European Essays (Examples)

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European Governance

European Union
I believe that all politics create some kind of estrangement, particularly when large entities such as the European Union are at issue. The fact that power struggles dictate most of the current relationships between political entities and even individuals and their citizenry makes it difficult for a general individual to identify with a large entity of powerful heads of state that apparently pursue only their own personal agenda.

In addition, there is such a vast array of ideologies, that citizen estrangement is hardly a surprising phenomenon. Individual citizens can hardly identify with any single ideology with alienating or violating another. There is no unifying ideology that binds Europeans and their leaders together. There is no common cause.

A third component of this alienation is the fact that many member states consider the European Union as a source of failure, while the nation, made up of citizens, is considered as a source….

European Tour Operators
External Analysis European Tour Operators

European Tourism Industry

Tourism plays a key role in the economy of the European Union. This sector contributes 5% to the gross domestic product of Europe. The European tourism industry consists of 1.8 million enterprises and these enterprises employee almost 5.2% of the total workforce of the European Union. The tourism industry of the European Union consists of a wide variety of products and a large number of stakeholders that are dispersed geographically.(The European Commission, 2010, pp. 1-91)

Apart from the domestic competitiveness the European tourism industry is a key player in the global tourism market as well. (The European Commission, 2010, pp. 1-91) The graph below demonstrates the share of the European tourism industry in the global tourism market;

(The European Commission, 2010, pp. 1-91)

As evident from the above chart, the European tourism industry captures eighty percent of the global tourism sector, therefore, it can be….

European inancial and Debt Crisis
i a research paper " European inacial debt crisis" typed pages. I charts bibliography reference pages.charts, bibliography include typed pages

The European financial and debt crisis

The European financial and debt crisis refers to the struggle which the European Union region endured while trying to pay off the enormous debts that had built up in the recent decades. There were five countries in the region whose economic growth was stunted, and thus it played wrongly on their ability to pay back to their bondholders the guarantee that they had intended. These five countries are Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Ireland. Their inability to pay was in varying degrees, and although these five countries were in greatest immediate danger to default on their debts, the consequences that would result from the crisis would extend beyond these five countries and would affect the whole world. In October of the year….

European Counter Terrorism
Challenges Faced by European Counterterrorism Efforts in Tackling Transnational Terrorism.

Terrorist activities and violent extremism represents a significant threat to the European Union (EU) member states, which necessitates the need for appropriate measures for curbing the severe extent of such activities. This article briefly highlights the hurdles encountered by EU in implementing the counter terrorism strategies. The core challenge involves major threats from Al-Qaeda groups and individuals, radicalization of violent terrorist activities, the drastic growth of cyber terrorism and the challenges faced by European intelligence agencies pertaining to the cooperation among them.

Challenges Faced by European Counterterrorism Efforts in Tackling Transnational Terrorism

The growing pace of terrorist activities in EU member states compelled them to adopt a wide variety of measures in combating them. The structure of EU counterterrorism policies has changes a great deal after the 9/11 terrorist attack in U.S.. The counterterrorism policy revolves around safeguarding fundamental rights in….

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development:
The first challenge is related to pricing. Pricing reflected market yields and referred to the "benchmark" rate. The market yields were compounded through the national Treasury yields, but there was no such Treasury yield for the ECU, since this was not an actual currency for the EU. Issues such as lack of liquidity for the European market and others meant that the European Bank would have difficulties in putting together a reasonable pricing strategy.

The market was also complicated at the time of the issuing. The ECU Eurobond market was in a process of being reshaped, and it had significant integration difficulties, with different volatile markets affecting the overall perspective of things and making marketing entirely more difficult in this environment.

Another marketing challenge is that the European Bank is a new bank, so the market remains skeptical until it has proven that it can be a….

European Union's Emission Trading System
What is the stated purpose behind the EU ETS?

The EU ETS has been a cap and trade method made to incentivise economical cutbacks in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) coming from carbon-intensive industrial sectors as well as electrical power generators. Proof shows that the executive load (the expense of checking, confirming and validation of emissions and costs to government bodies) involving the EU ETS upon smaller sized emitters has been disproportionately big. Article 27 involving the EU ETS Directive offers a great opt out via the EU ETS in Phase III (2013-2020) to lessen the executive burdens upon small-scale emitters as well as hospitals. It entails that opted out setups deal with procedures which attain a similar share to emissions cutbacks as though the setup had been still within the EU ETS. The aim in providing an opt-out has been to incentivise GHG pollutants cutbacks while reducing….

European Debt Crisis
Beginning in 2010, Europe was plunged into a major financial crisis. This is because many of the weaker member states (i.e. Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland) were running high deficits to finance different social programs. When the economy was strong, these initiatives were used as a way to help win the support of the electorate. At the same time, many individuals believed that this kind of approach was ensuring that everyone had a social safety net. (Cline 2012)

However, as the crisis began to worsen, these high debt levels weighed on the financial position of different governments. This is from the slowing economy hurting their tax revenues and the inability to continue borrowing made it difficult to deal with these challenges. When this happened, these nations were plunged into a crisis that effected unemployment, the economy and the financial markets. (27 Statistics 2012) (Greek Unemployment Hits 21% 2012) (Spain's….

European Union's Emissions Trading System (ETS)
The objective of this study is to research the European Union's Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) and to answer the questions of what is the stated purpose behind the EU ETS and why the concept of the EU ETS is agreed or disagreed with. The question of what the current and potential results of the EU ETS will be examined and other effects of the EU ETS. This work will examines whether the United States should participate in the EU ETS and what are two other options for achieving the stated purpose behind the EU ETS? The work of Egenhofer, Alessi, Georgiev, and Fujiwara (2011) reports that the objective of the EU ETS is to "promote greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction in a cost-effective and economically efficient manner." (p.1) This has both long and short-term perspectives and specifically "In a short-term perspective (i.e. until 2020), this….

His experiments in anatomy and the study of fluids, for example, absolutely blew away the accomplishments of his predecessors…the sheer range of topics that came under his inquiry is staggering: anatomy, zoology, botany, geology, optics, aerodynamics, and hydrodynamics among others. (Renaissance 2010).
Da Vinci questioned the prevailing faith in the written word of the bible and instead sought knowledge of nature in nature. He simply observed the physical world and began to draw conclusions about it. He dissected bodies in order to study human anatomy despite the long-standing Church policy against such practices. He studied the human organ systems and the skeleton. His research, drawing upon the methodology of men like Bacon, "heralded the birth of a new method of scientific study: the systematic, descriptive method of the natural sciences, which was the predominant method of scientific study well into the 19th century" (Renaissance 2010). Via men like Da Vinci,….

European Union - Business in Europe
European Union

* Competitive advantages of a European area in a chosen

Industry and Porter's Five Forces

* Personal impressions and reflections on what was learned?

The European Union is made up of several countries, and all these countries have one single aim, which is to promote and develop business relationships within Europe and also with the rest of the world, in today's world of globalization. When one wishes to conduct business with the European Union, he would do well to study the various issues that are involved, and then proceed. The rules, the ethics, the values, and the discipline in the country where he wishes to set up operations, and the financial atmosphere, the cultural differences, and the differences in the workforce and in the methods of management must all be analyzed and researched before venturing out into the now free and open world. The Car Industry as….

) of about 9000. Some critics consider the numbers to be excessive and the proposed reduction in the number of Commissioners envisaged in the Lisbon Treaty in 2007 is a tacit recognition of criticism, but the Commission itself defends the numbers by stating on its website that " fact it is fewer than the number of staff employed by a typical medium-sized city council in Europe" ("The European Commission.") the European Commission has not remained untainted from corruption charges either. In fact the biggest scandal in the history of the EU occurred in 1999 when the entire body of the Commission had to resign in the face of serious allegations of fraud, mismanagement and nepotism (Perry 28).
Another frequent charge against the European Commission is its alleged "democratic deficit." Since the Commission's highest body, i.e., the Commissioners and its President, is appointed rather than elected, concern has been raised about the….

European Economic Crisis -- Greek Government
This paper provides a deep insight into the European economic crisis and the events which eventually lead up to Greece debt crisis. It explains the causes which were responsible for the chaotic and poor financial situation currently prevalent in Europe. It also analyses the current tools used for stabilizing the situation in Greece and the shortcomings in them. It also highlights certain steps and measures which can be taken in improving the current scenario.

Occurrence of Greek Debt Crisis

Core Causes of Financial Crisis in Greece

Extensive Money orrowing at Low Interest Rates

Misrepresentation of Public Records

Inappropriate usiness Environment

Inefficiencies in the Public Sector

Greek Domestic Policy Responses to Debt Crisis

Austerity Measures

Structural Reforms

Financial Assistance from Eurozone Member States

Financial Assistance from IMF

5. Pros and Cons of the Greek Debt Crisis Issue 12

Prospective Solutions for Dealing with the Debt Crisis in Greece 14

6.1 Growing the Economy out of Debt 14

6.2 Monetizing of Debt….

European Parliament

European Parliament is the representative assembly of the European Union (EU) and the only body that is directly elected through universal suffrage by the citizens of its member states. The institution was first created in 1952 when it was known as the 'Common Assembly' and initially represented the European Coal and Steel Community. Later other institutions such as the European Economic Community (EEC) were formed that eventually merged and became known as the European Union. The 'Common Assembly' also expanded to act as the representative body for these institutions and was renamed as the European Parliament in 1987. ("The European Parliament: historical background;" "The European Parliament"-Encarta)
The role of the European Parliament (EP) within the EU is limited as compared to the more powerful legislative and executive branches of the EU -- the European Commission and the Council of the European Union. hile the EP has the powers to dismiss the….

The divisions created by this influence often continue to plague the area with conflict even today, as seen in the case of the constant fighting between Palestinians and Israelis.
European military policies also inflicted great damage on the waning Ottoman Empire in the twentieth century. The Ottoman Empire entered into the chaos of World War I on the German side. This directly pitted it against the majority of the other European powers, who were united in their fight against Germany and its allies including Austria. In fact, the Ottoman sultan "proclaimed a military jihad against Great Britain, France, and ussia," (Goldschmidt & Davidson 2009 p 200). After years of failure in the war, trouble began brewing internally within the Empire itself. What resulted were massive waves of revolts from Muslim citizens of the Empire. As Arabs around the Ottoman Empire began to rebel against Ottoman control, they were often helped….

Germany was punished, rather than rehabilitated. Historic grievances still existed between many of the prevailing European powers, such as France and Germany. After orld ar I, the United States retreated to isolationism and did not provide either strength or a mediating force upon the warring European powers. During orld ar II, Europe was divided by war and the only unity that existed, such as the alliance between England, the U.S., and Russia, were based upon expediency, not upon shared values that could continue in a time of peace.
Ash's essay was written in 1996, when much of Europe was still in disarray after the breakdown of the Soviet empire. One wonders if he would still agree with his contention: "no continent is externally more ill-defined, internally more diverse, or historically more disorderly. Yet no continent has produced more schemes for its own orderly unification" (Ash 2). Ash has a point….

This could be a challenging assignment because if there is a defining principal to describe Native American beliefs, it would probably be that there is no defining principal to describe Native American beliefs.  Native American tribes practiced a range of different religions and they included, but were not limited to, polytheistic, pantheistic, monotheistic, henotheistic, animistic, and shamanistic religions.  There were some shared elements among Native American belief systems, but many differences, as well.  In addition, it can be very difficult to understand Native American beliefs at the time of contact with Europeans because of the tremendous losses....

In order to really understand resistance in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, it is important to look at all of the characters and not just the highlighted European males, such as the protagonist Marlowe, that sit at the center of the story.  That is because resistance is the undercurrent behind all of the action in the story.  The main characters are always acting against the threat of resistance by the African people who are often portrayed as victims, but are consistently offering resistance to the colonizers, as evidenced by the arrow attack by the natives on the ship. ....

In turn-of-the-century America, there were some major civil rights advances for some groups, while other groups saw no advances in their civil rights and even saw advances that had been made begin to erode.  The time period was well after the end of the Reconstruction era and the beginning of Jim Crow laws, the rise of the suffragette movement, and a continued assault on rights for Native Americans.  There was also a significant increase in anti-Asian discrimination. Here are some suggested titles and thesis statements for an essay about civil rights in this era.

Essay Title....

3 Pages
Term Paper


European Governance

Words: 950
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

European Union I believe that all politics create some kind of estrangement, particularly when large entities such as the European Union are at issue. The fact that power struggles dictate…

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6 Pages


European Tour Operators External Analysis European Tour

Words: 1800
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

European Tour Operators External Analysis European Tour Operators European Tourism Industry Tourism plays a key role in the economy of the European Union. This sector contributes 5% to the gross domestic product…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


European Financial and Debt Crisis I A

Words: 1508
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

European inancial and Debt Crisis i a research paper " European inacial debt crisis" typed pages. I charts bibliography reference pages.charts, bibliography include typed pages The European financial and debt crisis The…

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4 Pages


European Counter Terrorism Challenges Faced by European

Words: 1215
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

European Counter Terrorism Challenges Faced by European Counterterrorism Efforts in Tackling Transnational Terrorism. Terrorist activities and violent extremism represents a significant threat to the European Union (EU) member states, which necessitates…

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2 Pages
Case Study


European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Marketing Strategy for the Debut Bond Offering

Words: 659
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development: The first challenge is related to pricing. Pricing reflected market yields and referred to the "benchmark" rate. The market yields were compounded through the…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


European Union's Emission Trading System

Words: 1692
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

European Union's Emission Trading System What is the stated purpose behind the EU ETS? The EU ETS has been a cap and trade method made to incentivise economical cutbacks in greenhouse…

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7 Pages


European Debt Crisis Beginning in 2010 Europe

Words: 2330
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

European Debt Crisis Beginning in 2010, Europe was plunged into a major financial crisis. This is because many of the weaker member states (i.e. Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland) were…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


European Union's Emissions Trading System ETS

Words: 1639
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

European Union's Emissions Trading System (ETS) The objective of this study is to research the European Union's Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) and to answer the questions of what is…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

European Renaissance and the Birth

Words: 1858
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

His experiments in anatomy and the study of fluids, for example, absolutely blew away the accomplishments of his predecessors…the sheer range of topics that came under his inquiry…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


European Union Business in Europe

Words: 5865
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

European Union - Business in Europe European Union * Competitive advantages of a European area in a chosen Industry and Porter's Five Forces * Personal impressions and reflections on what was learned? The European…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


European Commission Is the Executive

Words: 1987
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

) of about 9000. Some critics consider the numbers to be excessive and the proposed reduction in the number of Commissioners envisaged in the Lisbon Treaty in 2007 is…

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15 Pages
Term Paper


European Economic Crisis Greek Government

Words: 4697
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

European Economic Crisis -- Greek Government This paper provides a deep insight into the European economic crisis and the events which eventually lead up to Greece debt crisis. It explains…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


European Parliament

Words: 455
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

European Parliament is the representative assembly of the European Union (EU) and the only body that is directly elected through universal suffrage by the citizens of its member states.…

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2 Pages

Drama - World

European Great Powers the Fall

Words: 852
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The divisions created by this influence often continue to plague the area with conflict even today, as seen in the case of the constant fighting between Palestinians and…

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2 Pages

Drama - World

European Unification The Trouble Is

Words: 676
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

Germany was punished, rather than rehabilitated. Historic grievances still existed between many of the prevailing European powers, such as France and Germany. After orld ar I, the United…

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