Motivation Theory Essays (Examples)

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Motivation Theory
Organizations include many different types of people and personalities that in turn create a need for different types of motivational strategies. In organizations we can have three types of setting that we work in: sales, production, and educational. Every individual is molded and shaped by the experiences that life has presented to that individual, and these experiences can impact the manner and attitude by which they perceive motivation. To a degree, motivation is very personal and what may initiate the motivational drive in some people may not do so for others. Motivation processes set the tone of the organizational goals, which is why organizations should develop comprehensive and diverse motivational strategies. The theory that I propose combines Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene theory and the Maslow-based Existence, elatedness, and Growth (EG) theory of motivation. I will call this theory the Motivational Balance Theory. The ultimate goal of this thorough motivational theory is….

Motivation Theory:
The Implementation of Motivation in the Workplace

Motivation lends a hand to one to achieve goals and can be either intrinsic or extrinsic (, 2001). In multiple theories, motivation is the need to decrease pain or increase one's happiness. Through the study of motivation, a management team will be better able to inspire their employees and the company as a whole. The satisfaction the employees may have the possibility to create internal happiness, a pleasant work environment, and an increase in productivity. This is especially true when one's motivation comes directly from bodily deficits, which then causes them to work towards reversing said deficit (Houghton Mifflin, 1998).


A retail or commission-based job often requires a certain amount of products or services to be sold by an employee in a given set of time. In the financial bank setting, it is a common practice for the financial bankers to be issued a….

Motivation Theory

Leadership, as opposed to management, means that those in leadership positions can engage the willingness of staff to accomplish work. In this way, a leader influences and guides direction, opinion, and course of action. In a nursing situation, I think the best leadership action to take is that of situational leader. The reason for this is that the nursing environment presents with so many different contingencies and eventualities, that it is difficult to apply a single consistent set of leadership ideas or theories. Hence, a leader who can respond effectively to whatever the situation at whatever time will function better in the nursing environment than one who is more attached to a single leadership method across the board.

Such a leader will also best be able to motivate staff members, since situational leadership is inherently as flexible as it needs to be to accomplish this. Since human beings are motivated by….

Organizational Psychology - Motivation
Landy and Conte (2013) define industrial-organizational psychology as "the application of psychological principles, theory, and research to the work setting" (p. 7). A prominent line of research in industrial-organizational psychology is the study of worker motivation. Over many decades, as management theory has developed, several philosophical and psychological strands have emerged, and are often referred to as: 1) Person as machine; 2) person as scientist, and 3) person as intentional.

Person as Machine

Theory X managers are known to take "the carrot and the stick" approach to supervision since they believe that people work only for the monetary compensation, which means that coercion, threat, and punitive measures must be used to extract efficient workplace effort from employees. Manifestations of Theory X management include high levels of mistrust between employees and employers, and a tendency of management to blame workers for inefficiencies or mistakes rather than looking at other sources….

Motivation, Stress, And Communication
Ford motor is a global company dealing with the manufacture of vehicles. It has several offices/manufacturing plants in most parts of the world. For the company to run smoothly and efficiently, its operations are divided into several department headed by several departmental managers. One of the departments am in charge is the Supply Chain Systems Sales department a position I filled as the head of department.

A Supply Chain System Sales Operations Manager is in charge of two broad roles. One of roles concerns supplies while the other deals with sales of their locomotives. These two roles are interlinked in a way that the person in charge must ensures that their sales offices are supplied by their products (vehicles) for sales and shipping of new vehicles to other customers or to their sales offices in countries ford motors has no factory. Sales are an interactive kind of work….

The vertical differentiations are associated with the components of abstraction that permit individuals to determine both their intentions and their behaviors. The horizontal differentiation is associated with different intentions including the completion of the project.
Tubbs and Eckeberg (1991) assert that understanding the intentional model has implications associated with understanding the effects of goal setting. The authors argue that the intentional behavior model explains the cognitive effects of goals which is rarely seen in research pertaining to work motivation. The authors posit that the research is important because it is the first time that research has sought to determine the impact that goals have on people.

Finally Latham and Pinder (2005) discuss Work Motivation Theory and research at the dawn of the twenty-first century. The author point out that interest in motivational theories has not waned since they first begin to surface. According to the authors, work motivation represents a set….

One example of this is shown when explaining why people eat, aside for being a basic need; people eat as a form of interaction or in some instances for entertainment. People are motivated to eat because they enjoy doing it with the company of friends and family. Individuals are motivated to eat for other reasons that may include health consideration in particular. Motivation in this aspect is largely attributed to be an internally driven. Each individual has a different motivation in pursuing a certain goal. This motivation is manifested in the human will or volition; some writers see it as the human spirit. In times of difficulty that a person encounters, it is this internal motivation that surfaces which provides the person added strength to weather the storm. For instance, when the body encounters substantial physical and mental stress, the body secretes adrenaline resulting to a situation wherein the….

Every person who had performed well and met the deadlines was offered a cash bonus at the end of six-month period when performance appraisals were done. However I realized that Sarah was not motivated by this cash reward. She had one child who went to kindergarten and her husband earned well. his meant she needed something other than money to motivate her. his was indeed a challenge since I had no idea how to discover her needs which could enhance her performance and inspire her to meet deadlines.
he first stage was to determine if the job actually suited her aptitude. I spoke to her personally and asked her if she really liked her job. But this was done in a candid manner so she wouldn't know what the real issue was. Sarah talked eagerly about her work and her ideas about the next month's magazine. Studying her resume, I….

Both observation and experiment provided the underpinning for Abraham Maslow’s theory of human motivation. Maslow (1943) posits, “man is a perpetually wanting animal,” leading to the constant striving to fulfill goals (p. 370). If and when anything prevents the fulfillment of a goal—whether the obstacle is internal or external—discomfort or psychopathy can occur (Maslow, 1943). Although Maslow’s original research was conducted decades ago, recent research on motivation and human behavior continues to substantiate Maslow’s core claims. Researchers continue to operationalize Maslow’s definitions of needs and motivation, leading to a strengthening of the original theory and expanded applications in the social sciences. Maslow himself wrote extensively to develop and mature a comprehensive theory of human motivation based on the hierarchy of needs model. The original needs hierarchy consists of five fundamental needs: for physiological comfort and fulfillment, for safety and security, for belongingness, for esteem, and for self-actualization. Although definitions of….

Figure 1 below highlights briefly Hertzberg's two factor theory applications to the Southwest Airlines.
Figure 1: Hertzberg Two Factor Theory

To complete the analysis, the hygiene factors related to dissatisfaction should are considered to be:-

Working Conditions

Quality of Supervision




Interpersonal relations

These factors are necessary for the satisfaction of the employees, but will not lead to a motivated police force. Without these factors being present in an appropriate manner, these factors will lead to dissatisfaction, which may negate efforts to motivate the workforce.

The motivation factors include:


esponsibility for task

Interest in the job

Advancement to higher level tasks


Clearly, these factors are more connected with internal forces, and affect Southwest employees in a different way. These factors are the driving force behind motivation, and have been the mandate at Southwest Airlines, which explains the success of the company.

Another related motivational model that seems to be close fit to the operations at Southwest is the Existence elatedness, Growth (EG)….

Motivation Systems for Hospitality Organizations: A Case Study of Motel
Generally speaking, the hospitality industry competes on a global basis by providing food and beverages services as well as accommodations for tourists and travelers. For instance, according to Lucas, "The term hospitality industry serves as an overarching label for businesses whose primary purpose is to offer food, beverage and accommodation for sale on a commercial basis" (2003:3). By contrast, hospitality services are associated activities that take place within the hospitality industry which are provided within different segments of the marketplace. Such hospitality activities are primarily involved with providing food and beverage services for a wide range of institutional operations including educational facilities such as colleges and universities, passenger airline carriers, healthcare and long-term care facilities as well as penitentiaries and jails (Lucas 2003). For the purposes of this study, the focus will be on the hospitality industry and hotels in….

Motivation When it Comes to

It is also possibly one of the most significant motivational factors among young people. Zuckerman refer to disinhibition as follows. "These who choose to follow a conventional lifestyle might periodically escape by engaging in social drinking..." (Franken, 2001, p. 343). This is an important factor as the desire or need for disinhibition may lead to an addictive patterns of behavior, where the drugs or alcohol supply the required escape from routine and inhibitory factors.
Disinhibition is also strongly related to the conventions of society where the individual may feel hemmed in and confined by the routine and patterns of ordinary life. This can lead to addictive behavior as the use of drugs or substances are motivated by the desire to free one's self and sense of identity and fulfill experiential needs.

The central concept that links al of these motivational theories is that they all can be seen to contribute to….

Organizational Behavior
How New Practices at Sodexho Align with the Essentials of Performance Management

Performance management, in basic terms, has got to do with an organization's involvement of employees with an aim of enabling them to achieve objectives and, hence, further enhance performance at both the individual and organizational level. Quite a number of changes have taken place at Sodexho since the entry of Ms. ohini Anand, the Senior Vice President and Global Chief Diversity Officer at Sodexho. To what extent do these changes and new practices align with the essentials of performance management?

To begin with, Sodexho has been able to not only define, but also clarify performance expectations. This, as will be indicated below, has been more so the case when it comes to identifying the exact performance expectations of various groups or categories of employees. As Ms. Anand points out, interviewers at Sodexho are trained on cultural competent recruiting. It….

Motivation in the Workplace

Workplace Motivation
This paper investigates the issue of motivation as it applies to an organizational setting.

The research regarding motivation in the workplace has been a major area of investigation that is of interest to corporate leaders, managers, organizational psychologists, and educators. The issue that this paper will discuss has to do with the particular factors that managers and leaders can address to increase the motivation of their workers to perform as well as to increase the job satisfaction levels of their employees. However, motivation is only one issue regarding increased productivity or increased job satisfaction; we would certainly think that at a basic level an employee would need a certain level of motivation to perform as well as the ability to actually do the job (as it turns out the research is consistent with this type of common-sense thinking). However, the actual types of interventions/activities that can be used to motivate….

Theory-based information can help organizations to ascertain the most appropriate training and development programs for their employees. In fact, theory-based information helps human resources managers to structure training and development for specific groups of people. The most relevant theories include those that are related to learning, and those that are related to social relations and identity construction. Learning theories can be based on basic behaviorism, including patterns of reward and punishment that can be used to motivate specific behaviors and discourage undesirable behaviors that detract from inter-group harmony (Duggan, n.d.). However, cognitive theories of learning can be even more helpful for structuring effective employee training programs designed to cultivate specific skills or to increase productivity (Duggan, n.d.).
Theories that focus more on employee engagement, group identity construction, and other sociological factors are also highly relevant in the process of employee training and development. Motivation theory not only informs best practices when developing….

4 Pages


Motivation Theory Organizations Include Many Different Types

Words: 1226
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Motivation Theory Organizations include many different types of people and personalities that in turn create a need for different types of motivational strategies. In organizations we can have three types…

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4 Pages


Motivation Theory The Implementation of Motivation in

Words: 1071
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Motivation Theory: The Implementation of Motivation in the Workplace Motivation lends a hand to one to achieve goals and can be either intrinsic or extrinsic (, 2001). In multiple theories, motivation…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Motivation Theory

Words: 618
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Nursing Leadership, as opposed to management, means that those in leadership positions can engage the willingness of staff to accomplish work. In this way, a leader influences and guides direction,…

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2 Pages

Business - Management

Comparison of Three Categories of Motivation Theory

Words: 946
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Organizational Psychology - Motivation Landy and Conte (2013) define industrial-organizational psychology as "the application of psychological principles, theory, and research to the work setting" (p. 7). A prominent line of…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Motivation Stress and Communication

Words: 2043
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Motivation, Stress, And Communication Ford motor is a global company dealing with the manufacture of vehicles. It has several offices/manufacturing plants in most parts of the world. For the company…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Motivation for Many Years Motivational

Words: 1332
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The vertical differentiations are associated with the components of abstraction that permit individuals to determine both their intentions and their behaviors. The horizontal differentiation is associated with different…

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3 Pages


Motivation Has Been an Integral

Words: 964
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

One example of this is shown when explaining why people eat, aside for being a basic need; people eat as a form of interaction or in some instances…

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3 Pages

Business - Management

Motivation Is Critical to Success

Words: 1190
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Every person who had performed well and met the deadlines was offered a cash bonus at the end of six-month period when performance appraisals were done. However I…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


theory of motivation and maslows hierarchy of needs

Words: 1316
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Both observation and experiment provided the underpinning for Abraham Maslow’s theory of human motivation. Maslow (1943) posits, “man is a perpetually wanting animal,” leading to the constant striving to…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Motivation at Southwest Motivation Is

Words: 2865
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Figure 1 below highlights briefly Hertzberg's two factor theory applications to the Southwest Airlines. Figure 1: Hertzberg Two Factor Theory To complete the analysis, the hygiene factors related to dissatisfaction…

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13 Pages


Motivation Systems for Hospitality Organizations A Case

Words: 3760
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Essay

Motivation Systems for Hospitality Organizations: A Case Study of Motel Generally speaking, the hospitality industry competes on a global basis by providing food and beverages services as well as…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Motivation When it Comes to

Words: 3097
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It is also possibly one of the most significant motivational factors among young people. Zuckerman refer to disinhibition as follows. "These who choose to follow a conventional lifestyle…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Motivation and Performance Management Organizational Behavior

Words: 740
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Organizational Behavior How New Practices at Sodexho Align with the Essentials of Performance Management Performance management, in basic terms, has got to do with an organization's involvement of employees with an…

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20 Pages


Motivation in the Workplace

Words: 6253
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Essay

Workplace Motivation This paper investigates the issue of motivation as it applies to an organizational setting. The research regarding motivation in the workplace has been a major area of investigation that…

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2 Pages

Human Resources

training transfer and human resources theory

Words: 646
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Theory-based information can help organizations to ascertain the most appropriate training and development programs for their employees. In fact, theory-based information helps human resources managers to structure training and…

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