Qualitative Analysis Essays (Examples)

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Here, interviews are predominant, with open ended questions forcing participants to express their perceptions and beliefs more thoroughly. These interviews are then processed through a series of coding practices which help extrapolate important concepts and the relationships that impact the social environment and the phenomenon being studied. Corbin & Strauss (2008) are well-known for their comparative analysis within the field of grounded theory. Here, there are three types of coding: open coding, selective coding, and axial coding. Open coding recognizes frequently used words and phrases, pulling them out for later analysis. Selective coding is the process was categories are created to link the concepts extrapolated in open coding. This process allows the researcher to disregard some concepts and create a list of core concepts that are paramount to the field of study. Corbin & Strauss (2008) state that selective coding is "the process that links all the categories and….

Google Glasses
The digital world of communications that we are now living is not only the making of its creators; it is not without the active connivance of, if initially tentative, acceptance of we, the users. The creators of this digitally contrived world are very good at reading the human race in that, which eventually comes around to accepting and adapting to things that are thrown hard at it (Miller, 2013). This adaptability and flexibility has been taken advantage of very subtly. The first few tentative steps that humans take slowly gain in strength and eventually the distrust gives way to acceptance, and eventually confidence. What naturally follows is a warm hearted embrace and soon addiction results. A full-fledged dependence is only a matter of time, thence. This a stage most well suited for the advertisers and marketers where they move in to make the most of the situation and the….

Interview Method
Identify the data collection techniques used by Lenski et al. (2005) in this study. The researchers collected data by "learning about ethnography, conducting participation observation, making descriptive observations," conducting neighborhood observations, school site observations and interviewing participants.

Given the design of this study, do you think the students were participant observers or nonparticipant observers?

The students were participant observers because students and teachers were engaged in activities together.

How does this qualitative design differ from the quantitative designs that we have studied?

This design does not collect or analyze statistical data. The main method of data collection is the interview method. This is a one-on-one process of speaking to participants, asking questions, and receiving in-depth answers. The design is a type of examination: it looks in order to see more details and clarity regarding a process but it does not attempt to quantify the picture that emerges.


Six preservice teachers were selected….

Iceberg Attachment for Infants
The concept analysis article reviewed in this document is "Attachment icebergs: Maternal and child health nurses' evaluation of infant-caregiver attachment" by Bryant et al. This article explores salient phenomena pertaining to the concept of infant attachment. However, it analyzes this phenomena from the perspective of nurses who are observing and working with infants and caregivers. The researchers were essentially attempting to solicit information from the nurses to explicate the phenomena of infant attachment, while determining what factors proved the most influential in this occurrence. As such, the researchers were able to glean a fair amount of insight not only about infant attachment, but about how to best treat it. Additional insight was also gleaned into factors that were germane to the nurses who observed infant attachment and who attempted to mitigate it with various degrees of success.

Method of Analysis

The method of analysis revolved around qualitative analysis of….

Qualitative vs. Quantitative
Social science sometimes debates differences between quantitative and qualitative. On one side, positivists argue quantitative research is objective and measurable where post-positivists argue qualitative analysis allows for a rich understanding of the situation. Although qualitative and quantitative research differ in the techniques, types of data and ethical concerns, they both have their place in psychology. Let us begin by exploring the realm of quantitative research and then move on to qualitative research.

Quantitative research is research that uses numerical measures to evaluate the world. Often, this approach is used by positivists who believe in objective measures to predict the world. This epistemology says research can and should focus only on what can be observed and measured. Following is a discussion of features of quantitative research including techniques, types of data and possible ethical concerns.

There are multiple techniques used to collect quantitative data, but all techniques will ultimately make data….

Baxter P. & Jack S. Qualitative Case Study Approach: Design and Implementation for Inexperienced Researchers. The Qualitative Report, 13(4), 544-559
This paper treats case study as an approach in research. A qualitative case study approach avails tools for research in complex phenomena in context. If appropriately applied, the methodology is a valuable tool for health sciences in evaluating programs, crafting interventions and developing theory. This paper seeks to guide the inexperienced researcher in picking out the important elements for purposes of design and implementation of qualitative case study research tasks. There is a summary of the available designs of case study. The generalized recommendations for drafting the research questions, crafting propositions, binding the case, determination of the case in focus, triangulation and discussion of the sources of data are also availed. In order to apply the principles, there must be clear samples of research questions, propositions of study and various case….

Qualitative Language

language facilitates criticism and understanding? hy or hy not?
Qualitative language, that is language that is not quantifiable and thus dwells in the realm of the sort of academic criticism and research "that produces findings not arrived at by means of statistical procedures or other means of quantification," remains a critical mode of expression, even in areas of study of the social sciences where "hard data" is a must. (Hoepfl, 1997, p.13) "here quantitative researchers seek causal determination, prediction, and generalization of findings, qualitative researchers seek instead illumination, understanding, and extrapolation to similar situations. Qualitative analysis results in a different type of knowledge than does quantitative inquiry. " (Hoepfl, 1997, p.13). But one must take precautions to make sure that the subjective nature of qualitative language does not impede, but rather facilitates understanding of a subject. To take just one example of how the qualitative association of words, can skew….

Costco Internal Assessment Part 1
Qualitative Analysis
Brief Company Overview
Having commenced its operations in 1976 with the establishment of the very first retail warehouse club in San Diego by a warehouse club retailing pioneer by the name Sol Price, Costco has grown to become one of the largest retailers in the world. The company’s first location mainly served small enterprises and was located in a modified/adapted plane hangar (Costco, 2019). The name of this first establishment was Price Club. It was, however, not until 1983 that the first Costco was opened by James D. Sinegal and Jeffrey H. Brotman in Seattle. In 1993, the two formations (Costco and Price Club) merged to become Price/Costco, and six years later, the corporation adopted its current name.
Presently, the company is headquartered in Issaquah, Washington and company has operations in not only the United States, but also Spain, Australia, the UK, and Mexico. When it comes to….

Qualitative Design

Qualitative Business Case Study: A Discussion Business case studies are valuable educational tools used by educators, institutions, students and corporations within continuing education programs. Creating a case study or analyzing one written by a professor or executive, forces one to examine the strengths and weaknesses, successes and pitfalls of a particular business by analyzing precise situations, formulating one’s own conclusions and then making recommendations or other such inferences based on the data or predictions drawn from the data.
Case Study Design
The case study will manifest in a narrative or story-centric structure. The “main character” will be introduced early on in the case study as someone with a necessary objective or a specific but perhaps somewhat confounding choice that needs to be addressed (Schweitzer, 2015). The story of the main character remains interwoven throughout the case study design, offering necessary information about the company in question, the overall situation, and the major stakeholders….

A number of researchers think that qualitative and quantitative methodologies cannot be pooled because the assumptions fundamental to each tradition are so greatly different. "Other researchers think they can be used in combination only by alternating between methods: qualitative research is appropriate to answer certain kinds of questions in certain conditions and quantitative is right for others. And some researchers think that both qualitative and quantitative methods can be used simultaneously to answer a research question" (Barnes et al., 2005).

There are two sets of challenges that enfold the idea of frame and discourse analysis. The first takes place in the areas of data collection, analysis, and final presentation results. The challenge surrounds definitions and conceptualizations. Ideational concepts are intrinsically inaccurate and distinctions between frames, ideologies and discourses are often indistinct. Discourse and frames are connected and sometimes overlap. Cultural discourses can comprise frames. Ideologies frequently do the same things frames….

expressive analysis characterized by meanings and processes that are not experimentally measured or examined in terms of mathematical measurements (Leedy, 2012). Quantitative research on the other hand, builds and relies on mathematical methods and procedures, for instance quality, frequency amount and statistical process. This paper will develop three hypothetical research approaches for the Statement of the Problem and the Purpose differences and similarities between the two methods.
Correlational esearch

For quantitative study, the correlational research would work well with the Statement of the problem and the purpose of this paper. The purpose of correlational research is to define the associations among two or more variables (Xu, 2011). For instance, for Topic "Alternative Banking" Data would gathered from multiple variables such as the specific banks, customers, employees and managers. The purpose is to use Islamic Banking because other banks have failed and these types of banks have survived financial crisis. The problem….

32, and Pepsi's ratio is .29. These are close, but suggest that Pepsi is actually able to generate more revenue for every dollar of property and equipment it owns.
This makes sense given the operational differences at these companies; as noted above, Coca Cola does not actually own or operate all of the production elements for its products, thus it makes sense that is has much lower property values than its rival Pepsi, which is more fully integrated (Coca Cola, 2012; Pepsi, 2012). This also suggests, however, that Pepsi's revenue generation and overall value is more tied to its physical properties, plants, and equipment than is Coca Cola, meaning expansion could ne more costly for the company (Palepu, 2007). In this way, productivity might not transfer into long-term efficiency and profitability, which is something both investors and competitors should consider.

Marketing Productivity

If determining human resource and plant/equipment productivity was difficult, determining marketing….

Another significant similarity between frame and discourse analyses is that they both generally use qualitative methods of data reduction and presentation. This is in comparison to quantitative analysis, which is more objective and generally presents group rather than individual data. This can make it difficult to apply what it learned to a broader group of people, because they are looking at specific information for different people. This does not mean it is impossible. In both frame and discourse analysis, researchers often take a two-step approach. The first step is to help define the theory, and the second step is to examine text in order to code it and see how it applies.

In addition, both discourse and frame analyses are actually well-suited to study through focus groups and other types of group research. Social movement research can be helped by the use of focus groups because the groups, like the underlying….

manage and organize qualitative data. LeCompte (2000) notes that data can be organized using traditional organization techniques like creating files, cataloging, labeling, and creating indices. These techniques are often applied to qualitative data that comes in the form of field notes or other written information. Today, the information might be stored in a database on the computer. Often the data might be recorded on a smartphone or tablet, which will make it even easier to transfer to a computer. However, the techniques of indexing, cataloging and labeling are still used to manage large amounts of qualitative data.
It is important that the research is able to make sense of the data, but it should also be remembered that one of the most valuable traits of qualitative research is that it has a lot of flexibility with respect to how that data can be analyzed and presented. As such, it is….

Managing Different Perspectives in the Literature
One of the strengths of qualitative literature -- as well as one of its frustrations -- is its innate subjectivity. Different authors may present the reader with different approaches, both of which can be equally valid and still be characterized as qualitative. The variety of perspectives offered on qualitative research from diverse sources allows the individual researcher to tailor his or her approach to the specific subject of his or her research study. Unlike a quantitative, statistical approach which requires passing certain mathematical tests to be valid, the validity of a qualitative approach depends on the needs of the specific study. For example, for a primarily narrative qualitative study that is merely designed to showcase experiences, having a research question might not be particularly useful. However, for a grounded theory approach, a research question would likely be required to focus the research process and allow….

Sure! Here is a sample research proposal and outline for a college paper on educational reform:

Research Proposal: Exploring the Impact of Educational Reform on Student Achievement and Equity

I. Introduction
A. Background of the study
1. Briefly discuss the current state of the education system
2. Highlight the need for educational reform
B. Problem statement
1. Identify the key problems within the system that require reform
2. Discuss the negative consequences of these problems on student achievement and equity
C. Research question
- How does educational reform impact student achievement and promote equity in the education system?
D. Objectives
1. Investigate....

Sure! Here is a proposed research design for studying the influence of extracurricular activities on students' personal development and school engagement:

Title: The Impact of Extracurricular Activities on Students' Personal Development and School Engagement

- Briefly explain the importance of extracurricular activities in students' lives and their potential impact on personal development and school engagement.
- State the research question: How do extracurricular activities influence students' personal development and school engagement?

1. Participants:
- Sample: A random sample of high school students from diverse socio-economic and academic backgrounds.
- Inclusion criteria: Students actively involved in at least one extracurricular activity.
- Sample size: 200 students (100 boys,....

Questionnaire Interviews


Questionnaire interviews gather data from participants through structured questions with predetermined response options. They are useful when researchers need to collect quantitative data from a large sample size.


Standardization: Ensures all participants receive the same questions in the same order, reducing bias.
Efficiency: Can be administered to a large number of participants quickly and easily.
Quantitative data: Provides numerical data that can be analyzed statistically.
Anonymity: Participants can remain anonymous, encouraging honest responses.


Limited depth: Questions are typically closed-ended, limiting participants' ability to elaborate on their responses.
Response bias: Participants may select socially desirable answers or provide hasty responses....

Role of Interview Questionnaire in Research Instrumentation

An interview questionnaire is a structured set of questions designed to elicit specific information from research participants during an interview. In research instrumentation, interview questionnaires serve several critical functions:

Data Collection: Interview questionnaires provide a systematic and standardized approach to collecting qualitative data from participants. They ensure that all participants are asked the same questions, promoting consistency and comparability of responses.
Guided Interviewing: Questionnaires guide interviewers through the interview process, ensuring that they cover all relevant topics and do not deviate from the intended focus. This structured approach reduces interviewer bias and ensures consistency....

2 Pages
Research Paper

Communication - Language

Rules of Coding Qualitative Analysis

Words: 596
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Here, interviews are predominant, with open ended questions forcing participants to express their perceptions and beliefs more thoroughly. These interviews are then processed through a series of coding…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Google Glasses

Words: 3250
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Google Glasses The digital world of communications that we are now living is not only the making of its creators; it is not without the active connivance of, if initially…

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2 Pages
Application Essay


Qualitative Analysis and Analysis

Words: 462
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Application Essay

Interview Method Identify the data collection techniques used by Lenski et al. (2005) in this study. The researchers collected data by "learning about ethnography, conducting participation observation, making descriptive…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Qualitative Analysis and Nurses

Words: 1035
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Iceberg Attachment for Infants The concept analysis article reviewed in this document is "Attachment icebergs: Maternal and child health nurses' evaluation of infant-caregiver attachment" by Bryant et al. This article…

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4 Pages


Qualitative vs Quantitative Social Science Sometimes Debates

Words: 1349
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Qualitative vs. Quantitative Social science sometimes debates differences between quantitative and qualitative. On one side, positivists argue quantitative research is objective and measurable where post-positivists argue qualitative analysis allows for…

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2 Pages


Qualitative Research Annotated Bibliography

Words: 758
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Baxter P. & Jack S. Qualitative Case Study Approach: Design and Implementation for Inexperienced Researchers. The Qualitative Report, 13(4), 544-559 This paper treats case study as an approach in research.…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Communication - Language

Qualitative Language

Words: 1015
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

language facilitates criticism and understanding? hy or hy not? Qualitative language, that is language that is not quantifiable and thus dwells in the realm of the sort of academic…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Case Studies

Qualitative and Quantitative Costco Internal Assessment

Words: 1928
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Costco Internal Assessment Part 1 Qualitative Analysis Brief Company Overview Having commenced its operations in 1976 with the establishment of the very first retail warehouse club in San Diego by a warehouse club…

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3 Pages
Case Study


Qualitative Design

Words: 1000
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Qualitative Business Case Study: A Discussion Business case studies are valuable educational tools used by educators, institutions, students and corporations within continuing education programs. Creating a case study or analyzing…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Frame Analysis vs Quantitative Frame

Words: 1315
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

A number of researchers think that qualitative and quantitative methodologies cannot be pooled because the assumptions fundamental to each tradition are so greatly different. "Other researchers think they can…

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4 Pages


Expressive Analysis Characterized by Meanings and Processes

Words: 1194
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

expressive analysis characterized by meanings and processes that are not experimentally measured or examined in terms of mathematical measurements (Leedy, 2012). Quantitative research on the other hand, builds…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Internal Analysis An Illustrative Comparison

Words: 2771
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

32, and Pepsi's ratio is .29. These are close, but suggest that Pepsi is actually able to generate more revenue for every dollar of property and equipment it owns. This…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Frame Analysis it Should Come

Words: 1264
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Another significant similarity between frame and discourse analyses is that they both generally use qualitative methods of data reduction and presentation. This is in comparison to quantitative analysis, which…

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2 Pages

Business - Management

Manage and Organize Qualitative Data Lecompte 2000

Words: 650
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

manage and organize qualitative data. LeCompte (2000) notes that data can be organized using traditional organization techniques like creating files, cataloging, labeling, and creating indices. These techniques are…

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2 Pages


Is it Possible to Blend Qualitative Approaches

Words: 869
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Managing Different Perspectives in the Literature One of the strengths of qualitative literature -- as well as one of its frustrations -- is its innate subjectivity. Different authors may present…

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