Physical Education Essays (Examples)

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Instead, physical education professionals must remain more directly involved to prevent the more athletically inclined students from excluding those students who are less athletically inclined. More importantly, it is the role of the modern physical education professional to recognize that the traditional sports that have always been the main staples of physical education may not necessarily interest all students. Instead of restricting the available choices to those traditional games and activities, physical education teachers must initiate sufficient interaction with students to understand their preferences and to provide them with possible options that interest them more than the relatively few options within the framework of traditional physical education programs.
Similarly, it is not helpful for physical education professionals to focus their efforts on the students who are most naturally inclined to doing well in sports. This is a natural tendency of physical education professionals because it is more rewarding to work….

Physical Education
The importance of a good education cannot be underestimated. Children spend their most formative years attending school full time, and it is vital that the education and experiences received there are sufficient for preparing students for the complete range of life situations that lie ahead of them. Schools focus on the development of academic skills in traditional subjects such as language, mathematics, and the sciences. In fact, schools depend on the achievement of their students in these subjects for funding and federal support due to such campaigns as President ush's "No Child Left ehind" program, which bases the rating and therefore financial need of a school on its standardized test scores. Yet an important aspect of childhood development and preparation for their future has also been a part of traditional school curriculum. Physical Education is an essential part of the well-balanced class schedule for school children and is a….

Physical Education Lesson Plan
One of the more overwhelming needs of society today is without a doubt to effectively address and curb the ever-present danger of childhood obesity. Without a doubt, childhood obesity is one of the biggest health concerns of our time, particularly because it leads to a range of other more serious and debilitating health issues. Furthermore, finding a way to address childhood obesity in a successful manner is just so important because it is such a preventable condition, and one which absolutely does not have to be such a scourge upon society as it is. "Over the past 40 years, rates of obesity have doubled in 2- to 5-year-olds, quadrupled in 6-to 11-year-olds, and tripled in 12- to 19-year-olds. The causes of childhood obesity are complex and interconnected. The environment created by the intersection of culture, societal norms, media and technology, community assets and practices within the home….

At times, they were angry with another student because did not throw ball right direction, or correctly. Teamwork has to improve.

The teams were pretty evenly matched and both improved after playing several times.

The teacher made suggestions when she saw that changes had to be made; the students were asked to talk together and develop strategies once they understood how the game worked.

Some children were more aggressive than others. As often happens, some students are more competitive.

LESSON PLAN (See blue for my changes to game)


Goal: Students throw balls to hit a moving target over their goal line.

Instructional Objectives:

Students must 1) Follow directions; 2) Play with other team members together defining and accomplishing a joint strategy; 3) Improving aiming of ball toward target; and 4) Gaining a strong aerobic workout.


Small rubber balls

Large plastic crate


The game is played in the indoor gym. There is a goal line set up at each end….

Physical Education
General Education & Special Education Dance

Socialization is a key part of personal and professional success in the 21st century. The adolescent period especially can be influential with regard to an individual's social development and social intelligence. People who develop healthy social behaviors during adolescence & early adulthood practice and refine them as adults. Effective and meaningful socialization does not occur purely by accident; there is an art, skill, and a science to socialization. The paper proposes to create a dance or appropriately aged social event for the students, staff, and parents. The research paper would be a document reflecting processes of event planning and organizational behavior. There is no reason why the party cannot be fun and memorable while also performing some kind of academic, intellectual, and/or social function as well. Therefore the proposed social event will be a leisure activity with some relative structure, direction, or objective. The….

Irrespective of the established advantages of the physical activity more than 50% of the American adults are not associated with sufficient physical exertion to entail the desired health advantages. Only the grown ups are not associated with the inadequate physical exertion. It has been observed that more that one third of the young children in the age group of 9-12 is not involving themselves in the healthy physical activity. The involvement in the high school physical education classes reduced from 42% in 1991 to 32% in 2001. (Physical Activity and Good Nutrition: Essential Elements to Prevent Chronic Diseases and Obesity at a Glance)
Two instructors engaged in Osseo Area Learning Center, those were associated with 350 junior and senior high school students in Minnesota's Osseo School District honestly opined it to be a matter of great concern to infuse the advantages of physical exertion among the students especially among the….

Physical Education
When teachers give students a voice, they are empowered and primed for success. According to Holdsworth (1998), giving students a voice means much more than consulting them and letting them speak. Students need to be made to feel they are valued. They need to feel appreciated and as though they make a difference in the community to which they belong.

Three levels have been identified within physical education at which students can have a voice. The highest level is curriculum, in which students have a say about the course content over the semester and/or school year. Obviously, students' opinions must be reasonable, as the curriculum must satisfy state standards. It may be more realistic to involve students in Level 2, project-based learning, where students design their own projects and assess their own process and performance. Easiest for the teacher to implement is Level 3, in which students make decisions within….

Physical Education Curriculum
In the Physical Educator journal article "Students' perspective in the design and implementation of the physical education curriculum" (Ha et al.), twenty five secondary schools were chosen to survey the views of both male and female students on the current state of the curriculum in the physical education programs of each high school, each of which implemented a similar physical education program and made use of similar facilities and equipment. While 7000 questionnaires were distributed, a total of 5283 students responded to the survey out from the Hong Kong national school system; males comprised 46% of the respondents and females comprised 54%. The survey used consisted of ten questions, and the most significant respondents were those in grades nine, ten, and eleven. This survey found that approximately one third of high school students from this district would chose not to participate in physical education classes at all if….

This activity promotes teamwork, sportsmanship, cardio-respiratory endurance and special awareness.
Using Team Jump Rope will teach both basic jumping and coordination skills, along with adding and subtracting. In this activity, students work together to predict how many jumps they can complete as a team per minute. At the end, they add up their totals and determine how close their predictions were.

The game Space Invaders teaches students how to identify and successfully pass a ball to a receiver. For rules, visit

The game Basketball Bingo allows students to practice basketball chest and bounce pass skills. Students pair up and each pair is given a basketball and bingo card. Students find tasks cards that correspond with their bingo card. After completing the task, they mark their card and keep going until they get bingo.

The game Catch 100 helps students with catching and throwing skills. Hoops our set on the floor and a….

From these research projects, the authors of the article will drawn conclusions by also drawing on the biopolitical landscape of the cultures, governmentality and citizenships.
Some similarities that exist between the two articles that are discussed is the general subject matter of trying to find a correlation between physical activity and sport as well and the cultures and religions that individuals find themselves in. It seems that both articles have concluded that there is definitely a correlation between the cultural and religious perceptions and how they eventually translate into a more negative or positive attitude towards physical activity. For example, the Walseth and Fasting article conclude that the informants who did no use veil or who used a hijab said that God encouraged while who with a nikab or krimar veils said that they had to engaged in exercise and sport. Similar to that, the other article in their exploration….

These strategies primarily deal with adjusting to the large number of students, who may then become uncooperative based on a low student to faculty ratio. This is a common problem in the case of urban schools, and must be dealt with accordingly in order to save the program itself. The primary strategy Henniger and Coleman present in the case of large classes and misbehaving students is that of de-escalation. According to the article itself, "De-escalation consists of two skill sets, proactive and reactive techniques designed to minimize or detract from the energy that disruptive situations add to the classroom," (Henniger & Coleman 2008:13).
Both articles aim to help try and improve physical education programs within schools around the country. Although Hill And Hulbert (2007) do not provide strategies on how this can be commenced, the article aims at helping schools pick out what factors may be causing the decline of….

The leisure and physical fitness importance persists to pressure public school and community park playgrounds today. Companies saw occasions for financial occasions and enormous steel structures or manufactured appliances like see-saws, slides, swings, merry-go-rounds, jungle-gyms and giant steps began to take over play places in city parks and schools. By 1908, a Massachusetts law necessitated all cities of 10,000 people or more to institute public playgrounds. In 1917, cities managed 3,940 playgrounds and made use of 8,748 managers (Frost, n.d.).
On no additional educational or child development concern has the body of confirmation been clearer. Play is critical to the fit development of children and to their adaptation to their civilization, society and world. Starting with the practices of the huge reformers of the pre-twentieth century age, and enduring through many years of scholarly research, the conclusion has been time after time that pro-play is the best thing for children….

Findings such as these point to the importance of the implementation of structured and organized physical fitness programs at schools and colleges..
The necessity and importance of improving physical education programs is also related to other facets affecting student health. This is made clear from a study entitled, Contribution of physical education and sport to health-related fitness in high school students (2005). In this study, health related variables of high schools students were compared. It was found that Reduced physical activity during childhood and adolescence represents a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease in adulthood. Cross-sectional and longitudinal research has established a positive relationship between participation in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and increases in cardiovascular fitness, weight management, and reduction of adult-like risk factors such as obesity, hyperlipidemia, and high blood pressure for chronic diseases. (Pitetti, 2005)

The above statement therefore highlights the important of physical education in terms of many other….

There is also a clear sense that abuses will occur, especially when the activity is part of unstructured play and children seek to emulate the competitive cutthroat manner in which they see adults playing the game in popular tv and movies. There is simply no way to ensure that every application fo this type of game is done in a manner that feeds children's desire to live and active and long life, rather than limiting their early ideas about the nature of sports and physical activity. Even the contrary evidence offered by the long time physical ed instructor, who is a proponent of dodgeball in the curriculum is convincing to the contrary position:
On many levels and from many perspectives, I can find few re deeming qualities in dodgeball. In elementary school, my wife dreaded dodgeball days in physical education class because she couldn't throw and was almost always the….

The above specific suggestions correlate well with Langan and Wheater's response to the common concern that peer assessment is unreliable: it depends very much upon how it is handled within the classroom. The authors also suggest that, before students are empowered by peer assessment, there needs to be an open dialogue between educators and students. As Johnson mentions, it is vital that close monitoring take place, if not throughout the peer assessment process, then at least in its early stages. When this is done correctly, enormous benefits can be derived from the process.

Another problem associated with peer assessment, even when done for the maximum benefit of students, is that it requires a large amount of preparation to implement. The teacher needs to take time to thoroughly prepare documents such as the assessment rubric and instructions, and class time is often taken up to a large extent by training assessor students….

Physical activity plays such an important role in public health. It is especially important when a society has become sedentary, which applies to many of the industrialized societies around the globe.  It is not surprise, then, that public health efforts often focus on increasing daily movement as a way to help improve community health.

Possible research topics include:

  1. The relationship between green spaces like parks and walking trails with community levels of physical activity.
  2. The relationship between afterschool sports programs and physical activity for youth, and whether that relationship remains as people transition from youth into adulthood.
  3. Do physical....

I. Introduction

Hook: Begin with a compelling statistic, anecdote, or provocative statement that captures the attention of the reader.
Thesis Statement: Clearly state the main argument that will be supported in the essay: "High school sports are detrimental to students' overall well-being and should be eliminated."

II. Body Paragraph 1: Physical Impact

Discuss the physical risks associated with high school sports, such as concussions, joint injuries, and muscle strains.
Provide evidence from medical studies or research articles to support the claims.
Explain how these injuries can have long-term consequences, such as chronic pain, disability, or even death.

III. Body Paragraph 2: Academic....

The Necessity of Dress Codes in Schools

School dress codes have been a contentious topic in education for decades, with proponents and opponents citing various arguments to support their respective stances. While some argue that dress codes are essential to maintain order and discipline in schools, others contend that they stifle individuality and freedom of expression. This essay will examine the necessity of dress codes in schools, exploring both the potential benefits and drawbacks, and ultimately arguing that they are a necessary tool for ensuring a productive and equitable learning environment.

Benefits of Dress Codes

One of the primary benefits of dress codes....

4 Pages


Physical Education Issues in Contemporary

Words: 1129
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Instead, physical education professionals must remain more directly involved to prevent the more athletically inclined students from excluding those students who are less athletically inclined. More importantly, it…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Physical Education

Physical Education the Importance of a Good

Words: 2954
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Physical Education The importance of a good education cannot be underestimated. Children spend their most formative years attending school full time, and it is vital that the education and experiences…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Physical Education Lesson Plan

Words: 2176
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Physical Education Lesson Plan One of the more overwhelming needs of society today is without a doubt to effectively address and curb the ever-present danger of childhood obesity. Without a…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Physical Education Fourth Grade the

Words: 908
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

At times, they were angry with another student because did not throw ball right direction, or correctly. Teamwork has to improve. The teams were pretty evenly matched and both improved…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Physical Education General Education & Special Education

Words: 752
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Physical Education General Education & Special Education Dance Socialization is a key part of personal and professional success in the 21st century. The adolescent period especially can be influential with regard…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Communication - Television

Physical Education the Corporal Gesture

Words: 3325
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Irrespective of the established advantages of the physical activity more than 50% of the American adults are not associated with sufficient physical exertion to entail the desired health…

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2 Pages


Physical Education When Teachers Give Students a

Words: 719
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Physical Education When teachers give students a voice, they are empowered and primed for success. According to Holdsworth (1998), giving students a voice means much more than consulting them and…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Physical Education Curriculum in the Physical Educator

Words: 779
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Physical Education Curriculum In the Physical Educator journal article "Students' perspective in the design and implementation of the physical education curriculum" (Ha et al.), twenty five secondary schools were chosen…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Physical Education Fitness Using the

Words: 761
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This activity promotes teamwork, sportsmanship, cardio-respiratory endurance and special awareness. Using Team Jump Rope will teach both basic jumping and coordination skills, along with adding and subtracting. In this…

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3 Pages
Article Review

Mythology - Religion

Physical Education and Cultural Diversity

Words: 820
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article Review

From these research projects, the authors of the article will drawn conclusions by also drawing on the biopolitical landscape of the cultures, governmentality and citizenships. Some similarities that exist…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Physical Education We All Remember

Words: 573
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

These strategies primarily deal with adjusting to the large number of students, who may then become uncooperative based on a low student to faculty ratio. This is a…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Physical Education History of the

Words: 1634
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The leisure and physical fitness importance persists to pressure public school and community park playgrounds today. Companies saw occasions for financial occasions and enormous steel structures or manufactured…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Physical Education in Schools and

Words: 1075
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Findings such as these point to the importance of the implementation of structured and organized physical fitness programs at schools and colleges.. The necessity and importance of improving physical…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Dodgeball in Physical Education it

Words: 1116
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

There is also a clear sense that abuses will occur, especially when the activity is part of unstructured play and children seek to emulate the competitive cutthroat manner…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Peer Assessment - Physical Education

Words: 1283
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The above specific suggestions correlate well with Langan and Wheater's response to the common concern that peer assessment is unreliable: it depends very much upon how it is handled…

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