Why Students Flung Out Term Paper

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¶ … discouraging situation for any aspiring student to be faced with is the possibility of "flunking out" of school. The self-esteem of the "flunky" suffers, and the probability of someday returning to school and obtaining a degree often becomes an improbability. Academic dismissal is not an entity that hides in the foliage, ambushing students on their way to class. Instead, there are telltale markers that a student might be on the road to flunking out. Improper preparation, non-participation, and not asking for help with difficult academic situations, are issues that must be identified and overcome to avoid the dreaded F- word. The first step on the journey to flunking out is improper preparation for class. The materials needed to successfully navigate a course are outlined at the beginning of the term. If a student chooses not to do the required reading, or purchase (borrow) the supplemental materials suggested by the instructor then how could that student expect to have a complete understanding of the...


Receiving consistently sub-par marks on major assignments will place a student in academic jeopardy. If this behavior is sustained the school has no choice but to flunk the student out. If a student attends class but does not have the necessary tools to gain the most from the instruction, the pupil's interest in the subject matter often wanes. This disinterest leads to the second rung on the ladder to dismissal, non-participation.
Non-participation is an attache to improper preparation, but what exactly does non-participation encompass? Non-participation can mean failing to complete assignments on time, or simply not doing them at all. Non-participation can also entail showing up for class late or the failure to attend class altogether. Another factor that can be identified as non-participatory is a failure by the student to engage in group discussions. If a student has…

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