Attribution Theory Essays (Examples)

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Attribution Theory
Pages: 3 Words: 965

Attribution Theory
Human behavior is a complex process and the attribution theories try to explain it by discussing the psychological processes going on. It discusses the causes as well as effects of the particular behavior under consideration (Attribution Theory, n.d.). The Attribution theory also tries to explain if a person behaves in a certain way due to internal or external locus of control. The types of attribution theories are common sense, correspondent inference, co-variation model of attribution and three-dimensional model of attribution.

Three-dimensional model of attribution

The Gavin's behavior is explained by three dimensional model of attribution that takes into account stable theory, locus of control and controllability. Gavin seems to have unstable behavior, external locus of control and personally uncontrollable. He has own perceptions about self and things. He forgets things and leads an undisciplined life. He has less control and emotionally not very stable. Gavin has a behavior that is confused…...



Attribution Theory, (n.d.), Retrieved from:

Marsden, A., Veeraraghavan, M. And Ye, M., (2008), "Heuristics of Representativeness,

Anchoring and Adjustment, and Leniency: Impact on Earnings' Forecasts by Australian Analysts," Quarterly Journal of Finance and Accounting, 47(2), 83-102

Attribution Theory
Pages: 4 Words: 1328

Attribution Theory
Industrial organization

Industrial organizational theory:

The usefulness of attribution theory in a modern organization like Google

Attribution theory

Attribution theory attempts to explain how human beings attach meaning to their own behavior and the behavior of others. A presumption of the theory is that perception is not always reality. For example, an employee might perceive his or her boss to be aggressive or an employee might perceive all subordinates to be lazy. Attribution theory attempts to answer why this might be the case: what perceptual issues are factoring into these statements. Another definition of the theory is that it is "how and why ordinary people explain events as they do" (McLeod 2010). One of the earliest exponents of attribution theory was Heider (1958) who noted that people tend to explain the behavior of others based upon perceived consistent internal characteristics, i.e. saying that the other person is 'that type of person' and thus…...

Attribution Theory Juvenile Delinquency and
Pages: 5 Words: 1565

The findings are expected to reveal interesting facts about the core motivations and external factors leading to juvenile delinquency.
Parents and teachers will also be asked how they view their children, as well as suggestions on how the delinquency problem can be remedied.

All the answers from all the interviews and questionnaires will be consolidated to form a statistical body of research. This will be analyzed in order to determine perceptions and motivations for juvenile delinquency, to understand it better, and to combat it more effectively.

The premise of the study is that research focusing upon criminal activity -- especially as it concerns the youth, often fails to take into account that various factors influence social problems such as delinquency. Asking the teenagers themselves about their perceptions of crime and criminal activity, as well as the punishment involved, can provide a valuable deeper layer of understanding regarding the issue of juvenile delinquency.…...



Johnson-Pynn, Julie, Fragaszy, Dorothy M., & Cummins-Sebree, Sarah. (2003). Common

Territories in Comparative and Developmental Psychology: Quest for Shared Means and Meaning in Behavioral Investigations. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 16(1), . Retrieved from: 

Siegel, Larry J. & Welsh, Brandon C. (2008). Juvenile Delinquency: Theory, Practice, and Law. Cengage Learning.

Wiener, Hannah L. (2009). Attribution Theory and the American Tort System. Duke University School of Law.

Attribution Theory in General Terms
Pages: 5 Words: 1746

Furthermore, the significance of this theory also extends to issues relating to health. This refers to the fact that the individual differences in attribution style and perception can lead to positive and negative implications for the individual. For example, "…differences in attributional style may lead to depression…and health problems with those who had a more pessimistic explanatory style. Baseball players with a pessimistic style died earlier than optimistic players ( ATTIBUTION THEOY. Shippensburg University ).


In conclusion, the theory of attribution is important in that it provides a theoretical structure that helps to interpret the individual's actions, behaviors and emotions in terms of the concept of attribution. This concept is also linked to an understanding of low and high self-esteem and motivational factors in education and other areas. The significance of this theory also lies in the fact that attribution enables the individual to have a certain perceived degree of control…...



Attribution Theory (B. Weiner) Retrieved from

Attribution Theory: Changing minds. Retrieved from 

ATTRIBUTION THEORY. Shippensburg University. Retrieved from 

Introduction to Organizational Behavior. Retrieved from

Attribution Theory
Pages: 6 Words: 2558

Attribution Theory Covered in the eadings
Human beings are naturally an inquisitive set of species; they are always wondering how and why things occur. For this reason, they create sciences, philosophies and religions as approaches of answering their questions. For decades, this curiosity has influenced their personal, interpersonal, cultural and societal lives in intricate ways. Much of this is observed in our daily lives through our conversations and mindset interactions with other people. For example, human beings tend to question why some people look the way they do. Eventually, they develop answers according to different situations like why some people do not have jobs while others wonder why other people went overseas (Bains, 1983). The process of developing questions and answers to a series of questions are fundamental such that it figures out the underlying causes of things that happen. esearchers have characterized this tendency as a justified basic human…...



Anderson, C.A. & Deuser, W.E. (1993). The primacy of control in causal thinking and attributional style: an attributional functionalism perspective. In G. Weary, F. Gleicher & K.J. Marsh, Control motivation and social cognition. (pp. 94-121). New York: Springer-Verlag.

Antaki, C. (1982). A brief introduction to attribution and attributional theories. Attributions and psychological change: application of attributional theories to clinical and educational practice. London: Academic Press.

Bains, G. (1983). Explanations and the need for control. In M. Hewstone (ed) Attribution theory: social and functional extensions. (pp. 126-143). Oxford: Blackwell.

Bohner, G., Bless, H., Schwarz, N. & Strack, F. (1988). What triggers causal attributions? The impact of valence and subjective probability. European Journal of Social Psychology, 18, 335-345.

The Role Attribution Theory Plays in How Perceptions About Others Are Formed in the Workplace
Pages: 6 Words: 2040

ole Attribution Theory Plays in How Perceptions About Others Are Formed in the Workplace
Anyone who has ever worked in an organizational setting can readily attest to the need to understand others in order to facilitate personal interactions and achieve optimal job performance. Attribution theory holds that people tend to develop perceptions about others based on their empirical observations which are then used, consciously or subconsciously, to form perceptions about their behaviors. In some ways, this process of applying attribution theory is intuitive and ongoing but there are some aspects of attribution theory that require explanation in order to better understand how and why people are motivated in this fashion. To this end, this paper reviews the relevant peer-reviewed and scholarly literature in order to evaluate the role attribution theory plays in how perceptions about others are formed in the workplace. Finally, a summary of the research and important findings about…...



Bastounis, M. & Minibas-Poussard, J. (2012, March 15). Causal attributions of workplace gender equality, Just World Belief, and the self/other distinction. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 40(3), 433-439.

Cabanis, M. & Pyka, M. (2013, June). The precuneus and the insula in self-attributional processes. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 13(2), 330-335.

Cagney, T. (2012, July). Supervisor and manager training: Thinking outside the box. The Journal of Employee Assistance, 42(3), 37.

Chadee, D. (2011). Theories in social psychology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Rights of Women and the Attribution Theory
Pages: 2 Words: 736

Communication and Sociology

The speech by Susan Anthony depicts the way in which the U.S. women were denied their constitution right to vote during the early 1800s. The speech shows that men were the only ones allowed to participate in voting exercise, while, the women played an insignificant role in the process. Similarly, the speech shows that men, resulting in the discrimination of the women, occupied most of the leadership positions in the government. Based on this, the presenter questions the credibility and validity of the reasons given to defend the basis for denying the women to fulfill their constitutional obligations. The speech implies that a society characterized by discrimination of women faces numerous challenges such as poverty, poor economic growth, and inequalities. The speech means a lot to me. It gives me the impression of the injustices underwent by the women in the U.S.A. during 1800s. It provides me with…...


Works Cited

Berg, Gary A.. Low-income students and the perpetuation of inequality higher education in America. Farnham, Surrey, England: Ashgate, 2010. Print.

"The History Place - Great Speeches Collection: Susan B. Anthony Speech - Women's Right to Vote." The History Place - Great Speeches Collection: Susan B. Anthony Speech - Women's Right to Vote. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Aug. 2014. .

Attribution Theories
Pages: 2 Words: 697

Attribution Theories
In general terms, attribution theories are a person's psychological response to a conflict in an effort to explain the cause of the contention. While these theories may apply to any given situation, they are often closely intertwined with more intimate, interpersonal relationships. People in such relationships may attempt to explain their own actions or the actions of the other person in terms that may mitigate their own culpability. The ability to explain why someone would act or behave in a certain way may help a person alleviate the stress associated with the conflict. There are several different types of attribution theories that people use to explain another's behavior but three of them in particular are often cited in relationship studies.

Many people in a relationship may attempt to attribute their counterpart's behavior to personal vs. situational causes. In this way, a person seems to believe that another person acted in…...

Attribution Theories
Pages: 2 Words: 647

Attribution Bias: Personal Anecdotes
One of the most common sources of conflict in relationships is incorrect interpretations of motivation. Because people are narcissistic and cannot always project themselves into the mindset of others, they focus on personality-based vs. situational reasons for behavior and misbehavior. A good example of this was a source of conflict during one of my years in middle school. My English class consistently ran late. Because it was located on the other side of the building, this meant that I was always late for math class the following period. My math teacher was a stickler about promptness, and was clearly prejudiced against me because she interpreted my lateness as rudeness and saw it as an expression of a lack of concern and respect for her class. However, the fault lay with my earlier teacher and the fact that I was too young and shy to ask my English…...

Facts and Theories
Pages: 3 Words: 940

Two attribution theories applied to marketing include the correspondent inference theory and self-perception theory. The first applies causal attribution to determine the nature of a customer's behavior based on behavioral cues. The cues are derived from a single behavior in a particular situation. Therefore, information on its generalizability can be inferred from the behavior (Wang, 2008). Self-perception theory operates on the premise that behavioral cues emerge from both the observer and the person being observed. Two sets of causal attribution are therefore possible and can be synthesized on the basis of both sets of observations.

Other theories include the brand personality dimensions framework, which operates to compare measured brand personalities, and the hierarchy of effects models, which help marketers to determine the effect of specific advertising techniques on consumers (Marketing Journal, 2005).

Both propositions and hypotheses are statements; the content of these statements, however, differ significantly. A proposition, for example states…...



Live Science (2012, Jul. 10). Deductive Reasoning vs. Inductive Reasoning. Retrieved from: 

Marketing Journal (2005). 13 Useful Marketing Theories. Retrieved from:

Rao, N. (2012, Nov 2). What is the difference between preposition and hypothesis? Retrieved from: 

Wang, Y.J. (2008, May). The application of attribution theories in marketing research: a critique. Review of Business Research, 8(3). Retrieved from:

George Kelly's Theory Is a
Pages: 7 Words: 2361

("Kelly Psychology of Personal Constructs," 2005)
Social Cognitive theories are a primary focus in today's clinical world. The person is seen as a proactive vs. reactive organizer of his or her life. Utilizing the main concepts of this theory explain why Jane is having such difficulty coping with life? How would Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck intervene in Jane's lifestyle?

The social cognitive theory is when there is focus on learning by watching what others do. The successes and failures that they experience are used to shape how the individual will view the world around them and their role in it. This is accomplished by teaching them techniques during the process that can be applied to their daily lives. (Santrock, 2008, pp. 26 -- 30) When this occurs on a regular basis, is the point that the person will begin to use these events as experiences that will shape how they…...



The Beginning of Cognitivist. (2002). All Psych. Retrieved from: 

Kelly Psychology of Personal Constructs. (2005). Find Psychology. Retrieved from:

Dispositional Attributions Attribution Differences in
Pages: 8 Words: 2216

29, p > 0.5).

This study set out to test the hypotheses that people from Eastern cultural backgrounds compared to those from Western backgrounds would make fewer dispositional attributions about the behavior of fictitious characters that the read about and would also demonstrate a more collective attitude towards themselves.

With respect to the first hypothesis, that Western participants would make a greater number of dispositional attributions that would participants with Eastern cultural heritages, that hypothesis was supported. However, there are a few caveats that need to be mentioned with regards to this. First, the scenarios that were presented to the participants only provided two alternatives to explain the behavior of the person. One alternative was a negative dispositional explanation, the other was a situational explanation could have been interpreted as far-fetched in some cases. Miller (1984) found that the tendency for Westerners to make internal attributions was higher for deviant behaviors. Morris…...



Chiu, C-y., Morris, M.W., Hong, Y-y., & Menon, T. (2000). Motivated cultural cognition: the impact of implicit cultural theories on dispositional attribution varies as a function of need for closure. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 78, 247 -- 259.

Choi, I., Dalal, R., Kim-Prieto, C., & Park, H. (2003). Culture and judgment of causal relevance.

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84, 46 -- 59.

Jones, E.E. & Harris, V.A. (1967). The attribution of attitudes. Journal of Experimental and Social Psychology, 3, 2-24.

Leadership Theories the Objective of
Pages: 5 Words: 1328

The four lanchard leadership styles include:
1) directive;

2) managing;

3) coaching; and 4) delegating. (Clawson, 1989)

2) House's Path Goal Theory of Leadership - the motivational function of the leader consists of increasing personal payoffs to subordinates for work-goal attainment and making the path to these payoffs easier to travel by clarifying it, reducing roadblocks and pitfalls, and increasing the opportunities for personal satisfaction en route. (Clawson,1989)


Charismatic leadership is measured by: (1) Followers' trust in the correctness of the leader's belief; (2) similarity of followers' beliefs to the leader's beliefs; (3) unquestioning acceptance of the leader by followers; (4) followers' affection for the leader; (5) followers' willing obedience to the leader; (6) emotional involvement of followers in the mission of the organization; (7) heightened performance goals of followers; and (8) belief of followers that they are able to contribute to the success of the group's mission. (Clawson,

Charismatic leaders have the…...



Liu, W., Lepak, D.P., Takeuchi, R., and Sims, H.P (2003) Matching Leadership Styles with Employment modes: Strategic Human Resource Management Perspective. Human Resource Management Review. 13 (2003).

Clawson, J.G. (1989) Leadership Theories. University of Virginia Darden School Foundation. Charlottesville, VA. Online SSRN Research.

Stodgills Handbook of Leadership (1981) revised Bernard M. Bass New York: The Free Press 1981.

Mintzberg, Henry (1973) Mintzberg's Ten Managerial Roles -the Nature of Managerial Work 1973.

Leadership Path Goal Theory the Boy Scouts
Pages: 8 Words: 2436

Leadership Path Goal Theory
The Boy Scouts" using the "path- goal theory

Leadership theories

Path Goal Theory

Explain how the theory works and include an example

Explain the effect of power and influence that leaders have on followers in the organization

Are the followers receptive?

Would you recommend another strategy?

Transformational Leadership

Transactional Leadership

Evaluate the role of transformational and transformational leadership in the organization

Effectiveness of transformational and transactional leadership in the organization


Assess the traits and characteristics of an effective team leader within the organization

Explain how the leadership supports vision, mission, and strategy in the organization

If you were the leader in the organization, what would you change and why?




The leadership theories are different in their relevance and approach, however, the importance of effective leadership cannot be undermined in operations of a successful organization. The boy scouts and other military organizations also deploy various leadership and management practices in order to motivate their members. It further leads them for successful operations…...



Bolman, L.G., & Deal, T.E. (2011). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice and leadership. USA: Jossey-Bass.

Samson, D., & Daft, R.L. (2009). Fundamentals of management. Australia: Cengage Learning.

Winkler, I. (2010). Contemporary leadership theories. USA: Springer.

Mind and Human Behavior Theories
Pages: 12 Words: 4187

Mind and Human Behavior
Define and discuss a particular theory of consciousness

Consciousness can be best grasped in context as a facet of an interactive wakeful state wherein most cognitive processing occurs non-consciously. However, on combining non-conscious and conscious processing in the wakeful state, how can we differentiate one from the other, how can consciousness be defined, and what purpose does it serve? The conclusions drawn with respect to the former question critically influence how the latter question is answered. What property makes a state non-conscious rather than conscious? This section will support the argument that, out of all possible answers commonly put forth (i.e., accessibility, intentionality, reflexivity, subjectivity), the element-- reflexive, auto noetic-consciousness -- is the only one observed solely in the state of consciousness (Peters, 2013).

The Quantum Theory of Consciousness

The consciousness issue has opposed traditional approaches, in which the human brain is perceived as a computer having synapses and…...



Albensi, B.C. and Janigro, D. (2003).Traumatic brain injury and its effects on synaptic plasticity. Brain Inj. 17(8): p. 653-63.

Anderson, J. R. (1990). Cognitive psychology and its implications. New York: Freeman.

Cerasoli, C. P., & Ford, M. T. (2014). Intrinsic Motivation, Performance, and the Mediating Role of Mastery Goal Orientation: A Test of Self-Determination Theory.JournalOf Psychology, 148(3), 267-286. doi:10.1080/00223980.2013.783778

Eccles, J. S., & Wigfield, A. (2002).Motivational beliefs, values, and goals.Annual Review of Psychology, 53, 109-132.

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