Learning Strategies Essays (Examples)

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Impoving Leaning Stategies Based on the VARK Aual Style

The VARK questionnaie has been developed to identify students' leaning pefeences fom five potential styles, these ae visual, aual, ead/wite, kinesthetic and multimodal (VARK, 2012) . The shot questionnaie is not the identification of a tue leaning style, which deals with many diffeent dimensions and can include many dimensions including elements such as envionmental pefeences and tempeatue, but a simple assessment of a leaning pefeence (VARK, 2012). When undetaking the test the esult can give guidance on leaning stategies that maybe best employed by a student; these can be compaed with pactice and aid in the development of a leaning stategy that may impove the effectiveness of pesonal study and leaning (Hawk and Shah, 2007). It may be noted that whole the test will identify a dominant style out of the five potential outcomes, this does not discount leaning fom othe sensoy….

Learning Strategies for Adult Learners
Adults do not learn in the same ways children learn. Traditional pedagogical approaches to teaching and learning are not always applicable to adults in learning environments. Teaching adults requires the implementation of special accommodations, an understanding of the ways in which adults learn, and some measure of flexibility and understanding for the efforts that adults make to continue in higher education. Adult learners are typically people with other pressing concerns, including work-related duties, family matters and financial obligations. In short, the adult learner has much more responsibility than simply sitting in a classroom and learning material. It is important for instructors, then, to recognize the unique ways in which adults learn, but also to provide the support, guidance and feedback to ensure each adult learner is successful in their chosen educational pursuits.

Learning is a group effort and knowledge is the collection of all learning. All learners,….

Learning Styles; Optimizing Learning Strategies for an Aural Learner

Different students may have different learning styles. The potential learning styles will favor particular aspects of the learning process which are most effective for any a particular student. Learning styles may be assessed in a number of ways; one useful tool is the questionnaire. The VAK questionnaire poses questions regarding preferred approaches and methods of learning. The answers are correlated in order to determine a learner's dominant or preferred learning style. There are four different styles; visual, aural, read/write and Kinesthetic (VAK, 2012). In completing the questionnaire it is unlikely that only a single learning style will be present, but one or two may be dominant. In this paper it is a dominant aural style which is examined; looking at the style itself, how strategies used by a student may be compared to the recommended strategies and the way in which the….

Choosing what assignments to focus upon will depend upon the needs of the class. Although no child can eschew learning the basics of reading and grammar, using the child's natural inclinations can be ways of making the potentially frightening seem familiar and fascination. Even child with a high level of energy and physical intelligence who squirms in his or her seat may feel liberated by being able to sing and dance while playing word games or learning poetry that makes use of kinesthetic movement
Also, on a level that transcends simply educating students in the basics, one could argue that gaining an appreciation and knowledge of the fine arts, literature, and how human beings use these expressive elements makes students better able to cope with personal adversity and transforms students into more empathetic future adults. The potentially liberating medium art, the confidence of creation, and the physical delight of moving….

Kinesthetic Learning StyleMy Preferred Learning StrategiesI am a kinesthetic learner who prefers to learn through physical experience. This learning style is often associated with careers in trades or crafts, but it can be equally beneficial in other areas. For example, when studying a new concept in mathematics, I find it helpful to work through as many practice problems as possible. This allows me to gain a real understanding of how the concept works, rather than simply memorizing a set of steps. In general, kinesthetic learners are good at problem-solving and thrive in dynamic environments.My current preferred learning strategies (simulation-style activities) are similar to the identified strategies in the VAK. As someone with this learning style, I have found that simulation-style learning is often the most effective way for me to absorb new information. In a simulation, learners are placed in realistic situations where they can apply what they have learned.….

(3) According to the Multiple Intelligences Survey, I have quite a bit of intrapersonal and interpersonal intellegence and a moderate amount of musical and kinesthetic intelligence. This makes sense because I enjoy analyzing people and situations; and, I decided to leave my old job because I was bored sitting still behind a desk and not talking to anyone for most of the day.

As I was enjoying the surveys so much, also I took Kolb's Learning Styles Inventory and discovered that my learning style consists of doing and feeling or what Kolb would abbreviate as "CE/AE." When these findings are placed on the two-by-two grid by Kolb, my learning style is accommodating. An accommodating learning style is often times referred to as a "hands-on" style and one that relies upon intuition over logic. In fact, these findings also did not surprise me because I have to do something at least two….

Choosing the most effective style that relates to one's individual personality is very useful in terms of increasing one's learning strengths. I have personally found that in reality most people combine a number of learning styles in developing their unique approach to learning. From my perspective I have found that a combination of both imaginative and analytical learning styles best suits my needs. The emphasis in my approach is however on the imaginative style as I am more comfortable with a learning style that explores various sources and views of reality in a discursive and open-ended way. At the same time the more considered and careful analytical approach is also useful in that it tends to 'ground' one in reality.


Durbin G. (2002) Interactive Learning in Museums of Art and Design.

etrieved February 23, 2009, at

Exploring Psychology. Learning Styles. etrieved February 23, 2009, at http://www.dushkin.com/connectext/psy/ch06/learnsty.mhtml www.questiaschool.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5000308203

Guild, P. (1994, January). Making Sense….

') (Tingstrom et al., 226) in correspondence with the example provided by the researchers responsible for this evaluation, it may be deduced that such method of positive reinforcement implementation is best suited to a younger educational context such as grammar school. It may only be considered appropriate to attach the positive consequences of individual efforts with the capabilities of an entire class in settings where future prospects such as class rank and college admissions have not yet entered into the discourse over performance motivators.
Tingstrom et al. also identify the independent group-oriented contingencies, which "involve consequences, and criteria for all group members, but access to reinforcement for each group member is based on each member's performance (e.g., 'whoever makes a 90% or higher on the end chapter math test will be able to pick a prize from the treasure chest.' (Tingstrom et al., 226) in many ways, this has proved the….

Learning Differences and Learning Needs
Learning Styles and Learning Preferences

For many years a great debate has existed in the field of education. Teachers and educators have attempted to uncover the best method for teaching students. The majority of evidence available suggests that multiple factors influence a student's ability to achieve in the classroom, none the least of which is learning styles and preferences. There is ample evidence supporting the notion that intelligence aside, most students have a learning preference related to their cognitive style of thinking that is ingrained or innate.

Because of this students will react to material presented to them in the classroom in different ways. It is vital that teachers begin recognizing the significance of these individual learning differences and uncover methods for coping with and addressing learning style differences and preferences within the classroom. Only then will all children be afforded the opportunity to learn equally and achieve….

Learning Specialized Vocabulary
Educators that provide instruction in English as a Second Language (ESL) must provide students with the primary concepts of English in the early stages of language development. As students progress and become more familiar with the language and its idiosyncrasies, advanced training is likely to acclimate students to much of the daily slang as well as complex vocabulary that they hear from native English speakers in routine conversation. It is the responsibility of the ESL instructor to provide this teaching at the appropriate juncture, and the most advantageous route is specialized vocabulary. The following paper will provide a discussion of the concept of word elements in the English language. The paper will continue with an analysis of the methods by which ESL instructors teach technical or specialized vocabulary in their coursework, including various learning strategies for students. Finally, a brief discussion of the importance of specialized vocabulary in….

Learning and Motivation Strategies for Success in College
This reflection essay relates to the learning and the goal-setting theory coupled with the insights I gained while attending my nursing classes. I have begun my study by detailing how my career in nursing has evolved while participating in various learning activities. The subsequent sections present a description of motivational attributes of an effective teaching strategy implemented in classroom setting. The study also offers a summary of the strategies that can be adopted in order to make a successful learning experience in college.

I attended an educational system where schooling was based on traditional teaching systems. Teaching approaches were similar to the approach of a "banking model." The school's procedure depicted the teachers' roles as depositing correct information to the learners to a point that it was needed. I began preparing for an end or term exam in my first year in the school….

In conjunction with these perspectives on how to create a highly effective online learning platform that aligns to the specific needs of students, there is a corresponding area of research that concentrates on teaching resiliency in the teaching process. The work of Dr. Carol Dweck of Stanford University underscores the need for leading students to continually challenge themselves to grow and have a very strong growth mindset vs. A limited on. She draws on an empirically-derived research study that shows the greater the growth mindset of even the most talented and gifted mindset, the greater the long-term performance gains they make in life (Dweck, 2006). Her book, Mindset, challenges both students and teachers to create a culture of continual focus on excellence and continual striving to improve, never taking a closed or limited mindset to improvement. It is an inspirational book and shows that there is hope for continual improvement….

Learning Styles
The theory of Honey and Mumford, describes the styles and learning strategies. It incorporates much of the theory of Kolb's learning cycle, making it more intelligible.

It is important to discuss these strategies with students. (Marsick and atkins, p132-51) hile this allows the teacher to become aware of the need to vary their teaching because they do not exist in universal, it also allows learners to realize that everyone learns differently.

So its dominant learning strategies can influence its working methods and student personnel can then optimize them. It may also become more self-confidence. Honey and Mumford (1986) take away from Kolb (1984) the idea of an experiential learning model in four stages they call: experience, the return on experience, drawing conclusions and planning. (aring and Evans, p117-28)

According to them, each phase has specific behaviors and attitudes and is important to successfully complete the learning process itself. But most people,….

This is especially critical since this ensures effectiveness in the workplace when the environment provides a viable atmosphere for members thereto to continually improve themselves professionally and personally. The end result of which is further and continuous improvement in individual and organizational performances.
Third Student: When most people hear about learning organizations, the first thing that may come to their minds is the school or college they are going to or have gone to. ut the reality of which is that learning or the acquisition of knowledge never stops and even if people are already working or at the peak of their careers, they have to continually improve so as not to remain stagnant or complacent. Thus, they have to be a part of a learning organization that "provides continuous learning opportunities, uses learning to reach their goals, links individual performance with organizational performance, fosters inquiry and dialogue, making it….

Functionalism is now a widely criticized social theory and the large percentage of this criticism is directed against its inability to explain social change. Emile Durkheim and other functionalists were of the view that society works as a whole and each part of this whole contributes towards keeping the entire system as it is. hey felt that each part of society such as the media, family, government and schools work in such a manner as to keep the society in its present shape. Kuper and Kuper have defined functionalism as a "doctrine which asserts that the principal task of sociology and social anthropology is to examine the contribution which social items make to the social and cultural life of human collectivities; it may additionally assert that to examine social phenomena in this way is to explain why those items occur at all, and/or why they have persisted." his is….

Sure! Here are some essay topics on various aspects of the English language:

1. The importance of learning English as a second language.
2. The evolution and history of the English language.
3. The impact of technology on the English language.
4. The influence of English in the global world.
5. The role of standardized testing in assessing English language proficiency.
6. The benefits and drawbacks of using English as a global lingua franca.
7. The representation and portrayal of English in literature and media.
8. The challenges and strategies for teaching English as a foreign language.
9. The differences between British English and American English.
10. The role of....

Essay Topics Related to Case Study

Case studies offer rich and complex insights into real-world phenomena, making them valuable tools for research and analysis. Here are some essay topics that explore various aspects of case studies:

Effectiveness and Impact of Case Studies

Evaluating the effectiveness of case studies as a research method
Assessing the impact of case studies on policy and decision-making
Exploring the limitations and challenges of case study research

Methodological Approaches in Case Studies

Comparing different methodological approaches to case study design
Analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods approaches
Examining ethical considerations in case study research

Case Study....

The Impact of Study Habits and Environment on Student Productivity

Educational productivity is a crucial aspect that significantly influences academic success. It encompasses the efficient use of time, resources, and effort to achieve optimal learning outcomes. This comprehensive analysis explores the interplay between study habits and the learning environment, highlighting their profound impact on student productivity.

Study Habits:

1. Time Management:

Effective time management is paramount for student productivity. Creating a structured study schedule, prioritizing tasks, and utilizing time-saving techniques can help students allocate their time wisely.

2. Active Learning:

Engaging in active learning strategies, such as taking notes, asking questions, and participating in discussions, enhances....

## Factors Influencing Student Productivity and Coping Strategies


Student productivity is a crucial aspect of academic success, and numerous factors influence students' ability to stay focused, efficient, and motivated. This literature review examines key factors affecting student productivity and explores coping strategies students can employ to overcome challenges and enhance their performance.

Factors Influencing Student Productivity

1. Time Management:
Time management skills enable students to prioritize tasks, allocate time effectively, and meet deadlines. Poor time management can lead to procrastination, overwhelm, and decreased productivity.

2. Motivation:
Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation drives students to engage with their studies. Intrinsic motivation stems from interest and enjoyment, while extrinsic....

3 Pages


Learning Improving Learning Strategies Based on the

Words: 1047
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Leaning Impoving Leaning Stategies Based on the VARK Aual Style The VARK questionnaie has been developed to identify students' leaning pefeences fom five potential styles, these ae visual, aual, ead/wite, kinesthetic…

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3 Pages
Article Review


Learning Strategies for Adult Learners

Words: 1086
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article Review

Learning Strategies for Adult Learners Adults do not learn in the same ways children learn. Traditional pedagogical approaches to teaching and learning are not always applicable to adults in learning…

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3 Pages


Education Learning Styles Optimizing Learning Strategies for

Words: 1187
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Education Learning Styles; Optimizing Learning Strategies for an Aural Learner Different students may have different learning styles. The potential learning styles will favor particular aspects of the learning process which are…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Education Discuss Different Learning Strategies

Words: 379
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Choosing what assignments to focus upon will depend upon the needs of the class. Although no child can eschew learning the basics of reading and grammar, using the…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Different Learning Strategies for Patients

Words: 882
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Kinesthetic Learning StyleMy Preferred Learning StrategiesI am a kinesthetic learner who prefers to learn through physical experience. This learning style is often associated with careers in trades or crafts,…

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2 Pages


Learning in Recent Years Is

Words: 629
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

(3) According to the Multiple Intelligences Survey, I have quite a bit of intrapersonal and interpersonal intellegence and a moderate amount of musical and kinesthetic intelligence. This makes sense…

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4 Pages


Learning Styles in Essence Learning

Words: 1697
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Choosing the most effective style that relates to one's individual personality is very useful in terms of increasing one's learning strengths. I have personally found that in reality most…

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10 Pages


Learning Motivation Learning and Motivation

Words: 3469
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

') (Tingstrom et al., 226) in correspondence with the example provided by the researchers responsible for this evaluation, it may be deduced that such method of positive reinforcement implementation…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Learning Differences and Learning Needs

Words: 1817
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Learning Differences and Learning Needs Learning Styles and Learning Preferences For many years a great debate has existed in the field of education. Teachers and educators have attempted to uncover the…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Learning Specialized Vocabulary

Words: 2788
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Learning Specialized Vocabulary Educators that provide instruction in English as a Second Language (ESL) must provide students with the primary concepts of English in the early stages of language development.…

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2 Pages


Strategies for Success in College

Words: 665
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Learning and Motivation Strategies for Success in College This reflection essay relates to the learning and the goal-setting theory coupled with the insights I gained while attending my nursing classes.…

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7 Pages


Learning Motivation and Long-Term Retention

Words: 2367
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

In conjunction with these perspectives on how to create a highly effective online learning platform that aligns to the specific needs of students, there is a corresponding area of…

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8 Pages


Learning Styles the Theory of Honey and

Words: 2744
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Learning Styles The theory of Honey and Mumford, describes the styles and learning strategies. It incorporates much of the theory of Kolb's learning cycle, making it more intelligible. It is…

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3 Pages


Learning Organization First Student As

Words: 864
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

This is especially critical since this ensures effectiveness in the workplace when the environment provides a viable atmosphere for members thereto to continually improve themselves professionally and personally.…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Learning Functionalism Is Now a Widely Criticized

Words: 862
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Learning Functionalism is now a widely criticized social theory and the large percentage of this criticism is directed against its inability to explain social change. Emile Durkheim and other…

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