mixed methods research simply taking half a quantitative plan and half of a qualitative plan and putting them together?" And an articulation of the challenges to using a mixed methods strategy of inquiry.
To what extent is mixed methods research simply taking half a quantitative plan and half of a qualitative plan and putting them together?
Mixed methods approaches blend aspects of both quantitative and qualitative research designs in their construction. For example, a study of the responses of incarcerated juveniles to a new program designed to reintegrate the adolescents back into society might use quantitative data regarding the recidivism rates of the participating vs. non-participating teens but would also contextualize the data with qualitative interviews with the teens themselves. A mixed methods approach would be justified given the need to determine the efficacy of the program in an objective fashion, particularly to justify its continued funding. However, to better determine…...
mlaIt should be noted that some researchers consider these two methods of qualitative and quantitative state of inquiry to be fundamentally polarized: "purists posit that quantitative and qualitative methods stem from different ontologic, epistemologic and axiologic assumptions about the nature of research" (Onwuegbuzie & Leech 2005: 376). Others state that in the social sciences, there is no such thing as pure 'knowledge' distilled from subjective experience and thus the two approaches are fundamentally more similar than they seem. The existence of mixed methods approaches suggests that the two methods are fundamentally different yet both offer equally valid and useful perspectives.
In theory, a mixed methods approach should unite the best of both worlds, when it comes to research -- but it can also contain the weaknesses of both qualitative and quantitative methodologies in each separate component of the research. Statistical data derived from the quantitative component of the research must be rigorously analyzed according to valid standards; qualitative data must be gathered in a meaningful fashion from the selected population and the identities and feelings of participants must be handled according to accepted ethical guidelines. There is also a final concern regarding both methodologies, which is the process of triangulation: "it's important when you do a mixed methodology that you bring those three pieces of data together" (Wilson n.d.). The quantitative data may actually contradict the qualitative data accumulated for the research, particularly if the quantitative data was derived from a much larger sampling of participants than the qualitative interviews and case study component. Mixed methods researchers must strive to present their findings in a meaningful fashion -- even if the two components of the research do not necessarily support the same conclusions, this must be highlighted in a manner to illuminate the topic.
Given the criticism that overly data-driven research in the social sciences can ignore the important 'human' and idiosyncratic nature of lived experience, mixed methods inquiries are particularly useful in studies of human beings and their personal experiences. Mixed methods approaches are growing more popular because they can introduce a level of scientific rigor and scope that a small qualitative ethnography or case study might lack, but still allow for subjective input from both researchers and participants. Moreover, given that it is increasingly acknowledged that even quantitative research is subjective to some degree, mixed
Mixed Methods Research
Two important aspects of qualitative research relates to the role of the researcher and the manner in which knowledge is viewed. These two aspects fundamentally distinguish qualitative research from quantitative research (Creswell, 2014). In qualitative research, the researcher seeks to cultivate a closer relationship with the subject(s). This means that the researcher focuses on a single or a small number of subjects, and utilises designs that allow closer interaction with the subjects such as in-depth interviews, observations, and focus group discussions. Cultivating a closer relationship with the subjects is informed by the need to gain a deeper understanding of the research phenomenon (Denscombe, 2010). This arises from the assertion that knowledge is subjective (Bryman, 2008). In other words, different individuals tend to have different meanings and worldviews about a given phenomenon. The role of the researcher, therefore, is to understand the unique interpretation a subject holds about the…...
Fielding, N. (2010). Mixed Methods esearch. International Journal of Social esearch, 13 (2), 127 -- 138.
In the field of criminal justice and security management, there are a wide variety of techniques used to understand the best approaches for interacting with stakeholders. Fielding (2010) determined that the mixed method approach is the most effective. This is because it is examining different aspects of the problem and conducting a separate study to corroborate key ideas. These insights were used to show the underlying trends inside the U.S. And UK criminal justice systems. As Fielding determined, that both countries are wrestling with similar challenges including: rising criminal / gang related violence, juvenile delinquency and gun related crimes. This is illustrating the challenges impacting the two systems. In the future, these ideas can help to identify the root causes of these problems and the best approach for addressing them. The fact that similarities have…...
Ellicott, I. (2011). Procedural Justice in Contacts. Psychology, Public Policy and Law, 17 (4), 592 -- 610.
Fielding, N. (2010). Mixed Methods Research. International Journal of Social Research, 13 (2), 127 -- 138.
Gorard, S. (2007). Where does Good Evidence come from? International Journal of Research, 20 (3), 307 -- 323.
Payls, T. (2012). Qualitative Research in the Digital Era. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 11 (4), 114 -- 119.
oles of Theory in Qualitative esearch & Application
Qualitative esearch
Write a two page Journal entry on how well you are understanding the roles of theory in qualitative research and how this applies to your Final Project and to your Dissertation.
Thinking About Qualitative esearch Theory. Qualitative research approaches are grounded in theoretical frameworks that make certain assumptions about the world, about how qualitative research is best conducted, and about the type of research questions and solutions are acceptable for the research approach, and about the criteria that appropriate for trustworthiness (which is the equivalent proof in quantitative research approaches). When researchers take a qualitative approach, they consider the world to be socially constructed by people's individual perceptions. Qualitative researchers depend on respondents' accounts to provide explanations for observed behaviors and shared thoughts. The qualitative research approach does not begin with a hypothesis to be proven or disproved -- a step that implies…...
Dwyer, S. And Buckle, J. (2009). The space between: On being an insider-outsider in qualitative research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 8(1), 54-63. Retreived https://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/IJQM/article/viewFile/2981/5198
Glaser, B. G and Strauss, A.L. (1967). The discovery of grounded theory: strategies for qualitative research. Chicago, IL: Aldine Publishing Company.
Trochim, W.M.K. (2006). Qualitative approaches. Research Methods Knowledge Base. {Web.] Independence, KY: Cengage Publishing Retreived http://www.socialresearchmethods.net/kb/qualapp.htm
Xu, M.A. And Gail Blair Storr, G.B. (2012). Learning the concept of researcher as instrument in qualitative research. The Qualitative Report, 17(42), 1-18. Retreived http://www.nova.edu/ssss/QR/QR17/storr.pdf
Aligning Methodology to esearch QuestionsProblem StatementThe problem to be studied is the decline in elementary students\\\' reading scores when they reach 4th-5th grade and the possible link to the school and classroom climate. Evidence of the existence of the problem at this elementary school is based on current and previous reading scores. There is an alarming drop in the students\\\' achievement and diagnostic reading scores. Data shows that at least 92% of the students\\\' reading scores drop when they enter the 4th or 5th grade.Purpose Statement and esearch QuestionsThe purpose of this study is to examine the potential link between the climate of the school and classroom environments and the 4th and 5th grade students\\\' reading scores.esearch Questions1. At this elementary school, is there a relationship between school climate and students\\\' reading scores/abilities?2. How does classroom environment affect students\\\' reading scores/abilities?3. (Qualitative) How do teachers and students perceive the impact…...
mlaReferencesDawadi, S., Shrestha, S., & Giri, R. A. (2021). Mixed-methods research: A discussion on its types, challenges, and criticisms. Journal of Practical Studies in Education, 2(2), 25-36.Køster, A., & Fernandez, A. V. (2021). Investigating modes of being in the world: an introduction to phenomenologically grounded qualitative research. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 1-21.Mohajan, H. K. (2020). Quantitative research: A successful investigation in natural and social sciences. Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People, 9(4), 50-79.
Quantitative research uses survey, and questionnaires to collect data. Through quantitative analysis, a researcher is able to correlate mass data to the research findings. Despite the benefits identified in both quantitative and qualitative research, the paper identifies some shortcomings in both research methods. To address these shortcomings, the paper proposes mixed methods that involve combining both quantitative and qualitative research.
Bryman, A. (1984). The Debate about Quantitative and Qualitative esearch: A Question of Method or Epistemology? The British Journal of Sociology, 35,(1): 75-92.
Burney, S.M.A (2008). Inductive and Deductive esearch Approach. Department of Computer Science. University of Karachi.
Hanson, J.L. (2011). Qualitative esearch Methods for Medical Educators. Academic Pediatric Association.11(5):375 -- 38.
Henderson, J. (2011). Primary and secondary sources, IthaCha College Library.
Firestone, W.A. (1987).Meaning in Method: The hetoric Quantitative and Qualitative esearch. Educational esearcher.19(7):16-21.
Goodwin, W.L. Goodwin, L.D. (1996). Understanding qualitative & quantitative research in early childhood education. Teachers College Press, USA.
Ostlund, U. Kidd,…...
Bryman, A. (1984). The Debate about Quantitative and Qualitative Research: A Question of Method or Epistemology? The British Journal of Sociology, 35,(1): 75-92.
Burney, S.M.A (2008). Inductive and Deductive Research Approach. Department of Computer Science. University of Karachi.
Hanson, J.L. (2011). Qualitative Research Methods for Medical Educators. Academic Pediatric Association.11(5):375 -- 38.
Henderson, J. (2011). Primary and secondary sources, IthaCha College Library.
The researchers triangulated the data sources by interviewing over 60 organizational members, including CCI staff, managers from diverse hierarchical positions, staff members, and employees. Each interview lasted between 45 and 120 min and was transcribed in full for coding purposes. The researchers also collected more than 2,000 pages of relevant documents, including minutes from CCI staff meetings, annual reports, intranet postings, and several drafts on a strategic communication plan. This sample size appears to be adequate and appropriate for the study being undertaken.
The article Are Consumers ational? Experimental Evidence? By Shugan (2006) looks at the different tests that can be used to try and predict consumer behavior. The difference between experimental and statistical controls explains the divergence in conclusions. Experimental controls test rationality based on whether previously absent variables exhibit significant explanatory power holding known explanatory variables constant. Statistical controls test rationality based on the incremental explanatory power of previously…...
Rohm, a.J., Milne, G.R., & McDonald, M.A. (2006). A Mixed-Method Approach for Developing Market Segmentation Typologies in the Sports Industry. Sport Marketing
Quarterly, 15(1), 29-39.
Voort, J., Glac, K., & Meijs, L. (2009). "Managing" Corporate Community Involvement.
Journal of Business Ethics, 90(3), 311-329.
Discussion: Designing Mixed Methods Research Mixed methods research is more than simply taking a quantitative design and a qualitative design and putting them together. The methods should complement one another and be relevant to the subject that is being studied. For example, a researcher who wants to conduct exploratory research would benefit more from using a qualitative design than a mixed methods design, as the latter could potentially drain resources that could be better used conducting the exploratory part of the investigation. However, using the mixed methods approach is useful when both qualitative data and quantitative data can be easily combined to enhance a study (Johnson & Onwuegbuzie, 2004). For example, in a health care study, interviews could be conducted with patients about their care and a survey could also be given. The interviews would provide qualitative data and the surveys would provide quantitative data. Both would complement one another: the…...
Mixed-Method JustificationAlthough scientific methods have been endorsed in drug prevention services, some programs are implemented before the establishment of the evidence-based objectives and goals. This paper seeks to share what counselors, teachers, and other relevant bodies can do to support drug abuse prevention among high-school students. For starters, the need to put set project objectives and goals cannot be overstated. The students at risk also need to be mapped out with a scientifically proven framework. The mixed methods research approach, the overarching project objectives, and goals were set among the various stakeholders (Dell et al., 2013).Project goals1. To promote the communities, youth, and schools through bolstering the development resources that the youth can access to prevent the deviant tendencies of alcoholism, drug abuse complications, and the mental health issues that arise from building therapeutic relationships, education, asset development, and community empowerment.2. To embed in the school culture by blending with…...
mlaReferencesDell, C. A., Duncan, C. R., DesRoches, A., Bendig, M., Steeves, M., Turner, H., ... & Enns, B. (2013). Back to the basics: identifying positive youth development as the theoretical framework for a youth drug prevention program in rural Saskatchewan, Canada, amidst a program evaluation. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 8(1), 36.Benson, P. L., Leffert, N., Scales, P. C., & Blyth, D. A. (1998). Beyond the\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'village\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' rhetoric: Creating healthy communities for children and adolescents. Applied developmental science, 2(3), 138-159.Glanz, K., Rimer, B. K., & Viswanath, K. (Eds.). (2008). Health behavior and health education: theory, research, and practice. John Wiley & Sons.Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse. (2010). Building on Our Strengths: Canadian Standards for School-based Youth Substance Abuse Prevention, Version 2.0. Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse.Benson, P. L., Lerner, R. M., &Silbereisen, R. K. (2007). Approaches to positive youth development. Developmental assets: An overview of theory, research, and practice, 33-58.
esearch ApproachesCreswell and Creswell (2018) describe three primary research approaches: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods. Each approach has a different worldview that informs the researcher\\\'s methodology, data collection, analysis, and interpretation.Qualitative ApproachThe qualitative approach seeks to understand the subjective meanings, experiences, and perspectives of people through the collection and analysis of non-numerical data. The worldview associated with qualitative research is often considered constructivism or interpretivism, which recognizes the role of the researcher\\\'s interpretation and subjectivity in shaping research outcomes. The constructivist worldview asserts that reality is created by individuals through their experiences and perceptions. Qualitative research typically is exploratory and seeks to understand the meaning behind human behavior and experience. It involves collecting data through open-ended interviews, observations, and document analysis. In qualitative research, the researcher usually works closely with participants in their natural setting to gather data through these methods. Examples of qualitative research designs include ethnography, phenomenology, grounded…...
mlaReferencesBloomfield, J., & Fisher, M. J. (2019). Quantitative research design. Journal of the Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses Association, 22(2), 27-30.Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications.
Mixed Method
Qualitative, quantitative, mixed methodologies
Quantitative, qualitative and mixed methodology research
Quantitative methodologies tend to be data-driven in nature. The presumption of the correct 'way of knowing' in quantitative research is positivistic in nature. It is assumed there is an objective, concrete truth that can be learned through empirical observation and the careful construction of an experiment. Quantitative methods of research often use the scientific method or quasi-scientific methods of study design. The researcher has a clear idea of the phenomenon he or she is attempting to study. The researcher's primary tools include questionnaires, objective measurements and other methods of gathering statistical results. Often there is a control group to see if the results are statistically significant in nature. The study is carefully designed before the research takes place to isolate specific variables of inquiry and its focus of study is narrow, rather than broad. The types of knowledge it gathers…...
Neill, James. (2007). Qualitative vs. quantitative research. Retrieved:
The qualitative vs. quantitative debate. (2012). Writing at CSU. Retrieved:
Mixed methods research design is popular in many research settings because it offers a set of advantages as well as a flexibility that cannot be matched by other available methods. This method combines some of the features from both quantitative and qualitative research methods to create unique methods that can integrate many theoretical or conceptual frameworks. This analysis will use a case study form of a mixed methods approach from studies that were performed in different academic fields to illustrate this form of research. The case study approach is popular in various environments due to the fact that it has more flexibility to explore and explain complex social phenomenon that are difficult to account for in strict quantitative approaches. Furthermore, it also allows room for the social constructivist approach that allows participants some freedom to add information that is relevant to their particular perspective to be added to the data.
mlaWorks Cited
Mayo, J. (2002). Case-based Instruction: A Technique for Increasing Conceptual Application in Introductory Psychology. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 65-74.
O'Connor, B., & Cordova, R. (2010). Learning: The Experiences of Adults Who Work Full-Time While Attending Graduate School Part-Time. Journal of Education for Business, 359-368.
van der Voot, J., Glac, K., & Meijs, L. (2009). ''Managing'' Corporate Community Involvement. Journal of Business Ethics, 311-329.
Thus, it is implied, it was in the best interests of the school districts to 'shed' such unwanted students.
Purpose of study
The purpose of the study was to build upon existing research upon the effects of introducing high-stakes testing into a state on the students themselves.
Method for collecting data
271,000 students were studied 1995-2002 in the state of Texas, to examine the effects of the first wave of high-stakes testing upon retention rates. School district performance ratings and student performance were both compared. Qualitative analysis was also collected, including interviews with students who had dropped out of school.
Results, conclusions and recommendations
It was found from these interviews that, to meet the demands of the accountability system, students were often required to repeat ninth grade, to ensure they would be prepared for the exam, even if they had passed their courses. To meet attendance mandates, students with as and Bs often lost credit…...
learning for you in considering these materials. What variations in research approach to your dissertation topic might be suggested by them? What encouragement, related reading, or other ideas can you suggest?
"Experience" is a term increasingly bandied about in academic circles, partially in relation to the present interest in phenomenology among social scientists. Many attempts have been made to define the term over time, from a cultural studies and social anthropology standpoint. ut, scholars usually bring up this subject without any description of what is really meant by it. Even those scholars who have, earlier, discussed this issue could not come to any consensus with regard to defining 'experience'. A focus on experience of a sensory nature raises the methodological question of how to comprehend others' experiences considering experience's complexity. It is not possible to peek into their mind or underneath their skin for thinking or feeling the way others…...
Creswell, J. (2003). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. California: Sage Publication.
Pink, S. (2008). Research Methods for Cultural Studies: Analyzing Visual Experience. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Robson, C. (2013). Real World Research. Wiley: Washington.
Tashakkori, A. & Teddlie, C. (2003). Handbook of Mixed Methods in Social & Behavioral Research. Thousand Oaks: Sage
Mixed Method
This was a mixed methods study that was applied to the topic of school psychology
The purpose of Powell et al.'s (2008) journal article was to show the benefits of mixed method study using the field of school psychology as an example.
Theoretical Framework: (Identify the theoretical/conceptual framework)
The article is a discussion/ / review of evidence of the efficacy of mixed methodology to psychology.
Specific Research Questions / Philosophical Underpinnings:
The overall research question was whether mixed methods is more beneficial than qualitative or quantitative methodology alone in addressing scientific research. The specific example that the authors gave was reliance on two different studies (one qualitative, the other quantitative) that used bullying as their topic
Mixed method design: (present the elements of quantitative and qualitative and describe how these complement each other and why it was important or was not important, to conduct this…...
mlaNone of the studies detail the consent procedure. Likely, the school was approached for consent by the researchers and consent given by school administrator (and perhaps by teachers) rather than by individual students.
Is the Research Entitled "Ethical Implications of AI in Society" a Mixed Method?
Mixed methods research combines both qualitative and quantitative research methods to provide a more comprehensive understanding of a research topic. Qualitative methods emphasize understanding the subjective experiences and perspectives of individuals, while quantitative methods focus on objective data and statistical analysis. Determining whether a specific research project is a mixed method study requires examining the combination of methods used.
Review of Ethical Implications of AI in Society Research
The research study titled "Ethical Implications of AI in Society" explores the ethical considerations surrounding the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in....
Mixed methods research design aims to blend qualitative and quantitative approaches in order to provide a comprehensive understanding of a phenomenon. In this research proposal entitled "Understanding the Influence of Extracurricular Activities on Students' Personal Development and School Engagement", a mixed method approach will be utilized. The qualitative component will involve interviews and focus groups with students, teachers, and parents to gather in-depth insights on the perceived impacts of extracurricular activities. The quantitative component will involve surveys and questionnaires to quantitatively measure the level of personal development and school engagement among students participating in extracurricular activities. By combining these two....
Federal Government Program Evaluation: Enhancing Efficiency and Effectiveness
The evaluation of federal government programs plays a crucial role in ensuring their efficiency and effectiveness, maximizing taxpayer dollars, and ensuring that programs align with the government's priorities. This literature review examines how existing literature informs federal program evaluations, exploring methodologies, challenges, and emerging practices that contribute to improved program outcomes.
Methods of Program Evaluation
Literature suggests that program evaluations employ various methods to assess efficiency and effectiveness. Quantitative methods, such as randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and regression analysis, provide empirical evidence of program impact by comparing outcomes between treatment and control groups (Blayney, 2017).....
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