France Essays (Examples)

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In conclusion, practically everything connected to French culture and society, whether of ancient or modern origins, is protected, promoted and endorsed by the Minister of Culture, part of the French government and operated by a single cabinet member. Some of the areas included in this entity are museums, national monuments, the visual arts (movies and TV), the theatre, music, dance, architecture, literature and the French National Archives, similar to America's Library of Congress. Overall, the Minister of Culture is responsible for maintaining French identity and is currently located at the Palais oyale in the city of Paris, the heart of all French culture.


Aresty, Esther B. (2005). The Exquisite Table: A History of French Cuisine. New York:


de la Croix, Horst, ed. (2005). Art Through the Ages. 12th ed. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Jovanovich, Inc.

"French Language History." (2009). Internet. Accessed November 26, 2009 from

Kedward, od. (2006). France and the French:….

France in the 20th Century

France in the Twentieth Century
The Second World War that took place between the years 1939 to 1945 involved the so called Axis Powers on one side, which were, namely, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Japan, and omania and Bulgaria, and the Allied Powers, which were France, U.S., Britain, the U.S.S.., Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Greece, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, and Yugoslavia. (World War Two, 1939 to 1945) when the so-called 'phony war' of the year 1939 ended, and the German army started its sweep through Belgium, most of the French, as well as the British armies were at that time isolated at Dunkirk, from where they had to be rescued. This was the famous 'Dunkirk Evacuation', and soon after, millions and millions of refugees started to flee from the Nord/Pas-de-Calais towards the South, because they feared a repetition of the horrors that had been unleashed on them….

S., is used on events that require drastic recovery processes like floods (natural) or terrorist attacks (man-made). But the MOI would not be in control of the military in such cases (Lindstrom, 2004).
"Today, France has 'a pool of specialized judges and investigators adept at dismantling and prosecuting terrorist networks.'" (Perelman, 2006)

"France has a system, Vigipirate, used at moments of danger to the country. Instituted in 1978, Vigipirate has two levels, which can be activated by the president without legislative consent. The first level, 'simple,' is activated when a threat appears imminent. The government may call up reserve police and rescue personnel, and will deploy police to sensitive sites such as embassies, the subway, train stations and airports, and fuel infrastructure, including nuclear plants (approximately 50% of France's electricity is derived from nuclear power). The government activated this first level at the outset of the first Gulf War in 1991. It….

France -- stability
L. Jones

France: Fashion in the Global Market

henever one considers the place of fashion as an industry within a specific nation, it is essential to consider several factors. Despite today's globalizing fashion industry (which is following all sectors of industry), individual "country factors," including the relative stability of the country as a whole, the nature of its political organization, administrative structure, as well as its legislative, and judiciary s systems all play a role in the health of the fashion industry within that nation. In the case of France, the country holds a unique place in the collective "imagination" of fashion. Indeed, many consider France to be the epicenter of the industry as a whole. Because of its unique and pivotal position respecting fashion, it is essential to understand the "country factors" of this nation, and how they contribute to the stability of the country.

The political organization of France….

(West) Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium

uestion 3… Answer 1: Strong state

A conservative country

the important role of art and culture

a split country

universalism -- France's historical mission.

Lyon -- A, Rhone-Alps; Marseilles -- C. Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur; Paris -- Ile de France; Strasbourg -- Alsace; Ajaccio -- Corse; Bordeaux -- Aquitaine; Reims - Champagne

D -The euro

1A, 2C, 3B, 4D, 5F, 6E, 7G

The Louvre

Hundred Years' War


Prussian defeat of France

Occupation by German Forces in WWII

King Henry IV

Napolean Bonaparte

Charles de Gaulle

Francois I




x bigger than that of France

uestion 17. D. Paris

uestion 18. B. 60 million

uestion 19. D. nuclear

uestion 20. Vrai

uestion 21. C. Paris, Lyon, Marseille

uestion 22 C.I.M. Pei

uestion 23. C. Carpathians

uestion 24. A. Vrai

uestion 25. B. Between 6th and 10th…but this depends. By PPP, France is 6-10; but by nominal GDP it is 5th.

uestion 26. A. Atlantic

uestion 27. Vrai

uestion 28. C. Petain

uestion 29. A. The rooster

uestion 30. Answer #1 -- Vercingetorix

Answer #2 -- Jeanne d'Arc

Answer #3 -- Pasteur


France has embarked on an economic and social experiment that is changing the face of employment in that country. The country has instituted a law requiring 35-hour work weeks, believing that it will stimulate the economy by decreasing unemployment and creating new jobs. It was also expected that such a law would encourage innovation in labor negotiation contracts (Trumbull, 2001). Now that the law has been in force for four years, it makes sense to consider what effects the law has had on French employment.
Since the law was passed in 1998, some companies have devised creative ways to implement the law. The result has been employment law and practice that has both pros and cons.

The move toward this law began when the French Prime Minister made the promise of a 35-hour work week an important part of his election campaign in 1997. When he first made the promise, he was….

France, especially Paris, has a geographical feature that are of important for the people who reside in the region and even the visitors from outside for they offer a wonderful environment that is admirable as well as a platform of studies. Several departments exist in the regions that mark them but not to a limit number for a region.
Activity 1

Indeed, this is a reasonable goal for our class because studying different perspective of France assists Americans learn to appreciate another culture and also apart from better international relation, link liberal education directly for better understanding of our selves. For example we come to appreciate the type of food, clothing, traditions and spiritual life as we compare them with ours. These cultures tend to have similarities and differences but they all originate from a common perspective.

Question 2

Our ideas regarding French civilization may have widely originated from the widely spread documentary television….








Beau Serge -- Chabrol, Quatre Cents Coup -- Truffaut; Hiroshima Mon Amour -- Resnais; Bout de Souffle -- Godard; Jules et Jim -- Truffaut; Cleo de 5 a 7 -- Varda; Le Mepris -- Godard

Shoah -- A;l Jean de Florette -- E; Au Revoir, les Enfants -- B; Nikita -- F; la Haine -- D; L'Humanite -- C


Longest Day -- A; Bourne Identity - C; To Catch A Thief -- French Riviera; Da Vinci Code -- Louvre; Marie Antoinette -- Versailles

American Film Festival -- Deauville; Short Film Festival -- Clermont Ferrand; Festival of Detective Movies -- Cognac




Marie Antoinette


a, b…(c -- the number is 35, not 50).

ready to wear


Le Redoute -- mail order; Les Galeries Lafayette - traditional department store; Tati -- low budget chain store


Question 1. The kings probably change a fair bit, but I was not provided with the portraits so cannot properly answer the question.

Question 2. The French….

France also has a higher education rate than Spain, meaning that its workforce is better equipped to handle complex manufacturing tasks or high-end service roles. This is also evidenced by the percentage of population below the poverty line -- France has much greater human resources than does Spain.
Both nations are net users and importers of energy. Neither has strong reserves of fossil fuels and ultimately must import the majority of their energy. This contributes to both nations having a current account deficit. Both firms are net exporters of electricity, however.

hereas Spain has been compelled to invest in its now-unemployed construction workers, France continues to invest in building its industrial capacity. The French government, for example, has a $52 strategy for investments in science and technology, in order to ensure France's continued strong position in knowledge industries.

orks Cited:

CIA orld Factbook: France. (2010). Retrieved April 11, 2010 from

No author. (2007).….

France and Globalization

France and Globalization

Video clips are here: Indigenes; French regions and globalization;

Which of the chiefs of Gauls put up a serious resistance to Julius Caesar's invading legionnaires?


Which King brought Leonardo da Vinci to France ?

Francois 1st

What was the nickname of Louis XIV ?

The Sun King

In what year did the French Revolution begin?

Which of these Kings was guillotined after the French Revolution?

Louis XVI

What was the family name of the Emperor Napoleon 1?


Who commissioned the construction of the Arc de Triumph?

Napoleon 1st

Where did Charles de Gaulle seek refuge as he organized the French Resistance in World War II?



Question 9

Which French president decided on the construction of the Louvre Pyramid?


Francois Mitterrand

Question 10

Which mountainous region is in the center of France?


The Massif Central

Question 11

Which region is famous for the cultivation of lavender? 2



Question 12

Which is the highest mountain in France?3


le Mont Blanc

Question 13

In which part of France Brittany located? 3



Question 14

With which country does France….

Undoubtedly, France, much like Greece will need a bailout if it escalates to that point.
The ECB has also elected to provide unlimited 3-year loans to risky nations. This in essense, takes liquidity risk off the table in regards to investor concerns. With unlimited loands for the ECB and financial backing from the IMF, France will have a great possibility of avoiding calapse as long as it institutes austerity measures.

The U.S. is currently in a gridlock in Congress in an effort to raise the debt ceiling and to reduce government spending. There is the possible default on the debt and subsequent possible downgrade of the United States credit rating. This is very similar to the situation that was facing France. They also have to reduce their spending to address the growing deficit or increasing the debt ceiling will be a conversation that will have to be repeated.

In addition, French banks….

taly remained closely aligned with Germany despite resentment over the infamous non-aggression pact with Russia and the Assistance that Germany provided Russia in Finland. n face-to-face discussions between Mussolini and Hitler, the former informed the latter that taly could not commit to a prolonged war but would assist Germany once Germany's western offensive proved successful; and taly could only commit to that with three of four months of lead time.

Hitler made sure to court Mussolini further by providing updates throughout his progress in the Nazi conquest of Denmark and Norway and Mussolini decided that taly would enter the war once Germany had achieved its western objectives and after having destroyed the principal defenses of France.

Mussolini executed his plan by formally entering the war on June 10th, only four days before the formal surrender of Paris to the Nazis.

Source Cited

Weinberg, Gerhard L. (1995). A World at Arms: A Global History of….

Evolution of France
It was on March 31, 1889, when France ushered in the Eiffel Tower. The aim for the Eiffel Tower and what ir represented was a prelude to the Universal Exposition and as a tribute marking the century since the French Revolution. It was only about a year later when, Clement der, increased a couple of feet on the Eiffel Tower from the groundwork based on a device that was called an avion (or more simply an airplane). It was the 19th of July back in the year 1900, when Paris initiated the function of the very first metro line and ended up thus hosting the Second Olympics for the contemporary age. This was the period of Belle Epoque when the overall structure and economy of France was doing really well for itself internationally and internally. In that exact same year, the Lumiere siblings had actually been the initiators….

Similarly in Part 5, Chapter 4, Zola shows that the main reason behind French evolution was shortage of food. In one scene, coalminers shout "Bread! Bread! We want bread!" (265)- a cry that symbolized hunger of working classes and stressed the need for better wages and more humane treatment.

The character that I liked the most was that of Catherine, daughter of an experienced miner Maheu, because of her remarkable survivor streak and for her vulnerabilities. Catherine was woman of incredible strength as she opted for harsh conditions of the mines since she found them better than starvation and working in brothels. She felt it was more respectful to push the heavy coal wagon with her body "bent forward and the arms kept stiff, so that [she] could push with all the muscles of the shoulders and haunches" (53) than starving in sub-human conditions. The author has added strength and power….

France Healthcare System

French Health System
The French health care system is based off of a model of universal coverage and fee for service. This is when everyone is provided with support and must a pay a portion of the expense. Under this program the government is covering 70% of the costs. While the rest, is provided through private insurance or the individual making up these expenses. The results are that this is accounting for 11.7% of GDP growth. However, like all systems a number of criticisms are highlighting the overall problems. To fully understand what is taking place requires carefully examining the disparities and financing. Together, these elements will highlight its strengths and weaknesses. (Taylor, 2012)

Country's Health Disparities Issues

The French healthcare system is focused on preventive medicine. This means that different therapies are provided which are designed to reduce the chances of a condition becoming worse. As the costs, will start to increase….

While it is impossible to escape the similarities between the French Revolution and American Revolution and there is no question that the American Revolution helped inspire the French Revolution, there are a number of important differences between the French and American revolution.

Location was an important difference.  America was a colony that was revolting against a ruling government that was separated from it by a large distance, while the French Revolution occurred in France and was aimed at the monarchy in that country.

Social class played a much more important role in the French Revolution than the American Revolution. ....

Chivalry refers to a code of conduct that was developed in the latter part of the Middle Ages in various parts of western Europe, most notably in what are parts of modern day France and Britain.  Though it may be referred to a system or the chivalric code, it is not actually a codified system of norms or behaviors, but instead an informal code of moral behavior.  Its origins can be traced back to around 1170, though it draws upon moral codes from earlier times, especially the Carolingian Empire, which featured a similar idolization of the soldier/warrior.

Chivalry is a very....

Looking at how cars were invented and reality quickly became the go-to transportation method for much of the world is fascinating.  While the automobile was invented in Germany and France, Henry Ford, who mastered automation and the mass production of cars, probably deserves much of the credit for the automobile’s early successes.  In fact, Ford’s focuses on wages and affordability probably deserve credit for the rise of the American middle class, suggesting that the history of the automobile and the history of the middle class are inextricably intertwined.

I. Introduction

A. Precursors....

Many people think of the D-Day landings as only amphibious. However, there were also air landings on D-Day. The combination of the two types of assault helped contribute to the success of the D-Day invasion. Plus, while we focus on D-Day, it was just the beginning of a bigger operation, Operation Overlord. That operation was designed to help the Allied powers defeat the Axis powers in Europe with a decisive, huge push of combined forces.

The D-Day invasion was all across northern France. They landed on five different beaches. The beaches were Utah, Sword,....

4 Pages


France the Influence of France

Words: 1553
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

In conclusion, practically everything connected to French culture and society, whether of ancient or modern origins, is protected, promoted and endorsed by the Minister of Culture, part of the…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

France in the 20th Century

Words: 2192
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

France in the Twentieth Century The Second World War that took place between the years 1939 to 1945 involved the so called Axis Powers on one side, which were, namely,…

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12 Pages


France's Homeland Security Challenges and

Words: 3400
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Thesis

S., is used on events that require drastic recovery processes like floods (natural) or terrorist attacks (man-made). But the MOI would not be in control of the military in…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


France Its International Trendy Styles Fashion in the Global Market

Words: 1333
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

France -- stability L. Jones France: Fashion in the Global Market henever one considers the place of fashion as an industry within a specific nation, it is essential to consider several factors.…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


France West Germany Italy Netherlands Luxembourg Belgium

Words: 793
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

France (West) Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium uestion 3… Answer 1: Strong state A conservative country the important role of art and culture a split country universalism -- France's historical mission. Lyon -- A, Rhone-Alps; Marseilles…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


France Has Embarked on an Economic and

Words: 989
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

France has embarked on an economic and social experiment that is changing the face of employment in that country. The country has instituted a law requiring 35-hour work weeks,…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


France Especially Paris Has a Geographical Feature

Words: 1332
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

France, especially Paris, has a geographical feature that are of important for the people who reside in the region and even the visitors from outside for they offer a…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Drama - World

France True False True Melies Renoir Pagnol

Words: 727
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

France True False True True Melies Renoir Pagnol Beau Serge -- Chabrol, Quatre Cents Coup -- Truffaut; Hiroshima Mon Amour -- Resnais; Bout de Souffle -- Godard; Jules et Jim -- Truffaut; Cleo de 5 a 7…

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5 Pages

Literature - Latin-American

France vs Spain France Makes

Words: 1565
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

France also has a higher education rate than Spain, meaning that its workforce is better equipped to handle complex manufacturing tasks or high-end service roles. This is also…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Drama - World

France and Globalization

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

France and Globalization Instructions: Video clips are here: Indigenes; French regions and globalization; Which of the chiefs of Gauls put up a serious resistance to Julius Caesar's invading legionnaires? Vercingetorix Which King brought Leonardo…

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5 Pages
Case Study


France Provide a Statistical Profile

Words: 2408
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

Undoubtedly, France, much like Greece will need a bailout if it escalates to that point. The ECB has also elected to provide unlimited 3-year loans to risky nations. This…

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2 Pages

Drama - World

France's Decision to Enter World

Words: 431
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

taly remained closely aligned with Germany despite resentment over the infamous non-aggression pact with Russia and the Assistance that Germany provided Russia in Finland. n face-to-face discussions between Mussolini…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Drama - World

France in the Twentieth Century

Words: 1209
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Evolution of France It was on March 31, 1889, when France ushered in the Eiffel Tower. The aim for the Eiffel Tower and what ir represented was a prelude to…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


France French History Germinal and

Words: 1180
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" Similarly in Part 5, Chapter 4, Zola shows that the main reason behind French evolution was shortage of food. In one scene, coalminers shout "Bread! Bread! We want bread!"…

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2 Pages


France Healthcare System

Words: 645
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

French Health System The French health care system is based off of a model of universal coverage and fee for service. This is when everyone is provided with support and…

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