Personal Response Essays (Examples)

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Indeed, for all the brash creativity reflected in its arrangement of shapes and structures, the facility's most compelling feature is its simplicity.
Again, it allows nature to do much of its decorative work, with its entrance way dominated by the effect of the reflecting pool. The buildings themselves have a stately Ivy League campus quality, with archways leading to outdoor perimeter corridors and essentially classical European constructions. But the appearance of the buildings from across the pool reveals a serenity that appeals to the institution's goal of scholarly and creative inspiration. So too do its bare and unadorned interiors, which draw their warmth from the generous inlet of sunlight that is a core goal of the construction. Windows, skylights and opened passageways allow the individual to sense this integration with nature even when indoors.

Interestingly, the Research Center is something of a restoration project, with the land adapted from a renaissance….

Thus, there are many types of idea generation tactics that can help workers and managers come up with innovative ideas for their businesses. I think the process of idea generation can be difficult, but I also think that these methods make it easier. The methods I have chosen to focus on in this paper are free association, forced relationships, and brainwriting. All of these ideas have both positive and negative aspects. The forced relationship method, however, is the one that I think will produce the most innovative of ideas. As progression continues, though, and technology changes, classic brainstorming ideas will start to take a technological change, in my opinion. Already, we can use computers to write our ideas faster during brainwriting and algorithms to come up with combinations during free association. An example is the company IDEALYST, which is an online service provider facilitating idea generation for businesspeople (Applied Marketing….

Response on John Locke in

" This is certainly much in line with our current democratic system in the United States which
exists solely to guarantee that all men and women are free individuals and
have the God-given right to live their lives as they see fit. This passage
is also very interesting, due to perhaps serving as part of the Founding
Fathers' inspiration to set up a democratic system free from the tyranny of
Great Britain which resulted in the creation of America after the
Revolutionary War of 1776. Obviously, in the eyes of someone like King
George III, this passage would be quite controversial, for Locke is
suggesting that all men must be free from the control of others who see
themselves as superior, in this case the British monarchy. Personally, this
passage is very inspiring and demonstrates that every political society
and/or government must work continuously towards guaranteeing the freedom
of its citizens which for Locke represents the end of all means or in other

Personal and Organizational Ethics Values for, for-Profit and Non-Profit Organizations

Ethics is a requirement of the society to both individuals and organizations. Ethics are applied to business and personal behaviors, and are used to determine how companies and individuals abide to policies. To indicate the application of ethical principles in organizations, an analysis is carried out of For-Profit and Non-For-Profit organizations, in this case Bank of America and Boys Club of America. This is by analyzing an ethical dilemma they are experiencing, their approach to the problem, and the legal, political, and social outcomes emerging from this cause of action.

Part One

The Boys Clubs of America is a non-for-profit organization founded in 1860s in Harford, Connecticut Formed with the aim of giving boys who roamed the streets a positive alternative. The club has undergone major changes beginning in 191 when several boys' clubs affiliated to form the federated boys….

Personal Philo One of the

" (7)
Chomsky warns of ideological motivations of some scientific paradigms, just as with the aforementioned racial emphasis of early anthropology. Here, Russell espouses a Platonic episteme by enunciating the expectations of behavior between different classes. While Plato philosophized that persons are born with the characteristics fitting of their caste, Russell envisages a society in which "ordinary" men and women are expected to be collectivized and, therefore, devoid of individual expression.

Jean Jacques Rousseau paid his respects to the philosophy of Plato, although he thought it impractical, citing the decayed state of society. This sort of romanticism has been downplayed by the modern scientific establishment, who denounce the noble savage theory of human nature. Humans are not born purely good, modern science maintains. Instead, evolutionary traits are promoted at the biological level, thereby giving rise to how people are. It is not society that corrupts, but rather an interrelationship between human tendencies….

There is little doubt that less structured, alternative environments can be extremely useful for some learners. However, implementing those elements on a wider level would be very detrimental by virtue of the consequences in relation to more typical students who require a structured learning environment to overcome the many natural challenges to their academic success.
Self-Esteem Support

There is no doubt that (1) adolescence is a time of particularly sensitivity in the psychological, psychosocial, and emotional development of individuals, and that (2) self-image and self-esteem levels correspond to academic performance and subsequent success and happiness in life. Therefore, as educators, one of our most important tasks is to support the healthy psychological, psychosocial, and emotional development of all students through appropriate support and encouragement in every aspect of educational environments.

Self-Assessment Response repare a personal educational philosophy statement. Teachers/principals are asked many times throughout their careers to prepare an educational philosophy statement.….

Positions such as Administrative Assistant and Front Office Manager for Celebrity Cruises and Royal Caribbean International consequently strengthened my job qualifications and established me as an effective communicator.
My main goal as a Front Office Manager and Customer Representative was to establish credibility. Due to my people-orientation skills I was able to effectively measure - with maturity - those circumstances surrounding my communications, including situational and cultural context. Through hard effort, patience, and serious consideration of the multi-national environment in which I was required to operate and engage, I consequently adopted an individual style of communicating.

My daily tasks included messages conveyed through channels; verbal face-to-face meetings, telephone, written letters, e-mails, memos, and reports were but a few of the communication opportunities encountered.

Clearly recognizing the actions or reactions influenced by my message, I worked to ensure that my communication was always unambiguous and clear. Keeping in mind that people receiving my….

Personal Digital Assistants in Healthcare
Current Applications and Future Trends in the Use of Personal Digital Assistants in Healthcare

Today, healthcare practitioners enjoy a wide range of digital equipment that can help them provide more efficient healthcare services, including laptop computers, cellular telephones and personal digital assistants, or PDAs. These devices have been used in various ways by clinicians to improve their ability to deliver more timely and accurate diagnoses and treatments, and it is clear that the use of these devices will continue to increase in the future. The purpose of this study is to provide a current snapshot of how personal digital assistants are being used in various healthcare settings, including military and government tertiary facilities and the use of PDAs on the battlefield in times of war, but with a specific focus on how PDAs are being used in nongovernmental healthcare facilities today. To this end, a critical review….

Personal Model of Helping
Therapists do whatever they can to help their clients overcome a wide range of problems ranging fromdeath of a pet to major life changing crisis, such as sudden loss of vision. However genuine a therapists' desire to help is, they will be limited by the tools he or she uses. It makes sense, then, as a therapist to design and integrate webs of models that have shown to yield efficacy. This new, personally designed model should work to assist and meet the requirement of every client. To embark upon this task of designing a personal model of helping, it is important to be aware of existing theories and models.

The first is the humanistic approach based on Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Maslow's triangle consists of basics needs at the base followed by needs of safety, love and belonging, achievements and lastly self-actualization at the top. Second, is….

Every school supervisor knows that improving teaching and learning is always the goal of every school, and finding the right applications for progress toward better outcomes should be a collaborative and constant strategy unique to each school environment.
In conclusion, collaboration is not a concept unique to the educational setting; indeed, any organization should embrace the idea of collaboration rather than strict hierarchal strategies. But when it comes to educational settings, an administrator working in collaboration with teachers to develop curricula, to solve problems, to create stronger formulas for learning, is a far better tactic than top-down leadership where demands and orders are the rule of the day.

orks Cited

McNair, D.E. (2011). Developing a Philosophy of Supervision: One Step Toward Self-

Authorship. New Directions for Student Services, no. 136, 27-34.

Silva, D.Y., and Dana, N.F. (2001). Collaborative Supervision in the Professional

Development School. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 16(4), 305-321.

Slick, G.A. (2000). Communication: The….

If given the opportunity to amend the policy, what action would you take and why?
The national proposal to increase sin taxes on alcoholic beverages is long overdue and should be supported not only by all sectors of the government but the American public most especially. The fact is well-known that alcohol consumption is not only dangerous for the consumer but also has various economic and social harms for the society as well as users' immediate environment. It means that alcohol can affect not only the drinker but other people in the form of violence or road accidents. Taxing alcohol at higher rates will provide a mechanism that will taper buying due to high prices. But I believe that taxing alone should not be the only thrust of this policy. Rather, continuous education and awareness campaigns by both the public and private sector will go further to ensure that people….

Insomuch, I have worked closely with customers on a myriad of issues to ensure their needs were met. Such concern for my constituents has transcended to an elevated level of service for individuals in the healthcare field.
Additional Information for Consideration

Although I may not be a traditional candidate, I have always worked hard to attain my goals. egardless if goals seemed to be unreachable, I have always persevered in the most trying of conditions. Pierce (2003) defines nursing quite well, "Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, the prevention of illness and injury, and the alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response and advocacy in the care of individuals families, communities, and populations. Moreover, nursing addresses the organizational, social, economic, legal, and political factors within the healthcare system and society. These and other factors affect the cost, access, and quality of health….

Personal Model of Ethical Leadership
Leadership has been defined as the "procedure of social influence where a person is able to enlist the aid and support of others in the achievement of a common task" (Jam, 2012). Leadership is something that remains as one of the most appropriate features of the organizational context. A leader is an individual who influences a group of people in the direction of a specific result. It is not really dependent on title or official authority. Leaders are normally recognized by their volume for caring for others, clear communication, and a commitment to persevere. Some experts believe that good leaders are made not born and others say the opposite. Some leaders have the belief that when people have the willpower and desire, then they can become an effective leader. Some managers even mention that a good leader develops through a never ending procedure of self-study, experience….

The Japanese man may fail to make eye contact, mumble his responses, and stand far away from his negotiating opposite, while, in frustration with this apparent diffidence, the Lebanese man may raise his voice, lean across the table, nod vigorously, do anything to raise the energy level of the room, potentially intimidate his opponent, but simply look weak because of his force and high level of animation. The plethora of courses in cross cultural communications show there is a need for future original study and analysis in this area, but it is an area that has not been addressed, except in passing, or in brackets, as of yet.
Describe what you envision as your own contributions to knowledge in these areas.

The use of body language, I believe, must be studied more not only in terms of how it is deployed, but also the question of how mutable it is, once….

Personal Perspectives on Living With a Disability
The objective of this work is to examine a work in writing that provides a first-hand perspective on the psychosocial issues involved with living with a disability of a disabling illness. personal perspectives on living with a disability. Questions addressed in this study include those as follows: (1) what type of disability or disabling illness did the person have? (2) provide a description of how this disability/illness affects the individual's perceptions of his/her identity? (3) What forms of prejudice or discrimination did he/she encounter from others? How did he/she cope with it? And (4) What did you learn from this individual's account of his/her experience that would help you as a therapist in working with another individual who has a similar illness or disability?

Type of Disability or Illness

Anthony Galvez relates that in September 2005 he was diagnosed with a "non-malignant brain tumor the size….

I. Introduction
A. Introduce the characters of Jerry and Armand in the short story "President Cleveland, Where Are You?"
B. Provide a brief summary of the story and its theme

II. Jerry
A. Description of Jerry's character traits
1. Kind-hearted and caring towards his brother
2. Resourceful and clever in finding solutions to their problems
3. Determined to reunite with their father

III. Armand
A. Description of Armand's character traits
1. Self-centered and rebellious
2. Impulsive and quick-tempered
3. Not as focused on reuniting with their father as Jerry

IV. Comparison between Jerry and Armand
A. Their approaches to finding President Cleveland

Essay Topics on Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton

Theme of Isolation and Loneliness

The Psychological and Physical Isolation of Ethan Frome: Explore how Frome's isolated circumstances - living in a secluded farmhouse, working a monotonous job, and being trapped in a loveless marriage - contribute to his profound sense of loneliness and alienation.

The Role of Nature in Isolating and Uniting: Discuss the ways in which the harsh and unforgiving landscape of Starkfield both isolates the characters and becomes a point of connection between them, particularly through Frome and Mattie's shared experiences in nature.

Characterization and Relationships

Ethan Frome: A Tragic Figure:....

Integrating experiential learning into the classroom can enhance student understanding of complex philosophical concepts in several ways:

1. Active engagement: Experiential learning encourages students to actively engage with the material through hands-on experiences, simulations, and real-world applications. This can help students gain a deeper understanding of abstract concepts by seeing how they apply in practical situations.

2. Critical thinking: Experiential learning requires students to think critically about the information they are learning and how it can be applied in different contexts. This can help students develop their analytical skills and see the interconnectedness of different philosophical concepts.

3. Personal relevance: Experiential learning allows....

2 Pages
Research Proposal


Fabrica Personal Response to the

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Indeed, for all the brash creativity reflected in its arrangement of shapes and structures, the facility's most compelling feature is its simplicity. Again, it allows nature to do much…

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4 Pages


Generation Personal Response Good Employees

Words: 1761
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Thus, there are many types of idea generation tactics that can help workers and managers come up with innovative ideas for their businesses. I think the process of idea…

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1 Pages


Response on John Locke in

Words: 362
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Thesis

" This is certainly much in line with our current democratic system in the United States which exists solely to guarantee that all men and women are free individuals and have the…

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9 Pages


Personal & Organizational Ethics Personal and Organizational

Words: 2664
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

PESONAL & OGANIZATIONAL ETHICS Personal and Organizational Ethics Values for, for-Profit and Non-Profit Organizations Ethics is a requirement of the society to both individuals and organizations. Ethics are applied to business…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Personal Philo One of the

Words: 2584
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

" (7) Chomsky warns of ideological motivations of some scientific paradigms, just as with the aforementioned racial emphasis of early anthropology. Here, Russell espouses a Platonic episteme by enunciating the…

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2 Pages


Personal Education Philosophy Core Components

Words: 649
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

There is little doubt that less structured, alternative environments can be extremely useful for some learners. However, implementing those elements on a wider level would be very detrimental…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Personal Thoughts Dear Sirs Attached

Words: 764
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Positions such as Administrative Assistant and Front Office Manager for Celebrity Cruises and Royal Caribbean International consequently strengthened my job qualifications and established me as an effective communicator. My…

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12 Pages
Research Paper


Personal Digital Assistants in Healthcare

Words: 3529
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Personal Digital Assistants in Healthcare Current Applications and Future Trends in the Use of Personal Digital Assistants in Healthcare Today, healthcare practitioners enjoy a wide range of digital equipment that can…

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8 Pages


Personal Model of Helping Therapists Do Whatever

Words: 2318
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Personal Model of Helping Therapists do whatever they can to help their clients overcome a wide range of problems ranging fromdeath of a pet to major life changing crisis, such…

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4 Pages


Personal Philosophy of Supervision What

Words: 1532
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Every school supervisor knows that improving teaching and learning is always the goal of every school, and finding the right applications for progress toward better outcomes should be…

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3 Pages


Personal Statement -- Public Policy

Words: 980
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

If given the opportunity to amend the policy, what action would you take and why? The national proposal to increase sin taxes on alcoholic beverages is long overdue and…

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4 Pages
Admission Essay

Health - Nursing

Personal Statement -- Advanced Generalist

Words: 1540
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Admission Essay

Insomuch, I have worked closely with customers on a myriad of issues to ensure their needs were met. Such concern for my constituents has transcended to an elevated…

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6 Pages


Personal Model of Ethical Leadership Has Been

Words: 1971
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Personal Model of Ethical Leadership Leadership has been defined as the "procedure of social influence where a person is able to enlist the aid and support of others in the…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Personal Statement Describe the Communication

Words: 933
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The Japanese man may fail to make eye contact, mumble his responses, and stand far away from his negotiating opposite, while, in frustration with this apparent diffidence, the…

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4 Pages
Book Review

Health - Nursing

Personal Perspectives on Living With a Disability

Words: 1156
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Book Review

Personal Perspectives on Living With a Disability The objective of this work is to examine a work in writing that provides a first-hand perspective on the psychosocial issues involved with…

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