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What are some topics one can write about in a research paper about Thomas Aquinas?


By PD Tutor#1
Best Answer

Thomas Aquinas was an Italian philosopher who was eventually canonized and made into a saint.  Because of his sainthood, there are myths surrounding Thomas Aquinas that may be difficult to distinguish from the factual information surrounding his life.  As a result, you may want to be wary when looking at religious sources of information about his life, if you are supposed to be focusing on fact-based biographical-type information.  However, investing the mythology of his life would also be a worthwhile topic of pursuit, such as his proof of the existence of God. You could choose to focus on any specific topic about his life or his philosophy, or, of course, you could write a biographical research paper that focuses on facts instead of philosophy.

Thomas Aquinas Essay Topics / Essay Titles

  1. Practical Arguments for the Existence of God: Thomas Aquinas and the Five Ways
  2. Synthesizing Aristotle and Catholic Theology: How the Works of Thomas Aquinas Expand Religious and Secular Philosophy
  3. The Importance of Order in Philosophical Study: A Blueprint Derived from the Works of Thomas Aquinas
  4. The Journey Towards Sainthood: Understanding the Life Works and Canonization of Thomas Aquinas
  5. The Miracles of Thomas Aquinas: What Evidence Led to His Sainthood and Are There Secular Reasons for the Miracles?
  6. Understanding the Importance of Matter and Form in the Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas
  7. The Undeniable Scent of Roses: The Connection Between the Scent of Roses and the Scent of Angels from Saint Thomas Aquinas to Modern Day Accounts
  8. Is Sensation Physical?  Understanding Perception and Sensation from the Perspective of Thomas the Philosopher
  9. Exploring the Modus Vivendi Between Faith and Philosophy as Illuminated by Thomas Aquinas
  10. The Patron Saint of Education: How Thomas Aquinas Continues to Shape Catholic Religious Education and Philosophy Today

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