Gang Violence Essays (Examples)

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Gang Violence

Gang Violence
For many years gang violence has plagued cities in the United States and around the world, causing disruptions and chaos in communities, and bringing grief and grieving to families in those communities. There seems to be no end to the killings and gang members appear to have access to unlimited numbers of weapons. Lately Chicago Illinois, in particular, has been the scene of numerous deaths due to gang violence. This paper reviews and critiques an article in The Atlantic in which noted University of Chicago Crime Lab scholar Dr. Harold Pollack is interviewed by Ta-Nehisi Coates. The interview took place in Chicago around the time that Hadiya Pendleton was shot and killed in a drive-by shooting in a Chicago park on January 29, 2013. Pendleton was a member of a marching band that played at the inauguration of President Obama. At the time of her murder, she was hanging….

As we use this literature review to explore such issues, it is with the understanding that said issues have contributed to an overall intensification of the problems which are the consequence thereof. That is, the argument will tend to suggest, gang violence is getting worse and more widely spread, due both to the increasing severity of many of America's social problems and to the increased degree of organization and syndication committed by gang members.
The evidence of this is stark and compelling according to recently available data on the subject. In 2006, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) -- invested as a matter of demonstration that this is considered a national and, to some extent, international law enforcement issue -- published the findings that "there are almost 30,000 gangs, 800,000 members in America, and over 2,500 areas of America are affected. This gang violence is not limited to the United….

gang violence in Canada
Though gang violence is not a new phenomena in Canada, the number of gangs and the dynamics within these gangs has changed. It has been reported that the four most common types of gangs found within the Canadian provinces are street gangs, outlaw motorcycle gangs, mafias and organized crime organizations, and hate gangs. Increasing gang membership -- and the rising number of girls joining gangs, gun violence, and aboriginal gangs have contributed to the rise of gang activity and violence in Canada.

It has been reported that most gang related crimes are based on creating an atmosphere of fear within the community. The most prevalent gang related crimes in communities include extortion, intimidation, and assault ("Victims of Violence"). Other destructive gang activity also includes the "defacement of property, impediments to the population, intimidation of local business, presence of community fear and anxiety, and the general destruction of….

(Hagedorn, 1997). These studies suggest a co-relation between drug and alcohol use and violence, and that most violence occurs when one or both (the victim and the perpetrator of the crime) are high on alcohol or drugs.
However, it is important to consider the fact that most "drug-related" violence is actually drug trade related. In an analysis of New York City's homicides in 1988, Paul Goldstein and his colleagues concluded, "74% of drug-related homicides were related to the black market drug trade and not drug use." Goldstein's study further notes that the leading crack-related homicide cause was shown to be territorial disputes between rival dealers, and not crack-induced violence or violence (predatory thieving) to obtain money for crack purchases (Goldstein, 1989).

Now we will briefly look at some measures that can prevent drug-related gang violence. As we have seen previously, most drug-related crimes are done for economic gains. Hence effective programs….

Corrections Issue of Gang Violence in the State of Georgia
Current critical and prevalent corrections issue and its history

Community mobilization

Community mobilization is one of the current critical and prevalent corrective issues in the United States of America. Community mobilization involves the creation of awareness and knowledge over the issue at hand so that people are warned on how to make a judgement over their behaviours and interactions with it. Community mobilization involves a number of steps that are directed at influencing the community to make decisions and assumptions within a given periphery of direction. Violence is a critical thing that has harmed the U.S. community in general. Measures to alleviate insecurity and violence involve reaching out to members of the society. Moreover, the measures are letting them come to the knowledge of the consequences and possibilities that are likely to happen when some people take a direction irrespective of the….

Dropout rates of Latinos in U.S. And their effect on gang violence (or vice versa)
Hispanic gang violence and high school drop-out rates

Hispanic teens have the highest dropout rates of any demographic group in the United States. Gang membership amongst Latino adolescents is also increasing, rising 50% from 1999 to 2002, according to one estimate (MacDonald 2004). While rates of juvenile delinquency and gang affiliation have always been highest amongst the children of recent immigrants, the most sobering aspect of recent findings is that risk of becoming a gang member increases rather than decreases, the longer a Hispanic family remains in the U.S. (MacDonald 2004). Dropout rates for second-generation Hispanic students are higher than that for first-generation Hispanic youths, who tend to be less immersed in gang culture "a growing gang culture that offers them an identity and an outlet for their alienation, according to researchers" (We were pretty much invisible,….

Gang Prevention Programs in Chicago
Annotated Bibliography

ubrin, C. E. (2015). Chicago Hustle and Flow: Gangs, Gangsta Rap, and Social Class. American Journal of Sociology, 121(3), 999-1001.

According to ubrinb (2015), Chicago has stood as one of the serious places when it comes to gangsters, armed and not armed. Much has to be done to alleviate this rising crime rate; otherwise, something not good might happen. The society, especially the youth are becoming radicalized to the contents and universality of gangsters and crime. There is a need for an immediate action in the form of legal processes and programs that will end gangsters in Chicago. The author expresses the need to have stiff measures and programs, like the one on drugs control programs that will run deep into soliciting for individualized aspects of living that will end such crimes in the society (ubrin, 2015).

Binder, J. J., & Eghigian, M. (2013). Gangland illings in….

Alignment helps keep both qualitative and quantitative research studies cohesive, meaningful, and valid. The purpose of the study and its implications for policy or practice should be aligned with the research questions, design, and method. Research by Forster, Grigsby, Unger, et al. (2015) illustrates the concept of alignment in a quantitative study. The research focuses on the links between exposure to violence in the community, social ties with gangs or gang members, social self-control, and aggressive behavior. Based on prior research, the authors hypothesize that exposure to violence in the community would be associated with aggressive behaviors. The authors also hypothesize that having friends or family members in gangs was positively correlated with aggressive behavior, and that lower levels of self-control were also correlated with aggressive behavior. All of these hypotheses have the same dependent variable (aggressive behavior exhibited over the past week). These hypotheses and related research questions are….

Gang Intervention

Gang Violence Interventions: Pulling Levers Programs
Gang Intervention

Over two decades of studies have shown partnerships between institutions and communities are required for effective and sustainable interventions to reduce gang violence, but the majority of intervention strategies have taken a reactionary approach, such as increasing policing efforts without addressing the underlying causes of gang violence (Gebo, Boyes-Watson, and Pinto-Wilson, 2010, p. 166). The lack of investment cognitive-behavioral interventions is evident by the prevalence of poorly designed studies investigating the effectiveness of such strategies, which makes drawing conclusions about their value difficult if not impossible (Fisher, Gardner, Montgomery, 2008).

A popular intervention strategy, at least among the law enforcement community, is the 'pulling levers' strategy (Braga, 2008). This strategy is essentially a problem-oriented approach to policing that involves choosing a crime problem, assembling an interagency working group, conducting research on the offender population, and coming up with a list of possible responses (the levers).….

Gang Violence Prevention
Gang Violence

Study of each and every society around the world gives us a phenomenon, which indicates at a certain graph related to organized crime. American society has long been associated with such a vice, and there have been many unearths made in this direction. There has been a lot of study and research associated with fact that how these gangs formed and what is the major motivational factor behind such activities. Several studies in this regard have brought forward certain phenomenon which forms the basis of gang formations and majority of which is related to unsatisfied social structure. These gangs are formed in the societies, which are highly disintegrated and have developed into individually functioning micro units. Extensive liberalization of political policies and the general promotion of individualistic approach towards life in most countries have motivated certain individuals in direction of organized crime, and this is a growing….

Thrasher (1927) correctly identified the reasons for existence and persistence of gangs: "The gangs… offer a substitute for what society fails to give… it fills a gap and affords an escape….thus the gang, itself a natural and spontaneous type of organization arising through conflict is a symptom of disorganization in the larger social framework." (p. 13)
To prevent the youth from getting into the ills of society parents, teachers, the community and the entire nation should get together and contribute their part to it. Parents and teachers should guide the teens and explain to them about the dangers of becoming a part of a gang. The nation should provide their people with more opportunities so as to better their living conditions. Law enforcing agencies should increase their efficiency to create deterrence among the youth such that they would not indulge in delinquency. It is about time that everyone should recognize….

Call for backup before attempting pursuit into unsecured potential gang situations

5.. Examples of gangs deploying military weapons and tactics against law enforcement:

2005: Contract assassination attempt against corrections officer in Lakewood, Wash. By United Blood Nation gang member in active service from Bremerton Navy Station (10)

2005: Ceres, California: Active-duty, U.S. Marine Iraq combat veteran gang member shoots two police, killing one, using military tactics (11)

2006: Verbal testimony by several gang members suggests veterans training gangs for combat (12)

2010: U.S.Marine Corps veterans charged with selling assault weapons to gangs (13)

2011: Twenty-seven AK-47s stolen from California's Fort Irwin Army base (14)

2011: National Gang Threat Assessment report: "Gang members are acquiring high-powered, military-style weapons and equipment, which poses a significant threat because of the potential to engage in lethal encounters with law enforcement and citizens alike" (15)

6. ACTION: If you believe you may encounter military-level threat of force from gang members, secure the scene….

violence in the public schools. Teen violence in general has become a major concern in America today. One of the reasons for the issue being so prevalent is the number of school shootings in the last few years, especially the shooting at Columbine High in Littleton, Colorado. hile the welfare of young people is always of concern, much of the fear being generated at the present time is excessive. For one thing, teen violence is not the new phenomenon many people seem to think it is, and an analysis of our history shows that violence in the schools has always been a problem and that in fact it is diminished at the present time. In truth, though, any school violence is too much, and ways of eliminating it and protecting students in school must be found. Several "solutions" to the problem have been offered.
One such recommendation is school uniforms,….

George Knox, director of the National Gang Crime esearch Center, teaches law enforcement officers how to search WebPages to pick up on gang member's lingo, territories, and rivalries. He also asserts it is crucial for officers to learn how to "read between the lines" when searching gang members' WebPages. Time on the Web, similar to time on the streets, gives gang investigators the ability to read the hieroglyphics of wall graffiti, and understand Web clues. In addition, "gang identifiers, such as tattoos, graffiti tags, colors and clothing often are embedded in each site" (Gutierrez, 2006, ¶ 27). According to Gutierrez, by studying gang blogs for several hours, one can pick up on subtle word choices, which the gang members consider to be almost holy words. Knox contends that some gangs use the Internet to recruit new members.

Other Efforts to Deal with Gangs

Suppression techniques may be one of the best ways….

Gangs in South Florida

Hybrid Gangs in South Florida
On Public Policy towards Volatile Movements

South Florida has an increasing prevalence of criminal gangs in their communities and it is posing a growing threat to their security and safety. It is clear that in that region criminal hybrid gangs are spreading violence and fear in their neighborhoods making places like their parks unusable, and even bringing corrupt behavior passages to work and school, stopping legitimate businesses consisting of tourism, and bringing down property values. Right now, there are more hybrid gangs in Florida than ever before, with approximately 400 in South Florida alone, as stated by the latest state study. Hybrid gangs are not a new threat, nevertheless the most recent state study displays the problem is getting worse especially in South Florida. In 1991, there were 160 gangs in the south Florida region, but by 2007 the number jumped to beyond 1,500 with more than….

Certainly! Here are some potential essay topics related to gangs:

1. The impact of gangs on communities and neighborhoods
2. The role of social media in gang recruitment and communication
3. The relationship between poverty and gang involvement
4. The effectiveness of gang prevention programs and initiatives
5. The connection between drugs and gang activity
6. The influence of music and pop culture on gang behavior
7. The evolution of gang culture and symbols
8. The portrayal of gangs in the media and pop culture
9. The experiences of former gang members and their efforts to leave the gang lifestyle
10. The intersectionality of race, class, and gender in gang....

1. The Role of Revenge in Shaping Criminal Behavior
2. The Ethics of Seeking Revenge in the Criminal Justice System
3. The Psychological Impact of Holding onto Revenge in Criminal Cases
4. Revenge as a Motivating Factor in Criminal Acts
5. Exploring Revenge as a Theme in Literature and Film about Crime
6. Revenge and its Effects on Social Relationships and Community Dynamics
7. The Enduring Appeal of Revenge as a Narrative Device in Crime Stories
8. Revenge as a Form of Justice in the Eyes of the Victimized
9. The Cycle of Violence and Revenge in Criminal Acts
10. The Consequences of Seeking Revenge in Cases of Crime....

S.E. Hinton's extended narrative in "The Outsiders" challenges traditional societal norms and perceptions of teenage gang culture by humanizing the characters and showing the complexities and struggles they face. Instead of portraying the gang members as one-dimensional delinquents, Hinton delves deep into their emotions, motivations, and relationships, highlighting the importance of loyalty, friendship, and family.

By portraying the gang members as individuals with their own unique personalities, dreams, and fears, Hinton challenges the stereotype that all gang members are inherently bad or criminal. She also explores the social and economic factors that push teens into joining gangs, shedding light on the....

I. Introduction
- Definition of illegal immigration
- Overview of the impact on economies, societies, and national security

II. Impact on Economies
A. Costs of illegal immigration
1. Social services
2. Law enforcement
3. Healthcare
B. Labor market
1. Competition for jobs
2. Depressed wages
C. Taxes
1. Lost revenue
2. Burden on taxpayers

III. Impact on Societies
A. Cultural assimilation
1. Language barriers
2. Segregation
B. Social cohesion
1. Tension between immigrants and native population
2. Impact on social services
C. Crime
1. Gang violence
2. Human trafficking

IV. Impact on National Security
A. Border security
1. Drug trafficking
2. Terrorism
B. National sovereignty
1. Threats to national identity
2. Infiltration of criminal organizations
C. Public health
1. Spread of diseases
2. Lack of proper screening for immigrants

V. Conclusion
- Summary of the....

3 Pages

Law - Constitutional Law

Gang Violence

Words: 1114
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Gang Violence For many years gang violence has plagued cities in the United States and around the world, causing disruptions and chaos in communities, and bringing grief and grieving to…

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11 Pages
Research Proposal

Criminal Justice

Gang Violence in the United States

Words: 3324
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

As we use this literature review to explore such issues, it is with the understanding that said issues have contributed to an overall intensification of the problems which…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Gang Violence in Canada Though Gang Violence

Words: 664
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

gang violence in Canada Though gang violence is not a new phenomena in Canada, the number of gangs and the dynamics within these gangs has changed. It has been…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Gang Violence Focusing on Drug-Related

Words: 989
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

(Hagedorn, 1997). These studies suggest a co-relation between drug and alcohol use and violence, and that most violence occurs when one or both (the victim and the perpetrator…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Corrections Issue of Gang Violence in the State of Georgia

Words: 2505
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Corrections Issue of Gang Violence in the State of Georgia Current critical and prevalent corrections issue and its history Community mobilization Community mobilization is one of the current critical and prevalent…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Dropout Rates of Latinos in U S and Their Effect on Gang Violence or Vice Versa

Words: 708
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Dropout rates of Latinos in U.S. And their effect on gang violence (or vice versa) Hispanic gang violence and high school drop-out rates Hispanic teens have the highest dropout rates of…

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2 Pages
Annotated Bibliography


Strategies to Tackle Gang Violence

Words: 856
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Gang Prevention Programs in Chicago Annotated Bibliography ubrin, C. E. (2015). Chicago Hustle and Flow: Gangs, Gangsta Rap, and Social Class. American Journal of Sociology, 121(3), 999-1001. According to ubrinb (2015), Chicago…

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2 Pages


social'science research methods gang violence

Words: 624
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Alignment helps keep both qualitative and quantitative research studies cohesive, meaningful, and valid. The purpose of the study and its implications for policy or practice should be aligned with…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Law - Constitutional Law

Gang Intervention

Words: 726
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Gang Violence Interventions: Pulling Levers Programs Gang Intervention Over two decades of studies have shown partnerships between institutions and communities are required for effective and sustainable interventions to reduce gang violence,…

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3 Pages


Violence in Gangs and Its Prevention

Words: 1394
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Gang Violence Prevention Gang Violence Study of each and every society around the world gives us a phenomenon, which indicates at a certain graph related to organized crime. American society has…

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5 Pages


Gangs Societies Have Been Plagued

Words: 1759
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

Thrasher (1927) correctly identified the reasons for existence and persistence of gangs: "The gangs… offer a substitute for what society fails to give… it fills a gap and…

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2 Pages
Article Review


Gangs Military Weapons Tactics Unclassified For

Words: 721
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Review

Call for backup before attempting pursuit into unsecured potential gang situations 5.. Examples of gangs deploying military weapons and tactics against law enforcement: 2005: Contract assassination attempt against corrections officer in…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Violence in the Public Schools Teen Violence

Words: 1762
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

violence in the public schools. Teen violence in general has become a major concern in America today. One of the reasons for the issue being so prevalent is…

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16 Pages

Criminal Justice

Gang Prevention Program Gangs Contain

Words: 5590
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Thesis

George Knox, director of the National Gang Crime esearch Center, teaches law enforcement officers how to search WebPages to pick up on gang member's lingo, territories, and rivalries. He…

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14 Pages
Capstone Project

Criminal Justice

Gangs in South Florida

Words: 4060
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

Hybrid Gangs in South Florida On Public Policy towards Volatile Movements South Florida has an increasing prevalence of criminal gangs in their communities and it is posing a growing threat to…

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