Romantic Love Essays (Examples)

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Romantic love is a complex and unique phenomenon. The concept has become so ubiquitous in modern society that most people take it for granted. Romantic love is considered to be one of the normal conquests in the course of one's life. Yet it was not always this way nor is romantic love a part of every culture. In fact, in many other cultures, romantic love is often a subsidiary consideration to such things as status and property considerations. By contrast, romantic relationships are founded on something of an adventurous impulse in which feelings and emotions are at something of a plateau. Although this plateau may offer some intense aspects that are positive in many ways, the same intensity can also create situations in which the intensity and the feelings fade and what is left is unpleasant at best. This paper will examine some of the concepts that are associated with….

This model is no longer generally held to be a valid one. While attachment style is still considered to be important, human motivation and behavior are considered to be sufficiently flexible that no one style of interpersonal relationship will endure over the lifespan.

When Parents Say No

Driscoll, Davis, & Lipetz (1972) looked not to Othello but to omeo and Juliet. They argue that the network of relationships in which a couple lives can have a highly important effect on the durability as well as the intensity of the relationship. While in some cases, that influence can be to further the relationship, in many cases the result is that disapproval of a relationship on the part of parents, other family members, or friends, the couple may feel that their love is in fact validated.

The kind of relationship that is strengthened by the disapproval of those who are otherwise important to an individual….

Romantic Love in Hamlet

Hamlet out of Love When Hamlet arrives home from school, he finds his father dead and his mother remarried to his uncle. Hamlet caustically remarks that “the funeral baked meats / Did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables” (1.2.87-88) to express his displeasure with his mother’s hasty re-marriage: Hamlet loved his father and believed his mother had as well. He expected there to be a longer period of grieving and was disappointed not to find one. A sense of his mother’s own fickleness and infidelity leads Hamlet to reject romantic love in general and to spurn his betrothed Ophelia specifically. “Get thee to a nunnery!” (3.1.131) he commands Ophelia before ranting about the knavishness of man (and woman). In many ways, his rejection of romantic love is the real tragedy of the play. It leads to Ophelia’s death and to the stack of corpses that litter the stage at the end.….

Romantic Love

Arranged marriages are common in many societies of the world including India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Malaysia etc. In fact, according to a research, around 60% of marriages in the world are arranged by family or relatives. These marriages appear to have greater success rate as and in most of these marriages, partners do eventually fall in love with each other. These findings are reported by Dr. obert Epstein, Editor of Psychology Today as he writes: "Sixty percent of the world's marriages are not love marriages -- they're arranged. Divorce rates are extremely low for such marriages, and, even more surprising, in perhaps half of them, the spouses somehow fall in love with each other." While low divorce rate is one of the best things about arranged marriages, these unions do have their downside as well. Since most of these marriages are arranged by people other than the two persons who are….

Love Relationships

Romantic Love
In my fist yea of college, I enjoyed an extemely passionate love elationship. We met duing feshman oientation and ou initial chemisty was instant as well as mutual. Actually, on the night we met he "escued" me, so to speak, because one of the guys fom my domitoy floo was annoying me by the way he ignoed all of my vey obvious signals that I was not paticulaly inteested in talking to him.

I smiled the fist time he looked at me, but to be pefectly honest, I would have smiled at almost anybody at that moment, because I was tying (unsuccessfully) to discouage the guy who would not leave me alone. The idea was simply to hint at the idea that I was not inteested in him by making eye contact with someone else. My (eventual) boyfiend was vey polite about it, but afte we smiled at each othe,….

Jane Austin's Sense and Sensibility, while including no supernatural references, focuses on the more positive side of extreme emotion of romantic love. Similarly to Shelley's work, this side of emotion is also used to reflect upon the society of the time. The hypocrisy often associated with marriage ties are for example exposed.

Romantic poetry is not so much concerned with the anxieties or evils in society. Instead, the concern of this poetry is depicting the human relationship with nature as a part of it, rather than separated from it. As such, there is a departure from the image of socially imposed order towards a free, untamed image of nature. Similarly to romantic fiction, poetry also focuses on the strength of emotions related to this. These are entirely individualized, with the connection of the individual to nature often central to the work..

For instance, in Descartes' The Passions of the Soul, his "moral concerns lead him to describe the passion of love as altruistic and involving self-sacrifice [but] his general account of passions, however, suggests that all passions (including love) spring from and promote self-interest," leading to a seeming contradiction and debate that ultimately only serves to reinforce outdated notions of love (Frierson 314). This kind of debate around love has allowed different groups, with religions foremost among them, to use love as a means of controlling the populace and their interpersonal lives.
By suggesting that love requires self-sacrifice, one may use another's love in order to get them to do things that they would normally reject outright, and by simultaneously claiming that love stems from some sort of nearly-uncontrollable passion, one may use love as a means of shaming individuals. By describing love solely as the emotions felt and the chemical….

Love in Antiquity

Interpretations of Ovid's Love Stories

The first story from Ovid's Metamorphoses to be interpreted is "Echo and Narcissus." There are some traditional elements to the story as a love story paradigm. There are stories of "boy meets girl" and often part of that story is that one or both of the romantic leads like each other, but have difficulty synching together to have a romantic interlude. Narcissus calls out to Echo in the woods for them to meet together. She is excited but she can only repeat the last phrase or so of what Narcissus says, keeping them from meeting together. In another way, the story is a traditional love story, in that the girl loses the boy. What is non-traditional is that the girl loses the boy to himself. Narcissus sees his reflection in water while roaming the forest and falls in love with himself. Thus, this is a love….

Both of these focus on the categories of Eros, Storge and Ludus. Eros refers to a type of passionate love. Storge is the opposite of eros, and is more of a companionate love, or strong friendship and is more likely to develop in communities where choice of partner is not high and where marrying for love is not common. Ludus is the final type of love and refers to a kind of playful love, or the type of love you have when you fall in love but it remains playful. Thus, there are many similarities between this typology theory of love and Sternberg's triangular theory of love. They both can create types of love, and Eros, Storge and Ludus can certainly find their counterparts in Sterberg's typologies. The difference between these theories lies in the methodology our reliability of the theory. Sternberg does more than just describe types of….

Love is a word that is often overused and sometimes underappreciated. And despite the confusion some people have in separating romantic love from sensual pleasure, or real love from friendship -- love is among the most powerful ideas in the world. Given all the tension and hatefulness in the world, it is the opinion of this paper that any love is good love, no matter how bizarre or byzantine it may appear to society.
The widely diverse and dissimilar kinds of love that writer Raymond Carver alludes to in his short story simply reflect the vast chasm between one personality and the next. It may seem blatantly obvious to say this, but individual approaches to love -- and reflections on love -- are of course based on each person's life experiences. Bob Dylan wrote a song -- "Love is Just a Four-Letter ord" -- that has an ironic twist to it,….

This film depicts the life of a woman who has not lived up to her cultural expectations and by the time she is thirty, she realizes that she is getting too old to find love. She then meets a man whom she falls in love with, but the problem lies in his not being from her same ethnic and cultural background. This creates turmoil among her extremely traditional family. Her father refuses to accept her new fiance, but insisting that she is in love, she gets her family to accept a non-Greek individual into their family. Unlike It Happened One Night (1934), My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002) shows how culture influences love in our civilization.
The relationship between these two individuals, demonstrates how much love means in our society. The underlying concern in this case is how two different cultures could unite to form a mutual one where everyone….

The work expresses with clear honesty the need to express, reality and pain, in ordworthian values. The expression of the work is poignant and clear, as the washerwoman goes through the process of noticing nature, as a guide for time rather than as something she is able to explore at leisure. The woman and the poet explored leisure, in only those available times when she was not otherwise needed for work. There is a clear sense that even in the poet's golden years her sentiments changed little as she so effectively expressed the condition of her life, through the clear and present reality of necessity, better than many of her time. The romantic poet was given license to express pain, through individual self-expression, and this working class woman was not only not an exception but probably even more committed to the ideals of the period than many of the….

This reflection on Milton and Blake is also the reflections of every person who is looking for purpose in their lives (ibid, 588).
However, in the last generation more and more people are asking the same question as Bloom and raising the issue of purpose. Like the humans that recorded the creation story in Genesis, we are searching for the purpose of our being and existence. Blake's parables answer use poetic license to extend this question of existence into the time of the twilight of the Enlightenment when new knowledge was causing people to ask many of the same questions that they asked when they set down the creation story of Genesis thousands of years before that (ibid).

Blog Page 3

hile Israel may be the apple of God's eye, it appears that Jerusalem is that of Blake's since the work comes from this source as well. Inspiring the famous song of….

Emotion of Love and Its Commercialization
Sexual love and marriage is a central theme in the lives and culture of human beings throughout the world. With very few exceptions, even the most diverse societies share the general concept of romantic love and the ritualistic importance of the monogamous union between man and woman (Ackerman, 1995). Certainly, major components of the complex emotions and physical urges that we associate with romantic love are purely biologically based. In this respect, we share sexual urges, ritualistic mating, courtship displays and pair bonding with (other) animals. In other respects, human intelligence and cultural diversity have given rise to a tremendous variety in societal beliefs about romantic love and marriage. In the United States, sex and love have been commercialized to such a degree that it is clearly the dominant overall marketing theme of the advertising industries. Many of the same evolutionary biological bases of….

Dante the Phrase Love and

Desire has been a key catalyst awakening love from its passive state. "Till love, at last, out of its dreaming starts." The yearning and desire that struck strongly at the heart has caused the rebirth of desire, and the awakening of true love. Moreover, the power of the desire can be so great as to become a permanent fixture of the heart: "...and often, rooting there with longing, stays." The word "rooting" closely mirrors the earlier imagery of nature; the word "stays" is a direct repetition of the last word in line six: "stay." Rossetti portrays the heart as a fertile ground for the flourishing of love and passion.
Therefore, in "Love and the gentle heart," Rossetti refers to the type of love shared between the spouses in an old married couple. The married couple relies on the staying power of a gentle heart, a heart subject to nature's innate….

Essay: Understanding the Multifaceted Nature of Love Love, an emotion as ancient as humanity itself, has been a perennial topic of fascination, inspiration, and perplexity. Often considered the most profound and powerful of human emotions, love transcends mere feelings, influencing our actions, thoughts, and life choices. This essay explores the complexity and diversity of love, delving into its various forms and impacts on human life. At its core, love is an intense feeling of deep affection, a force that can forge unbreakable bonds and connections. It manifests in numerous forms - the unconditional love of a parent, the passionate love....

Outline for Essay on Jane Austen

I. Introduction

A. Jane Austen's life and background
B. Overview of her literary career
C. Thesis statement: Jane Austen's novels explore the complexities of human relationships and social norms in Regency England.

II. The Social Landscape of Austen's Novels

A. Marriage and societal expectations
1. The importance of financial security and propriety
2. The role of women in society
B. The rigidity of social class
1. The contrast between the landed gentry and the middle class
2. The challenges faced by those who defy social conventions

III. The Role of Love and Marriage in Austen's Works


## Essay Topics Related to Love: A Comprehensive Guide

Love, an enduring and universal human experience, has inspired countless works of art, literature, and philosophy. Its multifaceted nature offers a wealth of essay topics that can engage students in critical thinking, analysis, and self-reflection. This guide provides a comprehensive list of essay topics related to love, organized into various categories.

### Love in Literature and Art

The Evolution of Romantic Love in Literature: Trace the changing representations of love in literature from ancient times to the present day.
The Power of Love in Shakespeare's Tragedies: Analyze the devastating consequences of love in....

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Love, the most profound human emotion, has captivated poets, artists, and philosophers throughout history.
B. Background information: Love is a complex and multifaceted emotion that can manifest in various forms, such as romantic love, familial love, and platonic love.
C. Thesis statement: This essay will delve into the different dimensions of love, exploring its definition, various types, and the impact it has on individuals and society.

II. Definition of Love
A. Different interpretations: Love is subjective and can be defined differently by different individuals.
B. Oxford Dictionary definition: Love is an intense feeling of affection and....

3 Pages


Romantic Love Is a Complex and Unique

Words: 784
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Romantic love is a complex and unique phenomenon. The concept has become so ubiquitous in modern society that most people take it for granted. Romantic love is considered to…

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12 Pages
Article Review


Romantic Love Causes and Consequences

Words: 3085
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Article Review

This model is no longer generally held to be a valid one. While attachment style is still considered to be important, human motivation and behavior are considered to be…

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6 Pages


Romantic Love in Hamlet

Words: 1760
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Hamlet out of Love When Hamlet arrives home from school, he finds his father dead and his mother remarried to his uncle. Hamlet caustically remarks that “the funeral baked meats…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Romantic Love

Words: 399
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Marriages Arranged marriages are common in many societies of the world including India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Malaysia etc. In fact, according to a research, around 60% of marriages in the world…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Love Relationships

Words: 3105
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Romantic Love In my fist yea of college, I enjoyed an extemely passionate love elationship. We met duing feshman oientation and ou initial chemisty was instant as well as mutual.…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Romantic Era Marked a Movement

Words: 308
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Jane Austin's Sense and Sensibility, while including no supernatural references, focuses on the more positive side of extreme emotion of romantic love. Similarly to Shelley's work, this side of…

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6 Pages

Family and Marriage

Love Despite Being the Frequent

Words: 2252
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

For instance, in Descartes' The Passions of the Soul, his "moral concerns lead him to describe the passion of love as altruistic and involving self-sacrifice [but] his general…

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2 Pages

Sports - Women

Love in Antiquity

Words: 706
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Ancient Interpretations of Ovid's Love Stories The first story from Ovid's Metamorphoses to be interpreted is "Echo and Narcissus." There are some traditional elements to the story as a love story…

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2 Pages
A2 Coursework

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Love Male Female Differences

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: A2 Coursework

Both of these focus on the categories of Eros, Storge and Ludus. Eros refers to a type of passionate love. Storge is the opposite of eros, and is…

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3 Pages


What We Talk About When We Talk About Love

Words: 1177
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Love is a word that is often overused and sometimes underappreciated. And despite the confusion some people have in separating romantic love from sensual pleasure, or real love from…

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3 Pages


Romantic Comedies Love Has Been

Words: 1026
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

This film depicts the life of a woman who has not lived up to her cultural expectations and by the time she is thirty, she realizes that she…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Romantic Poetry the Term Romanticism

Words: 1759
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The work expresses with clear honesty the need to express, reality and pain, in ordworthian values. The expression of the work is poignant and clear, as the washerwoman…

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3 Pages


Romantic Literature 1st Blog Page

Words: 1109
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

This reflection on Milton and Blake is also the reflections of every person who is looking for purpose in their lives (ibid, 588). However, in the last generation more…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Emotion of Love and Its Commercialization Sexual

Words: 1667
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Emotion of Love and Its Commercialization Sexual love and marriage is a central theme in the lives and culture of human beings throughout the world. With very few exceptions,…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Dante the Phrase Love and

Words: 1614
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Desire has been a key catalyst awakening love from its passive state. "Till love, at last, out of its dreaming starts." The yearning and desire that struck strongly…

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