Journal of Change Management
Over the last several years, the issue of organizational change has been continually brought to the forefront. Part of the reason for this, is because intense competition from globalization is causing many firms to make adjustments to their business model and the strategies that they are using. On the surface these kinds of transformations are supposed to bringing about tremendous shifts in the operating environment of a corporation. However, the reality is that most of these transformations are ineffective with 70% of them not working. Over the course of time, this will cause the same kinds of attitudes and ideas to be embraced in the workplace. Once this occurs, is when a firm will have trouble making adjustments, which will have an adverse impact on productivity and their bottom line numbers. In the article that was written by urnes (2011), he is talking about specific tactics that…...
Burnes, B, 2011, 'Success and Failure In Organizational Change: An Exploration of the Role of Values', Journal of Change Management, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 133 -- 162.
Harvard Format.
Journal of Leisure
How much leisure do you have? Not much, it may be imagined. Does Pieper have a valid point here, or is he being unrealistic? Are our lives basically all right even if we have no time for contemplation? Isn't leisure for video games, TV, movies, or surfing the Net?
In Josef Piepers's book Leisure: the Basis of Culture he explains that there is a lot more to leisure than sitting around the house and relaxing. True leisure time is spent invigorating some part of the soul or body, either through continual education of the self or through some other means. His link between leisure and education is particularly important. I have never thought about it before but there is a lot of learning in what people consider to be leisure time. For example, when we pick up a book to read that is ostensibly for entertainment, we are in…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Pieper, Josef. Leisure the Basis of Culture. San Francisco, CA: Ignatius Press, 2009. Print.
Thoreau, Henry David. "Walden: Economy." The Portable Thoreau. Ed. Carl Bode. New York,
NY: Penguin, 2012. Print.
Journal Writing
"a Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift
As the name suggests, this is a proposal put forth by the writer on the way to help Ireland out of the problem of beggars along the streets and an ever increasing population of poor people within the nation. Indeed, he not only views his suggestions as viable towards decreasing the population of the poor, but to also earn the country foreign money that will help strengthen the economy of the nation at large.
When the wrester opens up his police, he begins by outlining the genuine problems of the nation in particular relation to the poor people the nation dwelling in the cities. He gives statistics of the people who are victims of poverty hence turned to beggars in a bid to show how dire the situation is within Ireland. It is at the point where he starts giving his suggestions, or the so…...
Journal Exercise 5.3 B: Responding to Literature
The cherry blossoms dint each other in the whisper of wind as I
throw them up in the air and prance under them, pretending I am
someone else's bride.
He comes, charging like a mule with his lips pursed and his hands clutched
over the bronze medallion he wears as if it were his heart-
his wife-
and I'm caught white handed with the smiles and the
cherry blossoms,
which dint each other in the whisper of wind and his
whispers to the guards.
When he turns his back, I see no more white
but only red,
only the cherries,
only my
With the last line of his poem, Robert Browning not only casts light
on his character of the duke, but he also leaves the reader with a chilled
feeling. More than an effective conclusion, the line suggests that the
duke is truly as malevolent as he suspects. Very quickly, he is able to
turn from the foreboding tone he uses…...
Journal Behavioral emediation sources. 2. A Critique a Journal eading emediation sources. I require reference number Journal
Behavioral remediation critique
The article "Neural deficits in children with dyslexia ameliorated by behavioral remediation: Evidence from functional MI" fuses information for teachers about how to structure their pedagogy with the knowledge scientists currently possess about the brain. This article examines attempts at remediation for developmental dyslexia, which is "characterized by unexplained difficulty in reading [and] is associated with behavioral deficits in phonological processing" (Temple et al. 2003). Children with dyslexia are intellectually capable of reading, and have the motivation and desire to learn to read. However, they are incapable of doing so because of their neurological wiring.
While once dyslexia was little-understood, and children with the disorder were often simply considered 'slow' or 'not bright' now there is a better understanding of why students with dyslexia cannot comprehend basic morphological structures of language. "Functional…...
Phillips, Lisa. (2007). Focal white matter defects may underlie reading disability in patients
with Periventricular Heterotopia. Neurology Today, 7 (24)13
Journal No: 10.1097/01.NT.0000306053.67778.c0
Talan, Jamie. (2010). White matter brain changes result from reading remediation. Neurology Today, 10 (2)19-23.
journals attached) describe key findings research studies related COPD management care- 2. You evaluate summarise article a word document. Each summary provide reader a succinct overview findings research.
Words: 171
The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) assessment test (CAT) that has been recently introduced in hospitals is a simple way to assess patient-reported quality of life resulting from routine care. The researchers used patient-reported CAT scores in their multicenter prospective study to judge patient's views on improvement in their activity, reduction in their symptoms, and reduced utilization of healthcare when they were allocated to pulmonary rehabilitation programs. The authors' findings support the use of CAT scores in clinical practice since there was an increase in the patient-reported scores with majority feeling 'much better' or 'a little better' after pulmonary rehabilitation. The findings suggest that CAT scores can be used as an outcome measure in COPD patients involved in pulmonary rehabilitation. It…...
Dodd, J.W., Hogg, L., Nolan, J., Jefford, H., Grant, A., Lord, V.M., . . . Hopkinson, N.S. (2011). The COPD assessment test (CAT): response to pulmonary rehabilitation. A multicentre, prospective study. Thorax, 66(5), 425-429. doi: 10.1136/thx.2010.156372
Jones, P.W., Harding, G., Wiklund, I., Berry, P., Tabberer, M., Yu, R., & Leidy, N.K. (2012). TEsts of the responsiveness of the copd assessment test following acute exacerbation and pulmonary rehabilitation. CHEST Journal, 142(1), 134-140. doi: 10.1378/chest.11-0309
he peer-reviewed article focused on managers, and management-specific issues, such as the deployment of the popular philosophy of participatory management in several cultural contexts. It was particularly effective in the way that it contrasted the different ways this philosophy can be deployed, in the more individualistic Finn context, versus the consensus-building Swedish context, where consensus building is stressed. Also, the note that quite often managers who know that participatory management is 'correct' but do not actually approve of it culturally was brought to the forefront in the Czech example.
he New York imes used data from educational and psychological experimental studies outside of the framework of management. But that is what made it so interesting and challenging to conventional norms. rue, the sampling was small, but so was the qualitative study from the peer-reviewed journal. Ultimately, its practical advice, rather than the cautious cultural data excavated by the article may…...
mlaTugend, Alina. (2007, November 24). The Many Errors in Thinking About Mistakes. New York Times (Late Edition (east Coast)), p. C.5. Retrieved January 15, 2008, from New York Times database. (Document ID: 1387816641).
I think it's a very difficult subject," said Paul J.H. Schoemaker, chairman of Decision Strategies International and teaches marketing at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. "There's a lot of ambivalence around making mistakes."
One thing I've learned is that kids are exquisitely attuned to the real message, and the real message is, 'Be smart," Professor [Carol S. Dweck] said. "It's not, 'We love it when you struggle, or when you learn and make mistakes." "We get fixated on achievement," he said, but, "everyone is talking about the need to innovate. If you already know the answer, it's not learning. In most personal and business contexts, if you avoid the error, you avoid the learning process."
journal articles web sites.
Schizophrenia and bipolar are common mental disorders that make the lifespan of persons with the disorders shorter than the general population. Substance use disorder is a common comorbidity in these individuals. Supporting data from several studies shows that the smoking rates among schizophrenics and bipolar are two to three times those of the general population. It is hypothesized that this is as a result of schizophrenics and individuals with bipolar having the perception that smoking reduces the severity of their symptoms and leads to a better quality of life. This has, however, not been proven through research. Findings from current literature also suggest that smoking among schizophrenics and individuals with bipolar may be related to the N43A gene which has several polymorphisms. By looking at the current research findings from peer reviewed journals, the gap in literature is identified which is then used to describe implications…...
de Leon, J., Gurpegui, M., & Diaz, F.J. (2007). Epidemiology of Comorbid Tobacco Use and Schizophrenia: Thinking About Risks and Protective Factors. Journal of Dual Diagnosis, 3(3-4), 9-25. doi: 10.1300/J374v03n03_03
Diaz, F.J., James, D., Botts, S., Maw, L., Susce, M.T., & Leon, J. d. (2009). Tobacco smoking behaviors in bipolar disorder: a comparison of the general population, schizophrenia, and major depression. Bipolar Disorders, 11, 154-165.
Ferron, J.C., Brunette, M.F., He, X., Xie, H., McHugo, G.J., & Drake, R.E. (2011). Course of Smoking and Quit Attempts Among Clients With Co-occurring Severe Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders. Psychiatric Services, April (01). doi: doi: 10.1176/
Graham, N.A., Frost-Pineda, K., & Gold, M.S. (2007). Tobacco and Psychiatric Dual Disorders. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 26(sup1), 5-12. doi: 10.1300/J069v26S01_02
journal, published years, related school community counseling. These worth 15 points . The guidelines Article Critique: a. At 2 pages, including title page, abstract references? b.
There is a growing concern regarding the health status of the younger generations nowadays. More and more children and infants are subject to disorders that in time affect the way in which they perform in their social environment which is usually at school or in pre-school. Unfortunately, there is not sufficient attention being given to such issues and usually only serious cases attract the action of public policies concerning for instance disruptive behaviors. Together with this gap of action in terms of dealing with such issues, there is an additional lack of specialized literature to draw the attention on these issues. The article written by Sue C. Bratton et al. "Head Start Early Mental Health Intervention: Effects of Child-Centered Play Therapy on Disruptive Behaviors"…...
mlaOverall, the article provides a very interesting and at the same time documented account of what can be done to ensure certain steps forward in the treatment of children with disruptive behavior.
Bratton, S. et al. (2013) "Head Start Early Mental Health Intervention: Effects of Child-Centered Play Therapy on Disruptive Behaviors" in International Journal of Play Therapy, Vol. 22, No. 1, 28 -- 42.
Journal for Professional Counseling
The work performed by qualified professional counselors involves the development of an extremely intimate relationship with clients who expect and deserve confidentiality, cultural sensitivity, and other conventions of ethical treatment as mandated by the American Counseling Association's Ethics & Professional Standards provision. Throughout my time as (insert your work/internship/class, whatever you are 'reflecting' on), I have witnessed firsthand how maintaining a commitment to personal ethics has improved my professional conduct. The best counsellors are able to balance their personal emotions toward a given situation confided to them by their client -- be it infidelity, thoughts of suicide, or other extremities in terms of life experience -- and upholding my personal ethic of objectivity during my counseling work enhances my ability to provide effective treatment across the widest possible spectrum of potential client interactions. I find that when I am able to refrain from indulging in private…...
Journal on a Lecture You have Attended About Toothpaste
Today I learnt about/attended a lecture about the effects of fluoride and this study on fluoride is a new factor. While it was known that there was propaganda for the use of fluoride and against it, the propaganda was mostly a result of commercial market warfare. The myths surrounding the use of fluoride and the way some of these misconceptions have been dispelled are new. Secondly the importance of advising the patients on their choice of tooth paste has been made clear. The link between chemicals used in tooth paste and the effects of the chemicals has now been made clear. The benefits of fluoride toothpaste are shown to prevent caries in children and adolescents. The benefits of the chemical can be noticed with an increased presence, for which there must be fluoride concentrations of 1000 ppm and above. Higher fluoride…...
Fejerskov, Ole; Kidd, Edwina. (2008) "Dental Caries: The Disease and Its Clinical
Management" John Wiley & Sons.
Mascarenhas, Ana Karina Sofia de Piadade. (1995) "Fluoride toothpaste: a risk factor in dental fluorosis" A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment ... University of Michigan. School of Public Health.
Segrave, Kerry. (2010) "America Brushes Up: The Use and Marketing of Toothpaste and Toothbrushes in the Twentieth Century" McFarland.
Learner Objective *Blooms TaxonomyCourse Objective(Walden)AACN Essential**Projected GoalActivities CompletedStatus of completion1 to3To successfully develop and disseminate the final implementation plan for the staff education program on medication safety at the practicum site by the end of week 3To evaluate the students ability to carry out a disciplined or systematic inquiry to address issues, problems and needs relevant to nursing practiceQuality and Safety to enhance quality and minimize risk of harm to patients and providers through both system effectiveness and individual performance (AACN, 2021, p. 39)To reduce the incidence of medication errors at the practicum site by 50% by implementing a mandatory medication safety education for clinical staffMade a presentation to the board of directors to obtain project approvalHeld a conference call with the preceptor and faculty advisor to communicate the finalized action planIdentified change champions among the clinical staff and held a meeting to discuss implementation planHeld a conference call…...
AACN (2021). The essentials: Core competencies for professional nursing education. American Association of Colleges of Nursing.
Furxhi, G. (2021). Employee resistance and organizational change factors. European Journal of Business and Management Research, 6(2), 30-32.
JOUNAL ATICLE EVIEWBehavioral Therapy with the Use of Scripture and Prayer: Journal Article eviewJournal Article 1SummaryThe first article that I elected to focus on is titled, Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, by Siang-Yang Tan. The said article appears on a peer-reviewed journal by the name, Journal of Psychology and Christianity. It could, thus, be deemed a credible resource. It is important to note, from the onset, that the present article largely concerns itself with the proper utilization of not only prayer, but also scripture in cognitive behavioral therapy. In case, therefore, this is an article about the embrace and deployment of a largely Christian approach in CBT. It is clear from this particular resource that in the realm of Christian CBT, scripture and prayer can be effectively utilized or deployed in an ethical manner. This is particularly the case in therapy settings where consent has been sought…...
mlaReferencesGarzon, F. (2005). Interventions that Apply Scripture in Psychotherapy. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 33(2), 113-121. Tan, S. (2007). Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 26(2), 101-111.
6) Doiron, R. (1994). Using Nonfiction in a Read Aloud Program: Letting the Facts Speak for Themselves. The Reading Teacher, 47(8), 616-624.
This article challenges the pervasive role that fiction has played in read-aloud programs and develops a rationale for including nonfiction. It has a 20-item
Annotated ibliography of nonfiction read-aloud texts.
7) Mountain, L. 2005. Rooting out meaning: more morphemic analysis for primary pupils. Reading Teacher, Vol. 58(8): 742-749.
The research on morphemic analysis is reviewed and explored as to ways to give pupils in grades 1-3 an early start on using prefixes, suffixes and roots to construct word meaning. The strategies for teaching morphemic analysis and modification of methods to use with younger children are examined.
8) Joshi, R.M. 2003. Misconceptions about the assessment and diagnosis of reading disability. Reading Psychology, Vol. 24: 247-266.
This article is about the diagnosis and remediation of reading disabilities and talks about how the relationship between IQ and…...
mlaBibliography of nonfiction read-aloud texts.
7) Mountain, L. 2005. Rooting out meaning: more morphemic analysis for primary pupils. Reading Teacher, Vol. 58(8): 742-749.
The research on morphemic analysis is reviewed and explored as to ways to give pupils in grades 1-3 an early start on using prefixes, suffixes and roots to construct word meaning. The strategies for teaching morphemic analysis and modification of methods to use with younger children are examined.
8) Joshi, R.M. 2003. Misconceptions about the assessment and diagnosis of reading disability. Reading Psychology, Vol. 24: 247-266.
This article is about the diagnosis and remediation of reading disabilities and talks about how the relationship between IQ and reading skill is not straightforward and is, in fact, controversial and why. While 25% of the school population has some form of reading problem, diagnosis based on IQ is not relevant, but a model called the componential model of reading is put forward as more accurate.
Since I have been reading more scholarly work, I have noticed a vast improvement in the way I write my papers. My grades have improved as a result. Writing term papers is not as taxing as it was before and the writing seems to flow faster than it used to when I first started writing a lot of formal essays.
Still, I prefer to write for myself. When I use my journal I feel like I am taking time for myself to reflect on my feelings. Otherwise, I might not have any way of learning about myself. I do not chat to my friends a lot about how I feel and writing is a therapeutic outlet for me. Eventually I would like to infuse my academic writing with the personal tone that comes through in my journal writing, if a personal tone is appropriate for the assignment. Otherwise, I will…...
You can find information to create this thesis statement by using several different types of sources. In addition to the standard Google search for websites about the topic, there are online and offline books and magazines that deal with religious subjects. Ministry Magazine is a good source to consider, along with Enrichment Journal and Christian Standard. Liberty University's Digital Commons also provides a lot of good insight into growing small churches. Any church can be successful in a small city, as long as it provides the community with what the people need in order to feel their lives are being....
Business communication plays a significant role in day to day activities, because nearly every transaction a person engages in is a form of business. At work, business communication is more than just talking with the boss about important matters. It's also small interactions between colleagues, how you talk to customers and vendors, and non-verbal communication concerns like posture and facial expression. In an increasingly global society, proper business communication is becoming more significant. You can find information on this issue in business journals. The website provides you with access to a large number of business journals from a wide variety....
PubMed is a great place to search for sources on healthcare. Other good choices include sites for Universities that have medical programs and sites for state governments. has healthcare articles, as well. Also consider, as they have healthcare articles, too. Journals and textbooks can be excellent choices for information on the continuum of healthcare. If you have access to a large library, you can find information that shows how the continuum has evolved over time, and how that helps providers avoid duplication. Example papers will be more difficult to find than sources, but you can order an example paper....
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