Fema Essays (Examples)

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Should FEMA remain a part of the DHS

The issue that will be addressed in this thesis is whether the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) should remain a part of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). uried among the legislation passed in the aftermath of the September 1 lth terrorist attacks was a provision of H.R. 5005, the Homeland Security Act of 2002, which mandated that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) be absorbed by the newly created Department of Homeland Security (DHS). It is important to determine whether this adjustment to public policy, made in conjunction with an overall merger of 22 federal agencies under the auspices of the DHS, has had an impact on the way the government responds to natural disasters, terrorist assaults, and other emergency situations.

Rationale/Significance to the field of Public Policy:

FEMA existed as an independent agency from 1979 until the passage of H.R. 5005. In 1996….

Create a team that helps facilitate the design of the full-scale exercise program.

2. Coordination

Achieve realism via the recruitment of personnel and the development of specific sites.

Use fake victims to simulate the emergency

Coordinate technologies used in the rescue effort

Create and distribute communications related to the full-scale exercise.

Arrange for and distribute funding

Survey full-scale exercise locations

Back-up planning for needed funding or alternative locations

3. Execution

Apply available funds

Set date and execute

Backup personnel

4. Evaluation

Formal evaluation, involving quantitative surveys

Data analysis

Qualitative analysis, performed by qualified personnel

Observations and recordings

Cost analysis

Cost/benefits analysis

Summary reports and press releases

5. Future planning.


FEMA (2010). "Community Hazards Emergency esponse-Capability Assurance Process (CHE-CAP) Fact Sheet." etrieved online: http://www.fema.gov/plan/prepare/cher_capfs.shtm

FEMA (2010). "The Full-Scale Exercise." Unit 7. etrieved online: http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:ipX8BxuFZzMJ:training.fema.gov/emiweb/downloads/is139Unit7.doc+fema+full+scale&hl=en&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShjZyZU7B8OhFQrCgF_hD2EwytJP -- TDFNQFNfQ4vBFVV1q83jm4HriKO0AqkLSoaAk1K0S-nlnKnh6fBXuWoWQxeA71yfMoO4tT2ocfJyrNHapQu6LtglbCirPsOV2fnhzzAnC&sig=AHIEtbTJ4SgMzI9doGpa9nrIFX-jv4Bfew.

The most effective decision-making style a leader can adopt, the one most likely to boost morale especially in stressful or highly charged work environments is sometimes an autocratic style, where the leader maintains control and ownership over all decisions made so that outcomes within an emergent environment are more likely to be predictable (Olmstead, 2002). In cases like this a leader must demonstrate strength, charisma and act in the best interests of all parties involved when problem-solving. Outside of this context, in an ordinary environment when decision-making and problem-solving are important, a leader may also benefit by adopting a more collective leadership style, where members of a group are encouraged to provide their input or ideas about a given situation; however I still believe in the environments we reviewed in this self-study course, even if a leader were to adopt this style and collect information from his or her….

This three-phased approach can prevent many usual emergency situations, reduce the impact of actual disasters and speed return to normal.

2) Disasters such as Hurricane Katrina reinforced miscommunication that occurs when a dedicated incident management system based on the Incident Command System (ICS), is not used throughout the event. Barko (2005) states that National Incident Management Systems (NIMS) recognize that a well-planned and effective emergency response is not completely dependent on the cause, such as natural disasters vs. terrorism, but rather on all-hazards principles of span of control and operational designation of leadership for operations, planning, logistics and finance. A concise, mutual understanding of operational leadership and responsibilities permits integration of different assets to combine in a seamless response package that can save lives, protect property and mitigate additional damage. Implementation steps of a NIMS consist of: Incorporate NIMS into existing training programs and exercises; Ensure that federal preparedness funding….

FEMA Procedures
Response Partner Guide and the Emergency Support Function Annexes from the NRF

Transportation (e.g., trains, planes, ships)

Through the Emergency Support Function (EFS), the role of transportation and it's support to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is to monitor and manage transportation systems and infrastructure during domestic threats and any responses to an actual incident (Homeland Security, 2008)

Telecommunication systems

Communications supports the restoration of the communications infrastructure, facilitates the recovery of systems and applications from cyber attacks, and coordinates Federal communications support to response efforts during incidents requiring a coordinated Federal response (Homeland Security, 2008). The telecommunications partners must also provide support for communication for the response team.

3.Utilities (e.g., water, electricity, waste disposal)

Public works and Engineering will assist the DHS by monitoring and coordinating capabilities regarding utilities as well as facilitate the delivery of services, technical assistance, engineering expertise, construction management, and other support to prepare for, respond to, and/or recover….

Role of FEMA in the Event of a National Grid Outage
The objective of this study is to examine the role of FEMA in the event of a national grid outage. This will be accomplished through a review of literature in this area of inquiry.

A national grid outage could occur for various reasons including CME flares of the Sun, terrorists attack damaging the grid or weather events that shut the grid down for days, weeks, months, or even longer than a year's time. Should any of these events occur resulting in a national grid outage, FEMA has a critical role to play in responding to such a situation.

FEMA's Role

FEMA is reported to be charged with providing support to both first responders and U.S. citizens in the event of a disaster and to make sure that "as a nation we work together to build, sustain and improve our capability to prepare for,….

Fema and Some Warnings

Disaster Management
non-governmental organizations (NGO) provide support during times of emergencies. Your task is to research the various NGOs (at a minimum three such organizations) that provide this support and post your results and cite the source(s) of your information.

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is the world's largest humanitarian network and this movement claims to be both neutral and impartial, and provides protection and assistance to people affected by disasters and conflicts through 100 million members, volunteers and supporters in 190 National Societies (IFRC, N.d.). This organization supports various disaster relief and other humanitarian causes such as various development projects by working with governments, other NGOs, disaster survivors, and many other groups. Figure 1 - IFRC Operations (IFRC, N.d.)

Volunteers of America -- this organization is a NGO that includes 16,000 paid staff and 64,000 volunteers throughout the country….

Manmade or natural disasters frequently require a timely and coordinated response that may include federal, state and local resources. When a disaster rises to the level of a threat to the national interests, the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Emergency Support Functions are activated. This paper provides a discussion concerning Public Safety Security Annex (ESF-13), including its origin and scope, as well as participants and the operational response to a critical incident of federal interest. Finally, a discussion concerning the respective roles of state and local agencies is followed by a summary of the research and important findings concerning ESF-13 in the conclusion. eview and Discussion
Origin of ESF-13
The Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) originated as part of the National esponse Framework (NF) and represent the main operational-level mechanisms that are used to organize and deliver assistance in times of need (Emergency Support Functions (ESF) #13, 2015). According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency's….

Fema and Some Warnings

Hurricane ecovery PSA
While governments and authorities try to advise effectively, and take all possible measures to prevent and avoid human casualties and loss of property, they also lay emphasis on the process of recovery after a natural disaster. The recovery process is important to prevent human loss and disease and to again set up their lives.

In this aspect, the National Disaster ecovery Framework provides a flexible structure which helps in the formation of strategies and enables disaster recovery managers to know what they need to do exactly in a collaborative manner. The aim of such disaster recovery efforts is to the finding out of the ways and means that are best to restore, redevelop the health and the social, economic and natural fabric of the community affected by the disaster ("National Disaster ecovery Framework k," 2016).

The National Disaster ecovery Framework has also developed a format that includes community planning and….

Earthquake Crisis in Haiti
A country such as Haiti is vulnerable to natural disasters. Following the 2010 earthquake, they have already instituted the necessary capabilities to plan and mitigate such disaster. For instance, they have already upgraded their seismic surveillance networks. Although it is impossible to predict earthquakes where identifiable precursor events precede very few, the networks could speed up emergency response and offer early warnings to the tsunami-prone region. This is achieved by providing the location and intensity of the tremors.

Following a major earthquake in 2010, various local and regional warning system centers have been established (Gursky et al. 2012). The UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission coordinates these centers by setting up regional coordinating teams for Haiti and the adjacent regions. This initiative has been hailed as the most effective warning capacity for the Haiti because the successful response to a disaster entails early warning and timely information of potential….

Finance and Budgeting
Mission and Goals of the Organization

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is an agency within the Department of Homeland Security. FEMA's stated mission also encompasses its goals. The mission statement is "to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain and improve our capability to protect against, respond to, recover from and mitigate all hazards" ("About the Agency," 2016) This mission is fairly sweeping, allowing the organization substantial scope to handle a wide range of issues. From a budgetary perspective, there are several implications of this mission. First, there are preventative measures, which implies that FEMA will have certain ongoing programs regardless of whether any emergencies arise. There will also need to be an infrastructure in place to handle disasters, and this infrastructure will need regular funding. The mission also specifically addresses the need to respond to hazards,….

Scale Emergency Exercise
Full Scale Emerency Exercise

The objective of this study is evaluate the requirements in a full scale emergency.

Emergency response has been at issue for many years. Formerly the agency known as civil defense is now known as the Emergency Management Agency or EMA in local counties of each state. On the federal level the agency appointed to respond to full scale emergencies is known as FEMA.

esponse Doctrine

According to FEMA there are five key principles to the doctrine of response including: (1) an engaged partnership; (2) response that is tiered in nature; (3) response that is "scalable, flexible, adaptable in terms of operational capabilities; (4) a unity of effort through "unified command; and (5) a readiness to act. (FEMA, 2013, p. 8) It is stated specifically that "esponse doctrine is rooted in America's Federal system and the Constitution's division of responsibilities between Federal and State governments. Because this doctrine….

Emergency Response Plan- Non-Government Entities
FEMA makes it very clear in their National Readiness Report that the Red Cross plays a critical role in assisting communities during a disaster. Not only are funds donated and distributed to aid families, but the Red Cross further aids by providing medical care, food, clothing, and housing to disaster victims. Even during some of the greatest disasters, including September 11th and some of the most recent destructive earthquakes, the Red Cross has been permitted to step in and aid victims in a much faster way then the government ever could have. It is because of this response time and quality that the Red Cross has received its high level of clearance for responding to emergencies. This paper will detail the Red Cross's role in dealing with a large passenger airplane crash and their role within the emergency response team. The two primary areas where the….

Hypothetical Disaster: Hurricane in Jacksonville, FL
NIMS Component: Communications and Information Management

Central Question: How would NIMS ensure application of the concepts of interoperability, reliability, scalability, and portability, as well as the resiliency and redundancy of communications and information systems if a hurricane hit Jacksonville, FL?

National Incident Management Systems (NIMS) depend on effective communications, which in turn rely on information systems and technology. If Jacksonville were hit by a hurricane, communications and information management would ensure that local, state, and federal resources would be effectively managed, coordinated, and dispersed. ecovery and relief efforts would likewise depend on effective communications and information management.

A core component of communications and information management is interoperability. Interoperability refers to the ability for different agencies, stakeholders, and jurisdictions to communicate with each other and with any external or ancillary support systems including the media. According to FEMA (n.d.), interoperability consists of three main areas: linkage to the same….

Coordination of Disaster Preparedness
Who was in command of that incident? Explain whether or not you think the right organization and individual/s were in command.

The May 4, 2013, severe flooding and tornadoes in the central United States necessitated an urgent need for food supplies, overnight shelters, and disaster support. The incident command in this scene, the American ed Cross deployed mobile feeding vehicles, opened shelters and coordinated over one thousand tornado disaster relief employees. Participants of the ed Cross Annual Disaster Giving Program helped offer the funds to rush relief to residents; however, the need for additional donations was still great because of the enormous devastation storms caused across the central U.S.. This was among the deadliest tornados ever since 1988 so I believe the ed Cross was the most suitable organization. It continued to mobilize volunteers and supplies, such as clean-up kits, into the affected areas. ed Cross caseworkers worked….

According to some authors, divorce is a problem when it comes to delinquency. Others do not see a strong correlation. For example, "The variables that predict male delinquency were found to be different from those that predict female delinquency. Characteristics of the parents' marriage play an important role for boys, while misbehavior of girls is more strongly predicted by variables measuring parent-child interaction and parental control." comes from http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1533-8525.1982.tb01014.x/abstract and appears to say that only boys are affected by factors in their parents' marriage when it comes to delinquency. However, this article: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1300/J087v39n01_07#.UnhDkOLufLY states that divorce is a cause of....

One of the interests that I have is in helping victims of childhood sexual abuse.  I became interested in this area by accident.  As a middle-school child, I had a friend express suicidal ideations to me and relayed them to my parent.  The friend’s parents got them into a treatment program, but also removed them from our school.  Feeling as if I had betrayed their confidence, the friend ended communication with me.  It was years later, in an unrelated way, that I learned that there were several warning signs of childhood sexual abuse in their home.  When....

Emergency management is the practice of handling disasters, whether manmade or natural disasters.  There are different levels of emergency management, because emergencies can be local, citywide, statewide, countrywide, or even global.  The current COVID-19 pandemic is a great example of a global emergency and how different regions have handled the pandemic highlight differences in emergency management.

There are a number of different topics to explore in terms of emergency management:

  1. The role of local emergency management facilities in helping stop local spread of COVID-19.
  2. Comparing and contrasting country policies in terms of travel restrictions after the COVID-19 environment.
  3. Local....

Job opportunities and working conditions for Canadian women during the period between 1880 and 1920 were fairly limited.  Women were expected to be part of the labor force, but only until they married.  At that time, men were expected to be the primary breadwinners and married women were discouraged from participating in the workforce.  In fact, over all the progress towards women’s rights in Canada has been relatively slow. 

Technically, the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century offered many opportunities for advancement for women’s rights.  Women began to attend universities and....

2 Pages
Research Proposal

Communication - Journalism


Words: 731
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

FEMA-DHS Should FEMA remain a part of the DHS The issue that will be addressed in this thesis is whether the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) should remain a part of…

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1 Pages
Application Essay


FEMA the American Department of

Words: 406
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Application Essay

Create a team that helps facilitate the design of the full-scale exercise program. 2. Coordination Achieve realism via the recruitment of personnel and the development of specific sites. Use fake victims to…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


FEMA Decision-Making and Problem Solving

Words: 610
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

9). The most effective decision-making style a leader can adopt, the one most likely to boost morale especially in stressful or highly charged work environments is sometimes an autocratic…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

FEMA Decision Making Points Learned

Words: 947
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This three-phased approach can prevent many usual emergency situations, reduce the impact of actual disasters and speed return to normal. Leadership 2) Disasters such as Hurricane Katrina reinforced miscommunication that…

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2 Pages


FEMA Procedures Response Partner Guide and the

Words: 670
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

FEMA Procedures Response Partner Guide and the Emergency Support Function Annexes from the NRF Transportation (e.g., trains, planes, ships) Through the Emergency Support Function (EFS), the role of transportation and it's support…

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2 Pages
Case Study

Education - Computers

FEMA's Role Incase of National Grid Outage

Words: 615
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Role of FEMA in the Event of a National Grid Outage The objective of this study is to examine the role of FEMA in the event of a national grid…

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3 Pages


Fema and Some Warnings

Words: 1005
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Disaster Management non-governmental organizations (NGO) provide support during times of emergencies. Your task is to research the various NGOs (at a minimum three such organizations) that provide this support and…

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3 Pages

Business - Management

FEMA's Emergency Support Function No 13 How and Why it Is Used

Words: 732
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Manmade or natural disasters frequently require a timely and coordinated response that may include federal, state and local resources. When a disaster rises to the level of a threat…

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3 Pages

Political Science

Fema and Some Warnings

Words: 913
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Hurricane ecovery PSA While governments and authorities try to advise effectively, and take all possible measures to prevent and avoid human casualties and loss of property, they also lay emphasis…

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2 Pages


FEMA S Role in Haiti S Disaster Response

Words: 639
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Earthquake Crisis in Haiti A country such as Haiti is vulnerable to natural disasters. Following the 2010 earthquake, they have already instituted the necessary capabilities to plan and mitigate…

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14 Pages
Research Paper


Public Budgeting FEMA S Budget

Words: 4806
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Finance and Budgeting Mission and Goals of the Organization The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is an agency within the Department of Homeland Security. FEMA's stated mission also encompasses its goals.…

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8 Pages

Communication - Journalism

Emergency Response Operation of FEMA

Words: 2063
Length: 8 Pages

Scale Emergency Exercise Full Scale Emerency Exercise The objective of this study is evaluate the requirements in a full scale emergency. Emergency response has been at issue for many years. Formerly…

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2 Pages


Emergency Response Plan- Non-Government Entities FEMA Makes

Words: 598
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Emergency Response Plan- Non-Government Entities FEMA makes it very clear in their National Readiness Report that the Red Cross plays a critical role in assisting communities during a disaster. Not…

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2 Pages


NIMS FEMA and Communications Systems

Words: 661
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Hypothetical Disaster: Hurricane in Jacksonville, FL NIMS Component: Communications and Information Management Central Question: How would NIMS ensure application of the concepts of interoperability, reliability, scalability, and portability, as well as…

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2 Pages


The Role of FEMA in Disaster Management

Words: 810
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Coordination of Disaster Preparedness Who was in command of that incident? Explain whether or not you think the right organization and individual/s were in command. The May 4, 2013, severe flooding…

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