Environmental Problems Essays (Examples)

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Environmental Problems The Caspian Region
Pages: 6 Words: 1854

The central issue remains the status of the sea; which has prevented any real efforts towards negotiations that could solve the environmental problems. (Experts debate ailing Caspian Sea) Therefore the pollution and other environmental problems in the Caspian Sea and in the region will continue until there is a form of political agreement that can lead to cooperative environmental efforts.
4. Conclusion

In conclusion, the problem of pollution and the reduction of arable land, among others, are set to increase in the future - especially if one takes into account the threat of global warming. The only solution to this problem is an integrated and internationally monitored plan of action or remedial plan, as was implemented in the case of the Great Lakes in North America.

The International community should first and foremost lead the different countries in terms of a unified and practical agreement about cleaning up the pollution in the…...




Retrieved August 7, at 

Experts debate ailing Caspian Sea. Retrieved August 7, at  http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/2314303.stm 

Glantz M. (1999) Global Environmental Problems in the Caspian

Environmental Problems in Latin America
Pages: 6 Words: 1697

FSC encourages businesses in Argentina using forest resources to promote a sustainable business policy and discourages businesses that neglect environmental and habitat concerns. Thus the FSC in effect is a global collaborative effort to minimize environmental damage and promote environmentally sustainable business practices and by doing so, protect our world from threats of global warming, acid rain, drastic climatic shifts and other serious consequences of environmental destruction and pollution. [FSC]

Argentina is one of the worst affected, economically as well as environmentally, among the Latin American countries. GM crops, in particular GM Soya, led an economic revolution, which unfortunately proved to be the environmental bane for the nation. GM cropping and Deforestation coupled to create a severe environmental debacle that has threatened to develop into catastrophic proportions. Thanks to the timely interventions from environmental groups like WWF, FVSA, FLR and other governmental agencies and NGO's, the situation has been checked…...



WWF, "Environmental Problems in Argentina: More than 16 Million ha of Forest Cover Lost Between 1980 and 2000," Accessed May 15th 2007, available at  http://www.panda.org/about_wwf/where_we_work/latin_america_and_caribbean/country/argentina/environmental_problems_argentina/index.cfm 

WWF, "Argentina: Our Solutions," Accessed May 15th 2007,

Available at,  http://www.panda.org/about_wwf/where_we_work/latin_america_and_caribbean/country/argentina/wwf_argentina_conservation/index.cfm 

RTRS, "Round Table on Responsible Soy," Accessed May 15th 2007, available at http://www.responsiblesoy.org/eng/index.htm

Environmental Problems Caused by Humans
Pages: 2 Words: 745

Environmental Problems Caused by Humans
The old growth forest is rich ecosystems which provide a home for Northern spotted Owl at the same time a habitat for the primary prey for the owl. However the same trees of firs and cedars that serves as a habitat for the owl is also the primary source of a lucrative multibillion dollar logging industry. If there is a destruction of the forest due to logging the northern spotted owl will end up loosing its habitat.

The northern spotted owl has been rapidly declining with close to half of its population having being wiped out. This old growth forest that gives home for the owl has become a large income earner in the logging industry which has led to the creation of numerous jobs for hundreds and thousands of workers. Due to the logging activities approximately 10% of the original forest is what has remained intact…...



Arringer F., (2007). New Battle of Logging vs. Spotted Owls Looms in West .Retrieved September 11, 2013 from  http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/18/us/18owl.html?_r=0 

Doak D., (2009). Spotted owls and old growth logging in the pacific northwest. Retrieved September 11, 2013 from  http://bio.research.ucsc.edu/people/doaklab/publications/1989doak.pdf 

Andre C., & Velasquez M., (2010). Ethics and the Spotted Owl Controversy. Retrieved September 11,2013 from  http://www.scu.edu/ethics/publications/iie/v4n1/

Environmental Problems Today Are Extremely
Pages: 11 Words: 5020

In India, the government is attempting to bring the focus of attention on the presence of fine dust particles as well as the presence of fly ash in the air, and this attempt is being carried out by a series of mitigation measures. The need of the day is to take certain practical steps that would succeed in tackling the problem to some extent, and it is towards this goal that the Government of India has been trying to offer institutional aid along with human capital wherever necessary, in lieu of the severe financial constraints that the region faces.
However, the fact remains that the various policy options being considered have been evolved over a long period of time, and when the need is urgent, this does not give any immediate relief to the suffering people of the region. Therefore the general opinion of the people as well as of…...



Basnyat, Khilendra. (15 February, 2003) "Deforestation: South Asia Needs to Act" the Rising Nepal. Retrieved at Accessed on 22 June, 2005http://www.nepalnews.com.np/contents/englishdaily/trn/2003/feb/feb15/features1.htm.

Chapter 23, South Asia" Retrieved at Accessed on 22 June, 2005http://www.fao.org/documents/show_cdr.asp?url_file=/docrep/004/y1997e/y1997e0s.htm.

Energy: Supply and Demand" (17 November, 2000) Retrieved at Accessed on 22 June, 2005http://www.ecology.com/archived-links/people-renewable-energy/.

Environmental Problems in Third World Cities" Retrieved From www.wits.ac.za/geography/Lecture%25202.ppt+environmental+problems+of+the+world&hl=en" Accessed on 22 June, 2005http://www.wits.ac.za/geography/Lecture%202.ppt.

Environmental Consequences of Alvarez Asteroid Collision Dinosaur Extinction Theory vs Anthropogenic Environmental Problems of Today
Pages: 4 Words: 1113

Extinction Theory and Its Impact in Contemporary Society
The apparently sudden mass extinction of Dinosaurs marks the boundary between the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods. This catastrophic event has also triggered a large amount of interest in both scientific and general communities. Many speculations have thus been made regarding the reasons for the death of the dinosaurs. These include extreme changes in the global climate and sea levels, and supernova explosions.

During the 1980's notable new theories emerged regarding the mass extinction of dinosaurs. There has also been a concentrated effort to research these theories in terms of possible dangers to the human race. Luis Alvarez for example originated the idea of an asteroid striking the earth to cause the catastrophic demise not only of prehistoric reptiles, but also of most of the life forms present on the earth of the time.

According to the Alvarez theory, the environmental consequences of the alleged impact…...

Political Economy of Global Environmental Problems With
Pages: 8 Words: 2477

Political Economy of Global Environmental Problems:
With the increasing globalization measures, there are various environmental problems that have continued to affect the entire world. These global environmental problems have affected almost every society in the world because of their impact on the earth's natural processes. Some of these environmental problems include climate change, acid rain, water pollution, depletion of the Ozone layer, destruction of rain forest, overpopulation, and sustainable development. One of the most common features in all the global environmental problems is the fact that each has causes, various impacts, and a solution.

Climate Change:

This is one of the major and widely known environmental problems that are largely caused by human activities that emit greenhouse gases into the Earth's atmosphere. Based on recent analysis by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, it's estimated that the average surface temperature has increased by 0.6 degrees Celsius. The increase in the global average surface…...



Aldrich, D. (2011, August 25). Nuclear Power's Future in Japan and Abroad: The Fukushima

Accident in Social and Political Perspective. Retrieved October 30, 2011, from  http://www.paristechreview.com/2011/08/25/nuclear-fukushima-accident-social-political-perspective/ 

Asheim, G.B. (2007, January 31). Economic Analysis of Sustainability. Retrieved October 30,

2011, from  http://folk.uio.no/gasheim/sust0101.pdf

Environmental Problem in the World
Pages: 4 Words: 1473

Some forms of energy, such as wave and tidal energy and hydrogen fuel cells are still being studied. Another writer states, "Techniques to harness the energy found in the oceans are best developed for tidal power, wave power and ocean thermal energy conversion" (Middleton 52). Many other types of alternative energy, such as solar, wind, biomass, and geothermal energies are all being used where they make sense. Other solutions include nuclear energy, but the problem of disposing of the nuclear waste is a big problem, and so, no new nuclear facilities are being built. Authors Ottinger and Williams continue "Nuclear energy is excluded [...] because of its high capital and operating costs, complex technical requirements for operation and maintenance, and unresolved problems of proliferation and waste disposal" (Ottinger and Williams 331).
None of these solutions are being used enough to remedy the problem, and there are many reasons why they…...



Author not Available. "Causes of Global Warming." EchoBridge.org. 2005. 21 July 2005.  http://www.ecobridge.org/content/g_cse.htm 

Cristol, Hope. "New Concern About Acid Rain: Trees' Immune Systems may be Damaged by Pollution." The Futurist Nov.-Dec. 2002: 8+.

Cruver, Philip C. "Lighting the 21st Century." The Futurist Jan.-Feb. 1989: 29+.

Johnson, Dan. "Alternative Energy Sources Gain Worldwide." The Futurist Aug.-Sept. 1998: 15.

Environmental Problems and Environment
Pages: 6 Words: 1933

Sustainability More About Politics Than Science?
The environment is a word which refers to the natural effects around us including the atmosphere, seas and oceans, rocks and mountains, plants, ice formations, human beings, stars and several others. These effects are best left in their natural state because when they get disturbed, they could have serious consequences on the atmosphere, electricity, water, weather, fire and the earth's magnetism. Sadly, this is the situation of things now and these consequences are real. Several problems are facing the environment causing global adverse effects and putting the people in it at risk. This research studies these problems and determines if the scientific and political measures put in place are effective in mitigating them

Environmental issues facing the world

The disturbances in the environment have brought about noticeable changes in climate and high frequencies of natural disasters. Take for example; the problem of global warming is deteriorating…...


Works cited

Abraham John et al. The Importance of Science in Addressing Climate Change. Climate science. 2011. Print

Scorce Jason. The Role of Government in Environmental Protection. Grist. 2006. Online journal

Burns Steven. Environmental Policy and Political Tends in Public Debate. Natural resources and environment. Vol 23. No. 2. 2008. Print.

Rinkesh. Current Environmental Issues. Conserve energy future. 2017. Online journal.

Environmental Case Study Solving a Puzzle
Pages: 4 Words: 1309

Environmental Case Study (Alberta's Oil Sands)
Alberta's Oil Sands represents one of the international environmental problems facing Canada and close to seventy countries across the globe. Albert's Oil Sands proves to be a new course of political conflict within the setting of Canada and at the international level. Oil Sands development is responsible for rapid economic growth of Alberta. This creates ethical or moral dilemma because there is a massive risk in association with the development of Oil Sands within the province. Oil Sands contribute towards ecological harm thus having a negative impact on the living conditions of the individuals in the province and the entire planet. This ethical dilemma leads to mobilization processes by environmental entities to help alleviate the situation. This is because some prominent political outfits such as Peter Lougheed recognize that the rate of the development of the oil sands in Alberta is not socially or economically…...


Works Cited

Brown, Jordan. "The Pembina Institute: Balancing Environmental Policy with Oil Sands Development in an Industry-Oriented Economy." Undercurrent 6.2 (2009): 7-16. Academic Search Complete. Web. 31 July 2012.

Dunbar, R.B. Existing and Proposed Canadian Commercial Oil Sands Projects. Calgary: Strategy West, April 2008. Available at:

Fairley, Peter. "Alberta's Oil Sands Heat Up." Technology Review 114.6 (2011): 52. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 31 July 2012.

Pasqualetti, Martin J. "The Alberta Oil Sands From Both Sides Of The Border." Geographical Review 99.2 (2009): 248-267. Academic Search Complete. Web. 31 July 2012.

Environmental Policies Give an Example
Pages: 18 Words: 7072

The 1980s (the period when onald eagan was the U.S. President) witnessed a series of government measures targeting environmental regulations. This resulted in public outrage against the anti-environmental policies of the government leading to a renewed interest in nature clubs and groups and the formation of radical groups who led strong movements to protect the environment. (vii) the post- eagan resurgence (1990s onwards) - President Bush and President Clinton did not take the radical stance of their predecessor. However, President George W. Bush has taken many measures which have weakened the environmental movement instead of strengthening it. This includes opposing curbs on greenhouse emissions via the Kyoto Protocol, supporting oil drilling in the ANW or Arctic National Wildlife ange, weakening clean air standards and lifting the ban on logging in forests.
3) How does economics determine the public's opinion regarding environmental issues? Discuss the values of the dominant social paradigm…...



Bocking, Stephen. Nature's Experts: Science, Politics, and the Environment. Rutgers University Press. 2004.

Palmer, Mike. Pathways of Nutrients in the Ecosystem - Pathways of elements in ecosystem.  http://www.okstate.edu/artsci/botany/bisc3034/lnotes/nutrient.htm 

Redclift, M. R; Woodgate, Graham. The International Handbook of Environmental Sociology. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2000.

Schmidtz, David; Willott, Elizabeth. Environmental Ethics: What Really Matters, what Really Works. Oxford University Press U.S., 2002.

Environmental Hazards Open Dumps an
Pages: 2 Words: 845

Linear systems are constructed with layers of natural materials with low permeability. Leachate collection system is designed to remove liquid that is found in the liners. Waste is placed above the collection leachate system in layers.
Modern landfills are now built in locations which protect environment and human health as well as having structural integrity. There is restriction of the construction of modern landfills in floodplains, wetland or fault areas (epa, 2010). Once the modern landfills reach the height which is permitted it is closed down an engineered in such a way that it prevents the infiltration of water through the installation of a cap low in permeability which is same as the linear system. On top of the low-permeability barrier there is a granular drainage layer that diverts water from the top of the landfill. There is a protection cover at the filter blanket's top as well as top…...

Environmental Crime the National Environmental
Pages: 5 Words: 1696

..as long as those programs were at least as effective as the federal program." (the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act)
The passing of this Act by congress is therefore aimed at ensuring adequate health and safety standards for all workers. In terms of employers, the Act was designed to make sure that the place of employment was free of any hazards that might be injurious or detrimental to safety and health. This may include aspects such as the exposure to toxic chemical and materials as well as other environmental factors, for example excessive noise levels. (Summary of the Occupational Safety and Health Act) the Act cover a wide range of possible health and safety measures and is also intended to ensure that physical and mechanical dangers in the workplace are avoided, as well as unsanitary conditions. (Summary of the Occupational Safety and Health Act)

An important part of this act and…...


Works Cited

Background: The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act: RCRA. http://www.chemalliance.org/tools/background/back-rcra.asp

Britannica Concise Encyclopedia: Superfund. February 7, 2009.  http://www.answers.com/topic/superfund 

Clean Air Act. February 4, 2009. ( http://www.epa.gov/air/caa/ )

Clean Water Act (CWA). February 4, 2009.  http://www.epa.gov/oecaagct/lcwa.html

Environmental Security the Environment and
Pages: 10 Words: 3409

The author therefore appears to suggest that the holistic approach poses a risk of costly time delays for approval that might prove too little too late for any true difference to be possible.
Brown (2005) asserts that the political involvement of security in natural resource issues holds the risk of conflict and insecurity. Indeed, competition relates to power and control issues arise where resources are abundant, while competition for resources occur where these are scarce. Brown, like Levy, asserts that there is little question that security and environmental issues are integrated. The risk lies in whether security is specifically integrated in mitigation measures, and the degree to which this is done.

It has been mentioned above that the environment directly affects human survival and well-being. Brown further addresses the interrelation between the environment and security be asserting that they are interdependent: in other words, the environment can cause insecurity, while insecurity…...



Bretherton, C. & Vogler, J., the European Union as a Global Actor (Routledge, 1999), Chapter 3.

Dalby, S. Security, Modernity, Ecology: The Dilemmas of Post-Cold War Security Discourse Alternatives, 17:1 (1992), pp.95-134.

Dannreuther, Roland (ed.) European Union Foreign and Security Policy (Routledge, 2004) Chapter 11

Deudney, D. The case against linking environmental degradation and national security, Millennium, 19:3 (1990), pp.461-76.

Environmental Policies and Problems in
Pages: 11 Words: 2855

" (2007) Recommendations of this report include those as follows:
China should learn from the successes and failure of the U.S. And other developed countries in reducing the influence of energy use on air quality;

Continued dialogue and information exchange among U.S. And Chinese scientists and policy-makers should be promoted through professional organization, government support programs, and the National Academies in both countries to promote joint development of energy and pollution control strategies." (Committee on Energy Futures and Air Pollution in Urban China and the United State, Policy and Global Affairs, 2007)

Other findings of this report include the fact that "an important lesson learned is that air pollution damage imposes major economic costs, through premature mortality, increased sickness and lost productivity, as well as in decreased crops yields and economic impacts." (Committee on Energy Futures and Air Pollution in Urban China and the United State, Policy and Global Affairs, 2007) Studies conducted…...



Energy Futures and Urban Air Pollution: Challenges for China and the United States (2007) Development, Security, and Cooperation (DSC) Committee on Energy Futures and Air Pollution in Urban China and the United States - Development, Security and Corporation: Policy and Global Affairs. National Academy of Engineering and National Research Council of the National Academies and the Chinese Academy of Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences. Online Pre-publication Release available at  http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=12001&page=R2 

Holder, Kevin (2007) Chinese Air Pollution deadliest in World - National Geographic News 9 July 2007. Online available at  http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/07/070709-china-pollution.html 

Kim, Juli S. (2007)Transboundary Air Pollution - Will China Choke On Its Success? - A China Environmental Health Project Fact Sheet. 2 Feb. 2007. China Environment Forum in partnership with Western Kentucky University on the U.S. AID-supported China Environmental Health Project (CEHP)

Wang, Alex (nd) The Downside of Growth: Law, Policy and China's Environmental Crisis. Perspectives Vol. 2 No. 2. Online available at http://www.oycf.org/Perspectives/8_103100/downside_of_growth.htm

Environmental Stewardship Project Proposal What Is Environmental
Pages: 8 Words: 2358

Environmental Stewardship Project Proposal
What is Environmental Stewardship?

What are the problems?

Why do we need to be concerned about Air Pollution?

A proposed Innovative Strategy for Pollution Awareness

Today Environmental stewardship is on the rise and really needed in the community. This is because an increasing amount of people are out there making knowledgeable choices in their what they do every day, such as in the work places, and communities. These choices are considered to be good for the environment, for their finances, and for complete quality of life. By most, these actions are probably looked at as being inspiring because it shows and evidence of a developing societal commitment to environmental stewardship.

This report gives an outline of what I believe is the next step in a continuing evolution of policy objectives from pollution control to pollution sustainability and prevention. It likewise gives a reflection on the important reality -- that although the Environmental…...



Ayres, J.R. (2012). Air pollution and health. London: Imperial College Press.

Berry, T. (2009). The Christian Future and the Fate of the Earth. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis.

Boff, L. (2009). Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor. Maryknoll: Orbis.

Bourne, J. (2009). Understanding Leicestershire & Rutland Place-Names, Heart. Wymeswold: Leicestershire.

Is overpopulation the root cause of all environmental problems?
Words: 172

While overpopulation can certainly contribute to environmental problems such as resource depletion, habitat destruction, and pollution, it is not the sole root cause of all environmental issues. Other factors such as overconsumption, unsustainable resource extraction, and lack of regulatory measures also play a significant role in environmental degradation. Addressing environmental problems requires a multifaceted approach that considers a range of factors, not just population size.
Furthermore, focusing solely on overpopulation as the root cause of all environmental problems overlooks the complexities of the issue. It is important to recognize that different regions and countries have varying levels of environmental impact per....

Is overpopulation the root cause of all environmental problems?
Words: 491

Is Overpopulation the Root Cause of All Environmental Problems?

Overpopulation, the condition of having a population larger than the carrying capacity of its environment, is often cited as a primary contributor to environmental degradation. However, the relationship between population growth and environmental problems is complex and multifaceted. While overpopulation can exacerbate certain environmental issues, it is not the sole or even the primary cause of all such problems.

Factors Contributing to Environmental Problems

Environmental problems stem from a combination of human activities, including:

Resource consumption: Overconsumption of natural resources, such as fossil fuels, water, and timber, leads to depletion and pollution.
Industrialization: Industrial....

I\'m interested in debating enviroment. Are there essay topics that present opposing viewpoints?
Words: 482

Essay Topics with Opposing Viewpoints on the Environment:

1. The Role of Government in Environmental Protection

Argument 1: Government regulation is necessary to protect the environment from the negative impacts of industry and human activity.
Argument 2: Government regulation stifles economic growth and innovation by imposing unnecessary burdens on businesses.

2. The Environmental Impact of Agriculture

Argument 1: Modern agricultural practices have a significant negative impact on the environment, including soil degradation, water pollution, and climate change.
Argument 2: Agricultural practices have evolved over time to meet the growing food demands of a global population and are essential for the well-being of....

What implications does the anteater\'s diet have for their conservation and ecosystem management?
Words: 296

Anteaters' unique and specialized diet of ants and termites has far-reaching implications for their conservation and ecosystem management.

The anteater's diet makes them vulnerable to habitat loss and fragmentation. Ants and termites require specific habitats, such as forests and grasslands, to thrive. If these habitats are destroyed or degraded, anteater populations decline (Nowak, 1999). Therefore, conserving anteater habitats is crucial for their survival.

Anteaters play a vital role in controlling ant and termite populations, which can prevent damage to crops, livestock, and infrastructure. By removing large quantities of these insects, anteaters help maintain a natural balance in ecosystems. However, if anteater populations....

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