Critical Review Essays (Examples)

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Without outside knowledge of Stalingrad, it is unlikely that a reader
of Stalingrad by Antony eevor would truly grasp the impact and unreal
brutalities of this conflict. Watching a ten second black and video of the
battle being waged in the streets of the decimated city would more
effectively help one understand the nature of Stalingrad. eevor is unable
to capture the reality for the reader and this is only one area where
Stalingrad falls short. It falls short also by the lack of portrayal of
the bigger picture. Sure eevor depicts the events leading up to
Stalingrad, and he has researched and writes about why the battle was
fought where it was fought. ut these are all technical aspects that
eevor accomplishes, but the emotional aspects are lacking.
This would be fine, if it was not for the fact that eevor does seek
merely to relay the facts but to depict the distance and mistakes of two
egotistical and often maniacal dictators.….

Desperate Passage Critical Review
ronically, one of the most often recounted stories centered around the pioneer trek to California is that of the group of 87 American pioneers known as the Donner Party. The wagons left in May, 1846 and opted to try a new, faster route through Utah and Nevada which slowed their progress and resulted in a loss of wagons, horses, and cattle. Hoping to be in California by September, the delay trapped them in the snowy Sierra Nevada Mountains by early November. Most of the stayed in three cabins that were already on the route, but as food ran low, 15 members attempted to reach California on snowshoes. Rescue attempts originating in California were delayed because of the Mexican-American War and harsh weather. Of the 15 members who set out wearing snowshoes only seven survived by resorting to cannibalism. n February, 1847, the first rescue group reached the….

Finkielman et al. (2003)
In a study conduction by the Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care at the Haukeland University Hospital in Norway which was a follow-up of after intensive care with objectives of research of "health problems, quality of life, functional status, and memory" Kvale et al. (2003) following intensive care. Findings in brief were that further research is needed to fully understand exactly how the many psychosocial and physical possibilities of problems after a stay in the ICU are specifically related to and resulting from that stay. Kvale et al. (2003)

In the study "Leaving the Intensive Care Unit: A Phenomenological study of the Patient's Experience" conducted by the elfast School of Nursing and Midwifery at Queen's University in the UK, McKinney et al. (2002) states that the study was focused on that which is termed "relocation stress" and is a phenomenon not examined fully or thoroughly understood in….

The processes individuals select to determine whether something is just as subjective as using cohesivism or evidence based approaches to determine whether a belief or idea is justified or not. Wood also points out how great a debate exists as to whether justification can be internally or externally produced. Internalists tend to suggest that people may have introspective access to their justified beliefs.
eflections Chapter 6

This chapter helps some up some of the ideas presented by Wood thus far, suggesting that some suggest success is related to reliability when tracking truth according to Wood, whereas others rely on adequate evidence to support their beliefs and still others suggest that beliefs must cohere with one another to be just and true. This chapter is very helpful in creating a foundation for ones own beliefs and principles. In my case I would suggest relaying on evidence based approach when working with others….

Stephen R. Cover
Critical review:

Covey, Stephen. First Things First. Simon & Schuster, 1995.

At first, Stephen Covey's 1995 book First Things First strikes the reader as a curious mix of self-help and time management advice. Gradually, however, it becomes clear upon reading this text that in Covey's eyes, effective time management and self-actualization are linked. Only if people have a strong sense of their goals and moral 'true north' can they prioritize tasks in an effective manner. The nature of modern life demands that people multi-task and deal with a great deal of overstimulation on a daily basis. Through Covey's simple yet revolutionary technique, he hopes that the reader will never say: "I would love to do x, y, and z, but I simply don't have the time."

According to Covey, one of the reasons that people become overwhelmed and do not use their time efficiently is because they do not understand….

Generating Hypothesis/esearch Question
Systematic and critical reviews

The long established concepts and specialists reports have progressively been substituted by more organized reviews on the basis of latest researches (Heming and Brereton, 2009). An effort is made to maintain the same standards of researches that were previously maintained, by these organized reviews (Hemingway and Brereton, 2009). Findings on which the review is based should be properly expressed so that the data can be utilized again if needed (Hemingway and Brereton, 2009).

eviews and researches, based on systematic studies aim to:

Classify all the data which is available on the subject.

Make a superior selection for preparation of report.

Evaluate the standard of research studies.

Compose the results by impartial methods

Understand what the findings mean and depict a well rounded and an unbiased picture of the conclusions while giving sufficient attention to the mistakes present in the proof gathered (Hemingway and Brereton, 2009).

Numerous researches lay emphasis on correction….

For example, "Out on the lake, for example, calling and voices are heard within the mist almost detached from Gray and Gisele. The mist dissolves all boundaries between themselves and the point of landing, creating a space which seems infinite but in which one is contained. As viewers, we, too, become contained within this space and share the characters' experience of blocked vision and of doubled and repeated echoes" (Sayers & illiams 41).
Figure 1. Still from Vampyr (1932).

Source: Sayers & illiams 41.

This eerie use of mist and blend of light and dark to create a surreal atmosphere as shown in Figure 1 above added a supernatural feel to the production that modern reviewers admire for its relevance and effectiveness. For example, "Given that vampires usually inhabit night and remain covered during the day, it is significant that this mist shrouds the point between appearance and disappearance, similar to the….

Indeed, Durer's woodcut has become so famous that it may have influenced the tendency to see the first white horseman in a more negative than a positive light, underscoring the power and influence of representational Biblical art upon popular theology and the collective cultural religious imagination. Of course, the fact that the other horsemen are so negative in their apparent intentions towards humanity, as the second horseman, riding the red horse, seems to be representative of war, the third horseman on the black horse seems to spread famine, and the fourth horseman on the pale horse is explicitly named death, further contribute to the sense that collectively, all four figures are destructive.
In the print, three of the powerful riders on their white, red, and black horses gallop at the forefront of the work. The white horses' rider holds a bow and wears a medieval, peaked hat towards the background,….

neural activations that are related to perceived body form, anxiousness and the outcomes that follow the same when it comes to teenage patients that have anorexia nervosa. ather than just regurgitate and restate what is already stated in the article, there will instead be a critical analysis and review of what is being said, how valid it seems to be and what questions might be important to answer next. While synthesizing the conception and treatment of mental health disorders can be hard to pull off, it is something that needs to be done given the implications and stakes involved.
The article starts off by stating some of the more widely known issues and factors surrounding anorexia nervosa, inclusive of the fact that it is a mindset whereby the suffering patient feels that they are fat and overweight even if they are the picture of health or even too skinny as….

Critical Thinking Application
"Every job, and every company, can benefit from critical thinking" (Pauker, 2010). Pauker makes this assertion with good reason. In considering this argument, Pauker suggests taking a second to think about any job, and the daily responsibilities and decisions that people need to make. She argues that if one considers the margin of error that could ultimately cost a company a project, a client, profits or even its reputation, it is clear how dependent every company is on its employees' ability to execute critical thinking in every position. Pauker concludes that, after several days of pondering, she could not come up with any job that would not benefit from critical thinking. She supports this conclusion by quoting a survey of 400 senior H professionals who, when asked what skills their employees will need in the next five years, put critical thinking skills at the top of the list….

Such an example cannt be refuted withut statistical research t make an argument against
Urmetzer, and thus his arguments refuting the impact f glbalizatin n
eliminating the natin-state's svereignty are strengthened.
This sets up Urmetzer's primary pint, and the thesis f his argument-
it is a myth that because f glbalizatin "natinal brders have becme s
prus that gvernments are n lnger able t prperly manage their wn
affairs" (Urmetzer 2005: 123). In the case f Canada, a welfare state,
Urmetzer even maintains glbalizatin strengthens the welfare state. T
reach this pint, and t prve that ecnmic freedm des nt ultimately
cmpletely eliminate plitical pwer frm the ecnmic spectrum, Urmetzter
evaluates the effects f glbalizatin n the different prgrams f
gvernment invlvement within the ecnmy. Fr example, in regards t the
afrementined welfare-state services, Urmetzer ntes hw this is an ften
verlked aspect t glbalizatin (Urmetzer 2005: 142). By tuching n
subjects typically verlked, Urmetzer strengthens his argument.
Furthermre, he evaluates welfare-state spending n educatin,….

Critical Thinking for Homeland Security
Everyone navigates their way through the world using a set of preconceived ideas, stereotypes, notions and beliefs concerning how things work and how others will behave in any given situation. Not surprisingly, many people are surprised and even shocked to learn that some of the things they have firmly believed to be true all of their lives are inaccurate or even false. These frailties of the human condition mean that the search for the truth is ongoing and learning how to find it represents a critical part of the skill set needed in the 21st century. This paper provides a discussion and comparison of "elements of truth" and the "right questions" that should be asked in any given situation to discern the facts, followed by a summary of the research and important findings concerning these issues in the conclusion.

eview and Discussion

Not only does every side have….

Critical Thinking Action Project
The assumptions that can be reached through deductive reasoning -- that there are most definitely problems between the home office and the foreign office; and that the two offices have different objectives -- are certainly not rocket science. These kinds of problems create tension and conflict, which detract from the objectives and mission of ExtraVert. The solution (or solutions) to the problem presented by this assignment -- what has gone wrong with ExtraVert and can the problem be solved -- will be presented in this paper. Solutions can almost always be arrived at if careful, thoughtful, thorough understanding and courtesy is the strategy and theme of the problem-solving project.

Cultural Differences and Constructive Behaviors

Clearly, with any global operation, there needs to be clear-cut communication established between the home office and the foreign office -- or offices, if there is more than one foreign unit as part of the….

Critical Thinking for Homeland Security
The objective of the article is to question the credibility of the decision adopting by the Bush's administration on North Korea due to claims that it (North Korea) was constructing a Uranium plant. Based on the universal structures of thought by Elder and Paul, it is apparent that the question at issue in the presented case is the credibility of the decision taken by the U.S. government towards North Korea. The U.S. believed that the North Korean state was in its quest of building a nuclear power plant secretly without the awareness of the U.S. As such, it promoted to U.S. To adopt sanctions against the North Korea such as suspending its deals with the state. The U.S. depended on unreliable information since up-to-date it has not verified the existence of a Uranium plant in North Korea as speculated by the report.

The decision adopted by the….

2002). This paper's focus will be on the CPM and PET methodologies.
The ockfest event has 26 tasks, each conveniently denoted by a letter in the alphabet. Having drawn up the Critical Path and analyzed it, I found the following. The Critical Path starts with task A, continues with B, D, E, F, G, and finally O. The time it takes to complete these tasks is 34 weeks. That is approximately eight and a half months. You will notice that the Critical Path does not include myriad tasks. That is because these tasks can be completed while the Critical Path tasks are being implemented.

Now, if, for instance, task B, or "select a local printer" took two more weeks than planned, how would a project manager handle the problem? I argue that the best thing to do, since task B. is part of the Critical Path, is begin crashing tasks until….

We are assuming that your question is how you critically explore how the ideas of leadership and partnership practice would help you to address the challenges in corporate social responsibility.  Many people are uncertain how to write a critical review or critical evaluation, because the approach is somewhat different than what you would find in standard lower-level academic writing.

To write a critique, it is important to understand that the academic definition of critical is not the same as the lay definition of critical.   For the layperson, the word critical tends to be negative. However, from an academic....

What an excellent question!  In fact, one of the things we encourage students to do is make sure that they understand what an assignment is asking them to do before tackling the assignment.  A critical review is an analysis of material that you are exploring, which involves you examining its strengths and weaknesses and putting those together in a cohesive argument about the merits and deficits of the material as a whole. 

Critical reviews can be used in almost any area of academic study, though the approach for a critical review will vary according to the subject and....

1. The two theoretical perspectives behind research are the positivist perspective and the interpretivist perspective.

- Positivist perspective: This perspective focuses on the idea that knowledge can be gained through objective observation and measurement. Positivists believe that there is an objective reality that can be studied and understood through empirical evidence and scientific methods.

- Interpretivist perspective: This perspective emphasizes the importance of understanding the subjective meanings and interpretations that individuals attach to their experiences. Interpretivists believe that reality is socially constructed and that individuals' interpretations of the world are shaped by their unique perspectives, beliefs, and values.

2. Research question: How....

The Diverted Profit Tax (DPT) in UK Literature
The Diverted Profit Tax (DPT), introduced in the UK in 2015, aims to address the issue of multinational corporations (MNCs) diverting profits to low-tax jurisdictions to avoid paying taxes in the countries where the profits are generated. This literature review examines the impact of the DPT on MNCs operating in the UK.
1. Overview of the Diverted Profit Tax
The DPT is a 25% tax that applies to profits that have been artificially shifted out of the UK by MNCs. A company is subject to the DPT if it has a UK taxable presence and....

5 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Critical Review of Stalingrad by

Words: 1847
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Without outside knowledge of Stalingrad, it is unlikely that a reader of Stalingrad by Antony eevor would truly grasp the impact and unreal brutalities of this conflict. Watching a ten second…

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2 Pages
Book Review


Desperate Passage Critical Review Ironically One of

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Book Review

Desperate Passage Critical Review ronically, one of the most often recounted stories centered around the pioneer trek to California is that of the group of 87 American pioneers known as…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Nursing Comparative Critical Review to

Words: 3585
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Finkielman et al. (2003) In a study conduction by the Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care at the Haukeland University Hospital in Norway which was a follow-up of after…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Ethics

Epistemology Critical Review of Jay

Words: 2159
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The processes individuals select to determine whether something is just as subjective as using cohesivism or evidence based approaches to determine whether a belief or idea is justified…

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2 Pages

Family and Marriage

Stephen R Cover Critical Review Covey Stephen

Words: 636
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Stephen R. Cover Critical review: Covey, Stephen. First Things First. Simon & Schuster, 1995. At first, Stephen Covey's 1995 book First Things First strikes the reader as a curious mix of…

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9 Pages


Generating Hypothesis Research Question Systematic and Critical Reviews

Words: 3450
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

Generating Hypothesis/esearch Question Systematic and critical reviews The long established concepts and specialists reports have progressively been substituted by more organized reviews on the basis of latest researches (Heming and…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Vampyr 1932 Critical Review of

Words: 2122
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

For example, "Out on the lake, for example, calling and voices are heard within the mist almost detached from Gray and Gisele. The mist dissolves all boundaries between…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Horsemen Critical Review The Four

Words: 1062
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Indeed, Durer's woodcut has become so famous that it may have influenced the tendency to see the first white horseman in a more negative than a positive light,…

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2 Pages
Article Review


Anorexia Nervosa and Brain

Words: 734
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Review

neural activations that are related to perceived body form, anxiousness and the outcomes that follow the same when it comes to teenage patients that have anorexia nervosa. ather…

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4 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Critical Thinking Application Every Job and Every

Words: 1207
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Critical Thinking Application "Every job, and every company, can benefit from critical thinking" (Pauker, 2010). Pauker makes this assertion with good reason. In considering this argument, Pauker suggests taking a…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Review Globalization Unplugged in Globalization

Words: 2513
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Such an example cannt be refuted withut statistical research t make an argument against Urmetzer, and thus his arguments refuting the impact f glbalizatin n eliminating the natin-state's svereignty are strengthened. This…

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3 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Critical Thinking in the 21st Century

Words: 787
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Critical Thinking for Homeland Security Everyone navigates their way through the world using a set of preconceived ideas, stereotypes, notions and beliefs concerning how things work and how others will…

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2 Pages


Critical Thinking Action Project the Assumptions That

Words: 692
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Critical Thinking Action Project The assumptions that can be reached through deductive reasoning -- that there are most definitely problems between the home office and the foreign office; and that…

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3 Pages
Article Review

History - Asian

Critical Thinking for Homeland Security

Words: 1009
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article Review

Critical Thinking for Homeland Security The objective of the article is to question the credibility of the decision adopting by the Bush's administration on North Korea due to claims that…

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3 Pages
Marketing Plan

Business - Management

Critical Path Method and Its

Words: 1131
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Marketing Plan

2002). This paper's focus will be on the CPM and PET methodologies. The ockfest event has 26 tasks, each conveniently denoted by a letter in the alphabet. Having drawn…

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