Life Support Essays (Examples)

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Life Support Is the Methodology
Pages: 3 Words: 1058

One of the major concerns of opponents to using life support in various situations is the idea that the patient might be suffering in a direct result of keeping him or her alive without consent or even ability to express what their true wish would be, (General Council of the Assemblies of God, 2008). There have been many cases recently where a family was burdened with the painful decision to keep their loved one's on life support or to end the sustaining machines. Several of these cases have unfortunately been exploited by the media, which furthered the pain and confusion of the family members involved.
Additionally, life support also proves to fail those who are suffering from chronic illnesses, (Katz-Wise, 2006). Patients diagnosed with terminal cancer are less likely to benefit from life-support due to their initial diagnoses. Also, patients diagnosed with dementia are sometimes not advised to reap the…...



American Medical Association. (2007). CSAPH: Report 1 of the Council on Scientific

Affairs. (1-03). 24 May. 2008. 

General Council of the Assemblies of God. (2008). Euthanasia, and extraordinary support to sustain life. 24 May. 2008. 

Katz-Wise, Sabra, L. (2006). Should I receive CPR and medical ventiliation? Quest diagnostics. 24 May. 2008.

Life Support or Death With Dignity
Pages: 4 Words: 1301

Life Support vs. Dignity
A decision is complicated not just by the people affected by it, but also by the people making the decision. For health care professionals, decision making is usually complex because of their role in providing care to patients and their families. One of the most difficult decisions for these professionals is scenarios involving life support or death. In these situations, health care providers work with the patient and his/her family to decide whether to sustain a patient's life or ending it. When facing such decisions, the providers should identify risks, evaluate risks, assess interventions, and determine suitable measures to mitigate risks. Some of the important aspects to consider during this process include informed consent, vicarious liability, strict liability, and res ipsa loquitur.

Case Scenario

A family is notified by the physician that their grandfather has respiratory failure, hepatic failure, cardiac failure, and has no blood pressure. The physician has…...



Miller, P.J. (2011). Death with Dignity and the Right to Die: Sometimes Doctors Have a Duty to Hasten Death. Journal of Medical Ethics, 13, 81-85.

Song, M., Ward, S.E. & Lin, F. (2012). End-of-Life Decision-Making Confidence in Surrogates of African-American Dialysis Patients Is Overly Optimistic. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 15(4), 412-417.

Vitals. (2013, May 21). Pulling the Plug: ICU 'Culture' Key to Life or Death Decision. NBC News. Retrieved May 31, 2016, from

Aviation Life Support Equipment
Pages: 4 Words: 1043

Aviation Life Support Equipment
The objective of this study is to examine aviation life support equipment. Towards this end a review of the literature in this area of inquiry will be conducted.

NOAA has issued specifications for life support equipment that must be provided for personnel that fly NOAA aircraft and that is to be considered as standard equipment. There are various types of equipment that are considered aviation life support equipment.

Personnel Flotation Vest

The personal flotation vest requires inspection on an annual basis and is comprised by three layers with a NOMEX cover and to have a neck gusset that protects against chafing. The Personal Flotation Vest has been approved by FAA/TSO and is reported to be "fully adjustable" and can be sized from 42 inches to 68 inches. The Personal Flotation Vest has pockets designed specifically for holding the following items: (1) personal locator transmitter; (2) knife, (3) whistle, (4) signal…...



ALSE Aviation Life Support Equipment Handbook (2008) U.S. Department of the Interior. Retrieved from:   quipment_Handbook_2008.pdf 

NOAA Aviation Life Support Equipment Program (nd) Retrieved from:

Field Reference Guide for Aviation Users (2014) U.S. Department of the Interior. Retrieved from: 

Aviation Life Support Equipment (2014) Teaching Plan and Program Text. Retrieved from:,bs.1,d.eXY&cad=rjt

Use of Life Support With Individuals With ALS Terminal Illness
Pages: 6 Words: 2142

medical condition known as Lou Gehrig's disease. The paper presents pertinent data about the disease both from the literature available and from a personal position of testimony. Also, this paper reviews the technologies that are used to relive patients who suffer from the disease, and delves into the problems associated with attempts to mitigate the debilitating effects of Lou Gehrig's disease.
hat is Lou Gehrig's disease?

Lou Gehrig's disease -- also known by its medical name, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) -- is a "rapidly progressive, invariably fatal neurological disease…" that attacks an individual's nerve cells (neurons), those cells that normally control the muscles that are voluntary, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). The ALS sufferer is taken through the painful reality of this disease gradually, as the motor neurons degenerate slowly and take away the patient's ability to move muscles as he or she once did.



Works Cited

ALS Association (ALSA). (2008). Respiratory Care. Retrieved November 7, 2012, from .

DynaVox Technologies. (2011). DynaVox EyeMax Accessory for DynaVox Vmax.

Retrieved November 7, 2012, from .

Focus on ALS. (2009). BiPAP. Retrieved November 7, 2012, from .

Life Sustaining Questions Ethics Withholding
Pages: 4 Words: 1180


Many including Weijer (1999) comment on the futility of the current medical system as established in the United States. There are many doctors making decisions on whether patients need life support with or without just cause. Here lies the problem. With all patients, not just patients with disabilities, the writer feels multiple considerations must come into play. ight to life types may suggest it is the patient's right to live and the physician has an obligation to maintain the life of the patient for as long as feasible (Freeborn, Lynn & Desbiens, 2000). There are others however concerned that certain patients are not given appropriate consideration.

For example, some patients with disabilities may not be given adequate consideration. In cases as these doctors may feel they are better able to understand what is and is not in the patient's best interests compared with the wishes of the patient and/or their family…...



Freeborne, N., Lynn, J., & Desbiens, N.A. (2000). Insights about dying from the SUPPORT Project. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 48, 5199-5205.

Weijer, C. (1999). Medial futility: Physicians, not patients, call the shots. The Western Journal of Medicine, (170): p. 254.

Werth, James.L. (2005). Concerns about decisions related to withholding/withdrawing life-sustaining treatment and futility for persons with disabilities. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, (16):1, p.31.

Life Sustaining

Life and Death Through the
Pages: 5 Words: 1692

It is impossible for science to "overtake" the light but not impossible for humans to experience it. hile light is pleasing, it is not lasting for the poet. hen it is no longer present, what remains is something that is almost opposite to light. The poet describes the experience as a "quality of loss / Affecting our content, / As Trade had suddenly encroached / Upon a Sacrament" (17-20). Here we see the emergence of despair and loss when the light is gone. The light is a severe contrast with the darkness alluded to in the other poems mentioned here but above all, the contrast demonstrates the poet's ability to write about diverse topics.
Death is a source of inspiration for Emily Dickinson and while this make seem creepy to many readers, it is actually brave for the poet because death, even today, seems taboo for many artists. This may…...


Works Cited

Dickinson, Emily. "A Light Exists in Spring." The Complete Poems of Emily

Dickinson. Ed.

Thomas Johnson. New York: Little, Brown and Company. 1960. Print.

-. "Because I Could Not Stop for Death." The Complete Poems of Emily

Lives of Female Saints in
Pages: 5 Words: 1365

Women identified their hrist Jesus who was food during mass as the redemption of humanity. The women believed reaching spirituality was through food, since naturally they were food from their ability to breastfeed. The Medieval women associated the breast as seen in Holy mother, Mary's own breastfeeding as a Eucharistic feeding of the soul.

The painting also indicates that to the Female saints of the Middle Ages, prayer was an important element in their connection to God. In the "The life and Miracles of Saint Godelieve," Godelieve makes prayer requests and offerings of food to God, that are answered by angels who bring delicacies for the poor.

Annotated Bibliography

Amy Hollywood. "Sensible Ecstasy: Mysticism, Sexual Difference, and the Demands of History (Religion and Postmodernism)," University of hicago Press, (2002).

This article carries out an analysis of anthropological studies of the medieval times, and looks into the connection of the body, the soul and physical…...


Counihan Carole, M. "The Anthropology of Food and Body: Gender, Meaning and Power," Routledge, (1999), p.98.

Metropolitan Museum of Art, Maryann Ainsworth A., & Keith, Christiansen. "From Van Eyck to Bruegel," (1998), p.127.

Counihan Carole, M. "The Anthropology of Food," Routledge, (1999), p.98.

Life Science Current Event Report Current Events
Pages: 4 Words: 1263

Life Science Current Event eport
Current Events on Cloning and Evolution

Topic and Date: The Ethics of Egg Manipulation (Evolution), August 27, 2009


The article "The Ethics of Egg Manipulation" published in Nature investigates the research challenges in reducing diseases that can be identified prior to egg fertilization. Scientists have questioned if it is necessary for humans to give birth to offspring that are at high risk for genetic diseases. Their hypothesis is: If we remove the bad parts of the DNA from one egg and replace it with good DNA from another egg and use the new egg for in vitro fertilization, can we reduce the number of babies born with disease (Anonymous, 2009)?

Current experiments have been performed on monkeys. The experiments have been successful and scientists believe the research is ready to move to humans, but many laws are in place to deter this type of experimentation. Two main issues prevent…...



Anonymous. (2009, August 27). The ethics of egg manipulation. Nature, 460(7259), 1057. Retrieved from ProQuest Database.

Anonymous. (2008, November 13). Clones of the dead. Nature, 456(7219), 144. Retrieved from ProQuest Database.

Life Is Beautiful Film Happiness
Pages: 2 Words: 609

He eventually triumphs in this endeavor, making it possible for Giosue to be extremely happy and taking his thoughts away from the unwelcoming landscape they are presented with during their stay in the labor camps.
Ferruccio's response to Guido's question regarding the reason for which the former is able to go to sleep even with the fact the latter is trying to influence him is essential in understanding Guido's attitude in wanting to entertain Dora and Giosue. "I am what I want to be" stands as motivation for everything Guido covers as a means to get to his wife and son. This statement initially assists him in declaring his love for Dora and in taking her away from what seemed to be her inevitable fate. Later on in the movie, it is partly because of Schopenhauer that Guido has little difficulties in making his son believe that the Holocaust is…...


Works cited:

Benigni, Roberto. Life is Beautiful. Miramax Films, 1997.

Life Safety in a Government
Pages: 2 Words: 682

As the different standards and safety equipment, will help to quickly extinguish any possible flames. This is the key to increasing safety standards, as the various systems will protect the structure as much as possible against such events.
Are there fire plans, fire drills, fire brigades or any other human life safety support to the installed systems?

Yes. The City of Honolulu Fire Department will maintain and support the different fire safety standards for the building. Where, they will have fire brigades, plans and resources available to deal with any kind of situation being faced. ("State of Hawaii Fire Code," 2010)

What is your assessment of the structures readiness for a fire emergency?

Given the fact that the building is considered to be of historical significance for Hawaii. The various fire safety systems and procedures are superior to other structures, as the city / state will utilize the building for various government offices.…...



State of Hawaii Fire Code. (2010). State Fire Council. Retrieved from: 

Fisher, J. (2010). Walking Tour of Historic Honolulu. Retrieved from:

Life Course Interview Synthesizes Personal
Pages: 5 Words: 1525

The entire look and feel of Kunming was different because of the way factories were developed and houses were built. People had fewer options and opportunities.
In spite of the hardships that communism posed for Chan and her family, she remained strong. She never lost hope that one day she would start a new business. It was years before her dream came true, and it was not easy. The move to the United States was challenging because it made Chan feel "like a baby, starting again." She had no friends and only a few family members to help her. Gradually, though, she put together the financing for the business. She viewed it as a matter of personal pride but also as a way to leave something to her grandchildren. Chan illustrates how women can balance family and career and not succumb to the social pressures that suggest that business is…...

Life in Prison Life in
Pages: 4 Words: 1453

Williams...consistently denied killing Owens.
March 11, 1979 --...three of Williams' friends -- all with criminal histories and motivation to lie, Williams says -- testify that he confessed to the killings. A ballistics expert links a shotgun shell at the motel to Williams' gun. Williams has also steadfastly maintained his innocence in the Yang killings.

1981 -- Williams is tried and convicted in Los Angeles Superior Court of all four murders, plus...sentenced to death. He arrives at San Quentin's death row on April 20.

1987 -- Williams is placed in solitary confinement for 6 1/2 years after committing a string of violent incidents behind bars, including assaults on guards and other inmates.

1988 -- the California Supreme Court affirms Williams' death sentence, and he files his first federal appeal to the U.S. District Court.

1996 -- Williams, with co-author Barbara Cottman Becnel, publishes the first of a series of anti-gang books aimed at children, Gangs…...



Stovall, Jeffrey, M.D. (2001, March). Prison Madness: The Mental Health Crisis Behind Bars and What We Must Do About it. American Psychiatric Association. Retrieved December 8, 2007, at 

Nieves, Evelyn, (2005, December 14). "Schwarzenegger Clemency Denial Called Politically Safe." Washington Post, p. A18, Retrieved December 8, 2007, at   tml .

Tookie's Path to Death Row." (2005, December 13). Retrieved Decembe 9, 2007, at   Path to Death Row 's

Williams, Stanley, with Becnel, Barbara Cottman. (2001). Life in Prison. Chronicle Books.

Life You Have Always Wanted
Pages: 6 Words: 1903

This is a very important concept that has not been touched upon in the book but can actually serve as an impetus for good in one's life.
Religious counseling is an important field and one that works on the same principles as general counseling but integrates religion into it. When a Christian counselor works on the mind of his patient/client, the key objective is to align them to the teachings in the scripture without intimidating the client. In other words, it is the job of the counselor to learn as much as he/she can about the behavior, values and attitude including mindset of the client by providing a trustworthy and comfortable environment. Focus is placed on facilitation of communication where the client talks feeling completely safe in the presence of the counselor. He is given the maximum opportunity to express his views on various things in order to seek his…...

Life Without Father When Dads Disappear
Pages: 5 Words: 1582

However, as referred to above, one central reason for absent fathers is that society in general no longer advocates a definitive role and structure for the father to adhere to. This can be related to the breakdown in norms and values in contemporary society which previously gave clear guidelines about the importance and purpose of fatherhood. In our postmodern society the norms about traditional fatherhood have been radically questioned and new models, such as the single-parent family have begun to receive acceptance.
Nevertheless, the research evidence indicates that the father plays an essential role in the psychological as well as the sociological balance of the sexes within the structure of the family. From a personal point-of-view I consider the father figure to be extremely important in the healthy development of the child. In my experience the importance of my father is undeniable and his presence provided me with the essential…...


Works Cited

Hamilton-Wright, Kimberly J. "In Search of Daddy: Even in Adulthood, Fatherlessness Has Long-Lasting Effects." Black Enterprise Jan. 2004: 90.


Kimmel, Michael S. The Gendered Society. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.


Life Under Communism if the
Pages: 2 Words: 694

The population of Britain and London would be much smaller today, for a couple of reasons. Many would have been killed defending the island. Many more would have fled, first to the Free Irish State and then when that was inevitably overrun many would have attempted to flee to America or Canada. While Britain today attracts millions of immigrants from around the Commonwealth, that would not be the case if the Allies had lost the war. The Commonwealth would have disintegrated, with Japan claiming the Asian territories, Germany and Italy claiming Africa, and resources from these regions used to extend the power of the Axis nations.

Social life would have been very different. Gatherings would be not tolerated, except rallies in support of the party. Those would be frequent. Travel within the country would be limited. Communications would be monitored. And that is for those who survived the inevitable purges of…...

I need some suggestions for end of life essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 584

1. The Ethics of Physician-Assisted Suicide: A Philosophical Exploration

Explore the moral and ethical dilemmas surrounding physician-assisted suicide (PAS).
Examine the arguments for and against PAS, considering patient autonomy, dignity, and social justice.
Discuss the role of medical professionals, religious beliefs, and societal values in the PAS debate.

2. The Legalization of Euthanasia: A Comparative Analysis

Compare the legal frameworks for euthanasia in different countries.
Analyze the factors that have influenced the legalization or decriminalization of euthanasia.
Discuss the implications of euthanasia legalization for end-of-life care and society as a whole.

3. End-of-Life Care and Cultural Diversity: Exploring Variations in Attitudes and....

What groundbreaking technology is NASA currently developing for future space exploration missions?
Words: 413

One groundbreaking technology that NASA is currently developing for future space exploration missions is the Orion spacecraft, which will be used for missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond. The Orion spacecraft is designed to carry astronauts beyond low Earth orbit and is equipped with advanced systems that will enable long-duration missions in deep space.

Additionally, NASA is developing the Space Launch System (SLS), which will be the most powerful rocket ever built and will be used to launch the Orion spacecraft and other payloads into space. The SLS will enable NASA to send astronauts to explore deeper into space than....

What groundbreaking technology is NASA currently developing for future space exploration missions?
Words: 603

NASA's Groundbreaking Technologies for Future Space Exploration

NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, is continuously pushing the boundaries of space exploration with the development of groundbreaking technologies that enable humans to venture further and deeper into the cosmos. Here are some of the most notable technologies currently being developed by NASA:

1. Advanced Propulsion Systems:

Nuclear Thermal Rocket (NTR): An NTR uses a nuclear reactor to heat hydrogen propellant, generating significantly higher thrust than traditional chemical rockets. This technology would enable faster and more efficient travel to distant destinations like Mars.
Plasma Propulsion: Plasma propulsion systems use ionized gas (plasma) expelled....

How can basic life support training impact emergency response in critical situations?
Words: 256

Basic life support (BLS) is a critical skill that every individual should possess. It involves simple yet effective techniques that can be used to save lives in emergency situations. In this essay, we will explore the importance of BLS training, the key principles of BLS, and how to properly administer BLS techniques to someone in need. By the end of this essay, readers will have a better understanding of the fundamental concepts of basic life support and its significance in emergency medical care.
One of the key ways that basic life support training can impact emergency response in critical situations is....

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