Cell Research Essays (Examples)

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Ethics of Stem Cell esearch
Stem Cell esearch Ethics

The Ethics of Stem Cell esearch: A Nursing Perspective

The Ethics of Stem Cell esearch: A Nursing Perspective

When the world-famous cloned sheep, Dolly, was euthanized at the relatively young age of 6-1/2 years she was suffering from advanced aging and lung disease (Meek, 2003). In human years, Dolly was only about 40-years old and had been suffering from arthritis for many years. This outcome is consistent with the claims of some scientists that current cloning technology does not accurately replicate natural sexual reproduction and disproportionately generates debilitating and sometimes lethal genetic defects. Dolly was the product of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), which involved removing the DNA from a sheep somatic (adult) cell, inserting it into an egg, and then transferring the egg to a receptive womb. This technology is very similar to what is currently being developed by stem cell researchers, especially the….

Analysts agree that Proposition 71 will at least pay for itself over the life of the bonds.
According to Somers (2004): "The economists from Stanford University and the Analysis Group predict that the initiative would generate at least $6.4 billion. They say it would generate $2.2 billion to $4.4 billion if it could expand the state's biotechnology industry by about 5%, with new jobs, construction of new buildings and increased revenue. If the research could reduce health care spending by 1% to 2%, the direct savings in health care costs to the state government would be $3.4 billion to $6.9 billion, on just the care and treatment of patients suffering from six of the medical conditions scientists think could benefit from new stem-cell therapies."

Still, there is no guarantee that life saving, cost-saving therapies will be found (Somers, 2004). Even if they are, scientists say it is many years away. Therefore,….

Limitations of Stem Cell esearch
The primary objection to stem cell research in the United States is based on the belief that commonly held social, moral, and ethical boundaries will be breached in the effort to ensure adequate supplies of embryonic stem cells (Hoffman, et al., 2004; eeves, 2001) Because of the potential medical and economic implications of stem cell research, executive level governmental decisions have been made regarding acceptable limits for stem cell research (Hoffman, et al., 2004; eeves, 2001) These limits have changed as the national executive leadership has changed (Hoffman, et al., 2004; eeves, 2001) Presidents have issued Executive Orders regarding stem cell research that reflect their personal beliefs and the beliefs expressed by voices dominating the American press at any given time (Hoffman, et al., 2004; eeves, 2001) epresentation of stem cell researchers and those who potentially would benefit from stem cell research have been less well….

Even paralysis such as from diving and motor vehicle accidents will probably be able to be cured by stem cell applications (Sagan, 1997).
Legal and Ethical Issues:

Despite their tremendous potential for benefiting human health and welfare, many oppose the use of fetal stem cells because of their religious beliefs. According to many

Christians in particular, both abortion and the use of any fetal tissue for medical purposes is immoral because human life begins at conception (Dershowitz, 2002; Levine, 2007).

According to this view, even the embryos produced in-vitro fertilization clinics must not be used for research purposes, even with the consent of the patients who donated the sperm and egg.

The previous presidential administration of George Bush outlawed the federal funding of any stem cell research of this (most valuable) type in 2001 and, as a result, the United States has lost years of tremendously important research in that area (Kinsley,

2007; Pollack, 2007).….

The ban needs to be used to prevent the sale of embryos, use of cloning and the production of embryos for the sole purpose of research. Cures for debilitating diseases will hopefully result and healing is supposed to be the driving factor in medicine. It is a poor argument to talk of murder, destruction and disrespect of human life when the United States continues to utilize capital punishment, the legal murder of a human being for purposes of criminal punishment. This type of dichotomy results in irrational or illogical positions in contrast to developing a truer position. In addition, legal issues are at stake and the fact that abortion is legal in the United States should be a critical part of the discussion. Since personal choice is the key to legal abortions, it seems that the same person can and should be allowed to consent to medical research following….

Genetic Technology - Stem Cell esearch
Stem Cells

There has been an abundance of controversy over the past several years regarding the research of stem cells. Proponents of this particular branch of research claim that the usage of stem cells can create virtually unparalleled medical advantages for future generations. Opponents of the utilization of stem cells cite the fact that the research is unethical, primarily since it causes death in embryos to produce the advances which can significantly affect the future of health and wellness. However, careful consideration of bioethics, and in particular that of the consequentialist philosophy known as utilitarianism, indicates that stem cell research is both ethical and beneficial to the preservation of human kind.

Utilitarianism is the branch of philosophy pioneered by both John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham that judges the morality of a particular action by its result. If an action produces more good than ill, it is….

Do patients understand what it means to donate tissue to science? Not only that, but use of EG cells confuses stem cell research with the debate over abortion, bring up the risk of biasing emotions (McDonald 7).
So, while stem cell research is an exciting new field that holds much promise, ethical problems arise to delay research, discovery of benefits or dangers, and involve many who have no knowledge of the complexities of the field. Though controversies usually accompany new discoveries in science, this biotechnological process involves manipulating the basis of life itself in embryonic stem cells. But the field is rapidly changing. hat is true today may be outmoded tomorrow. A neutral substitute for stem cells may be discovered that will prove to be the answer to these ethical questions.

orks Cited

Ethics Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. "Financial incentives in recruitment of oocyte donors." Fertil Steril 2004;….

Cells Are a Type of

To date, adoptive T-cell therapy have used peripheral blood, tumors, malignant effusions, and drained lymph nodes as sites for injecting the T-cells for adoptive transfer. Those are routinely used are allogenic bone marrow transplantation and peripheral blood stem cell infusion. It is possible that the bone marrow might be a good place too. It is also arguable which precise T-cells are the best to transfer, since T- cells are differentiated into many subsets.

Furthermore, in order to produce enough effectors T-cells, specific T-cells from peripheral blood or tumor specimens are isolated and generated in vitro, and these are then clonally expanded using various approaches. The T-cells are then reinfused into the patient with the expectation that they will then target antigens. There is much evidence that this approach works, although it also seems that this can be engineered in vivo under certain situations.

For most effective T-cell therapy, it has been shown….

Stem Cell Research / Parkinson's
Since Barack Obama has become president, the field of stem cell research has been given new life. One of Obama's campaign pledges

was to allow deeper research -- including the use of federal research funds -- into the use of pluripotent stem cells in order to find solutions for some of the terrible diseases Americans suffer from. Among those medical problems is Parkinson Disease (PD). This paper reviews and delves into the literature in terms of the potential of stem cell interventions into Parkinson Disease (also called "Parkinson's Disease").

ho is the leading authority on stem cell research?

There is no one "leading authority" reflected in the literature; however there are renowned scientists that are considered pathfinders in this field. Dr. Diane S. Krause, Associate Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Associate Director of Stem Processing at Yale University is "…one of the discoverers of previously unknown innate sources of….

Analysis of the Issues: The ethical concern for the rights and welfare of viable infants is certainly a legitimate concern, but the central ethical analysis that pertains to stem cell research revolves around the issue of defining human life appropriately. Objective criteria like anatomical development, cognitive awareness, and above all, sentience of any degree and in any form are all legitimate bases for the definition of life and for identifying the period of gestation corresponding to the earliest conceivable safeguards necessary to prevent suffering.

On the other hand, purely subjective doctrinal claims without objective criteria of any kind are wholly inappropriate bases for defining scientific concepts like when life begins. The fact that human development varies among individuals and that it may be impossible to know exactly where sentience and other elements of "humanness" first begin in the fetus does not mean that it is impossible to identify periods of fetal….

3.3 Data Collection

Is maternal UE3A active following iPS treatment: Data will be gathered on the iPS-treated mice via positron emission tomography, and in vivo brain slice preparation, and Western lot Analysis. H1 will essentially be ascertained following these tests.

Does iPS treatment rescue the motor and cognitive deficits associated with Angelman Syndrome: Data will be gathered from testing the treated mice in scientifically recognized tests of cognitive ability in a mouse model. This project proposes using the water maze test, the electric shock test, and the submerged platform test. H2 will effectively be answered using the data gleaned from these tests.

4. Conclusion

4.1. Potential Therapeutic and Other Considerations

The potential of using iPS treatment to rescue/alleviate the severe motor and cognitive deficits witnessed in Angelman Syndrome is theoretically viable. Reliable mouse models of AS exist with which to run the tests. The technology needed to tease iPS stem cells into fully functioning brain….

For some the issue then arises when the pluripotent cells are removed from the blastocyst, as this very act negates the ability for the cell group to develop into a human being. "Note that the process of changing from totipotent to pluripotent to multipotent cells is not reversible -- that is, pluripotent stem cells do not produce totipotent stem cells, and multipotent stem cells do not produce pluripotent stem cells."

Borror, O'Rourke and Skirboll 54) Additionally, the proponents of stem cell work cite the pluripotent as incapable of producing a human being therefore not a destruction of life, hence leading to the Bush decision to ban the creation of new lines of stem cells, as it would require the destruction of further human totipotent cells.

Multipotent. The pluripotent stem cells undergo further specialization into multipotent stem cells, which are committed to giving rise to cells that have a particular function. Examples of….

Stem Cell Ethics
Debating the Ethics of Stem Cells

The term 'stem cells' can mean different things to different people. For some, it conjures images of medical miracles providing solutions for heart disease, diabetes, and dementia. For others, it terrifies with a future filled with cloned humans. Still others cringe at the thought of mass producing cultured human embryos for the sole purpose of providing organs and tissues for a paying public. As with most complex issues, news media coverage tends to exaggerate easily understood concepts at the expense of the overall truth and the public accordingly remains ignorant of the subtleties surrounding this debate. This seems to add fuel the emergence of polarized camps and a shrinking of a common middle ground. To better define this middle ground, this essay will discuss both sides of this debate and argue instead that the vast majority of people would likely support an intermediate….

This controversial decision drew all kinds of reactions from different groups on each side of the issue. Some adversaries of hESC research expressed admiration for the decision limiting research to existing cell lines, while others said that no research should be allowed under any circumstances. Advocates of hESC research, meanwhile, generally praised the president for allowing some research to go forward, but criticized the restriction to existing cell lines as too strict, questioning whether enough research would be allowed.

Current U.S. Stem Cell Policy under President Obama

The March 9, 2009 EO changes the way the National Institutes of Health (NIH) can support and conduct human stem cell research. The Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the NIH Director, is required to review existing NIH and other widely-recognized guidelines on human stem cell research and issue new NIH guidance within 120 days of the date of the EO (Executive Summary).


Stem Cells Since it Is

The primary roles of adult stem cells in a living organism are to maintain and repair the tissue in which they are found." (Info 2006)
Adult stem cells are replicators in such a way that they are able to duplicate a variety of different cells. "Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body, serving as a sort of repair system...they can theoretically divide without limit to replenish other cell...each new cell has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell." (Info 2006).

Researchers tout the belief that a manipulation of stem cells can be beneficial in curing many diseases as well as helping in creating or developing new life, which could be part of the reason why such research….

Persuasive Essay Topic Ideas


The Importance of Early Childhood Education
Should College Education Be Free for All?
Technology's Role in Enhancing Education
The Value of Experiential Learning over Traditional Classrooms
The Impact of Standardized Testing on Student Success

Social Issues

The Necessity of Universal Healthcare
The Right to Bear Arms: A Constitutional Imperative
The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
The Importance of Gun Control Legislation
The Benefits of a Universal Basic Income


Climate Change: A Call to Action
The Necessity of Renewable Energy Sources
The Role of Individuals in Environmental Protection
The Impact of Deforestation on Biodiversity
The Benefits....

Here are some science essay topics that may help you learn more about various fields of science:

1. The impact of climate change on the environment
2. The importance of genetic engineering in modern agriculture
3. The ethical implications of artificial intelligence and robotics
4. The role of vaccines in preventing the spread of infectious diseases
5. The future of renewable energy sources like solar and wind power
6. The benefits and risks of using CRISPR technology in gene editing
7. The impact of plastic pollution on marine life
8. The science behind the COVID-19 pandemic and the development of vaccines
9. The role of stem cell research in....

15 Pages


Debating the Ethics of Stem Cell Research

Words: 5533
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Thesis

Ethics of Stem Cell esearch Stem Cell esearch Ethics The Ethics of Stem Cell esearch: A Nursing Perspective The Ethics of Stem Cell esearch: A Nursing Perspective When the world-famous cloned sheep, Dolly,…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Funding Stem Cell Research Embryonic

Words: 1888
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Analysts agree that Proposition 71 will at least pay for itself over the life of the bonds. According to Somers (2004): "The economists from Stanford University and the Analysis…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Limitations of Stem Cell Research the Primary

Words: 2171
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Limitations of Stem Cell esearch The primary objection to stem cell research in the United States is based on the belief that commonly held social, moral, and ethical boundaries will…

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3 Pages


Ethics of Stem Cell Research

Words: 831
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

Even paralysis such as from diving and motor vehicle accidents will probably be able to be cured by stem cell applications (Sagan, 1997). Legal and Ethical Issues: Despite their tremendous…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Ethics of Stem Cell Research

Words: 748
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The ban needs to be used to prevent the sale of embryos, use of cloning and the production of embryos for the sole purpose of research. Cures for…

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2 Pages
Creative Writing

Business - Ethics

Genetic Technology - Stem Cell Research Stem

Words: 708
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Creative Writing

Genetic Technology - Stem Cell esearch Stem Cells There has been an abundance of controversy over the past several years regarding the research of stem cells. Proponents of this particular branch…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Ethics Behind Stem Cell Research

Words: 1818
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Do patients understand what it means to donate tissue to science? Not only that, but use of EG cells confuses stem cell research with the debate over abortion,…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Cells Are a Type of

Words: 760
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

To date, adoptive T-cell therapy have used peripheral blood, tumors, malignant effusions, and drained lymph nodes as sites for injecting the T-cells for adoptive transfer. Those are routinely used…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Use of Stem Cells in Parkinson's Patients

Words: 2013
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Stem Cell Research / Parkinson's Since Barack Obama has become president, the field of stem cell research has been given new life. One of Obama's campaign pledges was to allow deeper…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Mythology - Religion

Stem Cells the Ethical Controversy

Words: 2407
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Analysis of the Issues: The ethical concern for the rights and welfare of viable infants is certainly a legitimate concern, but the central ethical analysis that pertains to stem…

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5 Pages
Research Proposal


Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells to

Words: 2115
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

3.3 Data Collection Is maternal UE3A active following iPS treatment: Data will be gathered on the iPS-treated mice via positron emission tomography, and in vivo brain slice preparation, and Western…

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20 Pages
Term Paper


Foundationally Promising Research Discoveries of

Words: 5874
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

For some the issue then arises when the pluripotent cells are removed from the blastocyst, as this very act negates the ability for the cell group to develop into…

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4 Pages


Stem Cell Ethics Debating the Ethics of

Words: 1900
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Stem Cell Ethics Debating the Ethics of Stem Cells The term 'stem cells' can mean different things to different people. For some, it conjures images of medical miracles providing solutions for…

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3 Pages


Stem Cell Policies Scientific Breakthrough

Words: 914
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

This controversial decision drew all kinds of reactions from different groups on each side of the issue. Some adversaries of hESC research expressed admiration for the decision limiting research…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Stem Cells Since it Is

Words: 550
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The primary roles of adult stem cells in a living organism are to maintain and repair the tissue in which they are found." (Info 2006) Adult stem cells are…

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