Governmental Organization Essays (Examples)

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economy continues to struggle, many areas of the nation continue to struggle as well. Non-profit and governmental organizations are faced with cutbacks, fewer donations and general lack of assistance that they may have been accustomed to in the past.
Add to this the globalization process and the increasing need for assistance by these organizations and it is easy to understand why it has become critical to manage them as efficiently as possible. The strategic management of non-profit organizations as well as governmental organizations must be as efficient and capable as possible for the organization to be able to continue operating.

Several elements are needed for the strategic management of such organization including team work, financial planning and goals. This paper will discuss and detail the importance of strategic management in these areas as well as suggest future paths for success.

Strategic Management in a Nonprofit and Governmental Organization.


One of the most important….

Nigeria Orphanage
Non-Governmental Organization Placement: Examination of the Experience of Students In NGO Placement

The objective of this work is to examine the experience of students on the NGO placement in Nigeria. The NGO at focus is that of St. Joseph Orphanage and Women Development Center. The writer of this work was provided with an excellent opportunity to exam the organization chart and policy of the non-governmental and non-profit organization. In addition, the writer of this work was provided with insight on how the organization raises money to finance and sustain its diverse projects in Nigeria. During the course of job placement of this researcher with this NGO organization, and specifically St. Joseph Women Development and orphanage center it was amazing to realize that Media and Communication organizations play a significant role in the promotion and creation of community awareness and awareness on the national level. Consideration of the barriers that were….

NGOs have proven and continue to reaffirm that they are here to stay. They have carved a niche for itself and made it virtually impossible to imagine the world of business and the politics that goes along with it not being affected by NGOS and the way in which they have been weaved into the fabric of day-to-day business. It is evident through the research discussed that the positives of NGOs supersede any negatives that could be found. They are a way for those with lesser voices to be heard and have their opinions heard, a way to have a choice and feel like someone is on the side of the average individual.
However, no system is without flaws and Arenas, Lozano, & Albareda (2009) point out that one of the main factors that undermine the legitimacy of NGOs is the widespread perception among businesses and other stakeholders that NGOs….

A Comparative Discussion of Three NGOs

The discussion hereafter considers three highly distinct Non-Government Organizations (NGO), all of which work absent of political imperatives or pubic pressure in order to address some of the most pressing humanitarian issues impacting the people of the global community. Issues such as poverty, pollution, access to survival amenities and freedom of war, abuse or political oppression will drive the orientation of NGOs, with those selected for consideration here representing a suitable cross-section of these concerns.

I selected Charity: ater both because of the importance of its mission and the sheer enormity of its task. The ambition to bring clean, safe drinking water to people in parts of the world where this staple of survival is scarce strikes me as an extremely important one with the capacity to save and extend many lives. ith respect to saving lives, my selection of Amnesty International would be made because….

NGO is a non-governmental organization, while an IGO is an intergovernmental organization. The latter is typically created between states. Trade agreements often create IGOs as enforcement mechanisms, for example. Thus, IGOs exist as intermediary between the constituent nations. There are often three or more nations party to the agreement, as per the UIA (2014) definition of an IGO. The body will typically have specific set tasks for which it has been created, and any authority that the IGO has will be related to the performance of those tasks.
An NGO is also an international organization, but exists outside of state influence. The UIA defines an NGO as being transnational in nature but not bound or run by any nation. An NGO may theoretically receive some funding from a nation-state, but in many cases will raise funds privately. NGOs therefore operate independent of state influence, and perform tasks on this basis.….

Organizational Behavior
Since long the necessity for quality health care for veterans is considered to be a critical issue with widespread implications in respect of health care system of the nation. Irrespective of the incessant pressure on converting the Veteran Administration into a business model it has been alleged vehemently on the ground that the approach is not conducive to the satisfaction of most veterans, the legislators and even the providers of the health care. The problem of extending acceptable quality health care for the veterans of the nation is to be resolved by constituting public consensus on the issue. Irrespective of its increasing challenges it is believed that the provision of quality health care for the veterans of the nation is considered to be an appropriate objective for this country to maintain. Acknowledging the sacrifices of the veterans, the death of millions of Americans in service, 1.5 million returning home….

Political leaders in charge of this decision will not take into consideration only the effects that a possible bailout might have on the automakers. They will take into consideration the macroeconomic effects and challenges that are expected to emerge in case the bailout is approved.
The symbolic frame probably has the least importance regarding this subject. In case the bailout will not be approved, the cultural or symbolic aspects related to the big automakers affected by this situation will not have the strength to clarify the situation.

2. The important lesson provided by the organizational behavior consists in improving organizational effectiveness. This lesson should be important for all the managers or aspiring managers and it should always be taken into consideration when deciding upon important aspects that affect the organization in case.

Effectiveness and efficiency must characterize all types of organizations, private, profits oriented ones, but non-profit and governmental organizations also. The….

Function #1: Mitigation

At this stage, gradual and long-term steps are taken to ensure that disasters do not occur, or that, when they do, they cause minimal damage. Actions at this stage include the identification of hazards, the research of the causes which generate the disaster, the creation of means in which to modify the causes of the disasters, the development of means which reduce the community's vulnerability to the disaster, the efforts to better consolidate old buildings, the construction of disaster-resistant buildings, the education of the population or the provision of insurance.

At this stage, the responsibilities of the central government include:

The identification of hazards and the research of their causes

The research as to how the causes of the disaster can be modified

The offering of research and development grants to local projects

The promulgation of buildings safety standards

elative to the competencies of the local governments in the mitigation stages, these include:

The adoption….

The organization also seems to be rather adept at evaluating employee performance regularly and fairly. The organizational leaders have, on the whole, established culture of trust, in which employees feel free to speak their minds and express their ideas without apprehension.

CHA is not perfect, however. There are definitely some weaknesses in the organization as well. For example, some of the organization's leaders are not as skilled as they could be at handling conflict and negotiation. There is sometimes a lack of effective communication from the top down which results in problems that resonate throughout the company. When this happens, the conflict that ensues is not always handled as diplomatically as it could be. The "blame game" seems to be a popular pastime in the organization, which ultimately just serves to reduce morale.

My suggestion for overcoming this weakness is to send managers to training sessions on effective communication. In every organization,….

Haiti Case Study and Response to Disaster
The 2010 earthquake was one of the most powerful earthquakes to hit Haiti in a century. This mega-disaster killed thousands of people and displaced more. The catastrophe triggered massive relief efforts that serve vital disaster management lessons for world regions. This paper draws largely on a 2010 report by the United States Joint Forces Command. The essay reviews the Joint Task Force Haiti Case Study and annotates the joint logistical planning processes and the joint mission execution designed for the Humanitarian Assistance Disaster Relief mission. Specific topics to be covered and analyzed include USSOUTHCOM's organization, Situational Awareness, deployment of forces, the speed of response versus force/resource flow requirements and communication.


The U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) adopted a directorate organization model to promote collaboration within stakeholders as well as interagency (United States Joint Forces Command, 2010). This structure gave the combatant commanders the latitude and authority….

Amnesty International and Human ights reports on the U.S. government fair and objective? Explain. Do they cover the full range of rights discussed in the International Bill of Human ights?
Although both organizations do seem to cover the full range of rights discussed in the International Bill of Human ights, with some rights, however, being focused on more unevenly than others, the Amnesty International and Human ights reports on the U.S. government are not always fair and objective. For instance, the Amnesty International report in May 25, 2005 claimed that the U.S. is a top offender of human rights. This was a ridiculous and blanket statement easily refuted by the White House who claimed the allegations to be ridiculous and unsupported by the facts:

The United States is leading the way when it comes to protecting human rights and promoting human dignity. We have liberated 50 million people in Iraq and….

Organizational Change in the Public Sector
This research proposal explores the feasibility of management in the public Sector as an organizational paradigm and new model in organizational development. The literature review reviews numerous journal articles that explore on the key concepts of change management strategies from a public sector project management perspective. The authors suggest that employee's participation, effective feedback across the board, and empowerment of subordinate staffs is a major step in transforming public organizations. This proposal further hypothesis that establishment of long-term and productivity advantages are crucial throughout the organization.


Research Questions



Factor 1: Need for change

Factor 2: implement a Plan for change

Factor 3: create political internal environment for Change

Factor 4: Support and Commitment from managers

Factor 5: enhancing External Support

Factor 6: Provide Resources for change

Factor 7: establish Change

Factor 8: ascertain comprehensive Change

Determinants of implementing change in organizations

Change efficiency

Social cognitive theory

Change valence

Motivation Theory

Testing the Hypothesis




One of the….

Employees handle a large amount of private documentation and must uphold the law of confidentiality legally and ethically.
Despite the stress on confidentiality of client information, communication flow is still important to the organization's ability to get work done. / Thus confidentiality in the service of customers, not in the service of secrecy is the organizational mantra. Additionally, communication is not simply fostered in the organizational culture's common professional dress. Because communication skills are so integral to the organization's work, when dealing with other nations over the phone, creating better communication styles in its employees' dealings with one another has become an integral part of the organization's standard operating procedures and mission statement. There are regular updates regarding company policy for employees and weekly staff meetings to foster a healthy and open communication flow between staff and management. No one need ever feel out of the loop. The organizational flow….

What emerged from the review of the literature, though, was the fact that the agency's top leader recognized that something must be done to address this problem and took substantive action in the form of offered alternative work arrangements for patent office employees in response. The impact of this initiative was shown to be highly positive, with a significant reduction in employee absenteeism as well as other cost savings being realized as a result. Finally, the research was consistent in showing that even the best ideas, though, must be carefully implemented to avoid the perception of undue influence and favoritism in order to succeed.

An introduction to the USPTO. (2009). The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. [Online].


Article 1, Section 8, United States Constitution.

Fernandez, S. (2005). Developing and testing an integrative framework of public sector leadership: Evidence from the public education arena. Journal of Public Administration

esearch and Theory, 15(2), 197-198.


While this is an important first step, the overall bureaucracy of the hospital could pose problem over the long-term. To mitigate this situation, the hospital could implement a program of randomly monitoring the various departments that score poorly on different surveys. Where, the administration is seeking out ways to quickly identify when the overall levels of care will decrease. This is important, because as a part of the Department of Defense, it easy for the staff to fall into an attitude of complacence. Once this occurs, is when the obvious weaknesses in the various departments become more severe and could require years, to effectively correct the various problems. As a result, the surveys are good first start, but must have an effective mechanism of identifying the problem early. When you have random spot checks of those departments that are scoring poorly on the survey, you are making the organization….

There are several ways in which governments can help education in schools located in rural areas. Here is a formatted response with proper spacing:

1. Increase funding: Governments can allocate more resources and funding specifically for schools in rural areas. This could be done through the establishment of special funding programs or grants that are solely dedicated to improving education in these regions.

2. Improve infrastructure: Governments can invest in upgrading the infrastructure of rural schools by constructing new buildings, renovating existing facilities, and providing necessary equipment and resources. This includes ensuring access to electricity, clean water, and proper sanitation facilities.

3. Enhance....

The government can play a crucial role in supporting schools in rural areas by implementing various measures. Here are some ways in which the government can help:

1. Infrastructure development: The government can provide funds for the construction and renovation of school buildings, classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other essential facilities. This will ensure that rural schools have adequate physical infrastructure to provide quality education.

2. Technology integration: The government can facilitate the integration of technology in rural schools by providing funds for the purchase of computers, projectors, internet connectivity, and other necessary equipment. This will enhance the teaching and learning experience for....

1. The Role of Emotions in Political Decision Making: Exploring how emotions influence political beliefs and actions, and whether they should be considered in political theory.

2. The Impact of Technology on Political Communication: Analyzing how social media and other digital platforms have changed political discourse and debate in the modern age.

3. Intersectionality in Political Theory: Examining how issues of race, gender, and class intersect in political theory and shape debates on social justice and equality.

4. The Ethics of Political Violence: Discussing the moral implications of using violence as a political tool and when it may be justified.

5. Post-Colonial Perspectives in....

I. Introduction
- Definition of Youth Empowerment
- Importance of empowering youth
- Thesis statement: Youth empowerment is crucial for the development of society and individuals alike.

II. Background Information
- Statistics on the youth population globally and in the specific region
- Challenges faced by young people in today's society
- The need for initiatives to empower youth

III. Factors Influencing Youth Empowerment
- Education and skill development
- Access to resources and opportunities
- Support from family, community, and policymakers

IV. Strategies for Youth Empowerment
- Mentoring and guidance programs
- Entrepreneurship and job creation initiatives
- Advocacy for youth rights and participation in decision-making processes

V. Case Studies of successful Youth Empowerment programs

7 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Strategic Management in Nonprofit and Governmental Organizations

Words: 1990
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

economy continues to struggle, many areas of the nation continue to struggle as well. Non-profit and governmental organizations are faced with cutbacks, fewer donations and general lack of…

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20 Pages

Sports - Women

Non-Governmental Organization Placement

Words: 5902
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Essay

Nigeria Orphanage Non-Governmental Organization Placement: Examination of the Experience of Students In NGO Placement The objective of this work is to examine the experience of students on the NGO placement in…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Cardsmax Non-Governmental Organizations Ngos Have

Words: 1572
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

NGOs have proven and continue to reaffirm that they are here to stay. They have carved a niche for itself and made it virtually impossible to imagine the…

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3 Pages


Non-Governmental Organizations

Words: 959
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

NGOs A Comparative Discussion of Three NGOs The discussion hereafter considers three highly distinct Non-Government Organizations (NGO), all of which work absent of political imperatives or pubic pressure in order to…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


NGO Is a Non-Governmental Organization While an

Words: 1284
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

NGO is a non-governmental organization, while an IGO is an intergovernmental organization. The latter is typically created between states. Trade agreements often create IGOs as enforcement mechanisms, for…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Organizational Behavior Since Long the Necessity for

Words: 1894
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Organizational Behavior Since long the necessity for quality health care for veterans is considered to be a critical issue with widespread implications in respect of health care system of the…

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2 Pages

Business - Management

Organization Structural Organization Reframing Big

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Political leaders in charge of this decision will not take into consideration only the effects that a possible bailout might have on the automakers. They will take into…

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30 Pages
Literature Review

Business - Management

Organizational Accountability in Emergency Management

Words: 8646
Length: 30 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Function #1: Mitigation At this stage, gradual and long-term steps are taken to ensure that disasters do not occur, or that, when they do, they cause minimal damage. Actions at…

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3 Pages

Business - Management

Organization Is the Civilian Human

Words: 815
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

The organization also seems to be rather adept at evaluating employee performance regularly and fairly. The organizational leaders have, on the whole, established culture of trust, in which employees…

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4 Pages
Case Study


Organizational Model and Disaster

Words: 1475
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

Haiti Case Study and Response to Disaster The 2010 earthquake was one of the most powerful earthquakes to hit Haiti in a century. This mega-disaster killed thousands of people and…

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3 Pages


Human Rights Non-Governmental Organizations Reports

Words: 1023
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Amnesty International and Human ights reports on the U.S. government fair and objective? Explain. Do they cover the full range of rights discussed in the International Bill of…

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20 Pages
Capstone Project

Business - Management

Organizational Change in the Public Sector This

Words: 6104
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

Organizational Change in the Public Sector This research proposal explores the feasibility of management in the public Sector as an organizational paradigm and new model in organizational development. The literature…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Org Culture Organizational Culture and

Words: 891
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Employees handle a large amount of private documentation and must uphold the law of confidentiality legally and ethically. Despite the stress on confidentiality of client information, communication flow is…

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5 Pages


Organizational Motivation and Leadership in

Words: 1714
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

What emerged from the review of the literature, though, was the fact that the agency's top leader recognized that something must be done to address this problem and…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Organizational Assessment of U S Army

Words: 1564
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

While this is an important first step, the overall bureaucracy of the hospital could pose problem over the long-term. To mitigate this situation, the hospital could implement a…

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