Idiom Essays (Examples)

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Linguistics English Idioms an Idiom
Pages: 13 Words: 4304

The reaction on the part of the community of language researchers has ranged between the grudging acceptance that some multiple word collocation do exist in the lexicon, and the lexicon re-conceptualized as incorporating elements from all levels of linguistic structure. "According to this second view idiomatic expressions represent one end of a continuum which places highly analyzable and semantically decomposable utterances at one end, and highly specified, semantically opaque idioms at the other" (Sanford, 2008).
Current literature says that idioms make up a very large and heterogeneous class of semi-fixed multiword expressions. Traditionally, in order to classify an expression as idiomatic it had to be non-compositional in nature. "If an expression is thought to be non-compositional, it is believed that its meaning cannot be inferred by simply adding up the semantics of its constituents. As a result, the meaning of idioms appears to be quite arbitrary" (Boers, 2007). It is…...


Works Cited

"101 English Language Idioms." (n.d.). 6 October 2009,

Abel, Beate. (2003). "English idioms in the first language and second language lexicon: a dual representation approach." Second Language Research. 19(4), 329-358

Abu-Ssaydeh, Abdul-Fattah. (2004). "Translation of English idioms into Arabic." Babel. 50(2),

Teaching Idiomatic Expressions an Idiom
Pages: 8 Words: 2328

), there is far more to their use than simple memorization. Instead, as English moves into a lingua franca situation in global economics and politics, students of English need to understand idioms in order to respond and understand context as well as fact. Not doing so reduces ESL speakers to a reduced form of English and a larger scenario of uncomfortability within community, school, and therefore, culture (O'Keeffe, McCarthy and Carter, 90-8).
Lesson Ideas- Teaching idioms can be difficult and challenging simply because they must be memorized within a new cultural setting. Depending on the level of the student, it may be necessary to provide more or less explanation about the why. In other cases, simple memorization is really the only way to increase the use; making it a game; showing how used in prose, and practicing in writing and speaking will often help. However, it is wise to limit idiomatic…...



Bogards and Laufer-Dvorkin. Vocabulary in a Second Language. Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins, 2004.

Cacciari and Levorato. "How Children Understand Idioms in Discourse." Journal of Child Language 16.1 (1989): 387-405.

Evans and Pourcel. New Directions in Cognitive Linguistics. Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamin, 2009.

Francis, E. A Year in the Life of an ESL Student. Victoria, BC: Trafford Publications, 2008.

Figurative Language Versus Literal Language
Pages: 3 Words: 1086

Literal Language
In literature, authors have a plethora of literary devices which they can use to interest the reader and make their words more powerful. These tools provide the author with the ability to convey far more than they might have been able to without it. Unfortunately, this abundance of potential literary tools available can, in less skilled hands, make comprehensibility of written language very difficult. One of the most frequent offenses in literature is an author's confusion between figurative and literal language. In order to prevent such errors, it is best to become better acquainted with the terms of literary usage and then they can be used in their proper context.

An idiom is an expression has a meaning separate from the definitions of the actual words that are used. Idioms are cultural expressions which will usually not translate outside of their cultural context (Bradshaw 2012). Some idioms are specific…...


Works Cited:

Bradshaw, Robert (2012). "Figures of Speech."

Sullivan, Frank. (1947). "The Cliche Expert Testifies." The Roosevelt Era. Boni and Gaer: New


Scientific American by Michael J
Pages: 3 Words: 1251

Using humans as guinea pigs in a study of what happens to the body when syphilis is left untreated borders on the viciousness of some of Nazi Germany's "human experiments" on innocent Jews.
Meanwhile, Satel goes on to point out that notwithstanding the DNA evidence of biological similarities, there are dramatic differences in how medicine views ethnic differences, and there lies the controversy which is one of the main themes of her article.

To wit, Canadian Eskimos have a "variant form of a liver enzyme" that causes the Eskimo to be vulnerable to tuberculosis bacteria; and African-American woman have a higher incidence of breast cancer prior to reaching 35 years of age than Caucasian women do. Yes, we're almost all the same but our bodies react very differently to disease. The other themes that come through Satel's research: worries about categorizing people based on ancestry notwithstanding, identifying a person's ethnicity though…...


Works Cited

Banton, Michael. (1995). Rational Choice Theories (Theories of Ethnicity). American

Behavioral Scientist, 38(3), 478-498.

Banton, Michael. (2000). The Idiom of Ethnicity (Debate). Journal of Ethnic and Migration

Studies, 26(3), 535-543.

Paying Taxes
Pages: 4 Words: 1271

Americans hate paying taxes. Idioms that for example place death and taxes in the same category prove this. There are some very specific reasons why Americans do not enjoy paying taxes, and these are examined below. Apart from the mere principle behind this sentiment, are also some concrete and even valid motivations for attempting to evade the obligation to pay taxes. These include reasons relating to government corruption and the tendency of the very rich to evade their own tax paying responsibilities. Furthermore it appears, according to some, that the economy does not benefit from current tax legislation, and that this is mainly a result of the corruption mentioned above.
The Necessity of Taxes

Doubtlessly, taxes are necessary. The Government needs funding in order to provide its people with the highest quality of goods and services. Recreation and roads for example are maintained by means of taxes. Taxes, while applied for…...



Johnston, David Cay. Perfectly Legal Penguin Group, 2003

Schnepper, Jeff A. "The next tax bill - consumption taxes." USA. Sept, 1993

Wagner, Richard E. "Transfer taxes sap vitality from America's economy - estate taxes and transfer of property rules." Insight on the News, Spt 27, 1993

Analyzing Reflections and Assignments
Pages: 19 Words: 5956

Language acquisition is an aspect that comes about every day yet it is a mystic achievement of childhood. An important element learned is that language is acquired by means of knowledge and cognition of the semantic, syntactic, phonological, pragmatic and morphemic aspects of written as well as oral language. For instance, the children will respond to the languages that they hear in their environment. Children do in fact react to being in settings where oral and written language are employed and therefore gain ways on understanding how to use them as time progresses. How children come to learn how to speak and have language proficiencies is outlined through the collaboration of nature and nurture. I have learned that child development comes with maturation, in addition to, the various stages of development. I have also learned and come to the understanding that infants and toddlers have readiness, potential and inquisitiveness. They…...



Adams, M. J., Foorman, B., Lundberg, I., Beeler, T. (2015). Phonemic Activities for the Preschool or Elementary Classroom. Reading Rockets. Retrieved 3 July 2016 from: 

Autism Speaks. (2013). Seven Ways to Help Your Nonverbal Child Speak. Retrieved 3 July 2016 from: 

Chard, D. J., & Dickson, S. V. (1999). Phonological awareness instructional and assessment guidelines. Intervention in school and clinic, 34(5), 261-270.

Kang, C., Riazuddin, S., Mundorff, J., Sommer, M., Koch, M. A., Paulus, W., ... & Davis, S. (2010). Genetic susceptibility to persistent stuttering. N Engl J Med, 2010(362), 2226-2227.

Motivating Students to Write Effective
Pages: 6 Words: 2124

Debates can be formulated for and against with evidence presented that supports one side or the other. First written down, these arguments can then be presented in written and oral forms, thereby reinforcing English usage in two forms: written and oral (Walvoord, 1982). Further strategies for converting the teaching into a relevant exercise are by having students summarize and critique articles and drafts (Walvoord, 1982), and by using dyadic writing (both English and student's language side-by-side on the same page) as a useful study for both teaching and research of English (Aghbar and Alam, 1992). This can be done in various venues: visual aids, such as TV programs movies, documentaries; written texts such as books, or audio material.
Both the Interchange tudent's Book 2 (Richards, Hull, & Proctor, 2008) and Grammar Dimensions: Teacher's Edition (adlier et al., 2000), for instance, masters all three of these perquisites by employing a simplistic,…...



Aghbar, Ali-Asghar, and Mohammed Alam. "Teaching the Writing Process through Full Dyadic Writing." The 26th Annual Meeting of the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. March 3, 1992. Vancouver, 1992.

Connors, Robert J. "The Rise and Fall of the Modes of Discourse." College

Composition and Communication 32.4 (Dec. 1981): 444-455.

Dellinger, Dixie Gibbs. Out of the Heart How to Design Writing Assignments for High

Home Examination Culture Marianne Hirsch and Leo
Pages: 3 Words: 1154

Home Examination

Marianne Hirsch and Leo Spitzer, in their "The Witness in the Archive: Holocaust/Memory Studies "u argue that Hannah Arendt's Eichmann in Jerusalem and Claude Lanzmann's Shoah added a new idiom to the discourse on the Holocaust, which is witness testimony. Please discuss this new idiom. Your answer should take into account the three important aspects of memory and transmission that Hirsch and Spitzer highlighted following Shoshana Felmana's views. Finally, your answer should also discuss the mode of truth/truthfulness that the new conception of witnessing engenders.

In Hirsch and Spitzer's article (2009) the endeavor to understand the utility of witness testimony as it contributes to the archive of memory, specifically of the Holocaust. They find witness testimony to be both quite useful, but at the same time problematic or at least not wholly unreliable. The authors contend that there is a place for witness testimony in memory studies because testimony…...



Hirsch, M., & Spitzer, L. (2009). The witness in the archive: Holocaust Studies/Memory Studies. Memory Studies, 2(2), 151 -- 170.

Idiomatic Phrases Have Been the
Pages: 9 Words: 2886

In this rgard, Atchinson and Lewis (2003) report that, "Electronic forms of news dissemination include multimedia 'webcasts', e-zines, news alert services, news tickers, e-journals and (we)blogs, newsgroups, personalized news trackers and email. Stylistic conventions are emerging for these various forms, but common trends can be discerned." "Compression is carried even further online, driven by the tiny window on the vast information landscape. Paragraphs often consist of a single idea in a single sentence. Salient ideas may be expressed by bulleted lists of noun phrases rather than in clauses. Tables, charts and graphs are common."
Nevertheless, some observers suggest that in spite of the dynamic nature of the online environment today, some formal rules should still be followed to ensure that everyone agrees on the shared meaning of words and idiomatic phrases. In this regard, Stockwell and Minkova (2001) report that, "American phoneticians and lexicographers in general use a slightly different…...



Aitchison, Jean and Diana M. Lewis, New Media Language (London: Routledge, 2003).

Babowice, J. Hope, "What 'Fly' Means to You May Not Be Mom's Definition" (Arlington Heights, IL: Daily Herald, 2007, October 31), 1

How many words are there in the English language?" (2008). [Online]. Available: .

Katamba, Francis. English Words (London: Routledge, 1994).

Proper Teach of English to ESL Students
Pages: 17 Words: 5311

Teaching English to Young Learners
Whether it teaching young children who are born and whose parents are native to the United States or another English-speaking country or whether it be a situation where either the parents and/or the child are not born in the United States, teaching English to younger learners can be a challenge and it needs to be done in certain ways to be as effective and efficient as it can and should be. This report will cover the subject of using context to teach unknown or unfamiliar words. Specifically, there will be a focus on the teachings and assertions of Nation when it comes that subject. The deliverable for this report will be the planning of a day where the desired concepts from Nation and other sources will be used to construct the general framework and habits that will be used to teach students unknown words as well…...



An Early Start: Young Learners & Modern Languages in Europe & Beyond. (2015).

Poliglotti. Retrieved 2 April 2015, from 

Early_Start_Young_Learners_and_Modern_Languages_in_Europe_and_Beyond.p df

Byram, M., Gribkova, B., & Starkey, H. (2002). Developing the intercultural dimension in language teaching. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.

Collocations in Sentences From Arabic Into English
Pages: 20 Words: 5678

translating of Collocations in sentences from Arabic into English vice versa
What are Collocations?

Complexity in Translating sentences

The Social Issues

eligious Cultures

The Cultural of Material

Translation, Culture and Language

Problems Translating Collocations

The Strategy of Borrowing

Literal translation Strategy

Substitution Strategy

Lexical Creation Strategy

The Strategy of Omission

The Addition Strategy

Translation is considered to be some kind type of activity, which "unavoidably has something to do with at least two cultural traditions and two languages" (Munday, 2006). Nevertheless, the key argument of scholars who interrogated the likelihood of translation (Newmark, 1987)has been when it comes to the collocations that language and culture are essentially connected and thus cultural diversity makes translation much more impossible. " Given that no two languages are looked at as being identical either in meanings provided or in sentences and phrases, then there can be no absolute correspondence between languages" (Munday, 2006). Moreover, January (2006) has added that variations between languages in terms of the linguistic…...



January, B.A. (2006). Hindrances in Arabic-English Intercultural Translation. Cultural Aspects, 27(15), 34-67.

Munday, J. (2006). Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Appli. New York: Routledge.

Newmark, P. (1987). A Textbook of Translation (Skills). New York City: Prentice Hall Longman.

Higher Order Thinking Development
Pages: 6 Words: 1908

Higher Order Thinking
My interest is in the issue that subject matter instruction in History and English ought not to strive for breadth, but for depth. For processing what text I read critically and with insight, I have to regard it in general, and try to grasp what idea its writer is attempting to convey.

My main concern is literacy instruction's overall objective. The literacy instruction area deals with students' ability to process any content they read at the assessment, synthesis, scrutiny, and interpretation level, which forms the last strand in the tapestry of reading (Tankersley para1). As an instructor, I need to exhibit understanding by means of explicating a text's standpoint or aim, ascertaining the critical elements and theme, communicating my views on any given element of the text, or examining a particular character's personal traits and accounting for his/her behavior. I should also have the ability of developing and…...


Works Cited

Collins, Robyn. "Skills for the 21st Century: Teaching Higher-order Thinking." 2014. Web. 11 Dec. 2015.

Kwaku, Adu-Gyamfi et al. "Instructional Strategy Lessons for Educators Secondary Education (ISLES-S)." 2014. Web. 11 Dec. 2015.

Tankersley, Karen. "Literacy Strategies for Grades 4-12: Chapter 5. Higher-Order Thinking." Higher-Order Thinking. Web. 11 Dec. 2015.

"Teaching Higher-Level Thinking: Chapter Five." Web. 11 Dec. 2015.

Personality Snap Judgements 174 Sometimes
Pages: 10 Words: 3568

I often run over my words and they start coming out so fast they seem to not be waiting for the thought behind them and I can get lost in my speech. I will often write the direction "pause" into a lecture in order to remind me to do so and slow down. So I am often not sure if it is my delivery that is boring the audience or the content.
Chapter 8: Friendship (250-252)

In times of need and in times or happiness, one is able to share these experiences with a friend. I know when I am feeling especially stressed out or feel that things are not going well I can usually count on my friends to bring me out of it, either directly by encouraging me to press on, or indirectly by taking my mind off the situation at hand. Sometimes there is no way t go…...

Children's Literature Diverges From Adult
Pages: 4 Words: 1310

Ultimately, Osborn succeeds in using idiom of the period that is immediately accessible through various venues of popular culture (she describes Crockett as seeming to "be half varmint") and weaves the language of the legend into the story. This differs significantly from Fritz' work in that the story of Pocahontas involves primarily third person language and modern idiom with none of the tall-tale style phrasing. Overall, this story differs significantly from that of Fritz' work in that it challenges the reader to simultaneously deal with the fact and the legend - something that might be confusing for younger readers, but remains quite effective.
Finally, there is Julius Lester's John Henry. John Henry was a purportedly actual (his reality has been up for debate) rail-road worker who was certainly larger in physical stature and stronger than most people, but he certainly could not have accomplished what legend would credit him with.…...



Fritz, Jean. The Double Life of Pocahontas. New York: Putnam Juvenile, 2002.

Lester, Julius. John Henry. New York: Puffin, 1999.

Osborn, Mary Pope. American Tall Tales. New York: Knopf Books for Young Readers, 1991.

Cardiovascular Patho
Pages: 2 Words: 844









Quality of the writing (See Writing Rubric)

Nothing special but solid nonetheless. Appropriate.

Thorough, and all appropriate.

Formatting (APA 6th Edition)


Physiology & Pathophysiology

Explained well.

Synthesis of the research

The review of literature is thorough.

There should be more written about future research possibilities.


The goals of peer review are 1) to help improve your classmate's paper by pointing out strengths and weaknesses that may not be apparent to the author, and 2) to help improve editing skills.


Read the paper(s) assigned to you twice, once to get an overview of the paper, and a second time to provide constructive criticism for the author to use when revising his/her paper. Answer the questions below.


1. Did the writer cite sources adequately and appropriately? Note any incorrect formatting.

The writer uses APA formatting correctly when citing, and the sources used are strong. Moreover, the citations are used adequately to support the…...

Can you provide suggestions for structuring an essay outline related to evaluate the claim that language is influenced by social context?
Words: 383

Essay Outline: Evaluating the Claim that Language is Influenced by Social Context

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Begin with a compelling example or anecdote that illustrates the influence of social context on language.
B. Thesis Statement: Clearly state the claim to be evaluated: "Language is influenced by social context."

II. Body Paragraph 1: The Impact of Social Factors on Language
A. Subtopic 1: Socioeconomic Status - Discuss how economic conditions and social class can affect vocabulary, grammar, and communication styles.
B. Subtopic 2: Culture - Analyze the role of cultural norms, values, and beliefs in shaping language usage and meaning.
C. Subtopic 3: Gender - Explore how societal....

How has Greek mythology influenced modern pop culture and literature?
Words: 649

The Enduring Legacy of Greek Mythology in Pop Culture and Literature

Greek mythology, a tapestry of epic tales, legendary heroes, and divine interventions, has left an enduring imprint on modern pop culture and literature. Its archetypal characters, timeless themes, and evocative imagery continue to inspire and shape artistic expressions across various mediums.

Characters as Archetypes:

Greek mythological figures have become archetypal representations of human traits and experiences. Achilles symbolizes the warrior's pride and vulnerability; Odysseus embodies the cunning strategist; and Aphrodite stands for the power and allure of love. These archetypes resonate with audiences of all ages, providing relatable and universally recognizable symbols.


How does cultural diversity influence conflict resolution strategies in literature reviews?
Words: 590

Cultural Diversity and Conflict Resolution Strategies in Literature Reviews
Cultural diversity, encompassing the multifaceted aspects of human identity and social organization, plays a profound role in shaping conflict resolution strategies. In literature reviews, examining how cultural diversity influences these strategies is crucial for comprehending the nuances and complexities of conflict resolution.
Influence on Conflict Perception and Definition
Different cultures define and perceive conflicts in distinct ways. For instance, some cultures emphasize individualism and prioritize the needs of individuals, while others prioritize collective interests and community harmony. This cultural lens influences how conflicts are recognized, interpreted, and classified. For example, a conflict that is....

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