Oj Simpson Case Essays (Examples)

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OJ Simpson Case

O.J. Simpson
Orenthal James Simpson, more commonly known as OJ Simpson, became the most popular man in the United States. This popularity was not due to him being a famous football player who had the greatest running backs in America or any of his roles as an actor, but because he was the defendant in the most publicized and popular murder case in American history. It was the 'Trial of the Century'. OJ was accused of the murder of his ex-wife Nichole rown Simpson and another Ronald Goldman, who was merely there to deliver a pair of glasses, outside Nichole's residence. The murders were a vicious display of humanity, where Nichole had been stabbed multiple times in the head and neck, such that her neck was gaping through which the Larynx could be seen and her vertebra was also incised.

The suspicion was immediately on OJ. Many testified that there were incidences….

Jury Selection Process, Sequestration, Verdict and elevant Controversies:

OJ Simpson's case had already set the record for being the longest jury trial in the history of California even before the commencement of closing arguments. For a better part of the year, the jury in the case had been sequestered and was displaying signs of exhaustion and strain (Linder, 2000). Actually, Judge Ito was blamed for permitting the trial to drag on as he appeared unable to keep lawyers under control. The sequestration of the jury was also evident in the fact that they only took three hours to deliberate on the case that generated 150 witnesses in a period of more than 133 days and cost more than $20 million to conduct.

In this criminal trial, one of the key messages from the defense was that the Los Angeles Police Department was mainly geared towards bringing down a famous African-American. This message….

Oj Simpson and Crime

Courtroom TV
The discussion below is an analysis of a criminal prosecution case that was celebrated

The OJ Simpson Case; Criminal Procedures

The presiding judge indicated that she was satisfied with the prosecutions argument. Judge Kathleen pointed out that she was convinced that Mr. Simpson had questions to answer in the superior court about the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and onald L. Gold man on 12th June night. This ruling was a conclusion of a hearing that ran for six days to determine whether the prosecution had a strong case against Mr. Simpson to enable it to proceed to trial. Lawyer Shapiro, representing Mr. Simpson, argued for the dismissal of the case. The case was one of the most celebrated ones in nearly a decade. He further pointed out that the police should be allowed to complete their investigations at the very minimum for the case to continue. Detectives had pointed out….

OJ Simpson Versus the People: Impact on Criminal justice
The American criminal justice process and system are responsible for shaping the present-day US laws; influential entities include even 19th-century governmental authorities and political leaders. The system, which comprises law enforcement bodies like local police forces, correctional facilities and criminal courts, was primarily created for ensuring American citizens’ safety. It constitutes a structural framework that facilitates the maintenance of law and order in American society (Zedner & Ashworth, 2012; \"Justice, Western Theories\", 2018; Baldwin, 1912). 

According to Mueller (1996), the structuring of the US criminal justice system has gone through several modifications after historic events occurred within the criminal law context that uncovered the system’s shortcomings (Mueller, 1996). These events, perhaps, influenced lawmakers to enforce amendments and change the case execution process, for appropriately upholding justice. One such case is that of OJ Simpson, who was tried for killing Nicole Brown (his former….

Race and the O J Simpson

The Los Angeles Police Department and the Coroner's Office apparently did allow enough room for error to make it difficult for the prosecution to meet its burden of proof and those mistakes were no doubt compounded by the decision to put Detective Mark Fuhrman on the stand without sufficiently investigating his reputation. The focus on race was largely the responsibility of a deliberate defense strategy in connection with the (unspoken and never acknowledged) apparent intention of the defense team to take advantage of the phenomenon of juror nullification to issue a verdict that was contrary to the weight of the evidence and predicated more on the perception of racial injustice in general than on the merits of the actual case before the jury.


Dershowitz, a. (1996). easonable Doubts. New York: Simon & Schuster..

Notorious Murder Cases

Menendez Brothers Case
The Menendez murder case happened more than a quarter century ago but it is still one of the more notorious murder cases in the United States. It was the case of two men that were barely adults and how they shot and killed their parents. There are so many themes that could be looked at when assessing this case including affluence, child abuse, murder motives and the proper way to do a jury or judge-ran trial when so many of these factors exist. While there are many other notorious trials out there, the Menendez case is probably only eclipsed by the O.J. Simpson case in terms of how notorious and theme-laden it was (Blacno, J, 2015; CBS News, 2015; Time, 2015).

The case was a curious one. Indeed, Erik and Lyle Menendez had returned home around the same time that their parents had returned home from going on a….

Casey Anthony Trial
The murder trial Florida vs. Casey Marie Anthony turned into a national sensation because of the alleged attempt by 25-year-old Casey Anthony to cover up the murder of her own 2-year-old daughter, Caylee Anthony (Alvarez, 2011). On July 5, 2011, after nearly six weeks of courtroom testimony and just 11 hours of deliberation, the jury found Casey Anthony not guilty. The prosecution's failure to convince the jury of her guilt was widely perceived to be the result of the circumstantial nature of the evidence presented at trial.

Casey Anthony had initially blamed the disappearance of her daughter on a kidnapping by a babysitter called Zenaida Herndandez-Gonzalez (Lohr, n.d.), but a series of lies, a month-long delay before contacting the police, a nonexistent babysitter with that name, and reports of partying since her daughter went missing, helped the prosecution cast Casey as a mother capable killing her own daughter so….

Although in this particular case it seemed that Scott Peterson was guilty, even if the evidence was just circumstantial, this type of evidence has sent many people to death, only to find out later that they were not guilty. This is actually a flaw of the jury system. The European continental system lets a judge appreciate whether a person is guilty or not of some crime. Since judges have to pass an exam in order to be appointed and since they are not elected for some period of time, their complete independence is assured. This way, an impartial judge would be indifferent to the media pressure and would weigh the evidence better than any jury, since a judge certainly has more experience than any juror. However, the American legal system chose to put ordinary people to judge other ordinary people, with the "guilty beyond reasonable doubt" principle as the….

"The criterion for the admissibility of a confession has thus evolved into the quality of voluntariness. The aim of admitting into evidence only voluntary confessions is to prevent the introduction of unreliable evidence. & #8230; the result is that judges may exclude confessions where the coercion is blatant and obvious but not exclude confessions where the coercion" is more subtle -- the jury is left to decide the confession's veracity in this case (akefield & Underwager 20009).
Question 13

Discuss and provide examples pertaining to the waiver of privilege against self-incrimination.

The protection against self-incrimination does not apply to "non-testimonial evidence" such as giving examples of one's voice, police line-ups, blood samples or fingerprints (Lesson 12, 2009, Slide 4)

Question 14

The principal restriction of impeachment by the use of evidence of misconduct can result in a conviction of a witness. Explain this concept and give examples.

Impeaching the testimony of a witness may involve….

Civil vs. Criminal Law Goals
The American justice system differentiates between civil (tort) and criminal law, with the most significant distinction being that the state generally has the authority to prosecute crimes but not torts, while individuals have the power to directly bring civil but not criminal charges. The goals of a criminal case are to determine the guilt or innocence of the accused, but also to uphold the tenets of the law, protecting the public safety and in many cases offering some form of victim restitution to promote principled justice (“The Difference Between Torts and Crimes,” 2004).
The distinction is due to the perception that crimes are affronts to the state, and require no individual plaintiff. On the other hand, tort law covers contracts between parties and not between one party and the state. The general public represented by a jury plays a part in criminal but not civil cases.
Commencement procedures differ….

Justice for All
The title itself is an ironic play on words, because as this film plays out, nobody is treated justly -- every character, even the central protagonist played by Al Pacino has either been screwed by the system of justice, or is part of the system that screws others. The "justice" shown in this film is only lip service to a system that is rotten from top to bottom. This is a satire, and a comedy, but there are deeper issues brewing here, because although what happens is an exaggeration of the twisted justice in real life, it also shows the heart beat of how power and politics and justice flourish side-by-side-by-side in the real world.

Anyone who reads the newspapers or watches serious news programs on TV knows that political personalities, individuals in the justice system, corporations, even the media members themselves, are in the news frequently, due….

Safeguarding the criminal justice system from wrongful convictions through an efficient innocence program policy evaluation proposalExecutive summaryConvicting innocent people is a global concern. The problem has been brought to the fore in the US through DNA tests that have proven the innocence of some of the people already serving jail terms. So far, up to 138 people have been exonerated of the crimes they were accused and convicted of. Of the number, 13 people were on death row. Experts observe that at least 23 people have already been executed after conviction, in the US, despite their innocence. There are persistent efforts that have led to significant progress with regard to detecting and preventing people from being wrongfully convicted. There is a lot of room for improvement in this area though. Apart from the reforms highlighted and discussed in this paper, the public is increasingly becoming aware of the problem.….

Research Question and Introduction Development Topic: Safeguarding the criminal justice system from wrongful convictions through an efficient innocence program
Research Question: What aspects of the innocence program need improvement, and in what ways, in order to guard the judicial system from wrongful convictions? (Rossi, Lipsey & Freeman, 2004)
Wrongful conviction is an abuse of justice. It entails the sentencing and subsequent punishment of someone for crimes they never committed (Huff & Killias, 2013). Wrongful convictions can happen in civil and criminal cases alike. Many criminal justice processes have been tailored to overcome this possibility and overturn such erroneous judicial decisions. It is quite difficult to achieve this, however, due to fundamental challenges in the judicial system. Wrongful convictions may take years or decades to overturn. In some instances the discovery of innocence happens after a person has already served their time in prison, after they are dead or after they are executed. Wrongful….

Rational for Selecting Juries
Page 3 Generalizations about juries

Page 4 General comments: jury service

Page 4 General comments: summoning juries

Page 5 General comments: Simpson jury

Page 6 Jurors errors and DNA analysis

Role of Juries

Close Scrutiny of Juries and Jury Selection

Role of Juries

There is rarely any debate when it comes to the pivotal role of juries in the United States' system of justice. It is the "foundation of the American justice system" and is "Vital to our democracy and our system of checks and balances," according to the American Judicature Society (AJS). The AJS goes on to call the jury system " ... the fundamental safeguard of our constitutional liberties." Certainly it is not perfect and it can be manipulated by shrew lawyers in some cases, but true, fair, outcomes are possible and those outcomes depend on the quality of the jurors who are chosen to serve (AJS).

Rationale for selecting the role of….

Generally, product manufacturers and marketers do everything possible to maintain their products in the most positive light possible, avoiding negative associations at all costs. In many respects, and as a general rule, that is an approach that is highly likely to be beneficial to sales revenue. However, there are several dramatic examples that seem to illustrate that publicity and notoriety can be tremendously beneficial even when that publicity and notoriety arises in connection with obviously negative connotations.

In 1994, O.J. Simpson, a retired NFL all-star and Hollywood actor murdered his ex-wife, Nicole Brown-Simpson and, onald Goldman, a friend of hers in cold blood. Although he was acquitted in a controversial criminal trial in 1995, his guilt was fairly obvious from the start and in 1997, Simpson was found liable to the parents of onald Goldman for the wrongful death of their son. During the trial, the prosecution introduced large….

5 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

OJ Simpson Case

Words: 2117
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

O.J. Simpson Orenthal James Simpson, more commonly known as OJ Simpson, became the most popular man in the United States. This popularity was not due to him being a famous…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

O J Simpson Case Orenthal James

Words: 1381
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Jury Selection Process, Sequestration, Verdict and elevant Controversies: OJ Simpson's case had already set the record for being the longest jury trial in the history of California even before the…

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2 Pages

Law - Courts

Oj Simpson and Crime

Words: 910
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Courtroom TV The discussion below is an analysis of a criminal prosecution case that was celebrated The OJ Simpson Case; Criminal Procedures The presiding judge indicated that she was satisfied with the…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

The OJ Simpson Case Analysis

Words: 1326
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

OJ Simpson Versus the People: Impact on Criminal justice The American criminal justice process and system are responsible for shaping the present-day US laws; influential entities include even 19th-century governmental…

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1 Pages

Criminal Justice

Race and the O J Simpson

Words: 319
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Thesis

The Los Angeles Police Department and the Coroner's Office apparently did allow enough room for error to make it difficult for the prosecution to meet its burden of proof…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Notorious Murder Cases

Words: 1037
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Menendez Brothers Case The Menendez murder case happened more than a quarter century ago but it is still one of the more notorious murder cases in the United States. It…

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3 Pages
Case Study

Criminal Justice

Casey Anderson Criminological Case Study

Words: 1471
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Casey Anthony Trial The murder trial Florida vs. Casey Marie Anthony turned into a national sensation because of the alleged attempt by 25-year-old Casey Anthony to cover up the murder…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Scott Peterson Trial Has Provoked

Words: 1894
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Although in this particular case it seemed that Scott Peterson was guilty, even if the evidence was just circumstantial, this type of evidence has sent many people to…

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7 Pages

Business - Law

Evidence Discuss the Problems for

Words: 1879
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

"The criterion for the admissibility of a confession has thus evolved into the quality of voluntariness. The aim of admitting into evidence only voluntary confessions is to prevent…

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2 Pages


civil tort criminal law differences

Words: 746
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Civil vs. Criminal Law Goals The American justice system differentiates between civil (tort) and criminal law, with the most significant distinction being that the state generally has the authority to prosecute…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

American Politics Through Film and Fiction

Words: 1654
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Justice for All The title itself is an ironic play on words, because as this film plays out, nobody is treated justly -- every character, even the central protagonist…

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15 Pages

Criminal Justice

Minimizing wrongful convictions through an efficient innocence program

Words: 5016
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Essay

Safeguarding the criminal justice system from wrongful convictions through an efficient innocence program policy evaluation proposalExecutive summaryConvicting innocent people is a global concern. The problem has been brought…

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3 Pages


Safeguarding criminal justice'system from wrongful convictions

Words: 955
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Research Question and Introduction Development Topic: Safeguarding the criminal justice system from wrongful convictions through an efficient innocence program Research Question: What aspects of the innocence program need improvement, and in…

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5 Pages


The Importance of Juries in the U S Justice System

Words: 1932
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Rational for Selecting Juries Page 3 Generalizations about juries Page 4 General comments: jury service Page 4 General comments: summoning juries Page 5 General comments: Simpson jury Page 6 Jurors errors and DNA…

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2 Pages

Communication - Journalism

There Is No Such Thing as Bad Publicity

Words: 611
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

BAD PUBLICITY? Generally, product manufacturers and marketers do everything possible to maintain their products in the most positive light possible, avoiding negative associations at all costs. In many respects,…

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