Political Climate Essays (Examples)

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Less than a year after Reagan left office after the end of his second term, the Berlin all fell, and the Cold ar essentially ended in 1991 after the Soviets experienced the Chernobyl disaster, the Baltic rebellions, and consumer demands for better quality products (Hoffman 2004).
According to David illiamson in the December 2003 issue of History Review, Berlin had become a symbol of the Cold ar. The construction of the wall had divided East and est Germany for several decades however this long period of detente in Europe was based on the status quo in German and Berlin, "which was underwritten by what was perceived to be nuclear parity between the superpowers" (illiamson 2003). Yet when it became clear that Russia was no longer strong enough to maintain this status quo, the East German state crumbled and Berlin once again became the capital of a united Germany (illiamson 2003).


He even falls in love with Julia and they have an affair, something expressly forbidden by the Party, and so, it is clear throughout the book that Winston is searching for an end to the repression. In his own way, he is a rebel, even if he is a fearful one. He knows the Party and its actions are wrong, and he desperately wants to make a change, but it is impossible to topple the government, they have too much power and have instilled too much fear in the people to ever lose control. In fact, they have so much control that he even questions his own sanity. Orwell writes, "He wondered, as he had many times wondered before, whether he himself was a lunatic" (Orwell 80). He knows rebellion is right, but he questions its' sanity, which indicates the power the Party has over everyone. Ultimately, Wilson is….

Democracy and Politics
From Palmer's perspective, the confessions made by an accidental citizen bring to light a different definition of the word citizenship. This new definition eliminates the politics ascribed to having citizenship and demands for individuals to embrace their membership to "a vast community of human and nonhuman beings" and by being in the world rooted in the knowledge, I depend on it for essentials. Hence, I must celebrate, affirm, and express gratitude toward that community in all aspects of life, and try being responsive to its every need. As such, my immediate self-interests are set aside to allow for the success of my community's vision and goal. The goal of true citizenship entails uniting together for a common goal and pulling resources that contribute to attaining solutions that are beneficial to all citizens of a given community, state, and or country (Palmer 2014).

Palmer also contributes to the discussion….

I recently went on a trip to the Joshua Tree National Park. Even with the fact that a trip to a national park is not an earth-shattering or major event, it is still important nonetheless because of the raw beauty and splendor that is to be found from such parks. Even so, my trip to the Joshua Tree park was significant and life-changing on a number of levels. Indeed, the part itself is a metaphor if one looks at it the right way. Whether it be culture, the confluence of nature's forces or other things like that, taking things in at too small a perspective and/or without metaphorical comparisons in mind is less than wise. I will explain what I mean by that and that explanation will have two main facets.

First, it should be noted that when I went on the trip, I was not alone. I was with….

However, he steers relatively clear of muscular economic writing in Conscience of a Liberal, preferring the position the book as something of a call to arms for the liberal movement. While this approach allows him to cover a wide range of ground and be fairly convincing in doing so, it also hampers his arguments by removing what should be the key to his credibility. His economic arguments strike more as a recitation of facts and figures rather than the heavy lifting he of which he is obviously capable. As his credibility stems from his work as a prize-winning economist, and this book lacks that to some extent, it seems as though the book is a long-form blog or other such opinion piece.
There is an element of urgency in his work, however, best evidenced in the chapter about health care. Krugman ties the demise of conservatism to universal health care….

Political Science History

conservative intellectual movement, but also the role of William uckley and William Rusher in the blossoming of the youth conservative movement
Talk about structure of paper, who not strictly chronologically placed (ie hayek before the rest) - in this order for thematic purposes, to enhance the genuiness of the paper (branches of the movement brought up in order of importance to youth conservative revolt) For instance, Hayek had perhaps the greatest impact on the effects of the movement - uckley and Rusher. These individuals, their beliefs, their principles were extremely influential in better understanding the origins, history, and leaders of American conservatism.

Momentous events shape the psyche of an individual as the person matures. A child grows up in poverty vows to never be like his parents, and keeps this inner vow to become a millionaire. A young woman experiences sexual trauma as a teen, and chooses a career that builds….

I unequivocally believe that Africa is attractive in these times in which we live. There are several different reasons that I posit this notion. Firstly, Africa is in the process of modernizing and truly participating in the global economy. It has a number of economic opportunities which it has not had in the past. African countries are becoming more well versed in technology and in all of the different facets of modernity that have kept it regulated in what some people tend to think of as the proverbial third world. However, Africa's attraction encompasses the fact that because of this perception that was embraced by many outsiders, it has taken several strides to shed this image and to become a contemporary as other Western powers. Additionally, Africa has a growing infrastructure that is constantly increasing which adds to its presence domestically and internationally, in separate countries and on the….

For John Locke, government "…should be limited to securing the life and property of it citizens"; and government should allow freedom of religion and freedom of conscience. He was opposed to "hereditary monarchy" and supported human rights (especially in his more mature years).

As to how these political theories connect with environmental policy in the U.S.: first, the environmental policies in the U.S. are under attack by the Republicans in the House of Representatives. Their recent bill, H.R. 1, passed in February 2011, contained 19 anti-environmental riders that would "negatively affect air, water, and environmental quality," the Sustainable Energy & Environmental Coalition explained. The right wing in Congress wants to take power away from the Environmental Protection Agency as well. Hume would likely approve of the Tea Party and GOP as to their disavowal of global climate change; he would agree that the U.S. federal government is too big and powerful.….

Political, Social and Economic Plan
Our country has the potential of becoming one of the most important nations of the world since it has all the resources that few others have been blessed with. We have countless mineral reserves, a rich soil and a supportive climate that makes it ideal for agriculture.

Most of all, we have a young and talented population that is a priceless resource. In order to transform this undoubted potential into a concrete reality, however, we need to adopt the right policies. We are passing through a critical phase of not just our own history but also the history of the entire mankind in which we have the choice of either seizing the moment or missing the opportunity. The 'opportunity' is offered by the unprecedented technological developments in communication technologies and the lowering of trade barriers around the world.

Our failure in the past has been the lack of….

There is a definite chance that both parties could resolve the prolonged conflict successfully if they find and act on ways to be in command of their shared lack of trust. On the other hand, if the conflict is seen in terms of a neoliberal point-of-view, Israel's military efficiency and powerfulness is a great threat for Israelis. To cut a long story short, the main goal on which all the main five parties agree is the achievement of peace between Israelis and Palestinians but it is only possible if they give up their most preferred results; Israel giving up its favorite result of unrestricted occupation of Palestinian land and Palestine holding back its preferred outcome of unconditional withdrawal. The conflict could be resolved if both parties could also find some common solutions for complex and convoluted detachable issues including "the degree of sovereignty of a Palestinian state, the distribution….

There is some hope within some countries but maybe no hope between countries. As long as there are disparities within the economic balances of different countries there will always be food being used as a political weapon. Those countries that do have adequate supplies of food though, have a hope to balance their food politics out within themselves. There is the possibility of providing more food for the poor within countries in order to better balance the accessibility across the nation.


Food Security and Political Stability in the Asia-Pacific. (n.d.). etrieved July 29, 2010, from Web site: http://www.apcss.org/Publications/eport_Food_Security_98.html

Kassem, Yara. (2005). Food: A Political or Nutritional Tool? etrieved July 29, 2010, from Panorama Web site:


Political Economy of Food. (2010). etrieved July 29, 2010, from Answers Web site:


Smyth, Paul. (2009). Michael Pollan Makes Food Political. etrieved July 29, 2010, from City

Beat Web site: http://www.citybeat.com/cincinnati/article-18861-michael-pollan-makes-food-political.html

Williams, Valerie. (2008). Food Is Political. etrieved July 29, 2010,….

orks Cited


Cuellar, Mariano-Florentino. "The International Criminal Court and the Political Economy of Antitreaty Discourse." Stanford Law Review 55.5 (2003): 1597+.

A www.questiaschool.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5023650505

Dahl, Richard. "A Changing Climate of Litigation." Environmental Health Perspectives 115.4 (2007): 204+.

A www.questiaschool.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=95721506

Fromkin, David. "International Law at the Frontiers." orld Policy Journal 15.4 (1998): 59-72.

A www.questiaschool.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5001997668

Koh, Harold Hongju. "Foreword: On American Exceptionalism." Stanford Law Review 55.5 (2003): 1479+.

A www.questiaschool.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5001001232

Scharf, Michael P. "The ICC's Jurisdiction over the Nationals of Non-Party States: A Critique of the U.S. Position." Law and Contemporary Problems 64.1 (2001): 67.

A www.questiaschool.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5001974296

Stacy, Helen. "Relational Sovereignty." Stanford Law Review 55.5 (2003): 2029+.

A www.questiaschool.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=105505822

Tiefer, Charles. Veering Right: How the Bush Administration Subverts the Law for Conservative Causes. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2004.

A www.questiaschool.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=95721506

David Fromkin, "International Law at the Frontiers," orld Policy Journal15.4 (1998): 59. http://www.questiaschool.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5002006259

Mariano-Florentino Cuellar, "The International Criminal Court and the Political Economy of Antitreaty Discourse," Stanford Law Review 55.5 (2003). http://www.questiaschool.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5001974296

Helen Stacy, "Relational Sovereignty," Stanford….

- these actions are not punished by the law because, while immoral according to many, they do not cause injury to the rights of others.
Adam Smith further emphasizes the centrality of property rights. For Smith, the ownership and acquisition of private property is an essential right that contributes to and maintains individual well-being. Individuals who do not own property are individuals with no real say in their own affairs, and no voice in their government. Smith cites the case of the plebeians in the Roman Empire as an example of a class of people who were purposely kept from ownership of the land as a means of keeping power in the hands of the patricians.

He also makes reference to the slaves of his own day, and to residents of nations where a king may, at his own discretion, dispose of his subjects' property, as examples of conditions under which….

John K. Horowitz. "The income-temperature relationship in a cross-section of countries and its implications for predicting the effects of global warming." Environmental and Resource Economics 44(4) December, 2009

Ian Moffatt. "2 Global arming," in the Economics of Climate Change. Edited by Owen, Anothony D. And Nick Hanley, 6-34. New York: Routledge, 2004.

Louis Putterman. "Agriculture, Diffusion and Development: Ripple Effects of the Neolithic Revolution." Economica, 75(300):729 -- 748, November 2008.

Jeffrey D. Sachs, John . Mcarthur, Guido Schmidt-Traub, Margaret Kruk, Chandrika Bahadur, Michael Faye, and Gordon Mccord. "Ending Africa's Poverty Trap." Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, no. 1 (2004): 117-129.

Eugene R. ahl and Caspar M. Ammann. "Robustness of the mann, bradley, hughes reconstruction of northern hemisphere surface temperatures: Examination of criticisms based on the nature and processing of proxy climate evidence." Climatic Change, 85 (1-2):33 -- 69, November 2007.

John C. Bluedorn,,Akos Valentinyi, and Michael Vlassopoulos. The Long-Lived Effects of Historic Climate on the….

The original inhabitants of Jamaica are long forgotten, their name barely a footnote in Caribbean history. The main legacy of the Arawak Indians has been the word "Xamayca," meaning "land of wood and water," ("A Brief History of Jamaica"). Xamayca gradually became rendered as Jamaica, an island nation with a tumultuous but vibrant history. The first non-native settlers on Jamaica were the Spaniards. Christopher Columbus included it in Spain's territorial acquisitions in 1494. Soon thereafter, a small Spanish settlement existed on the island until 1655. The Spaniards killed every last Arawak, either via use of force or exposure to disease. Moreover, the Spaniards bought African slaves and brought them to Jamaica to work on the budding sugar plantations. Growing interest in sugar was fueling the Age of Imperialism. Britain was poised to strike the Caribbean.

In May 1655, a convoy of British ships arrived and startled the Spanish settlement. The Spaniards….

Thesis Statement: The Founding Fathers were instrumental in the establishment of the United States of America and their ideals and principles continue to shape our nation, however, their perceived infallibility and lack of diversity among them should be critically examined and re-evaluated in today's socio-political climate. Suggestions for revising the thesis statement:

1. The Founding Fathers laid the groundwork for the United States, but their shortcomings and biases must be acknowledged and addressed in order to fully understand their impact on American history.

2. While the Founding Fathers' contributions to the nation are undeniable, it is important to re-evaluate their legacy through a....

Literary Analysis

Hamlet's Tragic Flaw: An Exploration of Indecisiveness and Self-Doubt
The Role of Ambition in Macbeth: A Study in Power and Corruption
The Tragic Heroine in King Lear: A Comparison of Cordelia and Goneril
Romeo and Juliet as a Tragedy of Fate or Free Will
The Meaning of Love in Twelfth Night: A Romantic Comedy with a Twist

Character Analysis

The Complexity of Hamlet: Madness, Melancholy, and the Search for Truth
Macbeth: A Tragic Hero or a Villain?
Ophelia in Hamlet: A Study of Fragility and Female Agency
The Character of Falstaff in Henry IV and Henry V: Humor, Loyalty,....

The 2024 U.S. Presidential Election: A Contemplation on Potential Outcomes


The 2024 U.S. presidential election is a highly anticipated event that will shape the political landscape of the United States for years to come. With the incumbent president term-limited, the race is wide open, and multiple potential candidates have already expressed their interest in running. In this essay, we will analyze the potential outcomes of the 2024 presidential election, considering the political climate, key issues, and possible candidates.

Political Climate

The 2024 election will take place against the backdrop of a highly polarized political climate. The country remains deeply divided along partisan lines,....

Title 1: The Impending Presidential Election of 2024: A Watershed Moment in American Politics

Essay Topic:

Analyze the significance of the upcoming 2024 presidential election for American politics. Discuss the key issues and candidates likely to shape the race, the potential impact on the political landscape, and the implications for the future of the nation.

Title 2: The Role of the Media in the 2024 Presidential Election: A Double-Edged Sword

Essay Topic:

Examine the complex role of the media in the 2024 presidential election. Discuss how the media can both inform and misinform voters, influence the political discourse, and impact the outcome of the race.....

3 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Political Climate of 1980's the

Words: 895
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Less than a year after Reagan left office after the end of his second term, the Berlin all fell, and the Cold ar essentially ended in 1991 after…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Political Climate of the Novel

Words: 1039
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

He even falls in love with Julia and they have an affair, something expressly forbidden by the Party, and so, it is clear throughout the book that Winston…

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2 Pages

Political Science

Strategies in Creating a Less Polarized Political Climate

Words: 657
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Chapter

Democracy and Politics From Palmer's perspective, the confessions made by an accidental citizen bring to light a different definition of the word citizenship. This new definition eliminates the politics…

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4 Pages

Political Science - Campaigns

The toxic political climate

Words: 1508
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Subtext I recently went on a trip to the Joshua Tree National Park. Even with the fact that a trip to a national park is not an earth-shattering or…

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4 Pages
Research Proposal


Political Ideologies Paul Krugman the

Words: 1172
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

However, he steers relatively clear of muscular economic writing in Conscience of a Liberal, preferring the position the book as something of a call to arms for the…

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23 Pages
Term Paper


Political Science History

Words: 6252
Length: 23 Pages
Type: Term Paper

conservative intellectual movement, but also the role of William uckley and William Rusher in the blossoming of the youth conservative movement Talk about structure of paper, who not strictly…

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6 Pages

International Relations

Political Stability and Africa

Words: 878
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Article

Africa I unequivocally believe that Africa is attractive in these times in which we live. There are several different reasons that I posit this notion. Firstly, Africa is in…

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2 Pages
Discussion Chapter


Political Theories the Ancient Athenian

Words: 801
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

For John Locke, government "…should be limited to securing the life and property of it citizens"; and government should allow freedom of religion and freedom of conscience. He was…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Political Social and Economic Plan Our Country

Words: 1085
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Political, Social and Economic Plan Our country has the potential of becoming one of the most important nations of the world since it has all the resources that few others…

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15 Pages
Research Paper

History - Israel

Political and Government Assessment

Words: 5499
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Paper

There is a definite chance that both parties could resolve the prolonged conflict successfully if they find and act on ways to be in command of their shared…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Political Science Politics of Food

Words: 1706
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

There is some hope within some countries but maybe no hope between countries. As long as there are disparities within the economic balances of different countries there will always…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Political Science Multinational Conflict Management

Words: 1639
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

orks Cited http://www.questiaschool.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5002006259 Cuellar, Mariano-Florentino. "The International Criminal Court and the Political Economy of Antitreaty Discourse." Stanford Law Review 55.5 (2003): 1597+. A www.questiaschool.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5023650505 Dahl, Richard. "A Changing Climate of Litigation." Environmental Health…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Political Science Rousseau's Doctrine of

Words: 2859
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

- these actions are not punished by the law because, while immoral according to many, they do not cause injury to the rights of others. Adam Smith further emphasizes…

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5 Pages


Lived Effects of Historic Climate

Words: 1851
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

John K. Horowitz. "The income-temperature relationship in a cross-section of countries and its implications for predicting the effects of global warming." Environmental and Resource Economics 44(4) December, 2009 Ian Moffatt.…

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9 Pages


British Jamaican History Political Relations Between

Words: 2935
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

British-Jamaican The original inhabitants of Jamaica are long forgotten, their name barely a footnote in Caribbean history. The main legacy of the Arawak Indians has been the word "Xamayca," meaning…

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