World Cup 2014 Term Paper

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¶ … Cup 2014 How Does the Influx of Money from World Cup 2014 Impact the Hospitality Sector in Brazil?

The hospitality sector in Brazil is being deeply affected by the influx of money from the announcement of the 2014 World Cup (Brazil, 2010). Even though the event is not taking place until next year, changes are already taking place in Brazil. Stadiums will be one of the largest issues for the hospitality industry and the 2014 World Cup. It has been determined that it will cost more than $1.1 billion dollars to construct and refurbish just the stadiums (McLoud, 2011; Shanahan & Goldstein, 2010). Further millions of dollars will be spent on infrastructure throughout the country. There will be such a large influx of people for the event that more than hospitality has to be addressed. The last time Brazil hosted a World Cup event was 1950, and much has changed since then (Future, 2011). When the country was notified that it was going to be hosting the event in 2014, there was talk of how Brazil is a modern nation, and how the World Cup will allow the country to move forward with new and better infrastructure from the influx of funds (Host, 2009).


They are also not the only people who have a great deal of work to do before the event takes place. Another part of the hospitality industry are the airports throughout the country, and they will be spending several billion dollars to upgrade airports in various cities (Future, 2011). Ten venue cities will have their airports revamped, which will require a great deal of work and will also allow for a larger capacity of individuals to move through those airports (Future, 2011). The comfort provided by larger and better-equipped airports will be necessary to support the hundreds of thousands of tourists and spectators who will flock to Brazil for the World Cup 2014 (Future, 2011). The airports will handle the crowds, and from there many of them will move to the metro and light rail - both of which will also get a makeover based on the upcoming event (Future, 2011). Since there are so many changes being made and there are many different cities participating, there is continued opportunity for growth.
There are a large number of big projects…

Sources Used in Documents:


Brazil shall grant tax breaks for 2014 stadiums. (2010). Portal 2014.

Future airports of Brazil. (2011).

Host cities -- World Cup. (2009). BBC News.

McLoud, S. (2011). Brazil Guarantees Efficient Security Plan for 2014 FIFA World Cup. Dialogo.

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"World Cup 2014" (2013, January 30) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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"World Cup 2014", 30 January 2013, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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