Business Issues Essays (Examples)

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Business Issues and Problems Combating
Pages: 7 Words: 2239

The recessionary phases hence create more problems for the women. It is the duty of the governments of countries to cater to this cause and pass laws supporting women's rights and provide them with proper form of protection and equality in the work place as well as outside. The commoditization of women in the business arena where they are used to attract more buyers by advertising a good looking woman has to be stopped and put an end to. The exploitation of women is increasing day by day and they are strongly becoming a part of the casualisation process of the jobs (Maume, 2006).
Quality of the public services

To give the society and the people of the country, a well sustained and developed nation to live in, the first and most integral thing to keep in mind and take care of is the provision of the human rights and their…...



Cigno, a. (2005). The economics of child labor. Oxford University Press.

Heery, E. (2000). The Insecure Workforce. Routledge Publications.

Maume, D. (2006). Gender differences in restricting work efforts because of family responsibilities. Journal of Marriage and Family .

Michie, J. (1997). Employment and Economic Performance: Jobs, Inflation and Growth. Oxford University Press.

Business Issues With Qantas
Pages: 4 Words: 1000

Business of Qantas
Australia's largest airline is named as QANTAS and it is taken as a symbol of national pride by many Australians. On 16th November 1920, it started its operations as the Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Limited (QANTAS) in Queensland. To date, QANTAS is known to be one of the strongest brands in Australia and regarded as world's best long distance airline. Nearly 140 destinations in nearly 40 countries are covered by the airline while carrying almost 40 million passengers (Fleisher and Bensoussan, 2007). QANTAS is the market leader on the domestic front. However, Virgin Blue is considered to be its competitor that started its operations in August 2000. Internationally, this airline is leading the market in regards of flights to and from Australia, but having tough competition from Malaysian Airlines, Emirates, Air New Zealand and Singapore Airlines.

Annual report of QANTAS highlights many fact and figures which indicates…...



Creedy, S., 2010, Qantas looks to extend lead with upgrade: check-in, The Australian, 29 July, p. 23.

Fleisher, C and Bensoussan, B., 2007, Business and competitive analysis methods, Wharton School pub, ACM Online Book Program.

Qantas Group, 2009, Annual report 2008-2009, accessed from

Schermerhorn, JR, Davidson, P, Poole, D, Simon, A, Woods, P & Chau, SL., 2011, Management: foundations and applications, 1st edition, Wiley, Milton, QLD

Business Environment Interaction of the Business Environment
Pages: 5 Words: 1288

Business Environment
Interaction of the Business Environment

The environment of a company is much like the natural world in that there are many layers to any single organization (Marques, 2007). Political forces are present because there are factions and beliefs within a company which cause different politics to be formed. The economics of running an organization are a different facet of the environment which many consider the most important part of the business (after all the business of business is to make money), but it is actually a piece of the larger while which is neither more important or less than any other. Very business also has a social component. All of the different relationships that occur in the wider world can be found in any large organization. Another part of the environmental whole that affects every other part has to do with the technical functioning of the business. Technology can make…...



Laumer, S., Eckhardt, A., & Weitzel, T. (2010). Electrojnic human resources management in an e-business environment. Journal of Electronic Commerce Management, 11(4), 240-251.

Loewe, M., Blume, J., & Speer, J. (2008). How favoritism affects the business environment: Empirical evidence from Jordan. The Middle East Journal, 62(2), 259-272.

Marques, J. (2007). The influence of the global business environment in realizing the millennium development goals. Journal of Global Business Issues, 1(1), 17-25.

Ruff, F. (2006). Corporation foresight: Integrating the future business environment into innovation and strategy. Research Technology Management, 278-295.

Business Cross Cultural Communication Cross
Pages: 4 Words: 1331

Generational issues, while seemingly the obvious hindrance to a smooth flow of production, are, as Tulgan offers (198), "merely a reflection of the business issue at play - transition to the workplace of the future."
However, that said, the one pivotal / key sentence Tulgan offers, also on page 198, is very straight to the point, on the money, and a salient theme Charlie should launch in order to save his job, and the jobs of most people under his jurisdiction. "Charlie must get things back on track and restore harmony by getting people focused on mission instead of personality."

The 10 points Tulgan offers are all very cogent and wise; however, Charlie doesn't really have time to implement all those ideas. Gloria egalbuto, with Bath & Body Works, offers some common sense solutions, as do Diedra Wager, Pat Crull, and others. But Judy Corson hits the nail on the head…...



Zemke, Ron; & Raines, Claire; & Filipczak, Bob. Generations at Work: Managing the Clash of Veterans, Boomers, Xers, and Nexters in Your Workplace. New York:

Amacom, 2000.

Business Wal-Mart When Sam Walton
Pages: 9 Words: 2984

While their backgrounds and personal beliefs are very different, they never take each other for granted. They are encouraged to express their thoughts and ideas and to treat each other with dignity.
Service to their Customers -- customers are the reason that they are in business, so they believe that they should treat them that way. They offer quality merchandise at the lowest prices, and do it with the best customer service possible. They look for every opportunity where they can exceed their customers' expectations. They believed that this is when they are at their very best.

Striving for Excellence -- They are proud of their accomplishments but are never satisfied. They constantly reach further to bring new ideas and goals to life. They model themselves after Sam Walton, who was never satisfied until prices were as low as they could be. They believe that a product's quality is as high…...



3 Basic Beliefs & Values. (2009). Retrieved September 29, 2009, form Wal-Mart Web site: 

Crosby, Tim. (2009). Retrieved September 29, 2009, from How stuff works Web site:

Business and Management Concerns
Pages: 2 Words: 641

Management and Business Issues
There are multiple time management issues that uben has evinced in this brief case study. Firstly, it is apparent that he has issues with prioritization of his time. In situations in which there are multiple factors vying for his time, he seems to concentrate on the latest one or perhaps the one that seems the most fun. Instead, I recommend that he prioritize his activities, beginning with school work, so he can have enough time to do the activities he enjoys. Additionally, he has scheduling issues. He does not seem to keep a schedule, which is demonstrated in the fact that one day he missed math class because he overslept. By determining a schedule and reinforcing it with a calendar and an alarm clock, he should be able to manage his time better.

Marc is mistaken that the one other fitness center is his only form of competition.…...

Business Ethics in Drug Companies
Pages: 9 Words: 3262

Office Memo
Sub: comment on John's claim as a whistle blower against PharmaCAE and the ethical and legal implications of the case

As a member of Dewey, Chetum, and Howe you asked me to find out suitable ethical and legal implications that John's case could bring for the firm and for John himself. Detailed in the report are the issues regarding:

The Ethical issues relating to marketing and advertising, intellectual property, and regulation of product safety in relation to PharmaCAE

Business ethics can be defined as the art, system, method and the discipline that is applied to along with ethical principles to solve complex business issues and dilemmas. It defines the actions that are taken that tries to reach a balance between the organization achieving its business and economic obligations and social obligations (Moon, 2001).

One of the ethics that is applicable in this case is related to the advertisement of harmful products. It is…...


References,. (2015). CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21. Retrieved 6 June 2015, from,. (2015). CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21. Retrieved 6 June 2015, from

Business Plan Relating to the Sale of a New Financial Divorce Software
Pages: 25 Words: 6850

Business Plan for a Financial Divorce Software
Business Plan Divorce Software

Business Plan relating to the Sales of a new Financial Divorce Software.

Business Plan relating to the Sales of a new Financial Divorce Software









Business Identification

Keys to Success

Company Summary

Industry History

Legal Form of Ownership

Location and Facilities

Management Structure

Products and Service

Market Analysis

Target Market

Industry Analysis

Competitive Analysis

Market Strategy

Ps of Marketing

Price List

Selling Strategy

Sales Forecast

Implementation Strategy

Overall Strategy


Control Plan

Financial Statements and Projections

evenue and Cost Estimate

Forecasted Profit and Loss Statement

Forecasted Balance Sheet

Financial Assumptions

Breakeven Point

Financial Position

Capital/Investment Needs



Executive Summary

Financial planning is involved in every aspect of life. Individuals and businesses have to formulate their daily, monthly, and yearly budgets in order to achieve a balance between their incomes and expenditures. Among other matters, divorce is also a critical issue in individuals' lives. In addition to family conflicts and break-ups, divorce also brings serious financial problems for both the parties (Women Advisors Forum, 2011). Therefore, it is very important to have advice from financial planners…...



Association of Divorce Financial Planners, (2012). Divorce Financial Planning. Retrieved on July 7th, 2012, from

Blythe, J. & Megicks, P. (2010). Marketing Planning: Strategy, Environment and Context, 3rd Edition. U.K: Prentice Hall

Cadle, J., Paul, D., & Yeates, D. (2010). Business Analysis, 2nd Edition. Swindon: British Informatics Society

Francis, P. (2010). Creating the Marketing Executive of the Future Using Key Deming Principles, Journal of Executive Education, 9 (1): 127-138

Business Pros and Cons of Partnership as
Pages: 3 Words: 961

Pros and Cons of Partnership as a form of business

Partnership is a form of business where one or more individuals come together for the realization of a common economic goal. As with other forms of businesses, there are numerous pros and cons that come with it. One of the primary advantages is the pooling of resources that can be used for the achievement of the common goal. These common resources can include capital as well as skills needed for the successful execution of the business objectives. Another advantage is the lower rate of taxation. The profits from the business is treated as personal tax and so, the slabs are much lower. Lastly, it offers a high degree of flexibility and is simpler than many other forms of businesses such as corporations.

Partnership comes with its disadvantages as well. Firstly, partners have a joint and several liability which means they are liable…...



Hanson, Mary. (1998). The Business Adviser Partnership: The Pros and Cons. Retrieved from: 

US Small Business Administration. (2012). Retrieved from: 

Warren, Carl; Reeve, James; Duchac, Jonathan. (2011). Managerial Accounting. California: Cengage Learning.

Moore, Karl. Pareek, Niketh. (2010). Marketing: The Basics. New York: Taylor & Grancis.

Business Environment There Are Differing
Pages: 3 Words: 983

There has been little in the way of fiscal policy, and the result has been entirely predictable. ith no particular influx of spending into the economy, the recovery has generally been quite weak. ith no fiscal policy tools on the horizon, it is therefore unlikely that any improvement to the recovery will take place.
International business is also an option for a company to improve its situation. If a company wants to sell, for example, running shoes, it has a number of options for this. The company could make the shoes in one country and sell them around the world. The company could also make the shoes in a number of different countries for local sale. It is recommended that the country should take advantage of economies of scale and produce in one country. Then, the company should sell the shoes all over the world. It can use local help…...


Works Cited:

World Economic Forum (2013). Global agenda council on the role of business. World Economic Forum. Retrieved May 5, 2013 from 

Friedman, M. (1970). The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits. New York Times Magazine Retrieved May 5, 2013 from 

Labonte, M. (2013). Federal Reserve: Unconventional monetary policy options. Congressional Research Service. Retrieved May 5, 2013 from

Business Plan to an Organization
Pages: 3 Words: 1015

Additionally, businesses must anticipate seasonal shifts in demand when allocating and anticipating costs. A toy company cannot assume that the revenue it enjoys after a Christmas marketing a 'hot toy' will be sustained all year 'round.
In terms of taking a long-term view, a business should treat its employees in an ethical fashion. If employees are treated in a respectful manner, they are likely to perform better and show more loyalty to the organization. Additionally, if a company is found to be exploiting its employees, as was the case of Nike and the 'sweatshop'-type conditions of its offshore operations, this negative publicity can deter individuals from buying from the company. Employee costs in the long and short-term, in terms of compensating employees for overtime and giving them reasonable benefits, must also be included in the business plan. Also, the possibility of stock options, should the company incorporate, is another issue…...



Business plan for starting out, 2010, Score Retrieved September 4, 2010 at

The value of a business plan. (2010). Striding Out. Retrieved September 4, 2010 at

Business Plan Funeral Services Business
Pages: 4 Words: 1140

One tactic which has made the John Doe group unique in the industry is its recognition of the importance of community in the viability of individual enterprises. Its damaged relationship with the communities in which it has sought to operate can be rectified by aspects of its model which are already in place. Though the company operates thousands of funeral service establishments from a centralized point of authority, its acquisition strategy incorporates the families who have owned and operated the newly purchased assets into the business plan. As a result, John Doe's holdings are hybrid entities, armed with the resources of a large parent company but endowed with the close community relationship of an independent business. Taking advantage of this model should be central to the company's overall reversal of its negative public image. This will demand that the new core of central leadership make an effort to increase…...

Business Plan in Order to Accomplish Our
Pages: 2 Words: 770

Business Plan
In order to accomplish our mission we set forth the following strategic goals, they include:

Build the Financial perspective of our business by addressing how shareholders view the firm and which financial goals are desired from the shareholder's perspective. Goals are closely linked to the business lifecycle and must be adjusted over time. For example, in the early stages, our goal is revenue growth, but as the company becomes more sustainable, profitability will become more important.

Increase customer value by discovering what a customer's needs and value expectations are and then meeting or exceeding these expectations. Some examples of things that customers value include a broad selection of products, quality, service, performance, and low price.

Achieve operational excellence through the internal productivity that optimizes those business processes that will best satisfy customers. Productivity is more than efficiency; it depends on the value of the products and services (utility, uniqueness, quality, convenience, availability,…...

Business Plan This Business Plan
Pages: 8 Words: 2364

The office and administrative expenses would remain constant even to that point, as would the insurance expense.
Exhibit B: Cash Flow Statement, Year Two

At this point, the business is earning a healthy return and Mr. Ahn is receiving will be able to bring in a reasonable salary. The nature of the business may well change at this point. At the maximum revenue of $144,000 per year the pretax profit would be $63,600. As a result, it is likely that a clinic will be formed with other practitioners in order to minimize expenses and increase profitability.

e did not include taxes in our cash flow examples because the company is going to be set up as a sole proprietorship. This means that the income from the company will be rolled into the income for Mr. Ahn, as well as his liabilities. Mr. Ahn's personal expenses are therefore not included in the model,…...


Works Cited

No author (2007). Traditional Chinese Medicine. Alternative Medicine Foundation. Retrieved December 18, 2008 at 

No author (2005). Regulation of TCM in the United States. Medscape Today. Retrieved December 18, 2008 at 

No author (2008). HIV / AIDS, the U.S.-China Partnership for Public Health at Work, and Traditional Chinese Medicine in the U.S. Fact Sheet. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved December 18, 2008 at 

Census information from U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved December 18, 2008 at

Business Proposal Finding a Solution to Our
Pages: 6 Words: 1718

Business Proposal
Finding a Solution to Our Camera Failure Problems at Images Studio

Images Studio is a full service photography studio offering multiple photography services. For more than 15 years, Images Studio has been capturing life's memorable moments. Our creativity, knowledge and caring, professional service provide our clients with images of the highest quality. Our clientele choose Images Studio because they can be assured we deliver on our promises of exceptional quality and service.

hile we specialize in elegant wedding photography, we also photograph family portraits, children, senior portraits, special events, executive portraiture, sports, glamour shots, high-definition (HD) video services, commercial and aerial photography. Images Studio offers both in-studio and on-location services.

Since expanding our mix of photographic services in 2007, our revenues have grown steadily with the demand for our additional services. e have accommodated this additional demand by adding personnel and equipment. By hiring two additional full-time photographers and one full-time and…...


Works Cited

Affordable 2/3" HD cameras hit the studio. (n.d.). Retrieved October 22, 2011 from:

Current, T. (2009, Sept.27). The new H4D-60 from Hasselblad. Retrieved October 22, 2011 from: 

Financing photography equipment. (2008). WB Financial. Retrieved October 22, 2011 from: 

Stephen. (2010, July 11). Hasselblad H4D review. Retrieved October 22, 2011 from:

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