Ethical Responsibilities Essays (Examples)

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Ethical Responsibilities

Ethics in Practicing Nursing
Nursing ethics is an important part of treating patients. It is important for nurses to understand and abide by the nursing ethical code of conduct. The Health Information Privacy Act (HIPAA) protects the patients' rights, and it protects their privacy. Health care professionals must adhere to the rules of HIPAA to ensure the rights of patients are not violated and their privacy is protected. In this paper I will discuss some strategies that can be employed to help nurses stay current in their practices. I will also discuss ethical practices in nursing, including confidentiality and privacy.

According to Silva & Ludwick (2006) ethics is one of the most important issues in nursing. Nurses should consider their ethical responsibilities when working with each patient in every aspect of practice. The fundamentals for practicing nursing are their social responsibility, their respect for the person, their commitment to do no harm….

Ethical Scenarios in Nursing Education
The scenario chosen for this analysis is one in which a colleague failed to conduct a class as was planned allowing students to leave early and not following instructions for the class. The problem that resulted is that only two groups presented in person and the other two groups posted their presentations on the Web. This content is scheduled on the next exam and no time is left for the student presentations.

This problem is one that should be handled in a manner that retains due respect for the colleague who instructed the class during the absence of the individual who was the instructor for this class. One of the principles in the statement of ethics for nursing education states as follows:

"As colleagues, professors have obligations that derive from common membership in the community of scholars. Professors do not discriminate against or harass colleagues. They respect and….

The Vietnam War was a turning point in the Army's growing realization that senior military leaders, and not just political leaders, had a responsibility to be able to speak to soldiers, to the American people, and to the press about ethical issues.
The Professionalism Study of 1970, examined institutional systems and requirements for success in the Army, attitudes and values of senior officers, and tasks for the 1970s. One of the striking conclusions of the first study was that the Army contained "untoward and unhealthy pressures to strive for success" on the part of officers. Systems that regulated the selection, education, promotion, and reward of Army officers were in need of major correction.

It was clear that the Army needed to evaluate its concepts of values and ethics.

During the decades of the 1970s and 1980s senior commanders in all the services began to exert their influence on the direction and content….

Ethical Practice Involves Working Positively Diversity Difference
Counseling is a profession that involves associations based on principles and values ethically. Patients are able to benefit by understanding themselves better and through creating relationships with others. Through counseling, the clients are able to make positive alteration in life and enhance their living standards. Communities, organizations, couples and families are different groups of individuals are main sources of relationships (BACP Ethical Framework, 2013, p.4). Frameworks of ethical practice direct the attention of counseling practitioners to engage in ethical responsibilities. This stud describes the purpose of each principle following the development of good counseling practice. Practitioners make reasonable decisions grounded on these principles without making any contradictions. Nevertheless, research indicates that professionals have met barriers hindering them to integrate all the principles in some cases. In such situations, they are forced to select between required principles. A course of action or a decision is….

The Tasman Spirit crew and financiers should work to investigate acute health concerns as well as the marine ecosystem surrounding Karachai. The American Club, likely one of two involved parties with the financial resources to affect significant change in the region which actually suffered the effects of the environmental disaster. ather than working against each other with suits and counter suits and the assorted other motions and legal actions underway, it would be most effective and positive for those two companies to work together with environmental awareness and protection agencies to restore the region.
Step Three

Affected Parties

This portion of the analysis is concerned with the specific affected individual parties. While it is important not to allow empathy for a specific group to outweigh the impartiality of an effective analysis it is also important to understand the relevant human components of a situation especially one which has such a great magnitude….

Ethical Behaviors of Mattel in the Toy Industry
The ethicacy of corporate behaviors are influenced by a myriad of factors yet most strongly reflect the internal culture, alignment of leadership to vision, and accumulated trade-offs made by management over years of ethical decisions, trade-offs and outcomes. In the study Mattel, Inc.: Global Manufacturing Principles (GMP) - A life-cycle analysis of a company-based code of conduct in the toy industry (Sethi, Veral, Shapiro, Emelianova, 2011) the authors successfully provide insights into the moral and ethical dilemmas of operating a multinational corporation (MNC) that is highly dependent on Global Manufacturing Principles (GMP). The life-cycle analysis of company-based code of conduct also illustrates how creating a solid ethical foundation using a Corporate Social esponsibility (CS) platform is only as effective as the aligning of senior management, vision and mission, and manufacturing, sourcing, supply chain and distribution is (Sethi, Veral, Shapiro, Emelianova, 2011). When and….

Can both sides be right? Hardly, and when the initiative is analyzed with a critical eye, one sees that it looks like the initiative is a tactic for large corporations to appear to be following the letter of the law, but saving money by making Clean Air Act and EPA required equipment to reduce certain emissions by delaying capital expenditures and pushing out previous goals, thus saving millions if not billions of technological investment dollars. Likely these companies lobbied the Bush Administration, citing the need to reinvest in their businesses to become more competitive and thus, unable to divert funds into pollution control.

From the simplest ethnical standard, for instance utilitarianism, the initiative on its own might be ethical if not for the fact that it significantly alters previous legislation, and lessens the impact of EPS regulations on big-business. Certainly, stakeholders in those offending companies would benefit; stockholders, employees, management; but….

But it showcases different voices and images of real people who are 'racing for the cure,' or racing to raise money to fund breast cancer research. The primary appeal of the advertisement is an ethical one, namely the need to devote more funding to breast cancer research, and to encourage the viewer to honor the survivors who run in the Komen race. The implication is that if real people suffer breast cancer, and real people are fighting for a cure, the viewer has an ethical responsibility to either donate to the Komen foundation, or even run him or herself in the race.
The Dubarry advertisement, the alph Lauren advertisement, and the public service commercial promoting the Susan J. Komen ace for the Cure, all use emotional appeals to some extent: in fact, someone might protest that all of these advertisements might be classified as using 'pathos' in their persuasive strategy.….

1). This is a problem that needs to be addressed by adding more training to the budget. The problem is, most hospitals' budgets are already spread too thin. Therefore, hospital administrators need to work harder to find sources to help fund their activities.
Complete Honesty

Nurses have more power and responsibility than ever before to ensure that they are making honest reports about their patients. They may be in a rush to get home and not feel like entering all of the proper data into the computer. Or, they may take shortcuts in the use of other technologies. It is a nurse's ethical responsibility, however, to ensure honesty in all that she does. This includes 'blowing the whistle' when she sees that other nurses are not being honest or are misusing technology.

This can be extremely difficult, however, considering that nurses often suffer negative repercussions for 'whistleblowing'. A study conducted by McDonald….

The concentration on action and violence draws larger audiences, yet is not effective in selling products Pechmann, Levine, Loughlin, Leslie, 2005).
esearchers have also found that the brains of pre-adolescents and adolescents have low levels of inhibitory control and therefore pursue reckless and risky activities due to their judgment not being fully developed (Cauffman, Steinberg, 2000). Adolescents who have seen reckless and risky behavior online or on television advertising are 80% more likely to engage in the behavior (Trimpop, udiger, Kerr, Kirkcaldy, 1999). The lack of inhibitory controls when combined with the an abundance of violent content leads quickly to replication of viewed acts of violence, especially in pre-adolescents, as verified through research completed (Trimpop, udiger, Kerr, Kirkcaldy, 1999).

Ethically this raises the question of whether the advertisers are more adept at the selling of violent acts than products, as the brains of the audience members they are selling products to….

Ethical Communication and Social Media: Discussion and Implications “Almost a quarter of the world’s population is now on Facebook. In the USA nearly 80% of all internet users are on this platform. Because social networks feed off interactions among people, they become more powerful as they grow” (Gaitho, 2018). Social media has created a manifestation of a branch of society that human civilization has never had to deal with before. Due to the fact that society is experiencing and using social media as people attempt to scrutinize its impacts, it can be harder to pinpoint all the numerous ways that social media affects the individual and the collective. One phenomenon that has grown out of social media is that people don’t only share information about themselves and their own personal lives, they also share information, articles, and images about various aspects of the shared world. This can be problematic as many people don’t….

This is dangerous for both clients and workers. When this becomes an issue in the human service field is when an organization is charged with a client that cannot be left alone. At this point in time, certain managers may desire to force employees to stay on the clock or to work while off the clock, but making such workplace violations can lead to an unsafe environment in which both client and worker are at risk. In addition, safety and OSHA workplace violation are an ethical problem that put many at risk, especially when one is working in a dangerous or medical field. Thus, workplace violations on the part of both workers and managers can be dangerous for all involved.
In conclusion, the field of human services is reserved for those who wish to provide care to others. Although this field is the perfect fit for those who genuinely have….

Apple's Current Position On Its Ethical And Social esponsibilities
Corporations are increasingly seeking a vision in maintaining social responsibility alongside a vision in business. There are also demands for greater accountability and transparency in corporate actions of organized consumers, state representatives and grass movements (Garsten, 2003). Many corporations aim to engage in corporate citizenship and to be socially responsible by adhering to social accountability standards and voluntary codes of conduct. This essay endeavors to examine Apple's current position on the social and ethical responsibilities and to determine whether it has met the responsibilities. The study also determines the impact caused by the violation of ethics and social responsibilities among Apple's suppliers.

Current Position on the Company's Ethical and Social esponsibilities

Corporate Social esponsibility comprises of actions that are not required by the law, but extend beyond the transactional interest of companies and further social good. CS is often used to frame company relationships….

ethical issues for business organizations in the twenty-first century. The forces of globalization have increased the degree to which diverse groups in society have grown dependent on one another. Hence, their expectations influence the freedoms and responsibilities of other groups. The expectations of various stakeholders have placed greater responsibilities on business organizations to be ethical in their communication with their stakeholders. Business organizations are under growing pressure to be ethical in their employment practices and in the sourcing of raw materials and labour for their operations. In addition, they are expected to recognize their responsibility towards the economic and social development of the communities where they operate and those that they influence through their operations. Hence, business organizations are also responsible to act ethically in relation to their use of the resources of the environment and to the extent that they influence it in adverse ways, such as by….

Ethical Pay?
Creating an ethical foundation is crucial for success within a changing consumer environment (Driscoll & Hoffman 2000). As more and more consumers become concerned with organization's social and environmental responsibilities, organizations with clear unethical or deviant behaviors are seeing sharp declines in terms of consumer reputations. The modern market place is dictating higher standards for corporate responsibility and organizational ethics weaved within the framework of businesses. This is the reasons why Trudel & Cotte describe companies with greater ethical foundations as being more productive in terms of charging higher premiums. Essentially, consumers are willing to pay more for ethical products; "It seems that once companies hit a certain ethical threshold, consumers will reward them by paying higher process for their products" (Trudel & Cotte 2008). Consumers clearly notice the effort of creating an ethical foundation within production efforts (Lecture 1). Yet, the levels of ethical responsibility placed into….

1. The Role of Emotions in Political Decision Making: Exploring how emotions influence political beliefs and actions, and whether they should be considered in political theory.

2. The Impact of Technology on Political Communication: Analyzing how social media and other digital platforms have changed political discourse and debate in the modern age.

3. Intersectionality in Political Theory: Examining how issues of race, gender, and class intersect in political theory and shape debates on social justice and equality.

4. The Ethics of Political Violence: Discussing the moral implications of using violence as a political tool and when it may be justified.

5. Post-Colonial Perspectives in....

1. The use of genetic engineering in creating designer babies
2. The ethics of animal testing in scientific research
3. The impact of social media on privacy and ethical boundaries
4. The ethical implications of artificial intelligence and automation in the workforce
5. The ethical considerations of data mining and surveillance in the digital age
6. The ethical responsibilities of pharmaceutical companies in pricing and distributing life-saving medications
7. The ethics of factory farming and its impact on animal welfare and the environment
8. The ethical dilemmas surrounding end-of-life care and physician-assisted suicide
9. The ethical implications of technology companies manipulating user data for profit
10. The ethical considerations....

Topic 1: The Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Workplace

Key Issues:
The potential for AI to automate jobs and displace human workers, leading to unemployment and economic insecurity.
AI's impact on workplace privacy and surveillance, with AI-powered monitoring systems potentially infringing on workers' rights.
The need for ethical guidelines and regulations governing the development and use of AI in the workplace, to ensure fairness and protect workers' rights.

Topic 2: The Ethics of Genetic Engineering and Human Enhancement

Key Issues:
The potential benefits of genetic engineering, such as curing diseases, improving cognitive abilities, and extending lifespan.
The ethical....

Captivating Essay Topics Related to Corona

Introspective Explorations

The Psychological Impact of Prolonged Isolation: Exploring the Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Consequences of COVID-19 Lockdowns
Re-evaluating Priorities in the Face of Adversity: How the Pandemic Has Reshaped Values and Life Goals
The Power of Connection in a Time of Physical Distancing: Examining the Impact of Virtual and Alternative Social Interactions

Societal Implications

The Digital Divide and Social Inequality: How the Pandemic Has Exacerbated Pre-existing Social Stratifications
Rethinking Healthcare Systems in the Wake of COVID-19: Examining the Challenges and Opportunities for Reform
The Role of Media in Shaping Public Perception: Analyzing the Influence of....

2 Pages

Health - Nursing

Ethical Responsibilities

Words: 645
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethics in Practicing Nursing Nursing ethics is an important part of treating patients. It is important for nurses to understand and abide by the nursing ethical code of conduct. The…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Ethical Responsibilities of the Nurse Educator Role

Words: 588
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ethical Scenarios in Nursing Education The scenario chosen for this analysis is one in which a colleague failed to conduct a class as was planned allowing students to leave early…

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25 Pages
Term Paper


Ethical Changes in the Classroom

Words: 6690
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The Vietnam War was a turning point in the Army's growing realization that senior military leaders, and not just political leaders, had a responsibility to be able to…

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8 Pages


Ethical Practice Involves Working Positively Diversity Difference

Words: 2498
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethical Practice Involves Working Positively Diversity Difference Counseling is a profession that involves associations based on principles and values ethically. Patients are able to benefit by understanding themselves better and…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Ethical Case Analysis JOHNSO62 on

Words: 3376
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The Tasman Spirit crew and financiers should work to investigate acute health concerns as well as the marine ecosystem surrounding Karachai. The American Club, likely one of two…

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5 Pages

Business - Ethics

Ethical Behaviors of Mattel in the Toy

Words: 1836
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethical Behaviors of Mattel in the Toy Industry The ethicacy of corporate behaviors are influenced by a myriad of factors yet most strongly reflect the internal culture, alignment of leadership…

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2 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Ethical Dilemma Introduction- Eco-Friendly Business

Words: 755
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Can both sides be right? Hardly, and when the initiative is analyzed with a critical eye, one sees that it looks like the initiative is a tactic for large…

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2 Pages

Business - Advertising

Ethical Appeal Pathetic Appeal Logical

Words: 805
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

But it showcases different voices and images of real people who are 'racing for the cure,' or racing to raise money to fund breast cancer research. The primary…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Ethical Issues in Nursing Range

Words: 3075
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

1). This is a problem that needs to be addressed by adding more training to the budget. The problem is, most hospitals' budgets are already spread too thin.…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Ethical and Societal Issues of

Words: 3019
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The concentration on action and violence draws larger audiences, yet is not effective in selling products Pechmann, Levine, Loughlin, Leslie, 2005). esearchers have also found that the brains of…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Ethics / Morality

Ethical Communication and Social Media

Words: 2299
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Ethical Communication and Social Media: Discussion and Implications “Almost a quarter of the world’s population is now on Facebook. In the USA nearly 80% of all internet users are on this platform.…

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5 Pages


Ethical Abuses in Human Services

Words: 1567
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

This is dangerous for both clients and workers. When this becomes an issue in the human service field is when an organization is charged with a client that…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Ethical and Social Responsibilities Apple

Words: 2026
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Apple's Current Position On Its Ethical And Social esponsibilities Corporations are increasingly seeking a vision in maintaining social responsibility alongside a vision in business. There are also demands for greater…

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10 Pages


Ethical Issues for Business Organizations in the

Words: 3235
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

ethical issues for business organizations in the twenty-first century. The forces of globalization have increased the degree to which diverse groups in society have grown dependent on one…

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2 Pages

Business - Ethics

Ethical Pay Creating an Ethical Foundation Is

Words: 657
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethical Pay? Creating an ethical foundation is crucial for success within a changing consumer environment (Driscoll & Hoffman 2000). As more and more consumers become concerned with organization's social…

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