Focus Groups Essays (Examples)

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Focus Groups in the Work

3. As an Intellectual Property expert, I have been involved at the stage of review of the results of product branding focus groups.

Branding and logo design are exciting and creative stages of the marketing process. Marketing and legal concerns can occasionally clash but often they do not. Because legal constraints might prohibit a certain type of packaging, logo, or product design, the focus groups should always include multiple examples. If the brand or logo that was liked best cannot pass the legal vetting process, then the second-best can be used. Intellectual property issues should always be taken seriously because they can create heavy costs. Those costs can be avoided via skillful researchers and attorneys.

4. It has been a while, but I participated in a focus group for a computer curriculum we used to use.

The focus group described was a complete waste of time and valuable resources. Instead of presenting the….

The honeymooners do not mind traveling long distances.
Families used travel agency brochures as their main source of information for overseas travel. Nearly all selected package tours and considered price, attractions near the hotel, and the view from the hotel when they selected their package.

New Fifties used direct mail, brochures from travel agencies, magazines, the Internet, and newspaper travel advertisements as their main source of information for overseas travel. After they have made a decision they refer to magazine articles and the Internet for further information. Some make their own travel arrangements. When selecting a package tour, many seek a tour that is not too rushed, allows them to spend a long period of time in each city and gives a significant amount of free time.

4.0 Conclusion

Within the tourism industry there is a growing need for research to investigate the economic, social and environmental impacts of tourism (eeton, 2004). However,….

Employing qualitative research, would conduct a focus group (minimum, 8-12 participants for 1 hour) where one session would feature a particularly controversial discussion conducted using active listening and almost passive involvement enabling participants to free-associate and emote, followed by the same issue reduced to its H.P. fundamentals using f.. Then connectives validated according to real life instances. would then present participants with a questionnaire regarding their experiences of the sessions, involving questions such as which type of exercise / discussion they felt to be more useful, which empowered them more, and which produced greater action-oriented processing.
would use a focus group for various reasons: Focus groups are helpful in evaluation research or in understanding how people regard a specific experience or event (Krueger, 1994). More importantly, focus groups have the advantages of flexibility, economy of time, and direct contact between researchers and participants.


Human reasoning is conducted in….

Gatta, M., Rotondo, M. C. G., Svanellini, L., Lai, J., Salis, M., & Ferruzza, E. (2015). Focus groups as a means for preventing adolescent alcohol consumption: Qualitative and process analysis. Journal of Groups in Addiction & Recovery, 10(1), 63-78. In this study, researchers conduct a process analysis of focus groups as an intervention for alcohol abuse prevention among adolescents. Structured like a sort of meta-analysis of focus groups, the study included data and participants from four different focus groups occurring throughout a school year, including a total of 86 9th grade students and 83 10th grade students between 14 and 18 years of age. From the raw data, the researchers conducted a qualitative textual analysis to uncover adolescents’ attitudes and beliefs about alcohol. Findings showed that participants viewed alcohol as normative in the society, and were nominally aware of the risks associated with problem drinking.
The purpose and design of this study are unique,….

Managing Focus Groups

Focus Groups
There are several key elements to conducting a focus group. The first is to gather a group. The group needs to be a representative sample so that the findings can be extrapolated to the population at large. This is a necessity in any research, and it does not change with a focus group. Greenbaum (1998) notes that "the quality of output from focus groups depends on having the right people in the room."

The second element is that the group needs to have a purpose. The focus group must have a specific objective, a specific set of questions that need to be tested. Only by understanding what the point of the exercise is will the questions be able to be structured in a manner that actually provides the answers that the company needs.

The questions are a critical element in focus group research. The questions need to effectively probe, and allow….

Chlamydia Screening Focus Groups of Healthcare Providers
My research focus is the study of Chlamydia trachomatis. I am interested in Chlamydia because it is the most prevalent bacterial sexually transmitted disease in the United States. Young adults have the highest rates of chlamydial infection and are at the highest risk for infection among all age groups. Yet, as a group, they do not use Chlamydia screening services. hy? Early diagnosis of Chlamydia is important, not only to minimize disease spread but also to prevent sequelae, including epididymitis, pelvic inflammatory, disease, ectopic pregnancy, infertility and chronic pelvic pain. Traditional Chlamydia testing procedures have served as another obstacle to early detection because collection of endocervical and urethral specimens is uncomfortable at best. Fortunately, the introduction of several nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) now makes it possible to detect Chlamydia noninvasively from male and female using a simple urine sample. My interest in increasing….

Nursing: Nurses Caring Behaviors towards Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy in GreeceThe justification for using a mixed-method approach for the selected article is to see whether the results from both quantitative (cross-sectional survey) and qualitative methods (focus group) complement each other. The participants point of view was to be observed, which was analyzed using two methods to ensure the findings if one method corroborated with another or not.Since the purpose of the article is to explore the caring behaviors that nurses perceive are significant for cancer chemotherapy patients in Greece, the design in terms of the purpose of the research article is inclusive of both quantitative and qualitative methods. First, the results from the cross-sectional survey were used to check whether the second results occurred from focus groups.Priority and sequence of methods are arranged, so that survey questions help gather demographic data such as gender, age, family status, educational background, and experience….

Focus Group Marketing
Focus Group -- Ideal Composition

Focus groups are a powerful means to evaluate services or test new ideas." Basically, focus groups usually involve six to ten people. All of the members test and discuss a product, either individually or at the same time, and then reconvene in the same group to discuss their subjective impressions and experiences with a member of the marketing team. A company can gain a great deal of information during a focus group session, albeit from subjective sources and from a relatively narrow base of opinion. Thus designing the demographic makeup of the focus group is crucial to obtaining useful and accurate results from this often-expensive process. (McNamara, 1999)

hen designing a focus group, the most obvious selection criteria might be to find the product's target marketing group, as determined beforehand through less expensive marketing measurements such as surveys and questionnaires, and create a virtual sampling….

Question for each of the following topics were developed: (a) what infants and children up to age 3 should eat, (b) how parents decide what to feed their children, (c) knowing when a child has been sufficiently fed, (d) parental control over a child's eating behaviors, (e) concern about overweight in children, (f) using food to influence behavior, (g) parent involvement in physical activity with the child, and (h) preferred methods for learning about child health issues (McGarvey et. al 2006). Furthermore, participants were invited to share experiences related to feeding their child that was outside of these general categories.
An analysis of the data provided three main commonalities to all four groups. A lack of awareness of the relationship between increased physical activity and health, the effects of the use of food to influence behavior, concern over a loss of parental control over feeding when a child starts child….

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
No conceptual or theoretical framework was clearly identified. However, the authors do focus on patient-centered care within an evidence-based practice framework.

esearch/Study Design

The research design is described as being descriptive and is therefore phenomenological. The authors use a focus group model, and operationalize the definition of the term focus group. A focus group for the purposes of this study is defined as a small group and has as its objective the "acquisition of information based on perceptions, beliefs, traditions, and values of its participants," (Heinrich & Karner, n.d., p. 31). Focus groups are one of the most commonly used study designs in qualitative research in health care (Gill, Stewart, Treasure & Chadwick, 2008). Furthermore, the focus group was selected for this qualitative research design because it permitted 'interaction and discussion" among the participants, leading to "rich data related to the learning needs of older adults living in community settings," (Heinrich….

Action PlanIntroductionIn order to improve community communication and relationships at Chicago Academy High School in Chicago Public Schools in Chicago, Illinois, it is important to develop an action plan that incorporates the principles of negotiation put forth by Fisher and Ury. To begin with, it is essential to create a safe and inviting environment where all stakeholders feel welcome to participate in the conversation. This involves setting up physical space for dialogue, as well as establishing ground rules that encourage respect and open-mindedness. Once a safe space has been created, the next step is to foster a spirit of collaboration among all parties involved. This means working towards a collective vision for the school community and developing a shared understanding of the issues at hand. Finally, it is important to maintain open lines of communication and keep all stakeholders informed throughout the process. By following these steps, it will be….

FOCUS GOUP QUESTIONS 4Low Graduation ates at Glendale Community College: Focus Group QuestionsCentral esearch QuestionHow can the problem of low graduation rates among black (non-Hispanic) students at Glendale Community College be addressed?Focus Group QuestionsWhat do you like best about campus life at Glendale Community College?This question may not have a significant contribution on the overall research question. However, it serves three crucial purposes in the focus group discussion. First, as the first question in the focus group discussion, it seeks to help the participants feel comfortable and at ease with each other (Bergen & Labonte, 2019). Moreover, it helps build rapport between the participants and the moderator, who is an outsider, which consequently provides an effective environment for the former to share their views openly and freely (Bergen & Labonte, 2019). The authors caution that failure to address the power difference between the moderator and participants would increase the risk….

Organizing a Focus Group

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Plan
The objective of this preliminary report is to present a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) plan that seeks to formulate recommendations to improve employee-employer relationships within the organization and develop strategies that will prevent: (a) the high rate of employee turn-over in the company; and (b) expected loss of additional personnel in the next 10 years through projected retirements. The FGD will provide insights about the sentiments, thoughts, and opinions of the participants/discussants concerning the presence/absence of motivation, satisfaction, and effectiveness in working in the state highway agency.

The Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Plan

There will be a total of three (3) sessions for three different classes of employees that will be interviewed. The first session will be the group of maintenance managers and engineers, while the second session will be composed of the maintenance workers. Sessions 1 and 2 will have 6-10 participants each. The third session, however,….

Focus Group EthicsThe protection of human subjects participating in research studies is fundamental to maintaining ethical standards in qualitative research (Pietil et al., 2020). This paper examines the safeguards in place to ensure the protection of the participants in a focus group research study conducted at Liberty University. Drawing from Proverbs 31:8, \\\"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute\\\", our duty is to honor the participants and ensure their rights, autonomy, and dignity are preserved throughout the research process.Informed ConsentIn compliance with APA guidelines, participants will need to be provided with detailed information regarding the purpose, process, potential risks and benefits, and their rights in the study before obtaining their written informed consent. This will ensure participants have a clear understanding of the study, and can make a knowledgeable decision to participate (American Psychological Association, 2020).Voluntary ParticipationParticipants\\\' involvement in the….

Uniformly, those in the former category indicated that they would be willing to pay something in the range of 10 to 20% more on customized orders. Customers willing to spend $100 on a pair of shoes indicates that $110-$120 would be an acceptable range for a customized pair.
Respondents who demonstrated a less proclivity both for online shopping and for shoe-shopping in general indicates that whereas they might spend something in the range of $40 to $60 for a pair of shoes, that $60 to $80 might be a suitable price point for customized footwear. The findings in this section would demonstrate that focus group respondents in all categories indicated a willingness to pay a statistically significant percentage more for the service of customization.

4. Through what distribution channels are potential customers likely to buy mass customized footwear?

The best distribution channels are those which have already established a relationship of trust….

Title: School Dress Codes: A Comprehensive Analysis and Recommendations

In recent years, school dress codes have been the subject of much debate and controversy. Some argue that they are necessary to maintain a safe and orderly learning environment, while others believe that they are unduly restrictive and infringe upon students' rights to express themselves. This essay presents a comprehensive analysis of school dress codes, exploring their historical roots, research findings, and potential biases. Based on this analysis, specific recommendations are offered to improve the effectiveness and fairness of dress code policies.

The History of School Dress Codes:
The origins of school dress codes....

1. The two theoretical perspectives behind research are the positivist perspective and the interpretivist perspective.

- Positivist perspective: This perspective focuses on the idea that knowledge can be gained through objective observation and measurement. Positivists believe that there is an objective reality that can be studied and understood through empirical evidence and scientific methods.

- Interpretivist perspective: This perspective emphasizes the importance of understanding the subjective meanings and interpretations that individuals attach to their experiences. Interpretivists believe that reality is socially constructed and that individuals' interpretations of the world are shaped by their unique perspectives, beliefs, and values.

2. Research question: How....

Research Proposal

Title: Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Society


Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming various aspects of society, from healthcare and transportation to finance and manufacturing. As AI systems become more sophisticated and pervasive, it is crucial to examine their ethical implications. This research proposal aims to explore the ethical challenges and potential consequences of AI on individuals, communities, and society as a whole.

Research Objectives

Identify the key ethical issues raised by AI, such as privacy, fairness, bias, and job displacement.
Examine the potential social impact of AI, including its effects on employment, social equality, and human rights.

Yes, the research entitled "Ethical Implications of AI in Society" is a mixed-method study. This means that the research design incorporates both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods. The qualitative component may involve interviews, focus groups, or content analysis, while the quantitative component may include surveys, experiments, or statistical analysis. This mixed-method approach allows for a comprehensive understanding of the ethical implications of AI in society by examining different aspects of the topic from multiple perspectives.
Overall, the mixed-method research design provides a more holistic view of the ethical implications of AI in society. By combining both qualitative and....

1 Pages

Business - Advertising

Focus Groups in the Work

Words: 469
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Thesis

3. As an Intellectual Property expert, I have been involved at the stage of review of the results of product branding focus groups. Branding and logo design are exciting and…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Focus Groups and Explains Their

Words: 1913
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The honeymooners do not mind traveling long distances. Families used travel agency brochures as their main source of information for overseas travel. Nearly all selected package tours and considered…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Focus Groups for Criminal Offenders

Words: 1160
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Employing qualitative research, would conduct a focus group (minimum, 8-12 participants for 1 hour) where one session would feature a particularly controversial discussion conducted using active listening…

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1 Pages


Focus groups preventing adolescent alcohol consumption

Words: 352
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Gatta, M., Rotondo, M. C. G., Svanellini, L., Lai, J., Salis, M., & Ferruzza, E. (2015). Focus groups as a means for preventing adolescent alcohol consumption: Qualitative and process…

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2 Pages


Managing Focus Groups

Words: 743
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Focus Groups There are several key elements to conducting a focus group. The first is to gather a group. The group needs to be a representative sample so that the…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Chlamydia Screening Focus Groups of Healthcare Providers

Words: 3238
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Chlamydia Screening Focus Groups of Healthcare Providers My research focus is the study of Chlamydia trachomatis. I am interested in Chlamydia because it is the most prevalent bacterial sexually transmitted…

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2 Pages
Article Review


Nurses Caring Behaviors towards Patients

Words: 638
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Review

Nursing: Nurses Caring Behaviors towards Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy in GreeceThe justification for using a mixed-method approach for the selected article is to see whether the results from both quantitative…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Focus Group Marketing Focus Group -- Ideal

Words: 376
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Focus Group Marketing Focus Group -- Ideal Composition Focus groups are a powerful means to evaluate services or test new ideas." Basically, focus groups usually involve six to ten people. All…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Focus Group Results to Inform

Words: 924
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Question for each of the following topics were developed: (a) what infants and children up to age 3 should eat, (b) how parents decide what to feed their…

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2 Pages
Article Critique


Focus Group and Perceptions

Words: 561
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Critique

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework No conceptual or theoretical framework was clearly identified. However, the authors do focus on patient-centered care within an evidence-based practice framework. esearch/Study Design The research design is described as being…

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11 Pages
Term Paper


Focus Group and Skills Training for Conflict Resolution

Words: 3181
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Action PlanIntroductionIn order to improve community communication and relationships at Chicago Academy High School in Chicago Public Schools in Chicago, Illinois, it is important to develop an action plan…

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3 Pages


Focus Group Questions on the Low Student Graduation Rates at Glendale Community College

Words: 871
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

FOCUS GOUP QUESTIONS 4Low Graduation ates at Glendale Community College: Focus Group QuestionsCentral esearch QuestionHow can the problem of low graduation rates among black (non-Hispanic) students at Glendale Community…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Organizing a Focus Group

Words: 1278
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Plan The objective of this preliminary report is to present a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) plan that seeks to formulate recommendations to improve employee-employer relationships within…

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2 Pages
Creative Writing


Ethical Considerations When Conducting a Focus Group

Words: 617
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Creative Writing

Focus Group EthicsThe protection of human subjects participating in research studies is fundamental to maintaining ethical standards in qualitative research (Pietil et al., 2020). This paper examines the safeguards…

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3 Pages
Discussion Chapter


Customized Footwear Additional Focus Group

Words: 758
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

Uniformly, those in the former category indicated that they would be willing to pay something in the range of 10 to 20% more on customized orders. Customers willing…

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