Green Technology Essays (Examples)

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Green Technology
Pages: 6 Words: 1665

Green Technology
Relationship between World population Growth and Global Development

The concern of shortage in natural resources, caused by the rapid growth of human population is one of the main debates which are discussing the matter of relationship between population and environment. This is issue was first set out in 1798 by Robert Malthus. According to him, the power of the population is significantly larger than that in the earth required to produce subsistence for human beings. By this, Malthus implied that the growth of human population is superior to the capacity of the earth with regard to production of natural resources. The repercussions of this fact are increased hunger as well as increased mortality rate all over the world. In addition, there is also delayed marriages and significant reduction in the size of the families. All these consequences play a substantial role in slowing down the demographic growth. Nevertheless, the Malthus…...

Green Technology Jim Lorick Discusses
Pages: 1 Words: 356

Setting an example is extremely important, as it will stimulate the drive and demand for green technologies. Governments and powerful organizations can afford to invest in emerging green technologies. Lorick encourages investment in green technology because market trends suggest future growth. Consumers, at least in the first world, should quickly respond to industry-wide as well as public policy changes toward green technology. Companies, organizations, and governments need to redirect their focus to at least offering a green face to please consumers and shareholders. Green technologies are still in their infancy and far more research and development is necessary. Therefore, investing in green technology now will stimulate future growth in the industry. Thus, in the long run, significant developments and breakthroughs will emerge and green technology will become immensely profitable. Focusing on emerging technologies that replace "dirty" technologies like coal, Lorick notes that while going green might cost a lot…...

Green Technology Past Present and Future
Pages: 2 Words: 842

Green technology-Past, Present and future
The past of green technology

Current trends in green technology

Corporate world and green technology

Future of green technology

Green technology-Past, Present and future

The Past of green technology

Previously, there might have not been a lot of emphasis on green technology, maybe this way because of the normal conditions that had not changed due to the global warming as it is in the present time. Lately, green has become the new terminology in politics, business, lifestyle and virtually everywhere in the world today. Green is an ideology which aims at the creation of a society which is ecologically sustainable which is deeply rooted in environmentalism or is inclined towards the improvement and conservation of the environment. Going green should not be a daunting task which means sweeping life changes but it is a great choice for the environment, your pocket and even your health.

Current trends in green technology

More and more people…...



Kennedy, R. (2010). 5 Things You Can Do to Help Make Your School Green. Retrieved September 3, 2013 from   nicholeknupp. (2013). 8 Companies That Have Gone Green. Retrieved September 3, 2013 from 

Metcalf, E. (2013). 10 Ways to Protect the Environment -- and Your Own Health. Retrieved September 3, 2013 from

Living Buildings Society's Dependence on Green Technology
Pages: 4 Words: 1035

Living Buildings
Society's dependence on green technology and environmentally friendly building practices are at the forefront of the construction industry in today's world. Engineers, designers, builders and trades people are all involved in reshaping the industry to an organization dedicated to help preserving the Earth's natural resources and its own way of doing things.

Sustainable construction is a real and positive force in the building world an it is important to understand how these processes work and are beneficial for communities who practice such efforts. The purpose of this essay is to explain and contextualize the Declare Database which is a segment of the Living Building Challenge. This program is helping construction teams build with confidence that their projects are eco-friendly and are mindful of the damage that these efforts normally have without this emphasis. The essay will first describe the program before explaining how the complex database integrates data and information…...



Declare Products Website (nd). Declare and The Living Building Challenge. Viewed 3 Nov 2013. Retrieved from 

Ross Spiegel and Dru Meadows, Green Building Materials: A Guide to Product Selection and Specification, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1999

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (nd). Choosing Green Materials and Products. Viewed 3 Nov 2013. Retrieved from /greenhomes/SmarterMaterialChoices.htm

W Spaces Boston University's Focus on Green Technology
Pages: 3 Words: 777

Boston University's focus on green technology and practices is one of the most appealing aspects of the institution and one of the main reasons I hope to attend the university. Developing renewable forms of energy is a concept already close to my heart from having grown up in a alestinian community that constantly endures the difficulties, inconveniences, and consequences of limited access to electricity that is barely sufficient to support ordinary life. That was my original motivation for subscribing to Renewable Energy World Magazine and for participating in the Applied Research Institute in Jerusalem, a non-profit organization dedicated to solving such problems.

In the West, renewable energy is an issue whose importance relies largely on conceptualizing future implications of current circumstances. However, in many parts of the Middle East, such as in my home community, the consequences and privations attributable to the inadequate availability of green technology have already manifested…...


Partly because of the need to overcome the barriers imposed by limited access to electric power, I spent several months in 2011, together with a team of friends, developing a cheap MP3 system designed to enable sight-impaired users to upload and listen to audio books. In conjunction with the National Society for the Visually Impaired, we read books aloud, recorded them electronically, and uploaded them onto CDs. After the organization received complaints about the difficulty of tracking and finding desired books, we were inspired to develop a technological solution modeled after Apple's "iPod shuffle" system. We increased the capacity of our system to store large numbers of books in a portable format that included a "VoiceOver" title-identification function that allowed users to hear the title's name. To keep the product affordable, we duplicated iPod components in an electrical factory in Ramallah, Palestine. Our finished product cost one-third of the price of the iPod Shuffle and allowed 10 times the storage capacity. It was doubly meaningful achievement, because of the technical challenges and the tremendous value it added to the lives of users by allowing them to overcome their barriers to accessing, connecting, and participating in the world of their peers.

Finally, I hope to bring to Boston University my experiences as a participant in the Environmental Education Center's Clean-Up Campaign. While recycling trash, we also developed creative uses for trash that appealed greatly to the children in the community and that served as an effective learning tool to introduce concepts such as environmental responsibility and ecology to young students. We created modernistic sculptures of an unexpected variety of forms, including musical instruments and holiday themes, such as a large Christmas tree, entirely from recycled trash. We discovered that these types of projects provide effective recruiting tools to capture the interest of children. Initially, they were much more interested in this "artistic recycling" but their involvement then seemed to inspire their genuine interest in the recycling concept and in learning about ecology. Ultimately, what had begun as a casual pastime resulted in artistic displays that were featured at the Bethlehem Peace Center.

As a Boston University student, I hope to contribute to the institution's focus on Green issues in three different ways. I hope that my first-hand experiences living in a community plagued by insufficient access to usable energy in the present will help some of my colleagues appreciate that the global energy crisis is already a reality and not merely a problem of the future. I hope to contribute to technological solutions to the problem. Finally, I hope to contribute to developing approaches to increase popular awareness about Green issues in the larger community.

Green Business The Only Hope
Pages: 6 Words: 1782

Unless this model is fundamentally reformed as to take into account the overall health of the planet, the prospect of a sustainable future looks grim.

Hawken, P., Lovins, A., & Lovins, H.L. (1999) Natural capitalism: creating the next industrial revolution. Boston: Little, Brown.

Heuer, M. (2010). Foundations and capstone; core values and hot topics; ethics-lx; skytech; and the green business laboratory: simulations for sustainability education. Academy Of Management Learning & Education, 9(3), 556-561.

Hirshberg, G. (2008, June 16) Stirring it up: how to make money and save the world. Wall Street Journal. etrieved on 21 Nov., 2011, from

Johnson, M.W., & Suskewicz, J. (2009). How to jump-start the clean tech economy. Harvard Business eview, 87(11), 52-60.

Marcus, A.A., & Fremeth, A.. (2009). Green management matters regardless. Academy Of Management Perspectives, 23(3), 17-26.

Morgan, L. (2011). Green job training in prisons benefits everyone. Corrections Today, 73(2), 34.

Norberg, J. (2005) In defense of capitalism. New Delhi:…...



Hawken, P., Lovins, A., & Lovins, H.L. (1999) Natural capitalism: creating the next industrial revolution. Boston: Little, Brown.

Heuer, M. (2010). Foundations and capstone; core values and hot topics; ethics-lx; skytech; and the green business laboratory: simulations for sustainability education. Academy Of Management Learning & Education, 9(3), 556-561.

Hirshberg, G. (2008, June 16) Stirring it up: how to make money and save the world. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved on 21 Nov., 2011, from 

Johnson, M.W., & Suskewicz, J. (2009). How to jump-start the clean tech economy. Harvard Business Review, 87(11), 52-60.

Green Is the New Green Blog Update on Energy Savings
Pages: 1 Words: 342

Green Is the New Green
Here at Adobe, we're proud to win the Platinum Certification Award from the U.S. Green Building Council for our work in energy savings and greening up the company. We're also proud we were the first office building in the world that the Council awarded this distinction. What helps us keep on reducing, reusing, and recycling every day are the efforts of you, our employees, who are always the first to create new ideas and methods to save energy and make our company even more green. Our platinum status was based on "sustainability; water efficiency; energy efficiency and atmospheric quality; use of materials and resources; indoor environmental quality; and innovations in upgrades, operations and maintenance." Now, we want to take those elements to a higher level, with your help.

In the past, we have "reduced electricity use by 35%, natural gas use by 41%, domestic water use by…...

Green Marketing Over the Last
Pages: 11 Words: 3752

She also mentions the huge energy giant British Petroleum (BP) came up with some honest and effective marketing in its green promotions. And while it is laudable for an oil company to invest in green technologies, BP did it with "appropriate humility that admits its own guilt while setting the stage for conversion to alternative energy sources" (Ottman, 2002). Meantime she says to Exxon, "ake Up!" because Exxon was at that time running "green-themed" ads that spoke to the need to "find more oil."

In still another green marketing-themed article from Ottman, she writes in the publication in Business that while the George . Bush Administration "abdicates responsibility for a strong response to slowing down" global climate change, Bush's lack of leadership on the issue opened a "unique window of opportunity for America's advertisers and marketers" (Ottman, 2002). That advice to advertisers and marketers is this: using the same effective communication…...


Works Cited

Bird, Lori, and Swezey, Blair. 2006. Green Power Marketing in the United States: A Status

Report (Ninth Edition). National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Retrieved February 18,

2010 from .

Business.Gov. 2009. Green Marketing Regulations. Retrieved February 20, 2010, from .

Green Building Value of Green
Pages: 2 Words: 628

Building new green homes and making existing unsold homes green is the core of such a strategy, as applied to the housing market today. Green building can refer to a wide range of industry practices, spanning from simply installing energy-efficient windows, doors, and light bulbs to reduce environmental wastage and enhance customer value to more radical ideas like solar power, or constructing entire apartment units that require the use of environmentally-friendly cleaning products. hile adding value through 'greening' a building can be added at any stage of the building's lifecycle, "from design and construction, to renovation and deconstruction. However, the most significant benefits can be obtained if the design and construction team takes an integrated approach from the earliest stages of a building project" (hy build green, 2009, EPA).
Customers, worried about the long-term health of the U.S. economy and the planet, can see their self-interest and the interest of…...


Works Cited

Kotelnikov, Vadim. (2009). Value innovation. 1000 ventures. Retrieved March 27, 2009


New residential sales in February 2009. (2009). U.S. Department of housing and Urban

Development (HUD). Retrieved March 27, 2009

Green With Information Technology There Has Been
Pages: 6 Words: 1741

Green with Information Technology
There has been a corresponding growth in innovations in information technology and the recognition that companies of all sizes and types must reduce their impact on their environment by adopting so-called green practices. For micro-businesses with just one or a few employees, this may mean something as simple as recycling aluminum cans and paper, but for larger enterprises, going green may mean the investment of significant amounts of resources up front with the expectation that the payback on these investments will be worthwhile, both in terms of energy savings as well as through an improved corporate image. To determine how companies can benefit from going green today, this paper provides a review of the relevant literature to provide a definition of going green with information technology, an analysis of the impact of going green with information technology on the environment, and a discussion concerning the pros…...



Basile, T.J. (2008, July). A green formula. PM Network, 4, 22.

Chen, A., Dietrich, K.N. & Huo, X. (2011, April). Developmental neurotoxicants in e-waste: An emerging health concern. Environmental Health Perspectives, 119(4), 37-39.

Huang, Y-C, Ding, H-B & Kao, M-R. (2009, July). Salient stakeholder voices: Family business and green innovation adoption. Journal of Management and Organization, 15(3), 9-10.

Morey, T. (2012, March/April). Going green beyond the greenhouse. The Agricultural Education

Green Here to Stay The
Pages: 8 Words: 2701

Soon the war effort worked its way into popular culture, just as the green movement it doing today.
The key to a good media campaign is to use respected figures to promote the cause. Green is a rapidly growing phenomenon that has been dubbed "greenwashing" by advertisers (Makower). Lauren Zalanick, president of Bravo Media identified three key customers as the target audience of the green market. They include college grads, and the former hippies of the flower power movement (Makower). According to Makower, Zalanick revealed several plans that will be rather expensive endeavors to promote green practices within the network, such as replacing the company vehicles with hybrids and using recycled paper. This is considerable expense for something that is just a surface marketing effort to attract a larger viewer audience.

Hollywood stars such as Sheryl Crow, Leonardo DiCaprio and Cameron Diaz have all been outspoken their support of the green…...


Works Cited

Friedman, T. The Power of Green. April 15, 2007. New York Times.   Accessed December 2, 2007. 

Koerner, B. Rise of the Green Machine. April 2005. Issue 13.04. Wired.   Accessed December 2, 2007. .

Makower, J. NBC's 'GreenWeek': Not Business as usual. November 13, 2007.   Accessed December 2, 2007. 

Miller, J. We Can Do it!. Produced by Westinghouse for the War Production Co-Coordinating Committee NARA Still Picture Branch (NWDNS-179-WP-1563).

Green Home Building Industry SWOT
Pages: 4 Words: 1120

..the stimulus plan calls for laying 3,000 miles of new transmission lines -- considered crucial for moving wind and solar power to different corners of the country" (LaMonica 2008). This sets a shining example for the nation for the need to make current and future structures environmentally sustainable.
Even if prices of fossil fuels decline, there are also other pressures that increase public awareness about the need for green housing -- finite timber resources, increasing overpopulation, and also the expansion of the densely populated developing world in China and India will make green building a continued priority on an international level.

The sad rise of asthma due to mold and other allergies contained in sick buildings may make a green building that can reduce mold, mildew and other build-up a necessity rather than a debatable luxury for many home owners in the future.

The current administration is working to bring down mortgage rates.…...


Works Cited

Del Percio, Stephen. (2008, March 28). Green building in crisis. Green buildings NYC.

Retrieved March 9, 2009 at

Homeowner affordability and stability plan. (2009, February 9). Department of the Treasury.

Retrieved March 9, 2009 at

How Technology Can Reduce Energy Usage
Pages: 4 Words: 1711

Technology Saving Environment
The author of this response has been asked to write an argumentative essay that centers on whether human technology can save the world when it comes to things like climate change. The question is not an easy one to answer. There are those that say that even if the data set known to humankind is not complete, this cannot persuade us not to act because we should not wait until it is too late. There are others that suggest that the planet will impose its will on humankind no matter what humans do or do not do and the presence or use of technology will not change that. However, most people fall somewhere in the middle or perhaps even believe that the way to save the planet is already known and just needs to be implemented. hile it sounds good to suggest that humans can plot the future…...


Works Cited

Chatsko, Maxx. "Bill Gates' Dream For A Nuclear-Powered Future Is Almost Here -- The Motley Fool." The Motley Fool. n.p., 2016. Web. 6 June 2016.

Chivers, Tom. "12 Technologies Which Could Save the World." BuzzFeed. n.p., 2016. Web. 6 June 2016.

Kemp, Rene. "World Environment Day: Can Technology Save Us? - Our World." n.p., 2016. Web. 6 June 2016.

Kho, Jennifer. "Can Technology Save the World?." n.p., 2016. Web. 6 June 2016.

Green Roofs and Living Walls
Pages: 5 Words: 1466

Suc plants include: prairie popseed, catmint, stonecrops, cornflowers and susans, among oters.
Tese plants are of all colors and are very beautiful wen planted togeter.

Having seen tese benefits, it is quite ard to still argue against green roofs. Yet if one finds oneself in tis positing tere are a variety of specific tings tat green roofs and do for umans. Tey include: cleaning and retaining rainwater, reducing te overeating in cities and reducing pollution, adding beauty, lowering air temperatures, improving air quality, lowering eating and cooling bills, expending te life of a roof membrane.

Tese are seven good reasons wy green roofs are so important to our overall ealt and better lifestyle quality. Tere are also many tings tat one can do wit green roofs tat can keep tem going for a long time, including suc tings as waterproofing, for example, and many more.

Living walls, in addition to green roofs, can…...

Green Business - Townsend Townsend
Pages: 7 Words: 2025

Use energy sound furniture; find ways to share resources when possible.

The copy-machine is a deadly waster -- try to publish as much as possible electronically (memos, presentations, etc.).

Chapter 7 -- Greening Your Products and Services- This is the face, and the crux, of the green company. Changes in philosophy and policy will help the environment internally, but to really "go green," the company must product a green or eco-friendly product. Within this, it is important to examine the product life-cycle at every step and green accordingly. Similarly, the supply chain needs to be green -- it does not work to have green practices but purchase materials made with toxins or in countries that use non-sustainable products or labor. It is, therefore, possible that some companies may face a very tough decision in discontinuing some of its products, and developing new ones, depending on the eco-audit process. In some cases, this…...

What specific economic, social, and political factors contribute to Zambia being poorer than China despite both countries being located in Africa?
Words: 529

1. Economic Factors:
- Zambia relies heavily on copper mining as its main source of export revenue, making it vulnerable to fluctuations in global commodity prices. In contrast, China has a more diversified economy with a strong manufacturing sector that has allowed it to become a major global exporter.
- Zambia has also faced challenges with high levels of public debt and inflation, which have hindered economic growth and development. China, on the other hand, has implemented various economic reforms and policies that have helped drive its rapid economic growth and poverty reduction.

2. Social Factors:
- Zambia has a much smaller population than....

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