Wireless Internet History Of Wireless Term Paper

The value proposition intends that device, wireless network, and content and services are in a combination. This means that mobile Internet devices will not be able to define applications or that internet content and services cannot define devices. In place of that the design of devices, content, services and networks should have respect for the each others capabilities and the value of each need to be given due consideration. It is all about convergence - and convergence intends sharing of value. It does not mean attempting to steal or to control it. The value chain of the new world would be wherein content and Internet connectivity will follow through a spectrum of devices and services. Along with changes in end-user needs, there would be an implied change in the needs of the devices. This is one of the various reasons why all in one device are unlikely. Promoting a satisfactory wireless Internet experience would require flexibility in devices or in other words a spectrum of devices which would promote specialized needs. (Future Wireless Internet Devices will not mimic mobile Phones, According to New Shosteck Study on Wireless Internet Devices) References



Retrieved at http://www.shosteck.com/news/devicespr.htm. Accessed on 17 March, 2005
Get Wireless Business Internet Services for your office today! Retrieved at http://www.ansotech.com/wireless_internet_business.htm. Accessed on 16 March, 2005

Lehr, William; Mc Knight, Lee. W. Wireless Internet Access: 3G vs. WiFi. August 23, 2002. Retrieved at http://itc.mit.edu/itel/docs/2002/LehrMcKnight_WiFi_vs_3G.pdf. Accessed on 17 March, 2005

Thank You, Hedy Lamarr. Retrieved at http://isp-planet.com/fixed_wireless/business/2002/history_bol.html. Accessed on 17 March, 2005

The Benefits of Wireless Internet Access. Retrieved at http://www.allbusiness.com/articles/InternetTechnology/1256-34-1823.html. Accessed on 17 March, 2005

The Wireless Landscape of Tomorrow. Retrieved at http://www.intel.com/personal/do_more/wireless/landscape.htm. Accessed on 16 March, 2005

Wireless Internet Devices from Phones to the Future. Retrieved at http://www.shosteck.com/studies/devices.htm. Accessed on 16 March, 2005

Sources Used in Documents:


Future Wireless Internet Devices will not mimic mobile Phones, according to New Shosteck Study on Wireless Internet Devices. Retrieved at http://www.shosteck.com/news/devicespr.htm. Accessed on 17 March, 2005

Get Wireless Business Internet Services for your office today! Retrieved at http://www.ansotech.com/wireless_internet_business.htm. Accessed on 16 March, 2005

Lehr, William; Mc Knight, Lee. W. Wireless Internet Access: 3G vs. WiFi. August 23, 2002. Retrieved at http://itc.mit.edu/itel/docs/2002/LehrMcKnight_WiFi_vs_3G.pdf. Accessed on 17 March, 2005

Thank You, Hedy Lamarr. Retrieved at http://isp-planet.com/fixed_wireless/business/2002/history_bol.html. Accessed on 17 March, 2005
The Benefits of Wireless Internet Access. Retrieved at http://www.allbusiness.com/articles/InternetTechnology/1256-34-1823.html. Accessed on 17 March, 2005
The Wireless Landscape of Tomorrow. Retrieved at http://www.intel.com/personal/do_more/wireless/landscape.htm. Accessed on 16 March, 2005
Wireless Internet Devices from Phones to the Future. Retrieved at http://www.shosteck.com/studies/devices.htm. Accessed on 16 March, 2005

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