Academic Essays (Examples)

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Academic Integrity Exercise 1- Academic
Pages: 15 Words: 4300

It can therefore be concluded that academic integrity and ethical conduct are expected of every learner in all academic procedures. The academic principle represents the honesty in coursework, as well as ethical conduct in clinical, lab, research and homework assignments and should be maintained in all academic communities.

Exercise 2- Personal values

Personal values

Personal values are crucial in both our working and personal lives, in that they help shape own individual systems of beliefs which, as a result help determine our interaction with our colleagues and other people. Ones personal values are reflected in his personal goals. Experts agree that when an individual attain his personal goals, one is living his values -- leading a life that reflects his personal systems of belief.


Our personal values intensively influence how we lead personal lives, working lives and our success in businesses and work. Making a conscious and a deliberate attempt to define which values…...


Work cited

Bertram, G.T. Academic integrity in the twenty-first century: A teaching and learning imperative. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 2008.

Exley, H. Personal values. Watford: Exley Publications. 2002.

Kibler, W.L. Academic integrity and student development: Legal issues and policy perspectives. Asheville, N.C.: College Administration Publications. 2008.

Lipson, C. Doing honest work in college: How to prepare citations, avoid plagiarism, and achieve real academic success. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 2008.

Academic Honesty in Higher Education Academic Honesty
Pages: 7 Words: 2135

Academic Honesty in Higher Education
Academic honesty is critical for the fulfillment of the very purpose for which institutions of higher learning exist. In that regard, academic dishonesty defeats the purpose of education. However, regardless of the damage it occasions, academic dishonesty continues to be rampant in many institutions of higher learning. This text concerns itself with the issue of academic honesty in higher education.

Academic Honesty: A Concise Definition

As far as the advancement of education is concerned, the relevance of academic integrity cannot be overstated. But what exactly is academic integrity or honesty? Understanding academic honesty first calls for an understanding of that which is regarded academic misconduct. According to Kibler (as cited in Mackinnon & Associates, 2004), "academic misconduct refers to violations of rules of academic honesty or integrity, such as cheating on tests or plagiarism…" As I had already pointed out in the introductory section, academic dishonesty effectively defeats…...



Ellis, D. (2012). Becoming a Master Student (14th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Long, E.L. (1992). Higher Education as a Moral Enterprise. Washington, D.C: Georgetown University Press.

Mackinnon, F.J.D. & Associates (Ed.). (2004). Rentz's Student Affairs Practice in Higher Education (3rd ed.). Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas Publisher.

Sutherland-Smith, W. (2008). Plagiarism, the Internet, and Student Learning: Improving Academic Integrity. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.

Academic Integrity Different Scholars Have Provided Their
Pages: 5 Words: 1452

Academic Integrity
Different scholars have provided their various definitions of academic integrity and narrowed it down to a particular concept. Some define academic integrity as an ethical policy or moral code of academia. Such include values like rigor and honesty within research and academic publishing, maintenance of academic standards and avoidance of plagiarism or cheating. Some have also defined academic integrity as an intellectual honesty; where honesty is based on formulating arguments, use of information, as well as in more activities that are linked to the search of knowledge and understanding.

Deriving academic integrity from late 18th century, it was correlated firmly to the Southern honor code. Those who were involved in monitoring were widely the students. The focus of Southern honor code was on self-esteem, power or pride. The objective was on any act that seems to promote magnification of such, meaning that academic integrity had concentrated on appearance and status…...



The Center for Academic Integrity (2012) "Academic Integrity" American University. Retrieved May 9, 2013 from 

University Secretariat (2012) "Academic Integrity" Dalhousie University. Retrieved May 9, 2013 from

Academic Honesty Maintaining Academic Honesty Is an
Pages: 3 Words: 913

Academic Honesty
Maintaining academic honesty is an important part of the educational experience. Students study to gain the benefit of knowledge, and when they cheat they do not acquire this knowledge. For educational institutions it is important that their students gain knowledge. For the system in general, academic honesty is a key part of the system. People need to do their own work in order to get benefits, and when they cheat they undermine the entire purpose of the education system.

Underlying Factors

There have been many studies that outline the underlying factors that contribute to academic dishonesty. hile there are some basic factors like age, gender and grade point average, many contextual factors have also been identified, including the level of cheating among peers, peer disapproval of cheating, and the perceived penalties for cheating (McCabe & Trevino, 1997). Clearly, the propensity to cheat is affected by a number of variables, and the…...


Works Cited:

Curasi, C. (2013) The relative influences of neutralizing behavior and subcultural values on academic dishonesty. Journal of Education for Business. Vol. 88 (3) 167-175.

McCabe, D. & Trevino, L. (1993). Academic dishonesty: Honor codes and other contextual influences. Journal of Higher Education. Vol. 64 (5) 521-538.

McCabe, D. & Trevino, L. (1997). Individual and contextual influences on academic dishonesty: A multicampus investigation. Research in Higher Education. Vol. 38 (3) 379-396

Academic Integrity Students the Importance of Academic
Pages: 4 Words: 1249

Academic Integrity Students
The importance of academic integrity for students in the criminal justice and security field can not be emphasized enough. Those who are today's students are the criminal justice and security professionals of the future. This short essay will briefly examine issues relating to honesty and integrity in criminal justice and security in the fields of government agencies, corrections, law enforcement, courts or private security. We will present three specific examples that emphasize the need for academic integrity by students going into the criminal justice and security field.

There has never been more of a need from integrity among those in the criminal justice and security field. One example of how important this is can be seen in the lack of effectiveness that the criminal justice and security field has been in dealing with issues of "power crime," that is, by white collar criminals high in the justice and security…...



Klockars, C.B., Ivkovich, S.K., Harver, W.E., & Haberfeld, M.R. (2000). The measurement of police integrity. National Institute of Justice Research in Brief, 1-11.

Ruggiero, V., & Welch, M. (2008). Power crime. Crime Law and Social Change, 51, 3-4

, 297 -- 301.

Sellbom, M., Fischler, G., & Ben-Porath, Y.S. (2007). Identifying mmpi-2 predictors of police officer integrity and misconduct. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 34(8), 985-1004.

Academic Freedom
Pages: 3 Words: 751

Academic Freedom
Professors have been accused in recent years of indoctrinating rather than educating, of failing to provide balanced perspectives on controversial issues, of creating a hostile learning environment for conservative or religious students, and of injecting irrelevant political asides into class discussion and as such the statement is ostensibly meant to address the very real issues surrounding faculty classroom conduct that have arisen of late (O'Connor). As a result of these objections, many are calling for the limitation of educators and their freedom in teaching what they feel is relevant or effective. Many believe that professors jobs should be standardized so that there is a universal curriculum is offered and all students are taught the same material across the board. This would prohibit instructors from offering opinioned material or indoctrinating students into one opinion or another.

Despite the objections to academic freedom which might be justified in rare cases, there is…...


Works Cited

Baruba, M. "Freedom to Teach." 11 September 2007. Inside Higher ED. Online. 7 April 2013.

Finkin, M., et al. "Freedom in the Classroom." June 2007. American Association of University Professors. Online. 6 April 2013.

Meyer, S. "Teach the Controversy." 30 March 2002. Center for Science and Culture. Online. 7 April 2013.

O'Connor, E. "AAUP To Critics: What, Us Biased?" 25 September 2007. Minding the Campus. Online. 7 April 2013.

Academic Honesty
Pages: 4 Words: 1336

Academic Honesty
Issues surrounding academic honesty have been around as long as academia itself; however, the recent advancement of the Internet has complicated these issues. Recent statistics from the University of Oregon indicate a fourfold increase in cheating from 1999 to 2004. And the numbers continue to rise. Recent polls found that around one-third of students admit to using technology to cheat, and many don't even see it as wrong hat do these statistics say about American society today? First of all, it's important to consider the reasons why some students cheat and others do not; this will naturally lead into modern day technology and its effects on academic honesty. Next, this essay will explore the various deterrents and punishments academic institutions have adopted to deal with student deceit. Finally, possible future developments regarding technology and the enforcement of academic honesty will be explored.

hat compels a particular student over another to…...


Works Cited

Angell, L. (2006). The Relationship of Impulsiveness, Personal Efficacy, and Academic Motivation to College Cheating. College Student Journal, 118+.

Bricault, D. (2007). Legal Bases for Dealing with Academic Dishonesty. College and University, 15+.

Choong, P., & Brown, B. (2007). The Future of Academic Honesty. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 91+.

Gallant, T. (2010, 10-20). Addressing Academic Dishonesty in the Classroom and Through School Culture. Retrieved 11-30, 2010, from

Academic Writing and APA Style and Formatting
Pages: 3 Words: 1045

Academic Writing and APA Style and Formatting
Academic Writing, APA Style, and Format

Sociology is among the disciplines that allow individuals to explore issues affecting the society and alternatives applicable in preventing or managing their occurrence (Lipson, 2006). While analyzing the social problems, academic writing, and critical thinking skills prove effective in promoting the realization and analysis of the presented sociological issues. Critical thinking entails considerate analysis, interpretation, and presentation of information related to the concept on various sociological issues. Conversely, academic writing guides individual writing when conducting an analysis and reporting the findings related to a sociological issue in focus (Michalopoulos, 2001). Combining critical thinking skills with academic writing result in the presentation of the sociological issue in focus in the required dimension that meets the needs of the involved stakeholders (Lipson, 2006). Therefore, it is with this that the following essay presents an analysis of causes of poverty in the…...



Cobbinah, P.B., Black, R., & Thwaites, R. (2013). Dynamics of Poverty in Developing Countries: Review of Poverty Reduction Approaches. Journal of Sustainable Development, 6(9), 125-129.

Lipson, C. (2006). Cite right: a quick guide to citation styles -- MLA, APA, Chicago, the sciences, professions, and more. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Michalopoulos, C. (2001). Developing countries in the WTO. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave.

NaudeA?, W.A., Paulino, A.U., & McGillivray, M. (2009). Vulnerability in developing countries. Tokyo: United Nations University Press.

Academic Level Senior University Class World Art
Pages: 4 Words: 1188

Academic Level: Senior University Class: World Art Survey Instructions: 1. Choose a peace artwork give a complete description work. For: What material(s) made ?What size? Shape? Color? What depicted? Is object/work intact fragmentary? Damaged? You basically answering question "What ?" detail find.
The present work is focused on undertaking an in-depth analysis of two famous religious paintings: The Virgin and Child by Barnaba da Modena, an Italian painter from the fourteenth century, and The Elevation of the Cross by Peter Paul ubens, a seventeenth century Flemish artist and diplomat. Following, by comparison, a thorough account of the two works' features, careful observation reveals more than one interpretation.

The Virgin and Child was created by Barnaba da Modena in 1360, and is deemed Gothic in style. It depicts The Virgin Mary holding a Child Christ in her arms, and rests undamaged to this day in Boston's Museum of Fine Arts. In terms of…...



Labedzki, Annette "His Most Famous Painting (The Raising of the Cross) - Paul Rubens." His Most Famous Painting (The Raising of the Cross) - Paul Rubens. 9 Jun. Web. 11 Apr. 2013

Suckale, Robert et al. Masterpieces of Western Art: A History of Art in 900 Individual Studies from the Gothic to the Present Day. New York: Barnes & Noble, 2002

Academic Engagement for Many Years the Educational
Pages: 10 Words: 3516

Academic Engagement
For many years the educational system has sought to find ways to improve academic engagement among students with emotional and behavioral disorders. Many educators have resorted to the use of token economies to encourage these students to display appropriate behavior in the classroom. The purpose of this discussion is to explore Academic Engagement and the effects of a token economy on students with emotional and behavioral disorders. This discourse will contain a literary review that will compare and contrast various studies that have been conducted pertaining to this topic.

Academic Engagement

According to Greenwood et al. (2002) academic engagement is defined as, a combination of classroom activities which include: asking and answering questions participation in tasks, writing, reading, and discussing academics. Several studies have suggested that successful academic engagement is dependent upon academic enablers. Academic enablers are "attitudes and behaviors that allow a student to participate in, and ultimately benefit from…...



Abidin, R.R., & Robinson, L.L. (2002). Stress, biases, or professionalism: what drives teachers' referral judgments of students with challenging behaviors?. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 10(4), 204+. 

Bean, T.W., Valerio, P.C., Senior, H.M., & White, F. (1999). Secondary English Students' Engagement in Reading and Writing About a Multicultural Novel. The Journal of Educational Research, 93(1), 32.

Diperna J.C., Elliott S.N., Volpe R.J.(2002) A model of academic enablers and elementary reading/language arts achievement. School Psychology Review. Volume: 31. Issue: 3. Page Number: 298+.

Academic Honesty Do You Feel the Learner
Pages: 3 Words: 1429

Academic Honesty
Do you feel the learner violated the university policies on academic honesty? What do you see as the academic honesty issue involved?

The PhD learner in question has clearly violated the Capella University policies on academic honesty. The learner has engaged in plagiarism, as clearly defined in the University's policy statement on academic honesty as including the "rephrasing [of] ideas of another without properly acknowledging the source" (pg. 1). The statement further clarifies that sources that require citing include "information and opinions gained through other people," which would apply directly to this particular learner's use of other student's postings. The case study presented suggests that the learner does not directly submit the papers that he purchases over the Internet, but rather that he first revises them and then submits them. This caveat may lead some to believe that he has not violated the academic honesty regulations of the university, but…...

Academic Reference Services Information Science
Pages: 15 Words: 4610

LibQUAL survey conducted in the year 2007 showed University Libraries students prefer face-to-face interactions with the library staff, and the students would opt for a video chat on information references to instant messaging (IM). Popularity of a media to be used for referencing is used as a character to identify main platforms of obtaining information from the libraries. E-mails, video communication, and a few webcams are also preferably used by the University students for their referencing (Cohen, L.B., pg. 13). User surveys online, and paper- based are used in the survey.
This survey also used case studies, meta- analysis, e-mail, transcript analysis, focus group interviews, participant observers and chat are utilized in the interview.

Impact on academic libraries

Different colleges have been forced to provide a wide range of information, because they provide a foundation for the students' career and readiness. The libraries hence, provide a broad range of high-quality, informational texts…...



Association, a.L. (2003). Perceptions and Exceptions of User Communities and Librarians in New Zealand Academic Library. Digital Library Services.

Birchall, D. (2007). SME Manager Development in Virtual Learning Communities. Human Resource Development International.

Cohen, L. (2007). Library 2.0 Initiatives in Academic Libraries. Moscow: ACLR.

Complete, B.S. (2002). The Deployment of e-Learning in UK and European Crporate Organizations . Eueopean Business Journal.

Academic Competence
Pages: 10 Words: 2630

Academic Competence includes a number of components that are critical for effective English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction, including universal pragmatic knowledge, knowledge and skills in the target language, and background knowledge (Adamson 106). Language acquisition is achieved by making it comprehensible and significant to a person's life (Diaz-Rico 71). In order to achieve the definitive goal of English language achievement, a student must develop specific skills that will result in successful academic achievement in the classroom and that will allow a smooth transition to daily living. The ESL teacher is a critical element in effective ESL learning because the teacher provides useful meanings for English words. Upon knowledge of these new meanings, the teacher and the student must engage in collaborative efforts in order to facilitate student understanding (Diaz-Rico 71). By utilizing existing skills in the fluent language, the student will be able to build upon these language…...


Works Cited

Adamson, H.D. (1993). Academic Competence. New York: Longman.

Clarke, M. (1980). The short circuit hypothesis of ESL reading- or when language competence interferes with reading performance. Modern Language Journal, 64(2), 203-209.

Diaz-Rico, L.T., & Weed, K.Z. (1995). The Crosscultural,

Language, and Academic Development Handbook. Massachusetts:

Academic Library Quality Services Academic Libraries Are
Pages: 4 Words: 1220

Academic Library Quality Services
Academic Libraries are held to a higher standard because they are used by so many people for research purposes. They are utilized by college students and business people researching ideas and theories and they are utilized by doctoral students coming up with thesis subjects. eports or articles written based on things found in an academic library are important and also can be used to find information that could theoretically be considered life or death.

The following is a listing of possible things to check for quality.

Opening times -- ideally libraries should be open twenty-four/seven, but that is not possible, therefore access to library via online services should be available twenty-four/seven.

Online catalog -- should be easy to use. Patrons should be able to find information with an easy search or a more detailed search.

Inter-library loans and document delivery -- checking out a book or a document should be easy…...



Breeding, M 2011, 'the systems librarian. Preparing for the Long-Term Digital Future of Libraries', Computers in Libraries, 31, 1, pp. 24-26, Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 23 May 2011.

Emanuel, J 2011, 'Usability of the VuFind Next-Generation Online Catalog', Information Technology & Libraries, 30, 1, pp. 44-52, Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 23 May 2011.

Poll, R.B., Peter te Mundt, S. Measuring Quality, Performance Measurement. (2008) K.G. Saur, Berlin, DEU.

Wolfe, J, Naylor, T, & Drueke, J 2010, 'The Role of the Academic Reference Librarian in the Learning Commons', Reference & User Services Quarterly, 50, 2, pp. 108-113, Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 23 May 2011.

Academic Autobiography for the Past
Pages: 5 Words: 1242

In my DARC 158 Biology of Addictions course, I was introduced to the medical side behind addictive personalities and the reasonings for addictions. Here we studied both the short- and long-term consequences of substance use and abuse as to all systems of the body. From these studies I was able to better understand the biology of addiction in dual diagnosis patients and how their psychology affects and directly impacts their addiction. This knowledge has been invaluable in my work with dual diagnosis patients, giving me the knowledge to better understand how each patient's addiction can be insidious.
My DARC 251-252 Counseling Internship solidified my decision to be a substance abuse and psychiatric counselor. Here I was given the unique opportunity to put what I have learned in the classroom to use in an actual field setting. In my internship I spent fifteen hours a week working directly with substance abuse…...

Could someone kindly recommend me a topic for my A-levels global perspective essay?
Words: 481

The term global perspective actually has a few different meanings, depending on the discipline.  It can refer to an individual’s personal lens and how they view the globe; to various perspectives about an issue from around the globe; and to views linked to globalization and the impact of individual or nation-wide actions on the world and its inhabitants.   We are going to provide a range of topic suggestions that incorporate all of these different definitions of global perspectives, with the most suggestions coming from the last topic, as it is the most commonly used across academic disciplines.


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