Chemistry Essays (Examples)

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They are compounds that have carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. There are 3 forms of carbohydrates. First are the monosaccharides which are simple sugars. They have simple structures in the ration of 1:2:1. They usually contain 5-6 atoms of carbon arranged in a 5-6 member ring. Oligosaccharides are monosaccharides which are combined in short strings that are linked together through dehydration synthesis. Sucrose is one of the oligosaccharides. It is a disaccharide since it consists of simply two monosaccharides. The last form are the polysaccharides which are straight or branched chains of monosaccharides joined together. Polysaccharides store energy. In animals, the storage polysaccharide is glycogen while in plants, it is starch Johnson 37-38()

Lipids are insoluble organic molecules. There are three subclasses. First are the triglycerides which are neutral fats synthesized from one glycerol molecule and three fatty acids. Fatty acids on the other hand are chains of hydrocarbons with about….

The entire unit is known as a photosytem and in green plants, one finds two of these systems, photosystem I and photosystem II, both of which are involved in the light reactions of photosynthesis. Light energy absorbed by these pigments of the antenna complex is "passed to the reaction center chlorophyll molecules from which it passes along an electron-transport chain" (lankenship, 215). Photosystems II contains a kind of chlorophyll a (P680) which shows maximum light absorption at a wavelength of about 684 nm. When activated by sunlight, a pair of electrons become excited and leave photosystem II and is replaced by electrons from the photolysis of H2O, summarized as 2H2OO2+4H++4e-.

Molecular oxygen is then released and the protons pass into the lumen (the central space that remains in a cell that has lost its living contents) of the thylakoid (an elongated, flattened fluid-filled sac that forms the basic unit of the….

Based on the fact that our class focuses on atoms, atomic structure, chemical bonds, nuclear chemistry (radioactivity, nuclear equation, half life, radio isotopes, artificial transmutation, etc.), this article review aims to provide a summary of a related story named "IBM Scientists First to Image the 'Anatomy' of a Molecule; Imaging Individual Atoms Within A Molecule Has Been A Long-standing Goal of Surface Microscopy" by the IBM press team in the August 28, 2008, M2PressWIRE; Vol. 92, No. 1. The main hypothesis for the article was to provide insights into the fact that "scientists have now been able to image the 'anatomy' -- or chemical structure -- inside a molecule with unprecedented resolution, using a complex technique known as noncontact atomic force microscopy." (IBM)

The reason that this breakthrough is so critical to the science world is because of its affects on the nanotechnology industry. "The results push the exploration of using….

The Many Dimension of ed

ed is one of the oldest colors known to humans. It is a color that carries with it significant emotional meanings. ed occurs in nature on Earth and in the cosmos. It is a dynamic color affecting people and animals. The paper will explore the history of the color red with regard to its chemical properties, natural history, and cultural significance. The study of color proves useful and fruitful across a plethora of disciplines such as chemistry, advertising, psychology, and art. For many humans, colors and sight circumscribe reality. For such people, life without colors diminishes its exuberance and meaning. The paper addresses multiple topics regarding the color red reflecting upon the ways the color generates meaning for individuals and cultures.

Humans perceive only a fraction of the light spectrum. Of the part of the spectrum that is visible to the human eye, the color red consists….

The Prosperous Autobiography of Phosphorus

Greetings humans, this message is from your friend, Phosphorus. That's Phosphorus with a "-us" and not an "-ous" and it is often misspelled. I am an element, not an adjective. You may not be unaware of the special connection you have with me, but it exists nonetheless. For you see, I, Phosphorus, am "an essential component of living systems and is found in nervous tissue, bones and cell protoplasm." (Winter, 2012)

Quite simply, I am a part of you humans (and many other species) and you could not exist without me, so make sure you eat a balanced diet with appropriate amounts of me! In human beings, I am most present in your bones, including your teeth. I can also be found in your nucleic acids and energy carriers such as DNA or NA, and lipids & enzymes, respectively. (Chandrasekaran, 2012) I also am quite effective at….

When it comes to nutrition, terms like carbohydrate, lipid, monosaccharide, protein and cholesterol can sound almost like a foreign language. With all the conflicting reports of what affects your body and what does harm, it is no wonder that people are so confused. Yet the importance of these substances is so vital that by understanding what these things are, as well as how they are used by our bodies can certainly benefit our health and overall well being.


By definition, a carbohydrate is group of chemical compounds that exist when hydrogen and oxygen (H2O) are then combined with carbon (Ed., Encarta). Carbohydrates are the largest group of organic compounds found in nature (Encarta). Humans, animals, plants and bacteria all use carbohydrates, and the uses for them varies depending on the organism using them. Plants use them for structural uses - as in the cellulose and hemicellulose that are their main structural….

Recording of observations took place throughout.

In the first reaction, after adding the KOH solution to the beaker with the clean aluminum strips, the solution turned to a dark purple color, almost appearing black at times. The aluminum clearly began to dissolve, when it was visible in the solution, and bubbles began to form on the surface of the solution. As the solution was allowed to cool following the reaction, the bubbles and the vapor given off by the mixture (causing the necessity for venting during this experiment) became far less apparent. Following the reaction and the proper carrying out of the filtration steps multiple times, the solids were removed from the reaction mixture and a colorless filtration mixture was left in the reaction beaker.

Adding 20mL of 6 M. sulfuric acid to the colorless filtration liquid caused the mixture to become cloudy and white, and solid precipitates began to form.….

The chemical make up of vitamin B6 has been studied for many years. The isolation of pure crystalline vitamin B6 was first reported in 1935, four years after acknowledgment of this particular member of the vitamin B, complex. Separately, but somewhat later, several other people also accounted for the isolation of vitamin B6. Within a year many experts demonstrated that vitamin B6 was a pyridine derivative, distinctively 3-hydroxyl-4, 5- dihydroxymethyl- 2-methyl- pyridine. The term pyridoxine, used for this compound has become generally accepted (Gyorgy, n.d.).

Over the years many others confirmed that a phosphoric derivative of pyridoxal, later acknowledged as pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (II; = -CHO), is the coenzyme of a large collection of specific enzymes catalyzing responses of amino-group transport, decarboxylation and other metabolic alterations of individual amino acids. In the route of enzymic transamination, pyridoxal 5'-phosphate undergoes reversible adaptation into pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate (II; = -CH2NH2), which has coenzyme….

Chemistry Through Veterinary Medicine
The Use of Acepromazine to Control Fear and Aggression in Dogs

My friend, Kathy, has a dog named Mollie, who is a 4-year-old "rescue dog" that weighs 60 lbs. And has the verified DNA of a Malamute/German Shepherd/olf mix. Mollie is literally a moody bitch: a female dog that is sometimes friendly and sometimes hostile. She can definitely frighten people because she looks like a wolf, complete with piercing eyes and long, sharp, gleaming fangs. On October 1st, Mollie was taken to her veterinarian's office for her scheduled Rabies vaccination. Unfortunately, Mollie acted so fearfully and aggressively that the veterinarian and her 3 assistants could not control Mollie long enough to muzzle her and administer the vaccination. The veterinarian gave Kathy Acepromazine in 25 mg. pills and told Kathy that: Acepromazine is better than a sedative; it controls the dog's fear and aggression for 4 -- 6 hours;….

Chemistry Time Traveler
Transported into 100 B.C. Rome with Latin fluency, and comprehension of and in possession of 21st century knowledge; the task of dazzling the Roman Senate with the articulation of triumphs and successes of scion generations was straightforward. Yet now under the duress of an approaching deadline "to produce something which will convince" (Case Guidelines) the Senate of the technological and intellectual prowess of future humanity; the task seems insurmountable.

Collective Intelligence

Reflecting on two millenniums of human evolution in the span of one short week; the realization that society has prospered and advanced due to successive generations: learning, using, and developing the ideas and genius of those that had come prior, bears a heavy responsibility on this time traveler. Knowledge and innovation then are not solely about the single inspiration of a great mind, but rather "in a new idea, borrowed from economics, known as collective intelligence: the notion that….

Because depleted Uranium is a toxic metal, it remains dangerous to the environment and its inhabitants long after the cessation of hostilities in which it is used. Furthermore, on combustion, depleted Uranium also aerosolizes releasing particles sufficiently small to be inhaled into the lungs where it represents a deadly medical threat. Likewise, it is also capable of contaminating food crops and water where it is ingested with similarly devastating medical consequences. Recent studies (i.e. since the first Gulf War of 1991) have revealed dramatic increases in cancers and birth defects known to be associated with Uranium contamination and poisoning in the populations of Iraq as well as in Bosnia where U.S. coalition aircraft enforced the UN-imposed no fly zone in connection with the 1992 operations in the Balkan Conflict. The results of these studies strongly suggest that reevaluation may be necessary to justify the continued use of depleted Uranium military….

Air monitoring provides the following contaminant concentrations at the approximate center of a fire scene in which acres of automobile tires are burning: Carbon monoxide @ 1700 ppm; Carbon dioxide @ 7000 ppm; and Sulfur dioxide @ 600 ppm. Ignoring synergistic effects between these gases, the following are individual concentrations that are considered life-threatening to the EH&S or FS professional responding to the scene: carbon monoxide: 50 ppm, carbon dioxide: 350 ppm, and sulfur dioxide: 120 ppm.

Certain combustion products are produced when materials made from polyacrylonitrile smolder and burn. The major products of thermal decomposition include hydrogen chloride, benzene and unsaturated hydrocarbons. In the presence of oxygen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and water are included among the common combustion products. The main toxic products from PVC fires are hydrogen chloride (a sensory and pulmonary irritant) and carbon monoxide (an asphyxiant).

There exists a combination of properties that is responsible for the….

Alzheimer's: The Disease & Medication

Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is a kind of dementia; it is, in fact, the most frequently occurring form of dementia. Alzheimer's Diseases is named for the German psychiatrist and neuropathologist, Alois Alzheimer who first described the disease over 100 years ago in 1906. Alzheimer's is a degenerative disease and those who suffer from it worsen as time goes on. Alzheimer's leads to many fatalities and as of today, a cure remains to be found. Though there are cases of dementia in young people and adults, most people who suffer from Alzheimer's disease are in their mid to late sixties. There are some statistics that predict that within forty years, less than one in hundred people around the world will suffer from Alzheimer's disease. This paper will address Alzheimer's disease from a medical perspective, providing insight as to leading pharmaceutical treatments for patients.

Though the symptoms persist throughout numerous….

hen the drug penicillin finds the bacteria, penicillin blocks the bacteria's ability to produce this chemical, making it impossible for the bacteria to perform respiration. Numerous other drugs have been derived from penicillin and are referred to as sulfa drugs.
hen the goal is to prevent certain bodily functions and reactions from taking place, the drugs used are called hormones. The most commonly used hormones are for birth control. There are two chemical components to birth control hormones. The first chemical synthesizes the natural hormone known as estrogen. hen high levels of this hormone are introduced into the body, the body reads the hormone and assumes it is pregnant. The result is that the body does not allow implantation. The second chemical used to copy natural hormones is progesterone. Progesterone within the body triggers ovulation. hen mimicked using chemicals, the body does not ovulate (Lide, 70). hen these two artificial….

Demonstrating the Carbon Dioxide Content of Gaseous Yeast Digestive Byproducts:

To demonstrate that the gas produced by yeast is carbon dioxide, the instructor can let students exhale through a straw into a test tube filled with lime juice. The lime juice will turn a milky white color, which is the test for carbon dioxide. To show that the gas produced by yeast also contains carbon dioxide, fill one test tube with lime juice and another test tube with warm water, yeast, and sugar. Then use a rubber stopper with a hole in it to seal the test tube with the yeast. Place a glass pipette through the hole in the rubber stopper (but not all the way into the yeast solution). Place the other end of the glass pipette into the lime juice in the other test tube. When the gas produced by the yeast begins to bubble into the lime….

Anxiety is a normal feeling that can be present in a variety of people.  However, when a person feels excessive anxiety, which is characterized as anxiety that is either without a cause or is disproportionate to any stimuli, then the anxiety may go beyond a normal reaction and be part of an anxiety disorder.  When you are writing a speech about anxiety, it is important to differentiate between that anxiety that is a normal part of everyday life or even a normal reaction to unusual stressors and anxiety that 

Outline for Speech on Anxiety Example

I. Introduction

Given the popularity of online dating and dating apps, writing an argumentative essay against online dating is a good choice.  It is always more interesting to write a position paper that may be unusual, because it is unlikely to recycle the same arguments that your professor will see in other papers.  There is actually a myriad of reasons that online dating may not be as successful (or as safe) as traditional in-person dating, and any of these reasons could serve as the basis for an argumentative essay.  They include but are not limited to potential....

Cosmetology: A Comprehensive Overview

Cosmetology is the art and science of enhancing the appearance of the skin, hair, and nails. It encompasses various treatments and techniques aimed at improving one's overall physical appearance. This essay provides a comprehensive overview of cosmetology, exploring its history, evolution, different branches, and significance in society.

The History of Cosmetology

Cosmetology has its roots in ancient civilizations, where people used natural ingredients like herbs, minerals, and oils to adorn themselves. In ancient Egypt, for example, women applied kohl to their eyes and wore elaborate wigs made from human hair or wool. In ancient Greece, men and women used....

I. Introduction

Thesis Statement: STEM strand offers a comprehensive and specialized curriculum that prepares students for success in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields.
Hook: Begin with a compelling statistic or anecdote that highlights the importance of STEM education.

II. Definition and Scope of STEM Strand

Definition of STEM: Explain the acronym and its components.
Scope of STEM: Outline the various disciplines covered within the strand, including biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, and mathematics.
Focus on hands-on learning and project-based activities that promote critical thinking and problem-solving.

III. Benefits of Choosing the STEM Strand

Career Opportunities: Discuss the high demand for skilled STEM....

5 Pages


Chemistry of Living Things Basic

Words: 1408
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

They are compounds that have carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. There are 3 forms of carbohydrates. First are the monosaccharides which are simple sugars. They have simple structures in…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Chemistry and Photosynthesis Chemically Speaking

Words: 1371
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The entire unit is known as a photosytem and in green plants, one finds two of these systems, photosystem I and photosystem II, both of which are involved in…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Chemistry Based on the Fact That Our

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Chemistry Based on the fact that our class focuses on atoms, atomic structure, chemical bonds, nuclear chemistry (radioactivity, nuclear equation, half life, radio isotopes, artificial transmutation, etc.), this article review…

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7 Pages


Chemistry the Many Dimension of Red Is

Words: 2115
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Chemistry The Many Dimension of ed ed is one of the oldest colors known to humans. It is a color that carries with it significant emotional meanings. ed occurs in nature…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Chemistry the Prosperous Autobiography of Phosphorus Greetings

Words: 722
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Chemistry The Prosperous Autobiography of Phosphorus Greetings humans, this message is from your friend, Phosphorus. That's Phosphorus with a "-us" and not an "-ous" and it is often misspelled. I am…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Chemistry When it Comes to Nutrition Terms

Words: 1057
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Chemistry When it comes to nutrition, terms like carbohydrate, lipid, monosaccharide, protein and cholesterol can sound almost like a foreign language. With all the conflicting reports of what affects your…

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3 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Chemistry of Recycling Abstract This

Words: 764
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Recording of observations took place throughout. Results In the first reaction, after adding the KOH solution to the beaker with the clean aluminum strips, the solution turned to a dark…

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4 Pages

Business - Miscellaneous

Chemistry of Vitamin B6 Vitamin

Words: 1384
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

The chemical make up of vitamin B6 has been studied for many years. The isolation of pure crystalline vitamin B6 was first reported in 1935, four years after acknowledgment…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Chemistry Through Veterinary Medicine

Words: 702
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Chemistry Through Veterinary Medicine The Use of Acepromazine to Control Fear and Aggression in Dogs My friend, Kathy, has a dog named Mollie, who is a 4-year-old "rescue dog" that weighs…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Chemistry the Time Traveler

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Chemistry Time Traveler Transported into 100 B.C. Rome with Latin fluency, and comprehension of and in possession of 21st century knowledge; the task of dazzling the Roman Senate with the…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Chemistry - Depleted Uranium Is

Words: 328
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" Because depleted Uranium is a toxic metal, it remains dangerous to the environment and its inhabitants long after the cessation of hostilities in which it is used. Furthermore, on…

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1 Pages


Chemistry Air Monitoring Provides the Following Contaminant

Words: 355
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Chemistry Air monitoring provides the following contaminant concentrations at the approximate center of a fire scene in which acres of automobile tires are burning: Carbon monoxide @ 1700 ppm; Carbon…

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2 Pages


Chemistry Alzheimer's The Disease & Medication Alzheimer's

Words: 628
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Chemistry Alzheimer's: The Disease & Medication Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is a kind of dementia; it is, in fact, the most frequently occurring form of dementia. Alzheimer's Diseases is named for the…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Chemistry Is Doing More Than

Words: 1275
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

hen the drug penicillin finds the bacteria, penicillin blocks the bacteria's ability to produce this chemical, making it impossible for the bacteria to perform respiration. Numerous other drugs…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Miscellaneous

Chemistry - Rising Yeast Chemistry

Words: 666
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Demonstrating the Carbon Dioxide Content of Gaseous Yeast Digestive Byproducts: To demonstrate that the gas produced by yeast is carbon dioxide, the instructor can let students exhale through a straw…

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