What Is Wrong With Schooling In America  Term Paper


Wrong With Schools What's Wrong with Schooling in America?

In the 1989 film Lean on Me, actor Morgan Freeman portrays Joe Clark, a principal who uses tough love and unorthodox methods to turn around the failing Eastside High School. Although the screenwriters took liberties with the truth to make a more dramatic and commercially viable story, the film is rooted in fact. Joe Clark's message to his students in economically-depressed Paterson, New Jersey, was no-nonsense: "If you don't succeed in life, don't blame your backgrounds. Don't blame the Establishment. Blame yourselves" (Avildsen). Such rhetoric makes for a great "stand up and cheer" moment that movie-going audiences love. Clark did not want his students to lean on excuses and, while he was able to motivate students and bring a new work ethic and discipline to the school, the problem is more complex. As Anyon (1980) pointed out, the differences between schools in wealthy communities and those in poor communities have less to do with resources than with teaching methods and philosophies of education. Joe Clark recognized this and endeavored to make changes, but he...


In other words, children whose parents are doctors, lawyers, engineers, or other skilled, educated professionals are taught skills that will enable them to follow in their parents' footsteps. The children of the working class are offered more practical skills, such as manual and clerical skills, that will, effectively, keep them in the same kinds of jobs their parents hold, thus maintaining the division between managerial and working classes.
Although Anyon wrote her article more than thirty years ago, Jonathan Kozol wrote in 2005 about the segregation of urban public schools. Large public schools in cities such as New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles are nearly ninety percent black…

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Works Cited

Anyon, Jean. "Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work." Journal of Education. 162.1

(1980): n. page. Print.

Avildsen, John, dir. Lean on Me. Warner Brothers, 1989. Film.


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