Logic Essays (Examples)

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Logic Model Table for Logic Model of
Pages: 3 Words: 829

Logic Model
Table for Logic Model of MPA Program


- Tuition

- Educational Funds

- Grades

Papers, assignments, projects

College resources, dorms, businesses, bookstores


- Classes

Social relationships

- Academic Exchange


- Graduation

- Essays, papers, projects

- New theories of behavior and knowledge

- Teachers get paid, students learn, college makes money

- Waste and free time

New theories of learning

- Aligning students and teachers with proper academic techniques and methods

Community building

- Even distribution of resources between citizens

Public good over the right of the individual's choice of freedom

Why are each of these components valuable?

A useful and complete logic model should paint and describe an image of how a specfic effort or initiative is supposed to pan out. This model explains why a chosen strategy is a good solution to the problem or not. A deep and effective logic models creates an explicit, and sometimes visual, statement of the activities that will usher in new change and results onemight expect to see for the community…...



Berman, E. & Wang, X. (2011). Essential Statistics for Public Managers and Policy Analysis. CQ Press College.

WK Kellog Foundation. Logic Model Development Guide. Viewed 20 Sep 2013. Retrieved from   logic-model-development-guide.aspxhttp://www.wkkf.org/knowledge-center/resources/2006/02/wk-kellogg-foundation -

Logic Paraphrase There Are Reasons
Pages: 2 Words: 550

These arguments differ based on the amount of information on which they are founded.

Extensive definitions identify collections of objects/concepts to which the word applies: "Bears, sheep, rats, and humans are all mammals." An ostensive definition occurs in gesture, providing the same example set but with total ambiguity: "That, that, and that are all mammals." A quasi-ostensive definition adds description to the definition, but ambiguity is still retained: "These hair-covered creatures who give birth live are mammals."


I learned a fair amount about how to examine arguments from the lessons this week. I already pay a fair amount of attention to the news, but reexamining stories that I had already developed an awareness of utilizing the concepts of logic from the reading led me to new understandings. The global warming debate, for example, is highly politically charged, with each side accusing the other of using false or empty science to prove…...

Logic Gay Marriage Gay Marriage Has Become
Pages: 3 Words: 1089

Gay Marriage

Gay marriage has become a prominent issue in American politics and society in recent years. DADT (Don't Ask Don't Tell), states legalizing gay marriage (and those who did not) and legal challenges brought by the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) community have pushed this issue into the forefront. But as some would agree, the right of gays and lesbians to marry is an idea whose time has come. For years we've been sideling the issue of gay rights, with DADT, we told gays and lesbians in the military to hide who they are and not to openly discuss their relationships. Hundreds of men and women who have served our country well have been discharged from the military because the government doesn't approve of who they love. In churches across the country, it is preached that being gay is a sin, that homosexuality is something that people need to…...



Civil Unions Are Not Enough: 6 Key Reasons Why. Lambda Legal. Retrieved from: http://data.lambdalegal.org/publications/downloads/fs_civil-unions-are-not-enough.pdf

Buckel, David (2008). Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Couples' Marriages, Civil Unions & Domestic Partnerships. Lambda Legal. Retrieved from: http://data.lambdalegal.org/publications/downloads/fs_legal-recognition-same-sex-couples.pdf

Buckel, David. (2007). Lewis v. Harris: Essay on a Settled Question and an Open Question: Why Civil Unions are Unconstitutional. Rutgers Law Review, 59 (2).

David Masci (2007). An Overview of the Same-Sex Marriage Debate. Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. Retrieved from:  http://pewforum.org/Gay-Marriage-and-Homosexuality/An-Overview-of-the-Same-Sex-Marriage-Debate.aspx

Logic of Life by Tim
Pages: 2 Words: 551

Teenagers, in deciding to choose oral sex versus "regular" sex, thought about not only the health consequences of oral sex in terms of their susceptibility to acquire sexually-transmitted infection or HIV / AIDS, but they also took into consideration that the cost of subsisting to oral sex is much, much lower than regular sex. This decision, of course, owes to the fact that there is a lesser chance for teenagers to be infected sexually, which could incur unexpected expenses (cost of doctor consultation, tests, and medicines, among others).
Choosing one's date or partner in life is also determined to be the work of economic decisions, particularly driven by the game theory. As the author pointed out, one's tendency to date a particular 'type' of individual (i.e., short, tall overweight, attractive, etc.) is dependent on the availability of these types during the event wherein one has to make an economic decision…...



Harford, T. (2008). The Logic of Life. NY: Random House.

Logic Test Answer All the Following Questions
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Logic Test
Answer ALL the following questions. All the questions in this Assignment are multiple choice. For each question, exactly one of the several possible answers is correct. Tick just one.

If you think that the following discourse contains no argument, tick (f) below. If you think it does contain an argument that involves no fallacy, tick (e). If you think that the discourse contains an argument that involves a fallacy, which of (a), (b), (c) or (d) might reasonably be construed as the fallacy in this argument?

Pass is not Fail, so it should be a good mark.

(a) Ambiguity of scopes

(b) Black and White

(c) Inappropriate Standards

(d) Ad ignorantiam

(e) No fallacy

(f) No argument

Question 2.

If you think that the following discourse contains no argument, tick (f) below. If you think it does contain an argument that involves no fallacy, tick (e). If you think that the discourse contains an argument that involves a fallacy,…...

Logic Research Truth Tales and
Pages: 2 Words: 504

The creation of specific truth table designs and the application of literature-based methods for measuring and assessing randomness (again, using various designs and definitions for randomness) would need to occur to measure randomness effectively, and many different iterations and combinations of such tests would need to be completed in order to deliver detailed and meaningful results. Though time consuming, this research (like the review outlined above) would be minimally resource-intensive, requiring only access to appropriate literature and a computer with the software necessary to run truth table simulations.
Digital Conditions

Just as computers and digital media have opened new avenues (and presented new limitations) for truth tables, logic has hugely impacted and been impacted by digitization. Conditional mechanisms such as conditional-sum addition present new topics and agents in logical formulation, and other similar innovations are also emerging. Research analyzing a particular class of such digital logical outgrowths could take place through…...

Logic and Critical Thinking in
Pages: 6 Words: 2108

In fact, the author acknowledges that, even if the United States is unable to prove that foreign countries aided Al Qaeda in the 9-11 attacks, that does not disprove their involvement. Therefore, one of the central premises, that foreign countries can be deterred from assisting terrorists, is extremely weak.
The author's third premise is that the terrorists lack the method to deliver a weapon of mass destruction. This is actually the author's best supported premise. In order to support the idea, the author discusses the problems in delivering all three types of weapons. The author again points to the Tokyo subway attack to show the difficulty in distributing chemical weapons. However, the author relies on more unqualified premises to support this portion of the argument, such as the idea that germs are "hard to spread satisfactorily" ("The Terror Next Time"). Without any support for this statement, the audience is unable…...



The Terror Next Time." Economist.com. 2001. The Economist. 23 Apr. 2005  http://www.economist.com/displaystory.cfm?story_id=806202 .

Logic of Sentencing Criminals Humanity Has Always
Pages: 4 Words: 1234

Logic of Sentencing Criminals
Humanity has always dealt with the problems related to crimes committed against both individuals and the public. Philosophers, judges, lawyers, public figures, government officials, and corrections institutions have proposed many forms of punishments or treatments to deter public and individual crimes in a given society. These punishments and treatments have built upon the past theories and ideas and also responded to the needs and interests of the given time or a society. In America today, there are four basic philosophical reasons for sentencing and six commonly known forms of punishment. When discussing the reasoning for sentencing and the forms of punishment, Americans offer one form of punishment or another depending on one's personal views and understandings. Some prefer severe punishments for the purposes of retribution and deterrence, while others specifically focus on rehabilitation. For the purpose of reducing recidivism, however, it is important to strike a proper…...



Applegate, B.K., & Cullen, F.T. (1997). Public support for correctional treatment:.. Prison Journal, 77(3), 237.

Cullen, F.T., & Skovron, S. (1990). Public support for correctional treatment. Criminal Justice & Behavior, 17(1), 6.

Kifer, M., Hemmens, C., & Stohr, M.K. (2003). The goals of corrections: Perspectives from the line. Criminal Justice Review, 28(1), 47-69. doi:10.1177/073401680302800104

McFatter, R.M. (1982). Purposes of Punishment: Effects of Utilities of Criminal Sanctions on Perceived Appropriateness. Journal Of Applied Psychology, 67(3), 255-267.

Logic Shakespeare in Alice and Wonderland
Pages: 10 Words: 4846

Of course, the studious scholar might point out that nearly every document produced since the time of Shakespeare must have been influenced by the writer because of the sheer number of vocabulary words he created, but the focus of this essay is literary references and influences (the Language).
In Alice's Adventures in onderland, evidence of Shakespeare's influence is most noteworthy in Carroll's use of the themes of foolery, communication problems, and identity as it relates to power. Yet, if a grander source of influence outside Shakespeare could account for the text better than Shakespeare, Bloom's theory would be debased.

Of course, a larger sources of influence on Carroll's works has already been determined, the influence that came from within himself, his own vocation. I contend that although Shakespeare may have influenced Alice's Adventures in onderland, the principles of mathematical and logical reasoning are a grander source of influence on Carroll's novel…...


Works Cited

Atwan, Robert. "Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human by Harold Bloom." Boston Review

1999): np.

Bloom, Harold. Shakespeare and the Invention of the Human. New York: Riverhead, 1998.

Bloom, Harold. Genius: A Mosaic of One Hundred Exemplary Creative Minds. New York: Warner Books, Inc., 2002.

Logic-Based Configurator on the Web
Pages: 2 Words: 960

deal size by customer

Order cycle time

Order cycle times reduction of 65% or more recorded with mftrs contacted

Cost of Sales

Days Sales Outstanding reduction from 60 to 29 days on average

Cross-sell and up-sell revenue

Increase of 33% on aggregate

Average sales price per order

Increase from 9% to 26%

Quote and Order

Average costs to complete an order

95% reduction in cost per order

Special Pricing equests

Over 100% OI on automating Special Pricing equests

Bad or incomplete orders

Incomplete order reductions of 20%

Customer Service

Number of customer complaints

98% reduction in cost of simple requests

evenue lost to churn

60% when cross-selling is used with quote-to-order

Number of calls on order status

Median level of 500 per week to 70

Warranty and eturns

eduction in warranty cost on customized products

10% reduction at a minimum

Labor cost reductions

Decrease order re-work from 15% to 2%

Future esearch

What is most lacking in the article however is a progression of where their research could be applied throughout the complexity levels of mass customization. The…...



McGuiness, Isbel, Parker, Patel-Schneider, Resnick and Welty (1998) - A Description Logic-Based Configurator on The Web. Published Fall 1998 SIGART Bulletin as part of the ACM Consortium. Accessed from the Internet on January 12, 2007 from location:


Columbus (2003) - Configuration is the Heart of Customer Fulfillment for Complex Product Manufacturers. AMR Research Report. Monday March 31, 2003. Retrieved from the Internet on January 12, 2007 at http://lwcresearch.com/filesfordownloads/ConfigurationIstheHeartofCustomerFulfillmentforComplexProductManufacturers.pdf

Logic a Viable Option for
Pages: 10 Words: 2961

hen a student violates one of the clearly defined rules the adult will "apply consequences consistently and in a warm, assertive, firm voice using four steps: State the behavior, state the violated rule, state the unified consequence, and offer encouragement to prevent future violations " (Algozzine, et. al., 2001). The Unified Discipline approach focuses on negative consequence, but forgets one important step of the learning process. Positive reinforcement for good behaviors must be included in the theoretical models as well as punishers for negative behaviors. This is one of the key shortcomings of the Unified Discipline approach.
ith the Unified Discipline approach and the EBS approach, the student has no choice or input into the desired behaviors or the outcomes. They are subject to rules that are forced upon them from their external environment. They may oppose the rules themselves and may not be motivated to follow the rules as…...


Works Cited

Algozzine, B., Audette, R., Ellis, E., Marr, M., and White, R. (2001) Unified Discipline: A School-Wide Approach for Managing Problem Behavior. Intervention in School & Clinic. 37 (1): 3.

Anthone, S., Dillon, C., Morrison, G., and Storino, M. (2001). An Examination of the Disciplinary Histories and the Individual and Educational Characteristics of Students Who Participate in an In-School Suspension Program. Education & Treatment of Children. 24 (3): 276.

Arvantis, P., Atkins, M., Brown, C., Cunningham, T., Frazier, S., Jakobsons, L., Lambrecht, L., and McKay, M. (2002). Suspensions and Detentions in an Urban, Low-Income School: Punishment or Reward? Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 30 (4): 361.

Benner, G., Currin, D., Epstein, M., Nelson, R., and Reid, R. (2002). The Convergent Validity of Office Discipline Referrals with the CBCL-TRF. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. 10 (3): 181.

Logic Model for the Community
Pages: 1 Words: 315

, 2005, unning quickbook in nonprofits, CPA911 Publishing
Stolovitch, H.D., Pershing, J.A., Keeps, E.J., 2006, Handbook of human performance technology: principles, practices and potential, 3rd edition, John Wiley and Sons...



Ivens, K., 2005, Running quickbook in nonprofits, CPA911 Publishing

Stolovitch, H.D., Pershing, J.A., Keeps, E.J., 2006, Handbook of human performance technology: principles, practices and potential, 3rd edition, John Wiley and Sons

Fuzzy Logic-Based Control of Manufacturing Processes
Pages: 8 Words: 2392

Fuzzy Logic-Based Control of Manufacturing Processes
Enormous advances in technology have made everyday life much easier. New developments within control systems have allowed for greater empowerment for individual devices, which often takes the burden off of the user. Among the many new technologies based on artificial intelligence, Fuzzy Logic Control System is the most popular and most applicable system. Almost in all domains, Fuzzy logic has a broad application area. It is safe to say that we can replace all control-based systems by Fuzzy Logic Control System. FCLS can be used in a great variety of commercial and industrial applications, showing its strength and prominence as a new technology prompt for future innovation.

Fuzzy Logic is a principle within artificial intelligence that is based primarily off the notion of logical reasoning that humans use daily in the context of the normal everyday lives. There are a number of instances where the value…...



[1] Altrock, Constantin. (2012). Fuzzy Logic and NueroFuzzy Technologies in Appliances. Universidad de Antioquia. [Online] Available at http://ingenieria.udea.edu.co/investigacion/fuzzycon/FuzzyLogic/FuzzyLogicinAppliances.pdf

[2] Chen, Guanrong & Pham, Trung Tat. Introduction to Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Logic, and Fuzzy Control Systems. CRC Press. 2000.

[3] Dewy, Douglas. (2013). Fuzzy Logic. Omega Engineering. [Online]. Available at  http://www.omega.com/techref/fuzzylogic.html 

[4] Emami, Sarmasti, "Fuzzy Logic Applications in Chemical Processes," The Journal of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, 1(4), 339-348.

Dominant Logic Dormant Logic it Is Not
Pages: 10 Words: 2832

Dominant Logic

It is not a simple task to understand "Dominant Logic." Dominant logic is pertinent to how an organization works to earn profit.

The article "Evolving to a new dominant logic of marketing" (Vargo & Lusch, 2004) explains how the employees develop their thinking ability and try to adjust to the latest dominant logic of their organization. This indicates that now-a-days organizations are adopting diversified and divergent outlook to the marketing function of their company.

Operand resources and Operant resources

The understanding of the difference between the operant and operand resources is very important in order to completely understand the concept of Dominant Logic.

The factors of production are a clear example of the Operand resources. Operand resources are the resources on which operation is conducted with the intention to produce a desired result. Operand resources are invisible and intangible. They are dynamic and infinite. Skills and knowledge are examples of Operand resources.




Cravens, D.W., Meunier-Fitz Hugh, K. & Piercy, N.F., 2011. The Oxford Handbook of Strategic Sales and Sales Management. Oxford: Oxford Handbooks Online.

Etgar, M., 2007. A descriptive model of the consumer co-production process. journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.

Lusch, R.F. & Stephen, V.L., 2006. Service-dominant logic: continuing the evolution. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.

Lusch, R.F. & Stephen, V.L., 2006. Service-dominant logic: continuing the evolution. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.

Service -- Dominant Logic the
Pages: 13 Words: 3560

First the process of co-creation will be defined, followed several examples of successful co-creations of the customer experience.
5. Customer experience is the brand and co-creation is the process

A firm that migrates to a service-dominant logic will move from selling a commodity to co-creating the customer's experiences. If you utilize the brand definition in the introduction portion of this paper -- a brand is the summation of a customer's interactions with a firm and their products and services - one must come to the conclusion that building a customer experience equates to building a brand (Prahalad, 2004). The job of a marketer becomes one creating positive encounters; encounters which influence the customer's ability, willingness and opportunities to co-create with firm. (Payne, 2009).

The process of co-creation is evolving. In 2004,Prahalad and Ramaswamy, describe the building blocks of interactions. To co-create, a firm needed to facilitate dialogues, create access to information, understand…...



Andreu, L., Sanchez, I. & Mele, C., (2010). Value co-creation among retailers and consumers: new insights into the furniture market. Journal of retailing and consumer services. Retrieved on April 18, 2010 from:  http://www.sciencedirect.com .

NOTE: Your may want to download this article and complete this citing.

Arvidsson, A (2005). Brands: A critical perspective. Journal of Consumer Culture. Volu 5 (2) pp 235 -- 258.

Babitch, S., Chen, J & Whitney, P. (2005). Design for the Emerging Markets: Interview with Marriott International. Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology. Retrieved April 18, 2010 from: www.id.iit.edu.

Writing my essay on animal abuse?
Words: 201

To argue against animal abuse, you want your thesis to clearly state that you're against it and why. Your opinion should be a part of the thesis statement, but you want to be careful to actually present arguable, logical points, as well. You could say you're against animal abuse for a number of reasons. For example, some common ones are that animals feel both physical and emotional pain (abuse is cruel), that animals can't defend themselves and people should care for them because of their innocent nature, and that animal abuse can lead to further deviant and criminal behavior -....

Schools of Psychology?
Words: 57


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