Writing As Therapy Have You Essay

" ("A letter to David Epston," p.97 In the process of communicating our ideas through writing, we are more than one person. Another person appears who helps us build the dialogue. He may challenges our long-held views, appreciate some of them, improve on others and contradicts or rejects yet some others completely. Penn and other therapists might use writing with their clients as a way of weaving in a new story and the same can be done by any person engaging in writing.

Writing doesn't have to be about us. It can be about anyone or anything but in the process our own thoughts, our biases and our stand on issues will also appear. And while they surface, they are also debated by another voice that would always be there during the writing process. This is a very interesting aspect of writing and everyone who has engaged in creative or even non-fictional writing is aware of this. Writing thus aids in any therapeutic process. Even those who do not need therapy per se would still benefit from writing or simply putting...


People usually have a vague idea of what they believe in and what they stand for but it is when they start writing about the same that they realize if they actually hold those beliefs and if they do, what those beliefs and views are based on. During the process a counter voice will keep pitting their views against opposing views and a person's thinking becomes much clearer and also finds substantial support or may even be rejected because of lack of backing.
A record of one's daily activities i.e. maintaining a journal is also seen to have high therapeutic value and one can become a much stronger person with sound values and views when he can engage in an internal dialogue with himself through writing.


Peggy Penn "A letter to David Epston" in Kaethe Weingarten. Cultural Resistance: Challenging Beliefs About Men, Women, and Therapy Routledge (1995)

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Peggy Penn "A letter to David Epston" in Kaethe Weingarten. Cultural Resistance: Challenging Beliefs About Men, Women, and Therapy Routledge (1995)

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