Intrinsic Motivation Essays (Examples)

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Although their influence can be clearly studied, it is difficult to estimate the degree of influence in each case. This is because the influence of these variables also depends on the influence of other variables at the same time. In other words, transactional leadership can be influenced by motivation more than it is influenced by self-esteem in certain cases, while it can be influenced more by self-esteem than other variables in other cases.
The influence of these variables is also influenced by the level at which transactional leadership is analyzed. In addition to this, the personal characteristics of the individual can increase or reduce the influence of these variables. Therefore, it is difficult to estimate how each variable is likely to influence the evolution of transactional leadership.

1. The variables are:





The variables labels are:

Self-esteem = how important is the influence of self-esteem in transactional leadership?

Motivation = how important is the influence….

Intrinsic Motivation The Scanlon plan that is described in the case hurts the employees' intrinsic motivation. This is because the plan was making use of "if-then" economic rewards that are known to offer short-term performance improvements. When Ron Bent was hired as the plant manager, the company's productivity was already on a decline and implementing the Scanlon plan resulted in improved productivity. During this time the employees' no longer saw the bonuses as benefits, but rather as their right and it is for this reason that they began getting disgruntled when the bonuses were not being paid for a couple of months (Michael Beer & Collins, 2008). Making use of performance rewards based on if-then is usually recommended for a short-term. The motivation for the employees will wane as they get accustomed to the rewards attached to their performance and most of them will lose interest in the work they have….

The Fifth Discipline

Introduction As Senge (2006) points out, one of the most important aspects of managing effectively is the ability to realize the value of intrinsic motivation. Senge (2006) notes that after writing his book The Fifth Discipline, a copy of it ended up in the hands of Dr. W. Edwards Deming, a world-renowned leader in the quality management revolution back in the 1980s and 1990s. Deming wrote to the author to give his own take on the subject and noted especially that “our prevailing system of management has destroyed our people. People are born with intrinsic motivation, self-respect, dignity, curiosity to learn, joy in learning” (Senge, 2006, p. xii). This motivation is destroyed all throughout the life of the person, with rewards for performance in school and in the workplace—i.e., extrinsic motivators—sapping the strength of intrinsic motivation. Today, managers try to extrinsically motivate when what they should be doing is seeking ways….

IMPROVING STUDENT GRADUATION RATES Recommendations for Solving the Problem of Low Graduation Rates among Black Non-Hispanic Students at Glendale Community College.I have no known conflict of interest to disclose.Theoretical FrameworkClaxton and Dolan (2022) define a theory as a system of ideas or constructs that predicts and explains the relationships among or between phenomena. The theoretical framework in a study uses theory to support the research. It provides the structure upon which the entire study is based, from the problem statement to the rationale, significance, purpose, and research questions, (Claxton & Dolan, 2022). According to Gray and Grove (2020), the theoretical framework also guides the interpretation of findings as it provides a means for researchers to compare their results with what theory postulates and seek possible explanations for deviations (Gray & Grove, 2020). These factors make theory a crucial element in research. Ryan and Decis (2000) self-determination theory (abbreviated as SDT)….

Motivation is the key to materializing energy and getting things accomplished. Organizational relationships require proper motivation from all sides of the relationships. Leaders must be motivated and workers must be motivated as well in order to succeed at any mission. The purpose of this essay is to design an organizational motivation plan that encourages and maintains a high level of performance from the members of the Woo Widget Company. The essay will first describe the need for the plan before introducing key components of the system that intends to increase the productivity and efficiency of the employees at Woo.
Before designing a motivational plan that will work in this environment, it is necessary to reveal some important facts that contribute to the motivating factors of the employees at this organization. WooWoo designs widgets, but the widget that WooWoo makes is a clone of a nationally known widget. Woo sells their widget….

What is it like to have enthusiasm? Does this come from within one person? Are outside influences important as well? Can it change someone's life? One will discuss motivation and provide examples as to how it impacts an individual on regular basis.

Intrinsic motivation is what comes from inside a person. For example, he or she is motivated to learn at school in order to get the best grade possible. This can make someone work hard at achieving their goals. If he or she wants an A in Biology, then he or she will work twice as hard to accomplish this. In the long run, the individual may or may not get what it is they want despite having the drive. Extrinsic motivation is important as well.

When it comes to extrinsic motivation, a person looks outside of themselves in order to seek ways in which to do a better job at….

These performance appraisals are usually given to employees by managers. Such appraisals occur once or twice per year, depending upon the industry and the position of the employee. In some cases, performance appraisals are carried out by colleagues. egardless of how feedback is given most organizations recognize it as a legitimate and productive way to judge performance and present employees with ways to improve job performance.
Examples of Employee motivation

According to Neff (2002) the ability to motivate employees is an essential component in creating an organization that is successful. The author points out that the most successful organizations in the world are always succeeding in making certain that job satisfaction and motivation are primary priorities. These organizations have realized that employees who are motivated are also more productive and therefore improve the bottom line. Greater productivity usually leads to greater job satisfaction and ultimately greater customer satisfaction. The author explains


The present study aims to establish a relationship between academic motivation and academic self-efficacy. More specifically we will be looking at whether individuals with high academic self-efficacy possess high intrinsic or high extrinsic motivation levels. A sample of approximately 100 undergraduate students will complete the Academic Motivation Scale, which measures their level of academic motivation as well as their type of motivation, and the College Academic Self-Efficacy Scale to measure their level of academic self-efficacy. It is expected that individuals with high levels of academic self-efficacy will also show high levels of intrinsic academic motivation. These findings are significant in that they would give insight as to the reason students strive toward success, which if known could play a role in the increase in college admission and retention, for if it is known what motivates one to perform well academically, it is thus known what to target as far as….

Additionally, those who were in the test group also scored, on average 20% higher on the test when it was graded by the researcher. Though the case study was based on an abnormal psychology case the questions are associated with content (i.e. reading comprehension) and are not expected to be interpretive. The group was also debriefed at the close of the exam and informed of the nature of the exam and the resulting scoring, which was based on participation as apposed to test scores.

This brief research work demonstrates that extrinsic motivation (in an anomalous form) motivates students to achieve success on tests. The balance between intrinsic (results of moderate scores on MSLQ) and extrinsic, the motivation to score high on the exam as an impetus to a higher extra credit score, as apposed to a participation only score motivated those students in the test group to pay closer attention….

Motivation in Schools

Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation in Schools
"Do students Care About Learning?"

"What Engages Underachieving Middle School Students in Learning?"

"Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation in Schools: A Reconciliation"

In "Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation in Schools: A Reconciliation," Martin V. Covington argues that both approaches can be effective if done well, and do not necessarily have to be incompatible. In his evaluation of the literature, he found that other factors, such as how interested the student is in the work, how successful they feel, affect student effort. He also found that the extrinsic reward of a good grade increased intrinsic motivation. He recommended a grading practice that compared each student's performance to a set standard, rather than grading on a curve, can increase intrinsic motivation.

In "Do students Care About Learning?" Marge Scherer interviewed author Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi regarding his book about youth and the world of work. The participants reported eight times a day how much they….

Motivation Is a Huge Way

The U.S. Of se intrinsic motivators, such as challenging work loads, to increase both responsibility and ownership of the work (ashaway-Bokina 2000). This was seen as a strong motivator even in the context of students (Gottfried & Gottfried 1996). Thus, money does not always have to be the end result, but the concept of overcoming the challenge and truly owning one's work can be enough of a motivator, especially in the case of unpaid interns where financial compensation is out of the question.

Elliot, A.J. & Church, M.A. (1997). A hierarchical model of approach and avoidance achievement motivation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Vol. 72:218-322.

Gottfried, A.E. & Gottfried, A.W. (1996). A longitudinal study of academic intrinsic motivation in intellectually gifted children: children through early adolescence. Gifted Child Quarterly. 40(4):179-182.

ashaway-Bokina, Nancy. (2000). Recognizing and nurturing intrinsic motivation: a cautionary tale. Roeper Review. 22(4):225-227.

azenby, Scott. (2008). How to motivate employees: what….

In this case one may imagine the student who attending class in school and cannot concentrate on what is being taught because their stomach is rumbling from lack of having eaten and they also have a headache from a general lack of nutrition. Furthermore, this student has no sense of security or safety and is nervous and anxious.
Example 2: The individual in this example is not hungry and they are not tired but they are nervous because their parents fought all night and this resulted in their being awake and scared the neighbors would call the police again and that their parents would wind up in jail by morning. This individual has no inner motivation to learn because they are worried and stressed about their own safety and security in their home life. This individual may very well be extrinsically motivated to learn but have not reached the level….

Motivation When it Comes to

It is also possibly one of the most significant motivational factors among young people. Zuckerman refer to disinhibition as follows. "These who choose to follow a conventional lifestyle might periodically escape by engaging in social drinking..." (Franken, 2001, p. 343). This is an important factor as the desire or need for disinhibition may lead to an addictive patterns of behavior, where the drugs or alcohol supply the required escape from routine and inhibitory factors.
Disinhibition is also strongly related to the conventions of society where the individual may feel hemmed in and confined by the routine and patterns of ordinary life. This can lead to addictive behavior as the use of drugs or substances are motivated by the desire to free one's self and sense of identity and fulfill experiential needs.

The central concept that links al of these motivational theories is that they all can be seen to contribute to….

Motivation in the Workplace

Workplace Motivation
This paper investigates the issue of motivation as it applies to an organizational setting.

The research regarding motivation in the workplace has been a major area of investigation that is of interest to corporate leaders, managers, organizational psychologists, and educators. The issue that this paper will discuss has to do with the particular factors that managers and leaders can address to increase the motivation of their workers to perform as well as to increase the job satisfaction levels of their employees. However, motivation is only one issue regarding increased productivity or increased job satisfaction; we would certainly think that at a basic level an employee would need a certain level of motivation to perform as well as the ability to actually do the job (as it turns out the research is consistent with this type of common-sense thinking). However, the actual types of interventions/activities that can be used to motivate….

Extrinsic rewards should only be used when other efforts to actively engage students in learning has failed; (3) In the event extrinsic rewards must be utilized, they should be "just powerful enough to control behavior" and should be eliminated in phases before all intrinsic motivation is lost.

Jones, Vermette, and Jones posit in their article, "An Integration of "Backwards Planning' Unit Design with the "Two Step" Lesson Planning Framework," planning and engaging students in effective lessons is a fundamental component of successful teaching and therefore, motivating students (Skowron, 2001). The authors created the concept of backwards planning which requires educators to start with a nominal list of essential questions all students must answer by the end of the lesson plan. With the end goal in mind, teachers then design assessments based on those understandings and strategically crafted lessons to achieve the desired objectives. Once the goals and assessments have been created,….

## Factors Influencing Student Productivity and Coping Strategies


Student productivity is a crucial aspect of academic success, and numerous factors influence students' ability to stay focused, efficient, and motivated. This literature review examines key factors affecting student productivity and explores coping strategies students can employ to overcome challenges and enhance their performance.

Factors Influencing Student Productivity

1. Time Management:
Time management skills enable students to prioritize tasks, allocate time effectively, and meet deadlines. Poor time management can lead to procrastination, overwhelm, and decreased productivity.

2. Motivation:
Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation drives students to engage with their studies. Intrinsic motivation stems from interest and enjoyment, while extrinsic....

Engagement: A Fundamental Catalyst for Student Reading

Engagement, the active involvement of students in meaningful learning experiences, plays a pivotal role in fostering student reading comprehension and literacy development. When students are engaged, they are more motivated to read, retain information better, and develop a lifelong love of reading.

Cognitive Benefits of Engagement

Engaged students demonstrate enhanced cognitive abilities that support reading comprehension:

Improved Attention and Focus: Engagement captivates students' attention, allowing them to concentrate on the text and actively process the information.
Enhanced Memory: Engagement promotes deeper encoding of information, which facilitates retention and recall.
Critical Thinking: Engaged students are more likely....

Extrinsic motivation can help individuals achieve their goals by providing external rewards or incentives that encourage them to work towards their objectives. This type of motivation can be especially effective in the following ways:

1. Providing tangible rewards: Extrinsic motivation can be in the form of tangible rewards such as money, gifts, or recognition. These rewards can serve as incentives for individuals to stay motivated and focused on achieving their goals.

2. Creating healthy competition: Extrinsic motivation can also come from competition with others, such as colleagues or teammates. This can push individuals to work harder in order to outperform others and....

2 Pages
Research Paper


Intrinsic Motivation and Transformational Leadership

Words: 877
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Although their influence can be clearly studied, it is difficult to estimate the degree of influence in each case. This is because the influence of these variables also…

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3 Pages
Case Study

Business - Management

Using Intrinsic Rewards to Motivate Employees

Words: 990
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Intrinsic Motivation The Scanlon plan that is described in the case hurts the employees' intrinsic motivation. This is because the plan was making use of "if-then" economic rewards that are…

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8 Pages


The Fifth Discipline

Words: 2429
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Introduction As Senge (2006) points out, one of the most important aspects of managing effectively is the ability to realize the value of intrinsic motivation. Senge (2006) notes that after…

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3 Pages


Contextual Factors A Response

Words: 823
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

IMPROVING STUDENT GRADUATION RATES Recommendations for Solving the Problem of Low Graduation Rates among Black Non-Hispanic Students at Glendale Community College.I have no known conflict of interest to disclose.Theoretical…

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4 Pages


Motivation Is the Key to Materializing Energy

Words: 1065
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Motivation is the key to materializing energy and getting things accomplished. Organizational relationships require proper motivation from all sides of the relationships. Leaders must be motivated and workers must…

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1 Pages


Motivation What Is it Like to Have

Words: 408
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Motivation What is it like to have enthusiasm? Does this come from within one person? Are outside influences important as well? Can it change someone's life? One will discuss motivation…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Motivation Organizational Behavior Has Long

Words: 2654
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

These performance appraisals are usually given to employees by managers. Such appraisals occur once or twice per year, depending upon the industry and the position of the employee.…

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9 Pages
Research Proposal


Motivation the Present Study Aims to Establish

Words: 2475
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Motivation The present study aims to establish a relationship between academic motivation and academic self-efficacy. More specifically we will be looking at whether individuals with high academic self-efficacy possess high…

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6 Pages


Motivation Performance & Achivement the

Words: 1740
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Thesis

Additionally, those who were in the test group also scored, on average 20% higher on the test when it was graded by the researcher. Though the case study…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Motivation in Schools

Words: 911
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation in Schools "Do students Care About Learning?" "What Engages Underachieving Middle School Students in Learning?" "Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation in Schools: A Reconciliation" In "Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation in…

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1 Pages


Motivation Is a Huge Way

Words: 399
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Thesis

The U.S. Of se intrinsic motivators, such as challenging work loads, to increase both responsibility and ownership of the work (ashaway-Bokina 2000). This was seen as a strong…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Motivation Two Cases Examined the

Words: 1827
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In this case one may imagine the student who attending class in school and cannot concentrate on what is being taught because their stomach is rumbling from lack…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Motivation When it Comes to

Words: 3097
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It is also possibly one of the most significant motivational factors among young people. Zuckerman refer to disinhibition as follows. "These who choose to follow a conventional lifestyle…

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20 Pages


Motivation in the Workplace

Words: 6253
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Essay

Workplace Motivation This paper investigates the issue of motivation as it applies to an organizational setting. The research regarding motivation in the workplace has been a major area of investigation that…

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15 Pages


Motivation Motivating the Seemingly Unmotivated

Words: 5064
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Thesis

Extrinsic rewards should only be used when other efforts to actively engage students in learning has failed; (3) In the event extrinsic rewards must be utilized, they should be…

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