Island Essays (Examples)

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Islands of the Damned: A Marine at War in the Pacific' is a memoir of Romus Valton Burgin from Texas. He volunteered to Marine Corps at twenty years of age and went through training to be a 60mm mortar man. Burgin was later shipped overseas, at Melbourne, to join first Marine Division. During the time at the Camp Balcombe, he met the Guadalcanal veterans and experiences firsthand information about the Japanese and the war. Burgin enjoys Australian hospitality such as paying respects to a painting called "Chloe" at Young & Jackson Hotel located at Flinders Street Station. Burgin dates Florence Riseley, an Aussie girl, and marries her when the war ends.
Burgin served with K/3/5 before going to Milne Bay. He engaged in armed combat on January 1944, at Cape Gloucester. The procession is several miles within the place and started digging into the experiences of banzai attack. He managed to….

Islands Jamaica Aruba
Evaluate how effective you feel these web sites are in promoting the destination. Explain your answer

The Jamaica website is well done, and is static. The entire information is crammed in the landing page. The 'where to visit' page is also static and insipid. It does not provide a traveler with the lingering curiosity to visit. A travel site must be more visual and dynamic. The site could do with some bigger pictures and some small videos of the attractions displayed. The text matter is also poorly done. It does not inspire. The pages though done with care are more like brochures online. The photographs are of poor quality and do not sustain reader interest. On the other hand the Aruba website on entry indicates fun and adventure.

Though simple it is beckoning because it has continuous activity and displays. There are dynamic links with very clear menus and….

island biogeography theory have affected the principles and practice of conservation design.
Changes in equilibrium theory have caused revision in the equilibrium theory of island biogeography pioneered by MacArthur and Wilson (1963, 1967) that shaped local and global conservation designs. Since the 1970s and more particularly the 1980s, scientists have discovered that although the equilibrium theory may be heuristic it has massive holes in both its practicality and authenticity that impair it from being accepted seriously. As a result, principles and practice of conservation design have changed too (Wu, 2008).

The best way to see the difference is by understanding the equilibrium theory of island biogeography posited by MacArthur and Wilson and the results in design that accorded. All of these notions have since been overturned.

Drawing on the popular equilibrium theory, MacArthur and Wilson posited that species diversity on an island was primarily and constantly engineered by the twin variables of….

This is reflected in a long-term study of a bird community in an oak wood in Surrey, England with thirty-two breeding species and a turnover of three additions and three extinctions annually vs. As projected average of five in a similar population located an isolated ocean island (Ehrlich, Dobkin & heye 1988).
Studies show the greater the distance from the mainland, the less diverse the range of species because of the limits of cross-population. Studies also show that greater island size also yields to more diversity, because of a greater amount of available resources. This would suggest that a single large island or reserve vs. separate smaller islands, where both have the same total extension from the mainland, would boast more diversity in the larger island area, provided that both areas were equally supportive of animal life in terms of their natural resources ("Island Biogeography: MacArthur-ilson Equilibrium Theory," Bio 3400….

Island at the Center of

The author's point is to show the development of a nation through one European settlement and its metamorphosis, and he does that quite well. He shows that the Dutch still have influence in American culture, even though we might not recognize it, and he shows that it truly takes many cultures to blend together to form a more "firm and perfect union." The use of maps, portraits, and even historic documents helps bring the text to life, and helps put the time and technology into perspective, as well. Today, we think nothing of traveling around the world, but in the early 1600s, when the Dutch were settling the New World, it was an extremely risky adventure, and the book brings that risk and difficulty to light, as well.
The author, Russell Shorto, has written two other history texts, and has also written for publications such as the New York Times.….

This airfield is still currently open and operated by a handful of U.S. government contractors.
As Naval Air Base and later Naval Air Facility, the Navy operated and maintained facilities and provided services and materials to support aviation activities. Due to their remote Pacific location, the islands were often used as repositories for waste materials (DFW, 2011). Past operations and activities included construction, fuel and oil storage, dry cleaning, pest control, refueling, aircraft and vehicle maintenance, a power plant, pesticide applications, firing ranges, landfills, and hazardous waste storage. eceptors most likely to be affected by contamination include migratory birds, the endangered Hawaiian Monk Seal and the threatened Green Sea Turtle (DFW, 2011). Most recently, nearly 50,000 albatross chicks were killed after the tsunami following the March, 2011 earthquake off the coast of Japan (DFW, 2011).

Midway is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean and enjoys a tropical climate. There are no active….

Islands in the Stream
1954 Nobel Laureate, Ernest Hemingway, 1899-1961, has been an icon of the literary world for over seventy years. He has been called the greatest American author of the twentieth century and his novels and short stories are among the best American classics ever written. After his death, several of Hemingway's works have been published, such as "A Moveable Feast" and "The Garden of Eden." hile some have been disappointed by his later works, many feel Hemingway was "becoming unrestrained in a new way...these works reveal and stress a complexity that may cause bewilderment or relief, depending on what perspective one adopts" (Hallengren pg). Nevertheless, most agree that none reflect the author's life more than "Islands in the Stream," posthumously published in 1970 (Hallengren pg).

In "Papa: A Personal Memoir," Gregory, Hemingway's third son, writes of his early life in the Florida Keys and the summers spent with his….

Senkaku / Diaoyu Islands Dispute Between China and Japan
Introduction and History of the Islands

The Senkaku Islands (also known as Pinnacle Islands and Diaoyu Islands) are composed of eight volcanic islands that are not inhabited and that have a relatively small land area of 6.2 square kilometers. The Japanese government claims the islands for Japan, while China also claims ownership of the islands. According to Seokwoo Lee, writing in the International Boundaries Research Unit (IBRU) publication, Territorial Disputes among Japan, China and Taiwan Concerning the Senkaku Islands (Boundary & Territory Briefing Vol. 3 No. 7), the islands are in the East China Sea about 200 kilometers northeast of Taiwan and 300 kilometers west of Okinawa (Lee, 2000, p. 2).

Lee writes that during the 16th century travel accounts of Ming Dynasty envoys mentioned three of the islands (their Chinese names were Tiaoyutai, Huangweiyu, and Chihweiyu), which they visited on their way to….

Rhode Island Known as the

Politically, the state of Rhode Island has two U.S. Senators -- Democrat John "Jack" Reed and Republican Lincoln Chafee; the positions of U.S. Congressmen are held by Democrat Patrick J. Kennedy (of the famous Kennedy family), district one, and Democrat Jim Langevin, district two. asically, Rhode Island "tends to vote Democratic in presidential elections and has done so consistently from 1984 through 2004." In 2004, the state "gave John Kerry (the Presidential contender of George W. ush) a greater than 20 percentage point margin of victory. . . with 59.4% of its vote" ("Rhode Island," Internet).

Therefore, it is clear that Rhode Island is a "lue State," meaning that it overwhelmingly supports Democratic candidates for various political offices as contrasted with the "Red States," especially those in the Deep South, which support to a great degree Republican candidates. Also, the voters of the state, as well as a majority of its….

The U.S. protectorate of Guam is a part of Micronesia, as is Palau, the Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Nauru, and the Federated States of Micronesia, a nation that is a part of the Caroline Island group. Many of the Micronesian islands were settled as long as four thousand years ago, likely by Southeast Asians.
Similarly, the Polynesian islands were once settled by Southeast Asians, who arrived via Indonesia. Polynesia, meaning "many islands," consists of New Zealand (Aotearoa), the Hawaiian Islands, Midway Atoll, Samoa, American Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, Cook Islands, French Polynesia, and Easter Island (Rapa Nui). The Pacific Islands were first settled by human beings as early as 33,000 years ago. However, the ancestors of the peoples who now reside in Micronesia, Melanesia, and Polynesia mainly hailed from Southeast Asia, such as the Malay people. Throughout many of the Pacific Islands, agriculture and civilizations have evolved with minimum technologies, largely due….


The public relation efforts following the Staten Island Ferry accident were effective for the most part. In the future however efforts should be made to design the order of information in a way that it tiers to those who need it most. Using television, radio, print and Internet media those who have loved ones in the accident, those who need to commute and the general public should be addressed in that order for the most effective communication and minimizing of problems.

orks Cited

10 Die in Staten Island Ferry Crash by Kevin Agnese Published: ednesday, October 22, 2003.

DOT Announces More Ferry Safety Improvements (Accessed, 5-21-05)

Friday, October 31, 2003


U.S. House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

U.S. Rep. Don Young, Chairman (Accessed, 5-21-05)

Hawaiian and Sandwich Islands
The history of the Hawaiian and Sandwich Islands during the 18th century is as colorful and unique as the flowers that are grown in the region. On December 23, 1826, a treaty between the United States of America and the King of the Sandwich Islands was signed at Honolulu and entered into force. The people who inhabited the islands, took their livelihood out of the ocean waters, and thrived upon their religion and customs continue to romance and mystify the people of today's hurried society. This paper will discuss the people, region, homes, culture, religion and images that make up the interesting historical account of the Hawaiian and Sandwich Islands.


The Polynesians were the first people to live in what is now Hawaii. These people lived off of the sea, and sailed the Pacific Ocean in giant canoes. They arrived in the Hawaiian chain from other Pacific islands….

The results of the investigation provided information that allowed sweeping changes to be made regarding the methods by which power plants are run and monitored in the future.
Even given the fact that the investigation proved the maximum exposure that any one person had as a result of the meltdown was no more than one x-ray would create there were more than 2,000 law suits filed in court with claims that the exposure to radiation caused varying health issues for individuals (Three mile island (

The court chose ten test cases on which to decide the outcome of all 2,000 cases. Those cases took 15 years to resolve and in 1996 the lawsuits were dismissed in favor of the defendants (Three mile island (

It should be noted that the operators and emergency operating procedures (EOPs) did not recognize the accident as a classic LOCA (Loss of Coolant Accident) since they had….

Native Americans
The Aleutian Islands run from the Peninsula of Kamchatka in the Asiatic portion of Russia to Alaska. All the islands are bare and mountainous and the coasts rocky and surrounded by crashing waves and enormous breakers. (Larkin, unpaged) Some believe the Aleutians offer the worst weather in the world: eather fronts originating in the South Pacific create storms hundreds of miles long and many weeks in duration (Sipes, unpaged) that pick up the frigid moisture of the waters and air as they move northward. It would seem that anyone desirous of living there would need some overwhelming reasons to do so. The Russians and Scandinavians who first 'discovered' the area for non-natives, and later the Americans, did have good reasons to be there. As for the Aleuts and Alutiiq, an abundance of fish and sea mammals might have been the attraction if, as some theories surmise, they arrived across….

There have been rumors relating to the fact that the authorities might have lied concerning the number of curies released and that it had actually been much bigger.
hile the initial communications from the authorities advised people not to panic and that the situation had been under control, the later reports informed people that precautions needed to be taken. Several tens of thousands of people had been evacuated from the area within a few days and the surrounding schools had been closed. According to surveys done consequent to the event, people apparently considered that the job done by the authorities had been deficient.

According to the studies performed in order to determine the level of radiation exposure, people had not been subjected to life-threatening doses of radiation. The average dose of radiation to which people have been subjected to consequent to the TMI incident is believed to be eight millirem. A….

While people often lump the American colonies together, there were significant differences between the New England colonies, Middle colonies, and Southern colonies. These differences were not only geographical, but also based in who had the grants for the colonies, their favor in the British government, and who eventually settled in the lands. These differences initially impacted how successful the American colonies were and how prosperous they would become. They eventually impacted industrialization and, in many ways, could be cited as one of the root causes of the eventual American Civil War and even some of....

3 Pages
Book Report


Islands of the Damned a Marine at War in the Pacific

Words: 902
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Book Report

Islands of the Damned: A Marine at War in the Pacific' is a memoir of Romus Valton Burgin from Texas. He volunteered to Marine Corps at twenty years of…

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3 Pages


Islands Jamaica Aruba Evaluate How Effective You

Words: 1245
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Islands Jamaica Aruba Evaluate how effective you feel these web sites are in promoting the destination. Explain your answer The Jamaica website is well done, and is static. The entire…

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2 Pages


Island Biogeography Theory

Words: 812
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

island biogeography theory have affected the principles and practice of conservation design. Changes in equilibrium theory have caused revision in the equilibrium theory of island biogeography pioneered by MacArthur…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Island Biogeography & Uneven Distributions

Words: 418
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This is reflected in a long-term study of a bird community in an oak wood in Surrey, England with thirty-two breeding species and a turnover of three additions…

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4 Pages
Book Review


Island at the Center of

Words: 1408
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Book Review

The author's point is to show the development of a nation through one European settlement and its metamorphosis, and he does that quite well. He shows that the…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Drama - World

Islands Airfields Sand and Eastern

Words: 1924
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This airfield is still currently open and operated by a handful of U.S. government contractors. As Naval Air Base and later Naval Air Facility, the Navy operated and maintained…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Hemingway's Islands in the Stream

Words: 1686
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Islands in the Stream 1954 Nobel Laureate, Ernest Hemingway, 1899-1961, has been an icon of the literary world for over seventy years. He has been called the greatest American author…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

History - Asian

Senkaku Diaoyu Islands Dispute

Words: 3252
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Senkaku / Diaoyu Islands Dispute Between China and Japan Introduction and History of the Islands The Senkaku Islands (also known as Pinnacle Islands and Diaoyu Islands) are composed of eight volcanic…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Rhode Island Known as the

Words: 2680
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Politically, the state of Rhode Island has two U.S. Senators -- Democrat John "Jack" Reed and Republican Lincoln Chafee; the positions of U.S. Congressmen are held by Democrat Patrick…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Pacific Islands of the 25 000

Words: 702
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The U.S. protectorate of Guam is a part of Micronesia, as is Palau, the Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Nauru, and the Federated States of Micronesia, a nation that is…

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5 Pages
Case Study

Communication - Journalism

Island Ferry Accident From the

Words: 1516
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

CONCLUSION The public relation efforts following the Staten Island Ferry accident were effective for the most part. In the future however efforts should be made to design the order of…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Hawaiian Islands Sandwich Islands

Words: 2104
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Hawaiian and Sandwich Islands The history of the Hawaiian and Sandwich Islands during the 18th century is as colorful and unique as the flowers that are grown in the region.…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Mile Island Meltdown of 1979

Words: 2038
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The results of the investigation provided information that allowed sweeping changes to be made regarding the methods by which power plants are run and monitored in the future. Even…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

Native Americans

Native Peoples of the Aleutian Island Chain Specifically the Aleute Alutiiq

Words: 2861
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Native Americans The Aleutian Islands run from the Peninsula of Kamchatka in the Asiatic portion of Russia to Alaska. All the islands are bare and mountainous and the coasts rocky…

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4 Pages


Mile Island Nuclear Power Is

Words: 1334
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

There have been rumors relating to the fact that the authorities might have lied concerning the number of curies released and that it had actually been much bigger. hile…

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