Dating Violence Essays (Examples)

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Peers exert more influence on each other during their adolescent years than at any other time. esearch carried out shows that peer attitudes and behaviors are critical influences on teen attitudes and behaviors related to dating violence. Friends are not only influential, but they are also more likely to be "on the scene" and are a key element in a couple's social life. oughly all the adolescent dating violence takes place in the presence of a third party. In teenage relationships, the relationship dynamics often play out in a very public way because a lot of teens spend a large portion of their time in school and in groups.
A boyfriend or girlfriend may act differently when in the presence of peers in a behavior viewed by adolescents as characteristic of a relationship that is unhealthy. For instance, boys in one focus group study said that if a girl hit….

Young people had always danced as a means of socializing with one another. However, prior to the 1950s, it was considered appropriate for a girl to dance with a variety of partners, even if she came to a dance with a particular young man. By the mid-1950s, views changed, and it was considered insulting to cut-in on someone else's date (Sombat). In addition, rock and roll, which featured more suggestive lyrics than prior forms of music, seemed to encourage casual sexual contact between men and women. Rock music has only grown more suggestive with time, as have rock stars, helping create a popular culture that thrives on marketing sexuality.
Part of these changing attitudes was reflected in the sexual behavior of teenagers in the 1950s. Modern people have an image of the 1950s as a chaste and innocent time. However, sexual relations changed dramatically in the 1950s, even before the….

Given that people engage in sporting events for a wide range of reasons, the authors assert that it is time for athletes to develop a moral code that embraces higher standards of conduct that will help reverse these recent trends and once again provide American sports with a sense of fair play and respect.
Fredenburg, Karen, Rafer Lutz, Glenn Miller et al. (2005). "Dismissals and Perceptions of Pressure in Coaching in Texas High Schools: Similarities and Differences with Previous Studies Show the Contemporary Face of Coaching Pressure." JOPERD-- The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance 76(1):29.

In this essay, the authors report that there have been a number of recent studies and reports that suggest that the pressure in high school sports is growing, rather than declining. The authors cite an article in Sports Illustrated that described the alarming trends of parental misbehavior at youth sport events. The president of….

One group will consist of those with childhood abuse experience while the other group will consist of respondents who do not have childhood abuse experience. This grouping is done to achieve the objective of assessing whether respondents with abusive histories really posses a starkly different view of the family. Both groups shall consist of male and female adults, aged 26-55 years old. For the purpose for this research, those belonging to the abused groups will be those have experienced childhood sexual and/or physical abuse.
esearch Protocol

In terms of the research ethics, the respondents will be assured of their anonymity through verbal and written means. Before the start of the interview, the author will present to them a letter assuring them that all the information that they will be disclosing will solely be used for academic purposes. They will also be asked to choose a name or alias that will instead….

dating in the United States, and how technology has affected dating in the last 50 years. Specifically, it will express the impact of technology over the past 50 years on dating patterns of "young adults" (ages 13-30 depending on the social norm of the decade). Dating has always been a ritual for young adults to find themselves and discover their sexuality while trying out potential long-term mates. Today, dating, and how young people date, has changed considerably due to advances in technology. Technology has changed dating tremendously in the last 50 years, and yet, one thing remains the same. Dating is a young adult ritual that helps prepare them for the relationships of adulthood, and that, no matter what changes on the outside, will continue to be a constant in dating today, and in the future.
Technology and its Affect on Dating in the U.S.

It is not surprising that dating….

S1 - No

S2 - No

S3 - No

Rational - This question is intended to determine whether other forms of abuse occur within teenage social relationship even more frequently than actual physical abuse or face-to-face verbal abuse. Had any of the subjects answered affirmatively, that would have suggested specific follow-up questions to explore the issues raised.

6. Have any of your friends ever been the victim of stalking-type of behavior? If yes, through what medium (in person, by phone, via Internet, etc.)? Also, how many people do you know personally who have ever been victimized in this way?

S1 - Yes; four

S2 - Yes; two

S3 - Yes; four

Rational - This question provides a comparison to the subjects in the Claiborne study.

It also expands the anecdotal data to include three separate peer groups.

7. Have you ever before (today) discussed the issue of violence or abuse in relationships with your parents or other adults?

S1 - No


Teenage Girls Involved in Abusive Dating elationships
Aggression in teenage dating leading to physical, emotional and psychological damage is a social problem not only because of its effects on the teenagers but also because of its prevalence.

Howard and Qi Wang (2003) report figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showing that overall the prevalence of non-sexual courtship violence ranges from 9% to 65%, depending on the definitions and research methods used. Howard and Qi Wang's study reported "almost one in ten of the 9th- through 12th-grade females who participated in the 1999 Youth isk Behavior Survey reported being a victim of physical dating violence (i.e., had been hit, slapped, or physically hurt on purpose) within the past year." Further studies and figures report that about one in five of adolescent girls has experienced dating violence. Some of the physically abusive behaviors perpetrated in dating include being scratched, slapped, slammed….

Domestic Violence in the Latina Community
Domestic violence is an ongoing issue that experienced worldwide. Many of the victims of domestic violence are women. Although women experience domestic violence regardless of culture or societal norms, certain populations may experience a higher incidence of domestic violence than others. Latinas exist in a culture that values male dominance. Such a culture places women as having to serve the man and behave in an obedient and submissive manner. By adhering to these ideas of masculinity and femininity, the imbalance of power can lead to increased occurrence of domestic violence. Although Latinas have made strides in recognizing and fighting domestic violence, many still do not recognize domestic violence when they encounter. This essay aims to help identify why Latinas may not recognize or report domestic violence, why domestic violence occurs in the Latina community, and greater recognition of domestic violence amongst Latinas.

In "Prevalence, Perpetrators, and….

Victims of Intimate Violence: Laci Peterson and Minh Dang
Domestic violence is prevalent in the modern world. In the United States, one out of four women, suffer emotional or physical violence in the arms of a close partner. There are scores of causes of domestic violence among them frustration, poverty, social and environmental aspects. Women and girls are predominate victims of domestic violence which leads to murder, emotional pain, psychological trauma and physical suffering. In this regard, this paper assesses the Laci Peterson's case that involved her, her unborn child and her husband, Scott Peterson. The paper also evaluates the Ming Dang's case that entails her and her family who sexually, emotionally, psychological and physically abused her since when she was three-years old and eventually sold her as a sex slave when she was barely ten-years old. The paper links the two cases, though different, into intimate domestic violence defined as….

Each day, thousands of New Yorkers experience violence at the hands of someone they love. But only a fraction of victims know where to get help" (p. 3).
Moreover, many domestic violence victims are coerced by the perpetrators into not testifying against them. In this regard, Glaberson (2011) reports that, "The defendants in domestic violence cases are in constant contact with their victims, and they use various means and methods to try to have the case dropped. Many of them cannot seem to stop themselves from sweet-talking, confessing to, berating and threatening . . . The women they were charged with abusing" (p. 3). Because even abusive relationships can be strong, some women who have experienced domestic violence -- even many times -- may be reluctant to prosecute their spouses or partners. In some cases, domestic violence shelters encourage abused partners to seek formal divorces in order to facilitate the….

Gender and Domestic Violence
Discussions of domestic violence almost always implicate modern gender norms because of the assumption that gender norms overtly and subtly promote the idea of violence against women. First, social roles about masculinity mean that, almost across cultures, it is the male role to protect and provide for the family, which includes an element of control over female family members. Next, there is the notion that some societies or social subgroups may normalize domestic violence, which does not appear to be true. Instead, gender norms suggesting that women have less relative worth than men promote domestic violence, and exist across most modern cultures. Therefore, addressing areas of basic gender inequality should help reduce the rate of intimate partner violence. Increasing access to education, not only for females but also for their male partners, has been linked with a reduction in domestic violence. educing the age gap between female….

(Domestic Violence: Why Does it Happen? And How Can it Be Stopped) pastor or a priest may try and approach a domestic violence issue from a religious perspective, as these are primary for any religious person. The importance of dealing with the concerns for shelter, safety, intervention and treatment may have only secondary consideration. The view may be that once these people set things right with God things will become fine. This view discounts the fact that the other domestic issues are also important. Domestic violence is complicated and potentially dangerous and these ordinary concerns represent immediate and crucial needs. eligious concerns of a priest or pastor could become stumbling blocks or utility resources, when dealing with domestic violence as these concerns are at the core of many people's lives. The results will depend on how these are utilized. (a Commentary on eligious Issues in Family Violence)
In domestic violence….

Domectic Violence in the United States
Domestic Violence in the United States: A esearch Proposal

Domestic Violence in the United States:

Domestic violence is not a new phenomenon associated with modern times. It has been a common occurrence throughout history. From a social/cultural point-of-view, the woman was considered the property of the man and his duty was to discipline her and the children (and slaves/servants) with thorough beatings. Consistent with eighteenth-century English common law, the only concerns about this related to the thickness of the stick that the law allowed for the beatings. Although there were some earlier unenforced laws against spousal abuse, it was only as recently as the 1970s that the U.S. justice system began to view the problem with any seriousness and consideration of domestic violence as a crime. Until that time, social services for the victims of domestic violence were almost nonexistent (Bronfman, et al., 2005).


There have been substantial….

Ferguson wrongly assumes that the one who initiates violence must also be worthy of it. This is a way of saying that domestic violence can be justified as long as the partner who initiated has enough reasons to do so. In my opinion, domestic violence is always wrong and can never be justified. If one partner has transgressed or if one of them fails to earn or usually squanders money, then alternatives to violence must be sought. In our times, many alternatives are available including marriage counseling, couple therapy, intervention of family and friends and then of course divorce which should be seen as the last resort. To use violence in order to maintain authority is a sign of weakness and also indicates a weak, lopsided marriage. Marriage or any relationship for that matter must be based on two people's willingness to stay with each other. If one partner is….

Each 911 call reporting an assault by a family member or member of the household will be considered a domestic violence incident. Income will be determined by looking at the tax records for the individuals listed as the tenant or owner of the location identified in the 911-telephone call. The phone calls will be tracked, and the researcher will determine how many of those phone calls end up in a conviction. Because domestic violence offenders can frequently plead-down, any conviction stemming from the alleged family violence incident will be considered a domestic violence conviction for the purposes of the study.
After collecting six months worth of initial phone calls, and tracking the resolution of those calls through the legal system, the researcher will correlate the number of calls attributable to each member of a socioeconomic group with income to determine whether domestic violence varies with income. After making that determination,….

The topic of violence is a broad one because violence is persuasive in our society, there are competing theories about the causes of violence, and violence begins to impact people at a very young age.  According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, there are eight types of violence children may be exposed to or experience: bullying, child maltreatment, community violence, domestic and intimate partner violence, school violence, sexual abuse and sexual violence, sex trafficking, and teen dating violence. These different types of violence not only impact children, but also adults in the community,....

Teen suicide is a one of the biggest health threats to teens.  This may be due to many factors, such as the fact that teenage brains are not fully developed, hormone changes from puberty, teen vulnerability to child abuse or dating violence, or the fact that many mental illnesses begin to emerge in the teenage or young adult years.  Reducing the suicide rate among teens is a consistent public health goal, though there is no guaranteed intervention that will always lead to success.  With social media usage among teens changing the way that teens socialize, there is little....

10 Pages
Research Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Teen Dating Violence Runs Cuts

Words: 3685
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Peers exert more influence on each other during their adolescent years than at any other time. esearch carried out shows that peer attitudes and behaviors are critical influences…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Family and Marriage

Dating Culture in the 1950s

Words: 2386
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Young people had always danced as a means of socializing with one another. However, prior to the 1950s, it was considered appropriate for a girl to dance with…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Violence in American Sports Today

Words: 3564
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Given that people engage in sporting events for a wide range of reasons, the authors assert that it is time for athletes to develop a moral code that…

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7 Pages
Research Proposal

Family and Marriage

Child Abuse and Domestic Violence

Words: 2178
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

One group will consist of those with childhood abuse experience while the other group will consist of respondents who do not have childhood abuse experience. This grouping is…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Technology and the Effect on Dating in the U S

Words: 1803
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

dating in the United States, and how technology has affected dating in the last 50 years. Specifically, it will express the impact of technology over the past 50…

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4 Pages


Human Relationships - Adolescent Dating

Words: 1161
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

)? S1 - No S2 - No S3 - No Rational - This question is intended to determine whether other forms of abuse occur within teenage social relationship even more frequently than actual…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Teenage Girls Abuse in Teen Dating Relationships

Words: 1959
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Teenage Girls Involved in Abusive Dating elationships Aggression in teenage dating leading to physical, emotional and psychological damage is a social problem not only because of its effects on the…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Latin America

Domestic Violence and Violence

Words: 2295
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Domestic Violence in the Latina Community Domestic violence is an ongoing issue that experienced worldwide. Many of the victims of domestic violence are women. Although women experience domestic violence regardless…

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10 Pages

Family and Marriage

Victims of Intimate Violence Laci Peterson and

Words: 2835
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Victims of Intimate Violence: Laci Peterson and Minh Dang Domestic violence is prevalent in the modern world. In the United States, one out of four women, suffer emotional or physical…

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4 Pages

Family and Marriage

Domestic Violence on Children Studies

Words: 1348
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Article

Each day, thousands of New Yorkers experience violence at the hands of someone they love. But only a fraction of victims know where to get help" (p. 3). Moreover,…

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7 Pages

Sports - Women

Gender and Domestic Violence Discussions of Domestic

Words: 2745
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Gender and Domestic Violence Discussions of domestic violence almost always implicate modern gender norms because of the assumption that gender norms overtly and subtly promote the idea of violence against…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Domestic Violence in General and

Words: 2217
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

(Domestic Violence: Why Does it Happen? And How Can it Be Stopped) pastor or a priest may try and approach a domestic violence issue from a religious perspective,…

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8 Pages
Research Proposal

Criminal Justice

Domectic Violence in the United States Domestic

Words: 2471
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Domectic Violence in the United States Domestic Violence in the United States: A esearch Proposal Domestic Violence in the United States: Domestic violence is not a new phenomenon associated with modern times.…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Domestic Violence Is Common in

Words: 598
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ferguson wrongly assumes that the one who initiates violence must also be worthy of it. This is a way of saying that domestic violence can be justified as long…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Domestic Violence and Poverty Appear

Words: 355
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Each 911 call reporting an assault by a family member or member of the household will be considered a domestic violence incident. Income will be determined by looking…

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