans aren't harnessed for empowerment. Smartphones do offer the ability to scan the web, to communicate with others over the internet, and other such tasks, but they just don't have the same level of practicality as a computer. It's just not as easy to write a resume over a smart phone, or….

This section of the paper is providing the disadvantages of smart phones and tablets technology for the employees working in private and government organizations.
a. Cost

Undoubtedly, the biggest disadvantage of smart phones and tablets technology is the cost as compared to the standard mobile phones. Since, it has been examined that the cost of smart phones is more upfront as compared to the less than about a third of such cost for a standard phone. The smart phones require expensive data plans that are not included in most standard phones making bills expensive with every passing month (McLoughlin & Aaker, 2010; Cerra, Easterwood, & Power, 2012; ainer & Cegielski, 2010; Ilyas & Ahson, 2006).

b. Security

Smart phones are found to provide access to the internet through the availability of Wi-Fi or data packages. The data security is a major concern for employees working in private or government organizations. The applets being….

Smartphones Comparison

Ultimately, based on this study's findings, the researcher proffers recommendation for future researchers to ponder for potential, future study projects. The researcher also notes any lessons, in hindsight that this study's efforts recovered.
Aims and Objectives

The researcher's primary aim for the study is to explore particular aspects of the technology and applications, as well as the special features of the Apple i-Phone 3G, as compared and contrasted to a: Research in Motion's BlackBerry 8100 Pearl; b: Motorola Q; c: Samsung BlackJack II SGH-i617 d: Samsung BlackJack SGH-i607.

Objective 1

Conduct a thorough Literature Review of relevant information relating to particular aspects of the Apple i-Phone 3G, particularly as it compares/contrasts four other smartphones

Objective 2

Develop or secure an abbreviated questionnaire dedicated to collecting customer contentions regarding smartphones.

Objective 3

Implement questionnaire developed, retrieve results and compile with findings from the literature review to address this study's research question.


As the quote introducing this chapter/study explains, when….

Smartphone Survey

My survey about smartphone usage indicates a number of different things. The survey was conducted among students at university and reported this delivered a spread among the ages of recipients. A few things stand out from the survey with respect to usage. Nine out of ten respondents have an iPhone, 8 of those being iPhone 6. This corresponds with relatively heavy usage -- heavy users want the most modern phones. Not surprisingly, the perception of Apple phones is the highest among all users, with Samsung a close second. Other brands had mixed perceptions, with Huawei and Motorola experiencing particularly poor perceptions.

Among the many potential uses for smartphones, games are the most popular by far. Other applications are closer in their usage, with phone being the least popular usage. Web browsing is the second least-popular usage for smartphones. Heavy smartphone users generally admit that they are dependent on their phones, even….

Smartphones Communication

lifetime, human society has seen the emergence of mobile communication technology, in particular the smartphone. This new communications tool has changed the ways that we communicate with each other, for both better and worse. Smartphones not only allow us to have telephone communications when mobile, but they have given rise to the mainstream use of mobile data. This means not only Internet, but things like text messaging have become even more commonplace than they were before.
Many Americans believe that mobile technology has changed the way that they communicate. First, many people report that they communicate more with their friends and family because mobile technology allows them to be in communication all of the time, a significant difference from the days of the hardwire telephone line (Jones, 2014). Increased communication with family and friends has in some cases strengthened bonds. For example, data plans that work nationwide have allowed people….

Smartphones: Do we really need them?
How smart do we want smartphones? Do we really need them?

In basic terms, a smartphone can be defined as a cellular telephone with advanced features and capabilities. In addition to being enabled to access the internet, a smartphone sports numerous built-in applications. Some of the features of modern smartphones include, but they are not limited to, video and still cameras, e-mail messaging, MP4 and MP4 players, Web browsing, etc. In essence, a tool that was once used for basic calling and texting capabilities has been transformed into a mobile personal computer.

Smartphones have come a long way. According to Krajci and Cummings (2013, p. 12), "many credit IBM and BellSouth's Simon Personal Communicator (1994) with being the first smartphone." As the authors further point out, Simon sought to merge the diverse features of cellular devices with those of personal digital assistants (PDAs), thus setting the stage….

How Smartphones Impact Society
How does smartphones influence people when they are communicating? How do people use smartphones? How does smartphones change our life in communications?

Mobile is the new Internet. With nearly 4 billion mobile phones, the size and reach of the mobile market is vastly bigger than the PC industry (Berman, 2013). The smartphone is leading the pack. By definition, a smartphone is a cellphone with brains. In other words, it is smart enough to do much more than just make phone calls. It serves as a handheld computer, personal calendar, web browser, calculator, e-reader, and database (Agger, 2011). Perhaps most important, a smart phone is able to receive wireless calls. Traditional cell phones can also send and receive email or allow for web browsing; however, most lack the ease and flexibility offered by a smartphone. The smartphone has quickly become the preferred computing device for many Americans, and are….

But Android is also available on low-end devices. This is a market unserved by either Apple or Blackberry. The low-end market is especially popular in the developing world -- consider that India now has an Android tablet priced at $60. By virtue of covering all price ranges in the market, Android is poised to take a dominant share of smartphones. In addition, the differentiation that its manufacturers are engaging it has propelled Android smartphones into a position of technological leadership, challenging Apple and surpassing Blackberry.
Consumers appreciate the structure of the Android product, even going beyond the basic price and innovation concerns. With Android devices, consumers are not tied to a relationship with any one company. This stands in contrast to the Apple and Blackberry business models, which emphasize the tied nature of the product. Android users are able to switch between manufacturers and they are able to work with….

An Analysis of the Smartphone MarketThe advent of the smartphone has contributed to the emergence of a new generation of mobile Internet devices. Smartphones have become popular and common across the globe because of Internet connectivity. These devices enable the sharing of real-time information and support communication via the Internet, particularly on social media platforms. As these devices have become popular, the smartphone industry has experienced tremendous growth and profitability. Smartphones will continue to dominate the mobile devices industry given the anticipated increase in sales in the coming years. The anticipated growth of the smartphone industry will also be fueled by the fact that customers in this industry continue to prefer access to a wide range of mobile services unlike before.For the key players in the smartphone market, an understanding of the market size, share, and structure of this market is critical to enhancing their competitiveness. An economic analysis is….

Trade Theory Smartphones

International Trade Theory
With the rise of outsourcing and globalization, it is tempting to think that such trends can easily be understood with a quick overview of icardo, but that is not necessarily the case. The theory of comparative advantage provides a basic framework -- the logic that nations should produce the goods in which they have a comparative advantage, thereby achieving a greater total output -- certainly provides a fairly clean underlying logic for international trade (Boudreaux, 2014).

This paper discusses the rise of outsourcing and international trade theory with respect to the smartphone industry. In just a few short years, this industry has gone through significant structural changes that provide us with different examples of how the theories of international trade are applied in the real world, by people with real money on the line.

International Trade Theory

The interesting thing about international trade theory is that icardo's arguments have not undergone….

social media and smartphones in the area of healthcare, and how legal and ethical principles are to be applied to ensure their proper use in healthcare as pertains to personal technology.
The field of healthcare is eagerly embracing all technology that is capable of improving patient outcomes, lowering expenses, and streamlining operations; however, healthcare professionals need to pause and consider the negative effect of technology on patient care and privacyTechnology implies to not only gadgets, but also social media apps (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and MySpace) used on smartphones. Healthcare workers are increasingly employing the use of smartphones today, for communication, care and efficiency. Clearly, before doing so, they need to take into consideration various issues (legal, ethical, and professional) from personal as well as hospital perspectives.

Scenario of Case

I am employed as an emergency room nurse at a hospital. One of my Friday evening shifts (7 p.m.-7 a.m.), which….

Phone impact people's lives." The support ideas, waste money people smart phone;, people buy apps play games phones., people focus cell phone, communicate meet .
Phones will impact people's lives

The use of smart phones will result in the wastage of money because people will have to purchase some apps that they will need for their daily usage. Smart phones app developers have discovered that people have a desire to have apps that suit their lifestyles, and they will spend money to acquire the apps. The apps that are sold are normally essential ones like weather apps. There are new devices that are released into the market every year, and most people will prefer to purchase and use the newest gadget. For smart phones, this is a wastage of money since the old phone can still perform the necessary tasks (Miller, 2012), and one is getting a new phone because it….

Business Comparisons
The cell phone manufacturer business is a global industry. It is a large and rapidly-evolving industry where few companies can maintain a high profile in the industry for an extended period of time. Some of the major players in the industry today are Samsung, Apple and Huawei, with 21.4, 13.9 and 8.7% share of the market respectively (IDC, 2015). These companies are all in different countries, and all have different cultural elements that make them unique. This paper will look at the differences between these companies.

Models of Culture

One of the models of culture that is common is the Hofstede model, which sees culture as a bridge between human nature and personality. So an organizational culture is a reflection of that -- the culture defines the organization, distinguishes it from other organizations and is something that helps the organization to function in a specific way (Hofstede, 1991). Apple has an….

NFC is going to revolutionize the smartphone as an e-commerce platform.

The proliferation of smartphones continues to lead to exceptional growth of application development across all platforms, with Android being the clear leader in the last six months of development. The decision to make the platform and source code both open have contributed to Google quickly overtaking Apple and their iPhone OS operating system in terms of market share. It has also need to more phones and devices supporting Android than any other operating system today. The growing competitive threat to the Apple iPad is also attributable to the Android operating system gaining critical mass in this segment of the market as well. Finally, the collaboration applications on smartphones continue to redefine how businesses use these from an enterprise standpoint. Sales force automation, CM, and customer service have all been made more efficient due to smartphone applications. The dominance of….

Smartphone marketing, ACME
Smartphone Marketing Plan

Marketing Proposal: Smartphone

Palm Computing, Inc., released the Palm Pilot 1000 and 5000 in March 1996, in a technological climate that had weathered much disillusionment with handheld computing, owing largely to the unfortunate blunders in marketing the overhyped Newton Message Pad. The Palm Pilot, soon to have the word "Pilot" dropped from its name due to legal infringement on the Pilot Pen company's trademark, had a different approach to handwriting recognition than the Message Pad. It required that the user learn a glyphic alphabet that would allow the handwriting recognition software to use constraints as an aid to letter recognition. Thus, less processing power and software code would need to be dedicated to this task. This power came standard with the Palm's onboard operating system, the Palm operating system (OS).

The Early Days

The philosophy behind the Palm OS was also different than those found in other attempts at….

Title: The Impact of Technology on Modern Society

Technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, significantly transforming various aspects of modern society. In this paper, we will explore the profound impact technology has had on areas such as communication, education, and healthcare. By examining both the positive and negative effects, we aim to gain a comprehensive understanding of how technology has shaped our lives.

I. Communication:
The advancements in technology have revolutionized the way people communicate with each other.
A. Improved connectivity:
1. The emergence of smartphones and social media platforms has allowed individuals to stay connected 24/7.

Essay Topic 1: The Evolution of Computational Photography and Its Impact on Digital Camera Development

Advancements in computational photography and image processing algorithms
Integration of AI and machine learning for enhanced image quality
The blurring line between smartphones and dedicated digital cameras

Essay Topic 2: The Rise of Mirrorless Cameras and Their Disruption of the DSLR Market

Advantages of mirrorless cameras over DSLRs in terms of size, weight, and versatility
Impact of mirrorless cameras on the professional photography industry
The future of DSLRs in the face of mirrorless camera innovation

Essay Topic 3: The Emergence of Computational Photography as a Separate Art....

Original Thesis Statement:

Facial recognition technology offers both advantages and disadvantages, impacting privacy concerns and raising questions about the potential for misuse.

Refined Thesis Statement:

The proliferation of facial recognition technology presents a double-edged sword, balancing potential benefits such as enhanced security and convenience with profound ethical implications and privacy concerns.


Facial recognition technology has emerged as a ubiquitous tool in modern society, transforming various aspects of our lives. While it offers undeniable advantages, the concerns surrounding its potential for misuse and ethical implications cannot be overlooked. This paper aims to critically examine the pros and cons of facial recognition technology, exploring both its....

Certainly! Here are some essay topics related to Criminal Investigations:

1. The role of evidence in criminal investigations: How is evidence collected and analyzed in criminal investigations, and what impact does it have on the outcome of a case?

2. The use of technology in criminal investigations: How have advancements in technology improved the process of investigating and solving crimes? What are the potential risks and ethical considerations associated with using technology in criminal investigations?

3. The challenges of conducting criminal investigations in a digital world: How has the prevalence of digital technology, such as social media and smartphones, affected the methods and....

6 Pages

Education - Computers

Smartphones and the Great Digital Divide

Words: 2075
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Smartphones and the Great Digital Divide Even though 44% of African-Americans and Latinos own a smartphone while only 30% of White, non-Hispanics do, many people contend that this isn't really…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Education - Computers

Smartphone and Tablets Smartphones and

Words: 2484
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This section of the paper is providing the disadvantages of smart phones and tablets technology for the employees working in private and government organizations. a. Cost Undoubtedly, the biggest disadvantage…

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21 Pages
Research Proposal

Education - Computers

Smartphones Comparison

Words: 5819
Length: 21 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Ultimately, based on this study's findings, the researcher proffers recommendation for future researchers to ponder for potential, future study projects. The researcher also notes any lessons, in hindsight…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Smartphone Survey

Words: 504
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Qualtrics My survey about smartphone usage indicates a number of different things. The survey was conducted among students at university and reported this delivered a spread among the ages of…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Smartphones Communication

Words: 655
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

lifetime, human society has seen the emergence of mobile communication technology, in particular the smartphone. This new communications tool has changed the ways that we communicate with each…

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6 Pages

Education - Computers

How Smart Do We Want Smartphones Do We Really Need Them

Words: 1974
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Smartphones: Do we really need them? How smart do we want smartphones? Do we really need them? In basic terms, a smartphone can be defined as a cellular telephone with advanced…

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6 Pages

Education - Computers

How Smartphones Impact Society How Does Smartphones

Words: 1854
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

How Smartphones Impact Society How does smartphones influence people when they are communicating? How do people use smartphones? How does smartphones change our life in communications? Mobile is the new Internet.…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Android Operating System for Smartphones

Words: 713
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

But Android is also available on low-end devices. This is a market unserved by either Apple or Blackberry. The low-end market is especially popular in the developing world…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Assessment of the Smartphone Market

Words: 2462
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

An Analysis of the Smartphone MarketThe advent of the smartphone has contributed to the emergence of a new generation of mobile Internet devices. Smartphones have become popular and common…

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6 Pages


Trade Theory Smartphones

Words: 1928
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

International Trade Theory With the rise of outsourcing and globalization, it is tempting to think that such trends can easily be understood with a quick overview of icardo, but that…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nursing

The Use of Social Media and Smartphones in Healthcare

Words: 1758
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

social media and smartphones in the area of healthcare, and how legal and ethical principles are to be applied to ensure their proper use in healthcare as pertains…

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4 Pages

Family and Marriage

Impact of Smartphones on People's Lives

Words: 1342
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Phone impact people's lives." The support ideas, waste money people smart phone;, people buy apps play games phones., people focus cell phone, communicate meet . Phones will impact people's…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Sports - College

Apple Samsung Huawei Smartphones

Words: 1263
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Business Comparisons The cell phone manufacturer business is a global industry. It is a large and rapidly-evolving industry where few companies can maintain a high profile in the industry for…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Education - Computers

Smart Phone Revolution and Its

Words: 1843
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

NFC is going to revolutionize the smartphone as an e-commerce platform. Conclusion The proliferation of smartphones continues to lead to exceptional growth of application development across all platforms, with Android…

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10 Pages

Education - Computers

Smartphone Marketing ACME Smartphone Marketing Plan Marketing

Words: 3315
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Smartphone marketing, ACME Smartphone Marketing Plan Marketing Proposal: Smartphone Palm Computing, Inc., released the Palm Pilot 1000 and 5000 in March 1996, in a technological climate that had weathered much disillusionment with…

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