Human Resources Essays (Examples)

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Human Resources Management
Pages: 8 Words: 2782

Human Resources Management
If what is learned in an important college or university course is not put to use in some pragmatic way -- or understood in the larger social context -- then that learning may be viewed as meaningless time spent. No doubt there is a percentage of students that are simply going through the process of education, working for a degree that will open doors and lead, hopefully, to the good life. But for many others, learning -- in this case about human resources, management, employee / employer dynamics, and ethical considerations therein -- means being stimulated to grasp the links to the world that are discovered through serious attention to course work.

The salient questions to be answered in this paper are, which aspects of HRM work best together to perform the function of achieving organizational goals -- and are any more important than the others? The roles of…...


Works Cited

Archibold, Randal C. (2010). Arizona Enacts Stringent Law on Immigration. The New York

Times. Retrieved January 11, 2012, from .

Burns, Prue, and Schapper, Jan. (2008). The Ethical Case for Affirmative Action. Journal of Business Ethics, 83(3), 369-379.

Ceasar, Stephen. (2012). Chicano studies classes vanish. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved January 12, 2012, from .

Human Resources Technology the Human Resource Management
Pages: 10 Words: 3490

Human esources Technology
The Human esource Management within organizations has gained escalation strategic prominence accompanied by the significant of its existing configuration of HM and respective business strategies is well acknowledged (Colomo-Palacio et al., 2012). In fact, the efficient Human esource Management is essential in order to be capable to meet the prevailing market demands with well-qualified workers at all times. Technology and Human esource Management possess a wide range of persuades upon each other, and the prevailing Human esource professionals ought to be able to adopt technologies that permit the reengineering of the Human esource purpose, be arranged to sustain a proper organizational (Fan, 2009). This is accompanied by the work design revolutionizes caused through technology, and thus aiding in supporting a suitable administrative climate for innovative and information-based organizations. These technological developments are being propelled primarily through strong demands from human resource professionals (Bayat, 2011). This will subsequently fuel…...



Bayat, R.F. (2011). Impact on the Productivity of Human Resources Management, Performance

Evaluation. Australian Journal Of Basic & Applied Sciences, 5(12), 1629-1635.

Colomo-Palacio, R., Casado-Lumbreras, C., Soto-Acosta, P., Misra, S., & Garcia-Penalvo, F.

(2012). Analyzing Human Resource Management Practices Within the GSD Context.

Human Resources a Four Section View of
Pages: 6 Words: 1706

Human esources
A Four Section View of Human esource Management

The Traditional vs. The New

The traditional view is personnel management which is a group within the organization that helps employees by seeing to their welfare and by seeking to help them perform on the job. Personnel management is involved in recruitment of individuals to fill staffing holes and to make sure that those employees have all the tools they need to be successful in their position within the company (Bach & Sisson, 2000, 3).

The new view that most organizations have is that they should focus more in human resources than personnel management. Human resources traditionally is a part of the organization that is more concerned with assisting behind the scenes than being involved directly with employees (Mathis & Jackson, 2007, 6). They give the employee the information that they need and no other. Of course, human resources has undergone a transformation in…...



Arthur, D. (1998). Recruiting, selecting & orienting new employees. New York: AMACOM Books.

Bach, S., & Sisson, K. (2000). Personnel management: A comprehensive guide to theory and practice. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

Bizmanualz. (2008). Human resources procedures for employee management. St. Louis, MO: Bizmanualz.

Bowen, R.B. (2000). Recognizing and rewarding employees. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional.

Human Resources Management Legal Issues
Pages: 4 Words: 1315

This creates the largest challenge for a global company like WalMart which has to ensure that it keeps up with changes that are happening in different states and countries. For example the rules for employees in Massachusetts are different from those in New York. This creates challenges for the organization in trying to keep up with compliance to legal standards.
Cultural change around the world is also creating challenges for compliance to legal standards since global organizations have to keep up with cultures, some of which may just be short-lived. There is also uncertainty of the global market which makes the organizations to suffer damage from changing consumer perceptions that may or may not be related to changes in their culture Delmar & Shane, 2003.

Trying to balance their reputation with these changing cultures is tricky and some organizations have had issues in gauging the importance of their reputation vs. The…...



Brush, T.H., Bromiley, P., & Hendrickx, M. (1999). The Relative Influence of Industry and Corporation on Business Segment Performance: An Alternative Estimate. Strategic Management Journal, 20(6), 519-547. doi: 10.2307/3094110

Delmar, F., & Shane, S. (2003). Does Business Planning Facilitate the Development of New Ventures? Strategic Management Journal, 24(12), 1165-1185. doi: 10.2307/20060610

Groot, M.D., & Vrielink, M.O. (1998). Legal Theory and Sociological Facts. Law and Philosophy, 17(3), 251-270. doi: 10.2307/3504881

Shenkar, O. (2004). One More Time: International Business in a Global Economy. Journal of International Business Studies, 35(2), 161-171. doi: 10.2307/3875249

Human Resources Management Health Services Management Performance
Pages: 10 Words: 3113

Human Resources Management: Health Services Management
Performance management is a critical aspect of any health care system. And this is true in the area of management of the organizations' human resources performance management as well. The objective of this work is to critically examine the importance of human resources performance management health care system. This work will endeavor to apply critical analysis and make comments and suggestions on improvement of the unit of a department in the health care setting.

Performance-ased Management System Establishment

The importance of establishing a performance-based management system cannot be overemphasized according to the work of Will Artley and Suzanne Stroh (2001) who state "All high-performance organizations, whether public or private, are, and must be, interested in developing and deploying effective performance measurement and performance management systems, since it is only through such systems that they can remain high-performance organizations." (p.i)

II. Intergovernmental enchmarking Study

It is reported that the NPR…...



Bach, Stephen Dr. (2000) HR and New Approaches to Public Sector Management: Improving HRM Capacity. Workshop on Global Health Workforce Strategy Annecy, France, 9-12 December 2000. Retrieved from: 

Buchan, James (2004) What Difference does 'Good' HRM Make? Human Resources for Health 2004. Retrieved from: 

Establishing an Integrated Performance Measurement System (2001) The Performance-Based Management Handbook. Volume 2. 2001, September. Retrieved from: 

Hornby P, Forte P: Guidelines for Introducing Human Resource Indicators to Monitor Health Service Performance. Keele: Centre for Health Planning and Management, Keele University; 2002.

Human Resources Planning
Pages: 12 Words: 3490

Human esources Planning

* Components/elements included in an H Budget * Consider all H facets such as Selection and placement, training & development, compensation and benefits, employee relations and employee engagement, health, safety and risk management * Cost reduction strategies.

Both the cost and the range of functions taken on by a Human esources Department are directly dependent on the size of the company. Smaller companies tend to make fewer distinctions between programs that the Human esources Department oversees while larger companies make clearer distinctions between different functions. However they are packaged, however, and whatever the title of the individual who carries out the assignments, Human esources Departments in general oversee the types of functions that are described in the section below. As Human esources Departments become increasingly comprehensive in the services that they provide as a supporter of the needs of both employees and managers and as the primary mediator between…...



Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2011). U.S. Department of Labor. Retrieved from .

Conaty, W. & Charan, R. (2011).The talent masters: Why smart leaders put people before numbers. New York: Crown Publishing Group.

How to find recruiters in your midst. (2012). Retrieved from 

Human resources reports and essays. (2006). Retrieved from

Human Resources Policies and Guidelines
Pages: 8 Words: 2702

As to her argument that the entry qualifications are a "good first degree," it might be pointed out that what is constituted as a good first degree in these two departments differs. The question is whether her degree is more closely related to engineering or it, or neither. These differences would be considered a "material factor." A good first degree is not the only material factor that will determine the success of the case. Both jobs have other factors involved as well. For instance, skills, training, and valid experience also count for these positions. There is enough material factors to say that Pamela does nor have a case in the job evaluation claim. The mere fact that a majority of the engineering technicians are men and the it technicians are women is not a valid case, because both departments have both sexes. The argument could be made that insufficient candidates…...



Childs, M. (2004). 'Putting a value on evaluation'. Personnel Today. 19 December 1003. [online] Available:   [accessed 19 January 2011]. 

Directgov. (2011). Fair Reasons for Dismissal. [online] Available:   [accessed 19 January 2011]. 

InBrief, (2011). The Equal Pay Act 1970. [online] Available:   [accessed 19 January 2011]. 

Halson Solicitors (2011). Sickness Absences. [online] Available: [accessed 19 January 2011].

Human Resources Proposal the Total
Pages: 17 Words: 4716

These programs help the employee to use their greatest talents and assets for the improvement of the organization.
The fifth area of the total reward strategy involves culture. Culture refers to the attitudes and behaviors that collectively influence how an individual behaves. Cultural change is difficult because it means of changing attitudes and fundamental beliefs of a society or organization. Culture is an element that can influence the total rewards model. The work environment is another factor of that can influence the effectiveness of the total rewards program. These factors influence the effectiveness of the total rewards model and benefit programs by influencing employee perceptions.

These five areas of the total rewards program are consistent across many companies. These five elements have become common terms in the provision of compensation and benefits packages. They are often unchanged in their order. Total rewards programs often list specific company benefits in these five…...



Carlson. L. (2005). Employee loyalty goes beyond pay, benefits. Employee Benefit News. July 1, 2005.

Constellation Energy. (2011). Total Rewards. Retrieved February 16, 2011 from 

Danish, R. & Usman, a. (2010). Impact of Reward and Recognition on Job Satisfaction and Motivation: An Empirical Study from Pakistan. International Journal of Business and Management. 5 (2): 159-167.

Fay, C. & Thompson, M. (2001). Contextual Determinants of Reward Systems' Success: An Exploratory Study. Human Resource Management. 40 (3): 213-226.

Human Resources Department Developing a
Pages: 5 Words: 1681

Chart such as:-
Years of Experience














Disciplinary Process

Progressive discipline is a process for dealing with job-related behavior that does not meet expected and communicated performance standards. The primary purpose for progressive discipline is to assist the employee to understand that a performance problem or opportunity for improvement exists. The process features increasingly formal efforts to provide feedback to the employee so he or she can correct the problem. The goal of progressive discipline is to improve employee performance. The process of progressive discipline is not intended as a punishment for an employee, but to assist the employee to overcome performance problems and satisfy job expectations. Progressive discipline is most successful when it assists an individual to become an effectively performing member of the organization. Failing that, progressive discipline enables the organization to fairly, and with substantial documentation, terminate the employment of employees who are ineffective and unwilling to improve. Disciplinary process…...



Lauby, S. (2009, June 7). The foundation of organizational strategic planning.

Daily News, pp.F5,F7.

Sims, D. (2002). Creative New Employee Orientation Programs.

New York: McGraw-hill

Human Resources the Field of Human Resources
Pages: 2 Words: 631

Human esources
The field of human resources management has suffered impressive changes throughout the past recent decades and more and more organizational leaders come to develop and implement complex HM strategies. But regardless of the efforts made, the field of human resource management is still changing and developing, and each economic agent has to find ways to best use it to its advantage.

Economic agents devise and implement complex strategies to motivate and retain the best staff members due to their intellectual capital and their ability to create value. The development of these strategies is based on two equally important components -- the theoretical stances and the practical observations. From a theoretical standpoint, human resource practices can be influenced at various levels. For instance, the research community might provide documented findings on the link between organizational culture and employee performances. Such a link would be manifested by the fact that a positive…...



Kearns, P., 2010, HR strategy -- creating business strategy with human capital, 2nd edition, Butterworth-Heinemann

Pasmore, W.A., Woodman, R.W., Shani, A.B., 2011, Research in organizational change and development, Emerald Group Publishing

Sullivan, J., Strategic human resources actions

Human Resources Eastman Kodak in
Pages: 2 Words: 643

Employment also buys employees into programs like Social Security, unemployment compensation, and workers compensation insurance. It is not uncommon to hear the compensation one receives called a 'pay package,' but at any name the bottom line idea is to attract good employees.
For the Eastman Kodak company, there is a definite trend toward the strategic rather than the traditional roles for human resources, and therefore for the employees within the company itself. Eastman Kodak used to do everything on American soil, but they are now outsourcing many more of their development, design, and manufacturing areas to offshore companies. There global human resource management strategy has therefore been expanded and is more interested now in making sure that the jobs that can be sent overseas for less money are moved away from the United States. This helps the company's bottom line, but it is not necessarily a good strategy when it…...

Human Resources Consulting Industry History the Human
Pages: 6 Words: 1685

Human Resources Consulting
Industry History

The human resources consulting industry was not founded so much as it has emerged as a distinct industry from management consulting and as an outgrowth from organizations' own human resource companies. In the past thirty years, the industry has grown rapidly for a few different reasons. Many within the industry are former practitioners who for one reason or another began to work independently. Some were laid off from jobs, and moved into consulting, while others simply sought the independence. The trend towards outsourcing created more opportunities for HR consultants as well, because companies were eliminating parts of their in-house HR teams and replacing them. This created a rapidly growing market for consulting services. The consultants themselves were able to sell their expertise to business, including smaller and medium sized business, as people able to bring different perspectives and solutions to the workplace. This created a market where…...


Works Cited:

IBIS World. (2012). HR consulting in the U.S.: Market research report. IBISWorld. Retrieved June 30, 2012 from

Human Resources it Is Very Important for
Pages: 3 Words: 1028

Human esources
It is very important for an human resources director in the modern age of human resources and internet technology to understand that while paper-based resumes and applications as well as face-to-face-only contacts are not dead and gone as a common practice, the advent and advancement of the Internet as a job seeking and hiring mechanism cannot be denied and the phenomenon is never going to go away. It will simply expand and evolve as time goes on and taking this challenge head on would and should include the proper understanding, implementation and administration of a solid HIS system such as PeopleSoft. The author of this report will offer thoughts on three major topics. Those topics, in the order in which they will be covered, will be e-recruiting, self-service technology and e-learning/training (Coronas & Oliva, 2005)(Gueutal & Stone, 2005).


Part and parcel of all the three major topics in this report…...



Coronas, T., & Oliva, M. (2005). E-Human resources management managing knowledge people. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Pub..

Gueutal, H.G., & Stone, D.L. (2005). The brave new world of eHR: human resources management in the digital age. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Human Resources and Organizational Behavior
Pages: 10 Words: 3151

So when these less trained and educated employees see any customer coming towards them. They try to avoid, move here and there or goes out of the reach of the customer. The Malls do come under the category of Retail business. In which there are different brands, shops and products of different companies are present under one roof. Every customer who visits is different in terms of education, product knowledge, from educated or uneducated background. Here is the importance of human resource management plays its part; where the human resource department has to train the employees to cater every customer. So the employees can respond to every query that is being asked by the customer with wisdom and technique.
It is the sole discretion of the organizational heads to deliver the trainings to the employees of the organization. The coaching, training sessions should be on regular intervals. Informational handouts should…...



Bienstock, C.C., DeMoranville, C.W., Rachel K. Smith, R.K. (2003). Organizational citizenship behavior and service quality. Journal of Services Marketing, 17 (4), pp.357 -- 378.

Mahdavi, I. (2001). American Business Education and Transfer of Culture. Journal of American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Fall 2001.

Morf, D.A., Schumacher, M.G., and Vitell, S.J. (1999). A Survey of Ethics Officers in Large Organizations. Journal of Business Ethics, 20, 265-271.

Human Resources HRM
Pages: 6 Words: 2526

Human Resources
(Before the Interview)

Aaron, the VP of Human Resources runs into Recruitment Manager Jamie and Calvin, Marketing Director in the hallway.

Aaron: Jamie, are you interviewing for the new Assistant Director of Marketing Position?

Jamie: Yes, we've got someone in there right now.

Aaron: I know you sent me an email about it, but I didn't have time to look it over. What were the specs for the new position?

Calvin: I wanted someone to handle some of the day-to-day service interactions. An experienced marketing professional who can handle a lot of different areas. Supervising the regional sales managers, helping develop the nationwide strategy, gathering and processing customer data, acting as a liaison with the PR and advertising firms.

Jamie: We're really looking for someone with a track record of getting the best out of people -- someone who can help us increase our reach in social and traditional media, and help us with some…...

What are four implications for the Strategic Human Resource Management Practitioner?
Words: 332

Strategic human resource management refers to a specific approach that must human resource (HR) practitioners take to handling a company’s employees (human resources).  Strategic human resource management is a philosophy of management, not a defined approach, so it is possible for different HR professionals to take varied approaches and still fit under the umbrella of strategic human resource management.  In fact, it is not only possible, but probably necessary, given that HR needs do differ according to the type of profession, the working environment, the size of an organization, and the demographics of the workforce.  Generally, strategic....

What is a research topic associated with a POS within Information Systems?
Words: 352

POS, or point of sale, systems are critical to allowing a business to make money, since they are where a customer pays for goods or services.  If it is difficult for a customer to complete a transaction, then it does not matter how easy-to-use the rest of your website is.  This makes POS systems a critical component of any online business. 

Point of Sales (POS) Research Paper Topics

  1. Why have so many small businesses rejected implementing a central POS system, instead choosing to still use a combination of other methods including separate cash registers, credit card terminals, and bookkeeping programs?
  2. Does using a....

How do I select 3 functional areas of a business and their purpose supporting company goals for an essay due?
Words: 375

Depending on the approach to business management that you study, there can be four to seven functional areas of business.  We favor a business management approach that highlights six functional areas of business: strategy, marketing, finances, human resources, operations, and technology and equipment.  To pick which ones to include in a paper you need to write, we would look at what each functional area does and pick the three areas where we had the most subject-area competency.  However, if the paper was a research paper, intended to teach us more about business operations, we would actually take....

Can you help me with an essay outline on due diligence related to deal making?
Words: 474

Due diligence refers to the process of doing a proper investigation into something before taking an action.  Due diligence can have applications in a number of different contexts, but is most often discussed in the context of some type of business deal, when a person or organization has to make a decision about whether or not to enter into some type of business relationship (usually an investment relationship) with another type of person or organization.  Due diligence can be as simple as studying publicly available information to determine whether or not to purchase a stock....

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