Loneliness Essays (Examples)

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The Internet search engine corporation Google has become a kind of anti-competitive mega-company, as the corporate structure disdains conventional leadership hierarchies, encourages employees to practice yoga during their breaks, and stocks its cafeteria with organic food -- as they make a huge profit for their shareholders. The company is a community, not merely a place of competition.
It is now younger rather than older Americans who are greater slaves to technology, or are more empowered to find connections with others through technology, depending on your point-of-view. Technology can facilitate collective as well as personalized pleasure, and may even enable individuals to broach difficult subjects like sexuality in the privacy of their own home. It is the 'digital divide' is what often separates young people today from their families, not the divide of individualism vs. collectivism, although individualism as a philosophy still dominates American culture in comparison to other nations in….

Loneliness to Insanity

Loneliness to Insanity
In "The Second Sex," originally published in 1949, Simone de Beauvoir explored the historic situation of women and concluded that women have been prevented from taking active control of their lives (Vintges pp). Beauvoir believed that women had always been the "Other" throughout culture, and that man had been the "Self," the subject (Vintges pp). In other words, the female had been subjected to the male, who, partly with her own consent, had made her an extension of himself (Vintges pp). The female characters in illiam Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" and Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow allpaper" are victims of male domination, leading first to solitude, then to the point of actual madness.

In the beginning of Gilman's story, the narrator confesses that her husband laughs at her, that he is "practical in the extreme," and that he has "no patience with faith, an intense horror of superstition,….

Fo both the Leay Social Anxiousness and UCLA Loneliness scales, both ae established scales in the sense that they ae commonly used as standad measues of social anxiety and loneliness, espectively. Its usage in the context of mobile phone use is just one way manne in which these scales can be administeed (Balvanes and Caputi, 2001, 82). Since these scales help detemine the level of social anxiety and loneliness on an individual basis, both scales can be useful as deteminants of an individual's emotional state and social disposition in studies othe than those exploing the use of mobile phone. That is, these scales ae applicable to othe modes of communication such as face-to-face communication, online chatting, classoom inteaction, among many othes.
As fo the online chat scale of Leung, this was found out to be only elevant fo specific items, and the eseaches modified specific items in the scale to….

Bad in a Person
Fight Club is one of many novels that explores the theme of isolation from society, and how this in turn leads to loneliness, paranoia and violence.

Fight Club's unnamed protagonist is alienated from society

He engages in antisocial behaviors, starting with the fight club and moving onto the plan to blow up the skyscraper

The separation of the narrator from society echoes other novels presenting the theme of alienation

These novels have proven to be popular since the end of WWII and the rise of our suburban, digital society.

Selfishness lies at the root of this alienation

Writers have explored the role of selfishness in alienation, since at least Shakespeare

Flannery O'Connor highlighted such alienation in the two main characters in A Good Man is Hard to Find, where the grandmother is selfish and disconnected from her family, but meets her end at the hands of the equally isolated Misfit

The Fight Club narrator….

The skunks are a potent contrast between the gentility symbolized by the millionaire's casually auctioned-off yacht, yet like the auctioned boat, they are also a symbol of waste and decay. The skunks' willingness to eat anything is also a contrast with the poet's deeper sense of existential dread and sorrow about his plight, as he sadly listens to "Love, O careless Love...." On the radio, symbolizing his inability to find love in the world (30).
The themes of the poem are alienation, a lack of love, and the base nature of existence. The poet feels alienated from the WASPY, wealthy, and superficial world he describes yet also depressed about its decline. He cannot find love amongst the 'love cars' that lie together -- symbolizing the couples within the cars lying together. He is up at a time when few people are awake who besides teenagers in cars 'making out.' Only….

Miss Brill" is a story about loneliness and estrangement. Miss Brill is an old woman who is out of touch with her times, but who, at the same time, wants to integrate, communicate and interact with the people around her. She wants to go out, meet with them, talk with them, but nobody seems willing to do that and, towards the end of the story, they become plain rude about her appearance.
The first theme that should be discussed in view of the thesis is the fact that Miss Brill longs for interaction with individual, something that supports the idea that she is, otherwise, very lonely. She appreciates the fact that there are people out that afternoon, more than usual, giving her better chances of finding someone to talk to: "there were a number of people out this afternoon, far more than last Sunday" (Mansfield, 1).

Second, her willingness to interact….


Essay Topic Examples
1. The sychological Landscape of Loneliness: Exploring its Effects on Mental Health:
    This essay would delve into the multifaceted psychological impact of loneliness on mental health, including heightened risks for depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline. Drawing on current research in psychology and neuroscience, it would examine how perceived social isolation can influence emotional well-being and brain function.

2. The Role of Social Media in Modern-Day Loneliness:
    This topic invites an analysis of the paradoxical relationship between social media use and feelings of loneliness. The essay would consider whether social media platforms genuinely connect us or give rise to a new kind of loneliness characterized by superficial interactions and the decline of deep, meaningful connections.

3. Solitude versus Loneliness: A hilosophical Inquiry:
    Focusing on the distinction between the chosen state of solitude and the often-unwelcome sensation of loneliness, this essay….

American Character

Huckleberry Finn is the closest we have to a national hero. We trust the story of a boy with no home and who is restless as the river -- The genius of America is that it permits children to leave home; it permits us to be different from our parents. But the sadness, the loneliness, of America is clear too.
What is odriguez telling us about a central feature of the American Character, and about tensions within our core values? What reasons, what causes, might contribute to this national tendency? Which authors and/or other course materials support your ideas?

There is a tension within the American character. On the one hand, we pride ourselves so our individuality. On the other, we seek to conform, fit in, be a part of the 'melting pot'; but we are forever lonely.

Individualism has been an intrinsic part of the American myth. It is seen in the….

representation of Death and the impermanence in the short story "A Father's Story" by Andre Dubus, and the poem "Because I could not stop for Death" by Emily Dickinson. These two works were chosen because both speak of Death and impermanence, yet these authors employ different literary forms, characters, settings and plots. "A Father's Story" follows the format of a short story, being prose written in concise paragraphs with a main point or moral and portraying its characters by the way they speak. "Because I could not stop for Death" follows the form of poetry, being structured in shifted lines and using language to evoke imagination or emotion in the reader. In addition, the two writers substantively approach Death very differently. Comparison of these distinct forms shows how writers can make very different styles and statements about Death and impermanence through different devices, including but not limited to the….

Iceberg Theory and "Loneliness" by Sherwood Anderson
Iceberg Theory applied: The Pursuit for Enoch Robinson's 'Unconcealed Self' in "Loneliness" by Sherwood Anderson

Twentieth century American literature illustrates the emergence of stories and characters that reflect real life -- that is, a respite from romantic or idealistic notions of people's lives, as depicted in literary works. In Sherwood Anderson's "Winesburg, Ohio," readers are presented with a realistic depiction of the American life and individual. The novel, published in 1919, is a collection of short stories that illustrate the lives of people in Winesburg, Ohio; each vignette gives readers insights about an individual/character's personality and a different perspective of life in general.

Anderson's depiction of life in the novel has become popular and influential that American writers of the same period had followed his perspective in narrating life as a work of art. Among these writers is Ernest Hemingway, well-known novelist, whose literary style of….

Lonely Seniors

Lonely Seniors
Senior Citizens Do Not Have to be Lonely

A study involving older adults from senior residential facilities in the Chicago area suggests that isolated seniors may experience twice the risk of Alzheimer's disease compared with those who are not lonely or secluded ("Loneliness linked…" 8). Researchers at the University of California San Francisco analyzed data showing loneliness to be particularly debilitating to older adults and may predict serious health problems and even death. There are both psychological ramifications, such as depression, and physiological ramifications that can be addressed by looking at the problem of loneliness.

The elderly are susceptible to feelings of loneliness and isolation because of life changes that often occur at this stage of life. Individuals may have spent all their adult lives in the work place and be unable to deal with too much newfound leisure time. If they had children, their children are grown, with their own….

nd are trying to make their own hallmark in the life of today. mericans are quiet eager to leave up their children as soon as they grow up and therefore they inculcate a sense of insecurity and loneliness in their children from the onset when they are too young and are still looking for someone to nurture them.

Friendships and close relationships suffer when increased amount of time is spent at work. Increased working hours translate into time away from friends and loved ones and this leads to social isolation, which is having a huge negative impact on mental and physical health of people in the U.S. ccording to a recent study, it was reported that 50% more than the figure that was attained in 1985 complained of having no one they could turn to when personal problems arise. Most people said that their spouses were the only persons they could….

Aging in the World Today

It is an unfortunate fact that Alice's self-perception and its reinforcement by social and media images of age and aging is hardly unique. Older people, and especially those in retirement and care communities, tend to be perceived as old, frail, and unable to continue any sort of contribution to society. This tends to hasten the aging process and, in cases like Alice's, perpetuates a vicious cycle in which aging becomes a curse rather than the blessing that she was first to those around her and then to her husband.

According to Holstein, Parks, and Waymack (2011, p. 11), one important component of care giving and retirement communities is respecting the autonomy of older individuals by providing them with meaningful choice. This means that older people in such communities should be provided with choices that match their remaining cognitive and physical abilities.

When applied to Alice's case, her residence in the retirement community….

Color and Van Gogh Van

Yet, the warmth of the sun is overwhelming and the bright blue is a thing of beauty in itself, but there is something unsettling about this scene, too. It inspires loneliness. The house is there, as if in the middle of nowhere. The two black crows following the man, looking for the seeds are his only companions. Like in so many of Van Gogh's landscapes, the image seems to be reversed, like in a distorted image of a parallel reality or as if reflected by a huge mirror hung over the earth.
Van Gogh's love of literature and especially poetry transpires from his paintings. Although the painter does not abuse color, he creates a symbiosis between color and drawing, combining sketches and patches of color in such a successful way that he realizes true poems on a canvas. e it a poem about the meaningless of human life in a….

Belen Who Is a Fresh

By joining such groups she will get a chance of meeting people with whom she shares common interest thus feel part of the wider population.
As a follow-up it would be necessary that I keep checking on her at least ones or twice a week, enquiring from her whenever she feels like hanging out and to find out her general status. In the process of visiting her, I would take the opportunity to persuade her to attend special events and to at least join a group or two, in case she hasn't. Given that she is a frequent visitor on Skype chat room, I would as well register as a user and add her as a friend thus I'll be able to chat with her more frequently and on the process get to know how she is fairing.

Part 2:

I clearly understand how it feels to move from one place to….

There are many different topics to select when writing about online education.  You can approach the essay from the point-of-view of an educator or of a student, and you can also look at it by grade level for K-12 students, for classes for undergraduate and graduate students. You can focus on the challenges that people face as remote learners or the benefits of remote learning.  Many people who are looking at online education today also look at the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on remote learning/ online education and how different school districts and educational institutions have....

How you write your outline for your essay on how online learning is impacting teens depends on the structure of your essay.  Most academic essays are done in the same manner, with an introductory paragraph, supporting body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph.  The default length for a basic academic essay is five paragraphs, but the outline we are providing is for a six-paragraph essay because we think you should define online learning and explain why people are using it and then look at the educational, social, and mental impacts of online learning.

Online Learning Essay Outline:  Impact on....

Part I: The Allegory of Freedom and Confinement

1. The Bird in the Gilded Cage: Exploring the Paradoxes of Liberty
- Dive into the complex interplays of freedom and confinement through the allegory of a bird in a gilded cage. Discuss how the bird's perceived freedom is juxtaposed against the limitations imposed by its gilded prison.

2. The Broken Winged Songbird: A Metaphor for Resilience in Adversity
- Examine the resilience of a bird with a broken wing, exploring how it finds strength and hope amidst adversity. Draw parallels to human experiences of overcoming challenges and finding beauty within brokenness.

3. Of Caged....

5 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Loneliness Slater Phillip The Pursuit

Words: 1533
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The Internet search engine corporation Google has become a kind of anti-competitive mega-company, as the corporate structure disdains conventional leadership hierarchies, encourages employees to practice yoga during their…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Loneliness to Insanity

Words: 2075
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Loneliness to Insanity In "The Second Sex," originally published in 1949, Simone de Beauvoir explored the historic situation of women and concluded that women have been prevented from taking active…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Social Anxiety Loneliness and Divergent

Words: 560
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Fo both the Leay Social Anxiousness and UCLA Loneliness scales, both ae established scales in the sense that they ae commonly used as standad measues of social anxiety…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Isolation Loneliness and Violence in Literature

Words: 447
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Bad in a Person Fight Club is one of many novels that explores the theme of isolation from society, and how this in turn leads to loneliness, paranoia and…

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2 Pages


Tortured Loneliness of Robert Lowell's

Words: 581
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The skunks are a potent contrast between the gentility symbolized by the millionaire's casually auctioned-off yacht, yet like the auctioned boat, they are also a symbol of waste…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Family and Marriage

Miss Brill Is a Story About Loneliness

Words: 682
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Miss Brill" is a story about loneliness and estrangement. Miss Brill is an old woman who is out of touch with her times, but who, at the same…

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8 Pages


Words: 2146
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Essay Topic Examples 1. The sychological Landscape of Loneliness: Exploring its Effects on Mental Health:     This essay would delve into the multifaceted psychological impact of…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

American Character

Words: 1511
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Huckleberry Finn is the closest we have to a national hero. We trust the story of a boy with no home and who is restless as the river --…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Representation of Death and the Impermanence in

Words: 3843
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

representation of Death and the impermanence in the short story "A Father's Story" by Andre Dubus, and the poem "Because I could not stop for Death" by Emily…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg Ohio Oxford World's Classics Edition

Words: 1444
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Iceberg Theory and "Loneliness" by Sherwood Anderson Iceberg Theory applied: The Pursuit for Enoch Robinson's 'Unconcealed Self' in "Loneliness" by Sherwood Anderson Twentieth century American literature illustrates the emergence of stories…

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2 Pages


Lonely Seniors

Words: 617
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Lonely Seniors Senior Citizens Do Not Have to be Lonely A study involving older adults from senior residential facilities in the Chicago area suggests that isolated seniors may experience twice the…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Social Isolation Working Long Hours

Words: 752
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

nd are trying to make their own hallmark in the life of today. mericans are quiet eager to leave up their children as soon as they grow up and…

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4 Pages
Case Study


Aging in the World Today

Words: 1321
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

It is an unfortunate fact that Alice's self-perception and its reinforcement by social and media images of age and aging is hardly unique. Older people, and especially those in…

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5 Pages
Reaction Paper

Art  (general)

Color and Van Gogh Van

Words: 1821
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Reaction Paper

Yet, the warmth of the sun is overwhelming and the bright blue is a thing of beauty in itself, but there is something unsettling about this scene, too.…

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2 Pages
Application Essay

Family and Marriage

Belen Who Is a Fresh

Words: 807
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Application Essay

By joining such groups she will get a chance of meeting people with whom she shares common interest thus feel part of the wider population. As a follow-up it…

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