Diary Entry Essays (Examples)

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Diary Entries
Diary Entry

When we first start out in the nursing profession, there are often incidents that come about to test our ability to confront challenges head on. While these challenges often take the form of medical emergencies, they can also come from colleagues who may not always act in the patient's best interest. I experienced one such challenge early on in my student nursing career and the way I responded to it has weighed on my mind ever since.

What is the Problem?

As a young student nurse I encountered a man, Mr. A, who was experiencing severe arthritis related pain in his left hip. The discovery of this patient's condition and the ensuing conversation regarding his pain with the registered nurse on duty led to an ethical dilemma when she refused to administer his pain medication. Ultimately, this led to me feeling as though I had let down the patient….

Diary of Urban Dweller
From the Diary of Mr. Praisegod Romney, Merchant of Boston, November 1688.

Today, I witnessed the hanging of the Irish witch, Goodwife Ann Glover, and it inspired in me a desire for closer-self-examination and reflection on my relationship with God, my family and the community of saints here in New England. Goodwife Glover was a woman with an evil reputation who had been sold into slavery in the West Indies with her husband, and he had been put to death there for refusing to renounce his Catholic faith, which of course is all Papist superstition and idolatry. She was accused of bewitching the family of Mr. John Goodwin of Boston, a sober and well-respected citizen of this city, after she and her daughter had been caught stealing from the household. She spoke English only poorly, and out of stubbornness persisted in using the native Irish language, which few….

Entry Three met some non-Christians today and prayed for them because I believe that all persons can and should know the power of God's love. Praying for the salvation of others is important because it may lead those people to Jesus. If Jesus opens a door and they do not enter, then I still completed the work of God by keeping them in my prayers. Because I know not to judge others, I had to later say the Lord's Prayer and put the fate of all non-Christians in God's hands. I thought about all the times I have judged others for one reason or another. Instead of praying that a person find Jesus and become a Christian, I blessed them in the name of Jesus. In that way, all persons can receive the blessing of God.

Therefore, today I prayed to "judge not, lest ye be judged." I read my Bible….

U.S. ar in Iraq
Mental Decadence

A number of strikingly poignant similarities exist in the short stories composed by A.B. Yehoshua, "Facing the Forests," and Lu Xun, "A Madman's Diary." The most eminent of these, however, pertains to the thematic issues that both authors choose to deal with within these works, which is the degeneration of or loss of sanity incurred within the central protagonists. Stylistically, of course, the author's take two different paths to illustrate this common theme, as Xun does so via the first-person narrative of a diary of a young man, whereas Yehoshua adopts s somewhat more conventional approach of utilizing a third-person narrative that is every bit as impersonal as the former is intimate.

In such a way do these works of literature painstakingly portray the inexorable process of a loss of center, which is actually the gradual dissolution of mental coherence that is at once inexorable and terrifying.


Diary of a Main Character

October 23rd
Big confession here: when I was ten, I had a party at my parent's. Store-bought cake with pink icing, Snoopy paper plates, pinata, games, favor cups, the whole middle-class nine yards. And I liked it.

8. November 3rd

My dad says I'm changing. hile slurping his spaghetti this evening he couldn't understand why I wasn't that excited about some dumb award he won for an article he published in a journal but I thought it was majorly cool that an/the Olsen twin(s) were in his class.

9. December 1st

Sophie M -- at first I didn't know what to think about the Hollywood connection, and I know hitney thought even less about it, but now that she knows that there can be two queen bees (in different ways) at Tate, things seem to be going a bit smoother. Just call me the peacemaker, okay? Hey, maybe someone will send ME a prize….

" His taking pleasue in Tune's discontent is quite amusing. Also humoous is a misfied gun in the enty of 23 Octobe, 1660.
The last few yeas of diay enties include efeences to histoical events including the skimishes with the Dutch, the London plague, and the London fie. Theefoe, the Samuel Pepys diay has become a vital piece of histoiogaphy, offeing fisthand accounts of events that did affect people in thei daily lives. Reades will find these accounts compelling, as Samuel Pepys wites about them with specific details. What makes Samuel Pepys' account seem moden and contempoay hee is that he wites about seious histoical events in plain language. Pepys is not attempting to be a jounalist any moe than a moden blogge is. Yet just as a moden blogge does ty to achieve honesty in self-expession, Pepys also undestands the notion of ceating a valuable diay enty. Whethe o not….

Diary of a Young Girl

Sontag actually experienced warfare from a first-hand perspective and even though she appreciates that many people try to condemn war by making use of pictures and stories, she believes that it is immature to adopt such attitudes. From her perspective, it would be impossible for a person to provide others with a chance to understand what warfare is as long as the respective individuals do not experience it themselves.

Being sad, horrified, and sharing other people's pain does not actually mean that a person knows what warfare really feels like. An individual cannot possibly be able to comprehend the horrible nature of war until he is actually present in one. The problem with only being familiar with warfare from pictures and books is that people find it difficult to see the general nature of warfare because they only focus on particular aspects of it.

Anne Frank's diary is impressive and is likely….

Tradition and Modernity in "A Madman's Diary"
During Lu Xun's time, China was witnessing a landmark political and economic change. This was the time for the popular May Fourth Movement in 1919 following the announcement of the terms of the Versailles Treaty that concluded WWI. At this time, the Chinese society was oppressive and feudalistic. The elite fed off the labors of those below them thus destroying their souls. Those in leadership took advantage of the led that lived in abject poverty and without a political voice. The author seems to associate cannibalism with such prevalent social conditions. As much as the madman's reasoning is flawed, his lunacy points at the social, economic as well as political reality of the time. First, the story begins with different mode where the narrator introduces the diary. It appears as though this is a preface and the point at which the narrator distances….

competitive market environment that Victorian Diary Giant operates by answering four questions in the case. Victorian Diary operates under the perfect competitive market. In the last few years, the firm has cut the milk prices by 8.5% making the new price to move to $4.50 per kilogram leaving farmers at break-even level because of the glut of the milk in the world markets. While 8.5% cut of price is relatively good, however, the struggling famers does not achieve much comfort from the new price.
Competition occurs when there is a rivalry among firms producing similar products. In the competitive environment, firms always try to take away the market shares of other firms. However, a perfect competitive market is the kind of market where firms are price taker. The following requirements operate in a perfect competitive market:

Firms operating in the market produce identical products,

There are no barrier to enter the market,


Cap OCD Dear Diary Okay

I don't understand it, it happens all the time -- a half-way decent looking girl gets a vision of a bald shiny statuette, and it's off with the lip gloss and suddenly she's making like Angelina Jolie in some sweaty country on a bad hair day.
More info on the secret room tomorrow, but I'm getting a way important IM right now, so I'll wrap it up.

Massie Block

Letter 1: Main Character to Secondary Character

Fourth Period

Dear Claire:

What's up with the new look (should I call it that)? I understand that you're trying to seriously pursue your acting art, but acting like someone who doesn't know the difference between Juicy Couture and Juicy tracksuits is no way to go! Can't you concentrate your energies on something that's really important, like finding the key to the secret room before Skye has taken up residence there for good? She'll be ordering furniture from the….

Personal Social Media Audit
Reflective observation

Abstract conceptualization

Most used websites

Device used

Time of the day using a specific website

Active experimentation

The usage of social media depends on the personal interests and priorities. There are various websites, blogs, content communities, and gaming zones categorized as internet-based social media. The users of social media often do not realize their patterns and number of hours spent in using social media. In order to understand the usage information a seven days diary was maintained. The analysis of diary entries provided an in-depth understanding of the situation. The reflection of observations, assessment of the findings and active experimentation is presented below.

Reflective observation:

Social media comprises of electronic tools, applications, websites, and various community-based blogs that attract the users. The users also utilize their email and contact numbers to share their profile information with contacts. It is also a medium that has increased social reach of its users and as a….

Nazi persecution of Jews

Nazis decided to commit genocide. Was this always Hitler's intention from the beginning? If not, why and when did it change? If so, why the various policy changes? Please illustrate your answer with specific historical examples.
While the process of killing a lot of people in a dedicated and concentrated fashion might seem easy enough, that was far from being the case. One method that was ruled out right away was the use of bullets due to the cost and time involved. There was also deemed to be a toll on the soldiers committing the killing. In terms of process, the Nazis went so far as to actually engage in tests. For example, they tested using carbon monoxide and cyanide gas. The early "guinea pigs" were Russian prisoners and mental patients. Expulsion was considered as well but the expansion of the country made this a hard sell because invading other countries,….

The novel "Dracula" was written by Irish author Bram Stoker in 1897. Set in nineteenth-century Victorian England and other countries of the same time, this novel is told in an epistolary format through a collection of letters, diary entries etc. The main characters include Count Dracula and a small group of men and women led by Dr. Van Helsing. Count Dracula is the antagonist character of the novel, and is a vampire. The group of men and women led by Dr. Van Helsing are the main protagonist characters. The novel talks about Count Dracula's endeavor to relocate from Transylvania to England, and his demise. The story begins with an English lawyer, Jonathan Harker, visiting Dracula's castle to assist him with some real estate issues. During his stay in the castle, Harker discovers that the Count is a vampire and barely escapes with his life. Then the narrative turns into a….

Lumen and Absorb Team Case Study
At Crutchfield, there are two elite technology development teams. They are both vital to the development of products, but they are also different in their creativity and motivation. The Lumen team is very highly motivated, while the Absorb team has the lowest motivation out of all five of the groups that Burke oversees. Naturally, this was a serious concern for Burke and for others at Crutchfield. Since there has been a recent restructuring and a large round of layoffs, some of the current thinking is that the employees are not comfortable and do not feel safe in their jobs. However, all of the team members that are currently working at Crutchfield in the teams experienced the same things, so it seems odd that one team would be excelling while other teams - most notably the Absorb team - are floundering. Overall, it is this extreme….

McPherson also points out that following the Union victory at Laurel Hill, McClellan was given the responsibility of training the newly-named Army of the Potomac at Washington, D.C. Upon arriving in the city, McClellan "found no army to command, only a mere collection of regiments, perfectly raw and dispirited... " He then "took hold with a firm hand to reorganize and train these troops" which demonstrates his excellent skills as an organizer and administrator, two very important traits for a general. In response, national newspapers hailed McClellan as "the man to save his country... And talked of him as the next President." This praise "went to his head and came to regard himself" as a master over Lincoln and every other high-ranking military officer. McPherson refers to this as McClellan's "Messiah complex" which seems quite accurate, especially since McClellan said to Lincoln that "I can do it all" in….

6 Pages

Health - Nursing

Diary Entries Diary Entry When We First

Words: 1860
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Diary Entries Diary Entry When we first start out in the nursing profession, there are often incidents that come about to test our ability to confront challenges head on. While…

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4 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Diary Entry of Early Urban Dweller

Words: 1330
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Diary of Urban Dweller From the Diary of Mr. Praisegod Romney, Merchant of Boston, November 1688. Today, I witnessed the hanging of the Irish witch, Goodwife Ann Glover, and it inspired…

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17 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Prayer Diary Entry One Remembered

Words: 5975
Length: 17 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Entry Three met some non-Christians today and prayed for them because I believe that all persons can and should know the power of God's love. Praying for the salvation…

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5 Pages


Diary of a Madman and Facing the Forests

Words: 1659
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

U.S. ar in Iraq Mental Decadence A number of strikingly poignant similarities exist in the short stories composed by A.B. Yehoshua, "Facing the Forests," and Lu Xun, "A Madman's Diary." The…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Communication - Journalism

Diary of a Main Character

Words: 712
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

October 23rd Big confession here: when I was ten, I had a party at my parent's. Store-bought cake with pink icing, Snoopy paper plates, pinata, games, favor cups, the…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Samuel Pepys Diary Especially in

Words: 1540
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" His taking pleasue in Tune's discontent is quite amusing. Also humoous is a misfied gun in the enty of 23 Octobe, 1660. The last few yeas of diay enties…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Diary of a Young Girl

Words: 873
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Sontag actually experienced warfare from a first-hand perspective and even though she appreciates that many people try to condemn war by making use of pictures and stories, she believes…

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3 Pages


Tradition and Modernity in A Madman's Diary

Words: 804
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Tradition and Modernity in "A Madman's Diary" During Lu Xun's time, China was witnessing a landmark political and economic change. This was the time for the popular May Fourth…

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5 Pages


Competitive Market Environment That Victorian Diary Giant

Words: 1640
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

competitive market environment that Victorian Diary Giant operates by answering four questions in the case. Victorian Diary operates under the perfect competitive market. In the last few years,…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Miscellaneous

Cap OCD Dear Diary Okay

Words: 659
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

I don't understand it, it happens all the time -- a half-way decent looking girl gets a vision of a bald shiny statuette, and it's off with the…

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6 Pages

Education - Computers

Personal Social Media Audit Reflective Observation Abstract

Words: 1844
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Personal Social Media Audit Reflective observation Abstract conceptualization Most used websites Device used Time of the day using a specific website Active experimentation The usage of social media depends on the personal interests and priorities. There…

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3 Pages


Nazi persecution of Jews

Words: 994
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Nazis decided to commit genocide. Was this always Hitler's intention from the beginning? If not, why and when did it change? If so, why the various policy changes? Please…

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5 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Neo-Confucianism Is a Philosophy Which Was Born TEST1

Words: 1693
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Dracula The novel "Dracula" was written by Irish author Bram Stoker in 1897. Set in nineteenth-century Victorian England and other countries of the same time, this novel is told in…

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3 Pages
Case Study


Lumen and Absorb Team Case Study at

Words: 1107
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Lumen and Absorb Team Case Study At Crutchfield, there are two elite technology development teams. They are both vital to the development of products, but they are also different in…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Mcclellan an Analysis of George

Words: 1931
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

174). McPherson also points out that following the Union victory at Laurel Hill, McClellan was given the responsibility of training the newly-named Army of the Potomac at Washington, D.C.…

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