Anger Management Essays (Examples)

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Anger Management Anger Is an
Pages: 20 Words: 6725

While it may b e logical to see stress as the cause of much anger, it is not the only cause. educing stress may not eliminate anger responses, and for that matter, stress itself can only be reduced and not eliminated. Stress is simply a part of life, and many stress reduction techniques recognize this fact and train people in how to cope with stress more than to eliminate it. educing stress is still a good beginning, but leaning to turn stress into a positive is a more valuable lesson.
Similarly, anger cannot be eliminated but can be turned to more positive consequences, and Anger Management Therapy attempts to achieve this by training the individual in how to handle anger and its causes both. To a degree, such training is similar to bio-feedback in that the individual becomes more aware of processes both physical and psychological as they are related…...



Bitter, J.R., Pelonis, P., & Sonstegard, M.A. (2004). Adlerian Group Counseling and Therapy: Step-by-Step. New York: Brunner-Routledge.

Brott, a.A. (1994, May 1). New Approaches to Job Stress. Nation's Business, 81.

Dewey, E.A. (1978). Basic Applications of Adlerian Psychology for Self-Understanding and Human Relationships. Coral Springs, Florida; CNTI Press.

Dreikurs, R.R. (1989). Fundamentals of Adlerian psychology. Chicago: Adler School of Professional Psychology.

Anger Management in Adolescents
Pages: 6 Words: 1626

Anger Management
Anger is a common emotional response to events that are unexpected and unfriendly. However, sometimes this emotional response takes a more sustained and intense course, which is when it becomes dangerous. There is a real dearth of research material and very limited literature pertaining to anger management and this considering the fact that adolescent anger is a major indicator of adulthood violence implies the need for more research on the subject. Even the DSM does not indicate any specific diagnostic features that characterize anger as an emotional disorder. Unchecked impulses and the absence of anger management interventions are strongly identified with adolescent violent behavior. Over the last decade there has been an increasing incidence of violence in schools. Horrific incidents such as the Columbine school massacre have necessitated the identification and effective control of emotional disturbances among adolescents a high priority. Some studies on the subject of anger management…...



1) Snyder, Karen V. Kymissis, Paul Kessler, Karl, "Anger Management for Adolescents:

Efficacy of Brief Group Therapy.(Statistical Data Included)," Journal of the American

Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; 11/1/1999

2) Denis G. Sukhodolsky, Ross M. Solomon, Jessica Perine, "Cognitive-Behavioral,

Anger Management for Students in
Pages: 15 Words: 4292

Consequently, aggression and/or hostility may arise. Golden presents practical technique, along with his anger management model, to help group leaders, parents, and others interested in helping teens learn to manage their anger in positive ways. He stresses: "... anger is not an experience that occurs in isolation. ather, it occurs in the context of an individual's personality. As such, it is influenced by needs, attitudes, perceptions, and emotions. (Golden, 2003, p. 5)
In the short review, "Anger management class ends in melee," (2004) published in Curriculum eview, an unidentified staff writer reports an incident that mirrors the need for counters to today's anger concerns:

an anger-management workshop at Baltimore's Woodlawn High end in a brawl involving parents and 750 students. As several students modeled conflict-resolution tactics onstage during the assembly, a parent accused a group of teens in the audience of harassing her child. The accusations led to a shoving match,…...



Amendola, a.M., & Scozzie, S. (2004). Promising Strategies for Reducing Violence. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 13(1), 51+.

Anger management class ends in melee.(Between Tears & Laughter)," Curriculum Review, October 1, 2004.

Borbely, C.J., Graber, J.A., Nichols, T., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Botvin, G.J. (2005). Sixth Graders' Conflict Resolution in Role Plays with a Peer, Parent and Teacher. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 34(4), 279+.

Bode, Janet. "Our collective responsibility: programs across the country reach out to hardened adolescents.(the New Breed of Juvenile Offender)," Corrections Today, June 1, 1997.

Analyzing Anger Management Program
Pages: 2 Words: 776

Anger Management Program for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Clients
Anger Control Plans

Timeouts: This is one elementary technique for anger management, which must figure in everybody's plans for anger control. This strategy may be utilized informally or formally. In its most basic form, timeout entails deep breathing for a while, followed by thinking rather than reacting. It can also imply leaving the anger-escalating setting or merely ceasing the anger-provoking discussion. Formally, timeouts incorporate one's relationships with others, i.e., family members, colleagues, and pals. Formally employing this technique entails having some prearranged plan or agreement, through which any involved party is able to request a timeout; every concerned party needs to agree to this in advance. If required, the individual demanding the timeout may leave the setting for a while, but must agree to return and finish or postpone the discussion for a later time, based on whether the involved parties believe…...



Marsh, A., Dale, A., & Willis, L. (2007). A Counsellor's Guide to Working with Alcohol and Drug Users. DAO Health.

Reilly, P., Shopshire, M., Durazzo, T., & Campbell, T. (2008). Anger Management for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Clients. Rockville: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Humans Learn Anger Management What
Pages: 5 Words: 1741

Finally, the follow up original research project for this topic would be a comparison of anger between males and females. Which gender is angrier in general, and which gender copes better with anger. This project would help create a deeper understanding of how the sexes relate and react to anger, and would help people understand and manage their anger according to their gender. There may have been studies like this conducted in the past, but it seems that a new study, perhaps centering on teens or young adult men and women would be extremely valuable to understand this behavior. If it centered on gangs and their anger, it might shed light on what causes people to join gangs, the difference between girls and boys' gangs, and who is the angrier and has the potential for violence.


Author Unavailable. (No Date). King James version of the Holy Bible. Public Domain.

Editors. (2008). Controlling…...



Author Unavailable. (No Date). King James version of the Holy Bible. Public Domain.

Editors. (2008). Controlling anger -- Before it controls you. Retrieved 9 Aug. 2008 from the American Psychological Association Web site:

Laursen, E.K., & Lok, J. (2008). He had her by the throat -- a red flag reclaiming intervention. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 16(4), 13+.

Levinson, M.H. (2006). Anger management and violence prevention: A holistic solution. ETC.: A Review of General Semantics, 63(2), 187+.

Managing Anger the Key Theme
Pages: 2 Words: 704

There is a point where anger cannot be avoided, and the authors really provide no insight into how I might deal with those situations.
Chapter 9 focuses on managing face, a concept the authors define as "people's image of themselves" (p. 157). I was interested in this chapter from the outside, since I have been known to trample on people's feelings every now and again. I am not convinced that I have the capacity to understand what other people's face might be, and there is no point in guessing, so I do not concern myself with such things.

The authors focus on the ways that face management (or mismanagement) contributes to anger situations, but I found myself more interested in just trying to figure out the basics of this concept. I read about the positive face and the autonomous face but I do not feel that I gained any new insight…...

Managing Behaviors & Teaching Social Skills Antisocial
Pages: 30 Words: 9724

Managing Behaviors & Teaching Social Skills
Antisocial behavior in schools in on the rise and has become a concern in school systems, from both a learning perspective and from a safety perspective, as well. Previously, schools have dealt with such behaviors using punitive measures such as expulsion, or even law enforcement measures to attempt to discourage youth from behaving in an undesirable manner. These programs have had little or no effect on curbing behavior problems in schools. Second Step and Boys Town are programs, which implement a positive approach to behavior management. These programs teach youth alternatives to violence and stress problem solving, coping, and conflict management. These programs have had considerably greater success than their predecessors. This research will qualitatively explore the theoretical issues behind the success of these two programs and take a critical look at them to explore ways in which they may be further improved for greater…...



Butterworth, F. (1998, July 26). Why the South's murder rate is so high. The New York Times on the Web. ( )

Capra. F. (1996). The Web of Life. New York: Anchor Books.

Carlson, N.R. (1994). Physiology of behavior. Boston: Allyn & Bacon

Cohen, D., Nisbett, R.E., & Bowdle, B.F. (1996). Insult, aggression, and the southern culture of honor: an "experimental ethnography." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70, 945-960.

Management Behavior the Management Re
Pages: 3 Words: 909

Now that InterClean has created a new product outlook, part of its restructuring should involve a creating a reformed performance review system that truly rewards top employees.
Describe the types of management action that align with employment laws and those that do not.

The InterClean Corporation is attempting to reformulate its product package and sales approach in light of its upcoming merger, which will require a new organizational structure and likely a different type of employee profile. As its employees are hired 'at will' the company is free to let go any employees it chooses, within the parameters of staff contracts. However, keeping a watch over employees by surreptitiously observing their conversations is unacceptable. Hiring and firing must be based upon merit, as demonstrated in documented performance reviews and seniority. Also, firings should not seem biased against entire demographic groups of workers such as the non-white or female, or be constructed…...

How Anger Affects the Brain and Body
Pages: 2 Words: 718

Anger and Its Effects
Anger is a very intense feeling, and can be characterized by a number of behaviors. These include grinding teeth, an increased heart rate, rising blood pressure, clenched fists, and other signs of aggravation or frustration (Hendricks, et al., 2013). Each person reacts to anger in a different way, and some of the manifestations of anger may not be outwardly apparent. ises in blood pressure and heart rate, for example, are not easily noticed by others, but they can still be very damaging to the person who is struggling with the anger itself (Hendricks, et al., 2013). People also get angry for a number of different reasons, and they may react in an angry manner when they feel hurt, threatened, frustrated, or disappointed (Hendricks, et al., 2013). This is a relatively natural reaction for the majority of people, but that does not mean it is healthy or that…...



Hendricks, L., Bore, S., Aslinia, D., & Morriss, G. (2013). The effects of anger on the brain and body. National Forum Journal of Counseling and Addiction, 2(1): 2-11.

Management Joseph Leadership Styles Switching From Authoritarian
Pages: 3 Words: 976


Leadership styles: Switching from authoritarian to participatory leadership

Leadership styles: Switching from authoritarian to participatory leadership

There is no singular style of leadership that is appropriate for all situations. The type of leadership that is required to command soldiers in the field of battle is very different than the type of leadership demanded at an advertising agency. The latter situation requires soliciting creative input from all employees, not reflexive obedience like a wartime scenario. At the organization in question, the manager is deploying an authoritarian style of leadership at a company where individuals believe they can make a positive contribution to the organization's growth and development. ather than effectively keeping people in line, the manager's style is merely causing anger and resentment. Also, through manipulating the staff, the manager is 'playing' certain staff members 'off' against one another, rather than creating an effective and united team dynamic. This merely bolsters the manager's…...



Bartle, Phil. (2007, May 17). Participatory management. CMC (Community Empowerment

Collective). Retrieved December 23, 2010 at

Managing Diversity
Pages: 12 Words: 4114

Managing Diversity
Diversity is a fact of American and International business and is a broader, more complex issue than one might initially believe. A universally vital element of global commerce, Diversity has spawned an abundance of theorists, journals and specialists, some of whom are encountered in this composition. Addressing the remarkable breadth and complexity of Diversity, this essay reviews: the nature of Diversity; legally protected classes within the United States; aspects of Diversity that fall outside the scope of U.S. legal protections; the benefits of Diversity for employers; the differences/challenges presented by Diversity for employers; general business adjustments/accommodations for Diversity; and suggested specific business adjustments/accommodations for Diversity. Though this work cannot exhaustively address all aspects of Diversity, it is meant to give a good overview of modern businesses' Diversity issues and possible solutions.


Nature of Diversity:

"Diversity" involves legally protected classes of people but also involves other classes of people who are not…...


Works Cited

Akbari, H. (2008). Education business professionals for year 2010 and beyond: Six critical management themes and skills to emphasize. International Business & Economics Research Journal, 7(7), 57-62.

Comperatore, E., & Nerone, F. (2008). Coping with different generations in the workplace. Journal of Business & Economic Research, 6(6), 15-30.

Domina, C.S. (2011). Our strength is in our Diversity: Fact or fancy? Journal of Diversity Management, 6(1), 1-9.

Figiel, V.L., & Kummel Sasser, M.A. (2010). Factors contributing to employee decisions to ignore Diversity policies. Journal of Diversity Management, 5(4), 11-17.

Management -- Managing it in
Pages: 2 Words: 662

Viewing IT as such a critical aspect of firm value, along with brand name cache and more traditional assets is not at present part of corporate culture, although it must become so in ensuing decades
Q3. On the Web, explore the IT/IS integration issues raised by Kellogg-Keebler

In the 1990s, the once-venerable brand of Kellogg cereals was facing intense competition from its rivals both in the market for cereals as well as for other snack foods. Keebler was the second largest cookie-and-cracker manufacturer in the United States. Kellogg was attracted by Keebler's direct-store-delivery (DSD) system which involved daily, fresh deliveries to stores. While analysts feared that the merger would dilute earnings per share calculations, the acquisition of Keebler would give Kellogg a system conveying a critical edge over its competition in the snack food industry (Case example, 2010, Mastering the Merger).

The unusual aspect of the Keebler-Kellogg merger, and one of the…...



Case example: The Kellogg Company and Keebler. (2010). Mastering the Merger. Retrieved August 9, 2010 at

Management Summary of the Book the Book
Pages: 6 Words: 2039

Summary of the Book

The book "Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In" provides the reader with instructions for engaging in effective negotiation through the use of principles developed by the Harvard Negotiation Project (HNP). In the book, the authors, Roger Fisher and William Ury, paint a context for their proposed negotiation technique by showing the reader two extreme negotiation stances that a negotiator might adopt during the course of a negotiation. The authors term these opposite methods of negotiation "hard" and "soft" negotiation.

The hard negotiator makes threats and demands and sticks to his position at all costs in order to bend the other side to his will. The hard negotiator relies on intimidation and possibly deceit to "persuade" the other side to give in to his demands. Hard negotiators care primarily, and perhaps even exclusively, about winning. They are not concerned about the effect the negotiation process may have…...

Management Response the United States
Pages: 1 Words: 340

S. residents may feel more of a responsibility toward others, and so they do not flee even in the most trying times. In other countries, many of the officials and healthcare professionals do not have that same ethic, and so, they think of themselves first, rather than those they should be serving. Certainly some of these issues are culturally and politically oriented, but some of them are simply a "crowd" or "survival" mentality. When faced with destruction, people are going to panic, and emergency managers need to understand that. The mess in New Orleans and Houston shows what a lack of planning and crowd control can do, and those things should not occur in a country with as much infrastructure and awareness as the United States. We have many tools at our disposal to ward off disastrous results like these, and we need to utilize them when they are needed…...



Farazmand, a. (2001). Handbook of crisis and emergency management. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.

Management and Organizational Development
Pages: 14 Words: 3677

Management and Organizational Development

Fresno County Department of Children and Family Services emancipates twenty and thirty eighteen-year-old foster children each month. These children face many challenges as they work through a transition into the adult, working world. Children in a foster care setting have not had the stability needed for them to develop the life skills necessary to adjust to life on their own. Many of the emancipated youth have either not graduated from high school, nor hold a G.E.D. certificate. In addition, they do not have adequate basic living skills.. The youths typically do not have employment, nor have they built a history during their teen years of successful part time entry level jobs.

The housing experiences of these children, as they have moves from home to home, have not taught them the basic skills needed to keep a home, or apartment. These young adults also lack…...


Resources Needed:

director for this program, recommended by his or her peers from within the foster care system. This person should be someone who has demonstrated a high level of commitment to the foster care system, and has a track record of frequently going "above and beyond" the normal course of daily activities in order to benefit the well being of children in the system.

Funds for an additional training program to teach foster care workers about the benefits of mentoring relationships.

Standards, goals and objectives must be written for the Mentor, and for his or her case worker to follow and use as guidelines for the ongoing relationship

Connection event planning. Location, supplies, budget for event foods, decorations, and other ambiance.

Can you help me with my stress concept analysis?
Words: 364

While stress is a commonly used term, it is a poorly defined term that can refer to a wide scope of things, depending on the context.  Generally speaking, stress refers to the person’s response to some sort of aversive stimuli or stressor, though stress can also be used to refer to the stimuli that causes the stress.  The perception of stress appears to be related to whether a person finds a particular stimulus to be overwhelming. Therefore, a stress concept analysis can have different meanings and is personalized for each person experiencing a particular stressor.  Generally, we....

Can you provide suggestions for structuring an essay outline related to Bullying?
Words: 344

I. Introduction
A. Definition of bullying
B. Prevalence and impact of bullying
C. Thesis statement: Bullying is a serious issue that requires effective intervention strategies to protect individuals and communities.

II. Causes of Bullying
A. Individual factors:
- Personal traits (e.g., aggression, impulsivity)
- Psychological factors (e.g., low self-esteem, insecurity)
- Cognitive distortions (e.g., seeing others as threats)
B. Social factors:
- Family relationships (e.g., harsh parenting, parental neglect)
- Peer relationships (e.g., social rejection, victimization)
- School environment (e.g., lack of supervision, tolerance of bullying)

III. Consequences of Bullying
A. Physical consequences:
- Injuries
- Health problems (e.g., headaches, stomach problems)

What are some effective strategies for preventing domestic violence in relationships?
Words: 512

1. Education and awareness: Increasing knowledge about the dynamics and warning signs of domestic violence can help individuals recognize and address unhealthy behaviors in their relationships.

2. Communication and healthy conflict resolution: Encouraging open and respectful communication can help partners address issues before they escalate into violence. Teaching skills for effective conflict resolution can also prevent misunderstandings from turning into abusive behavior.

3. Support networks: Creating strong support networks for individuals in relationships can offer them resources and guidance when they are experiencing challenges. This can include friends, family, counselors, and support groups.

4. Empowerment and self-esteem building: Building individuals' self-confidence and self-esteem....

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