School District Essays (Examples)

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Probationary employees will thus be monitored more stringently than other personnel during the first 3-6 months of their tenure, to ensure compliance with District's goals and objectives.
Full term members will be afforded one verbal warning the first time a disciplinary measure is warranted. A verbal warning will therefore precede any formal disciplinary hearings or measures.

If the term employee has had one verbal warning and repeats an offense, they will next be given written notice which will include a recommendation for disciplinary action. The written notice will be a permanent record maintained in the individuals employee file for future reference. Included with the written warning may be a recommendation for corrective measures to improve employee performance and recommendation for suspension where appropriate.

The written notice must consist of several critical components including the following: (1) statement of the offense, (2) employee name and District name, (3) statement of the disciplinary action….

What happens is many of these entities will often provide additional financing for various long-term projects that a school district needs. As they can help to offer funding in areas where, we may be seeing tremendous amounts of pressure (due to the lack of available resources). These types of organizations can be used to address some of the medium to long-term issues affecting the school.
For example, suppose that the school district is having trouble finding the money to purchase additional computers. This is because of the various financial challenges over the last few years, with most schools having limits on what they can purchase. A foundation is useful, because they can provide assistance to upgrade the schools computer system. Then, they can offer additional assistance to ensure that we are able to keep up with the changes in technology. This is important, because it is showing how this basic….

school districts should prepare learners for both higher education and professions. This is contrary to the current system where learners enter into educational courses while others join professional programs. n the U.S., a dynamic discussion relating to this issue started towards the end of the last millennium. The discussion carries on even now. Although less people now freely suggest ROP programs and funds should be put back into the school districts to develop technical training, some still claim that career-technical education five should not be involved with preparing learners for college: at least not for universities that grant bachelor's degrees. Many students say they desire to get a bachelor's degree at least. Drawing from the Nationwide Middle for Education Research, 79% of Tenth graders in 2012 said they aspired to own a bachelor's or postgraduate degree.
Parents also emphasize these ambitions. Therefore, students and parents usually avoid school district programs….

school district achievement are correlated with aggregate socio-economic conditions in the community. The impact of socio-economic class on school performance cannot be underestimated. The phenomenon begins as early as kindergarten: "low-SES children begin school at kindergarten in systematically lower-quality elementary schools than their more advantaged counterparts," (Burkham & Lee, 2002). The differences between Shaker Heights and Cleveland are in large part due to their different community demographics. In Shaker Heights, every single school in the district is classified as a low-poverty school. In Cleveland, the reverse is true: all of the schools are classified as high-poverty schools.
The quality of the staff, in terms of their training and educational background, reflects the socio-economic status of the schools in the district. ather than having equal staff, the schools in Shaker Heights and Cleveland have differential staff. This means that the students start out disadvantaged due to their family's low income; and….

Individual Miami School District Negotiation
Quality of education is very important for the children intellectual and social development. Many parents often base their home buying decisions on the quality of schools at the locations of the future houses. Parents need to consider the overall effect of both primary and secondary education of their children since development of mental and habits of children depend on the quality of schools the children receive. High quality education has demonstrated impressive positive effect on children because it has correlative effects on individual success in life. (Magnuson, & Shager 2010). The report made by the First Coast News on 8 January 2008 reveals that Florida schools were ranked 14th nationwide despite their 28th ranking position in the educational spending. The improvement in the educational quality in Florida could be attributed to the system of education put in place, quality of teachers, accountability, and measurement of assessment.….

IV. Solution

KSCD first tried software-based solutions such as Novell's orderManager and SurfControl's Cyber Patrol, but discovered implementation issues, cumbersome processes and time-consuming updates of content filters and blocked sites. Next, KCSD turned to hardware, purchasing 30 Kentrox ServicePoint Service Delivery Units (SDUs) to serve as DSU/CSUs and to provide the ability to monitor and control bandwidth at the application level by setting policies for use. The systems also supply monitoring as well as real-time and historical reporting based on LAN and WAN availability, utilization, service quality, and application performance statistics.

Further, ServicePoint included remote diagnostic and configuration capabilities to eliminate technician visits.

The initial implementation process took about six months and involved using the systems for termination only. Once the final version of the software was in place, Hill and his team observed traffic usage patterns and anomalies. Next, the staff began tweaking bandwidth and providing limitations by protocol. If users complain,….

Finally, you would want to discuss how these changes could affect school officials and their views on such efforts. Once you have spoken with all of the different stakeholders, you would then implement a strategy that will address of all their concerns, by utilizing all the various ideas from all parties. This supports the needs of the school board, by intelligently redrawing the boundaries and taking into account all of the numerous views. At which point, the chances increase that this strategy will be successful, because it addresses the different concerns and helps the school board to achieve it objectives (creating a win -- win situation for all parties).
How do ethics and culture affect your decision?

Ethics will determine how the redistricting experts will approach the issue. Where, they will take steps, towards finding the most agreeable solution for both parties. In this aspect, ethics would affect their decisions and….

The school boards in this case actually tried to argue that they only use things like the webcam as a security measure -- blatantly untrue -- butt the school board members apparently did not understand that there were ethical considerations at play. They should have, and future educators using school-issued laptops need to understand the ethical implications, too.
The threat of misuse does not, ultimately, preclude the use of laptops with webcams in an academic setting. However, knowing how easy it is for people to hack into the laptop and send information back to the school board, it is not unreasonable that people and especially students would be suspicious of this technology in the future. Thus, if schools are going to continue with programs like these, they must build in safeguards. That could mean altering the software and hardware on the computers to accommodate student privacy needs, and it could….

For their own good and that of their classmates, public school children are routinely required to submit to various physical examinations, and to be vaccinated against various diseases." Testing student athletes for drugs was necessary, said Scalia, because of health reasons, much like vaccinations.
Scalia also argued that student athletes have a reduced expectation of privacy, given that they have agreed to participate in a sport. Deterring drug use amongst students, wrote Scalia, was more important than students' constitutional rights. Scalia also found that the method by which the search was conducted, namely that "process of obtaining urine samples under the Policy are negligible, since the conditions of collection are nearly identical to those typically encountered in public restrooms. In addition, the tests look only for standard drugs, not medical conditions, and the results are released to a limited group."

Justice O'Connor, however, dissented, pointing out that non-individuated searches have seldom….

Miami School District Negotiation
The Miami school district, which has announced that due to increases in enrollment that were not expected that the school boundaries for the upcoming year will be redrawn. The school board has hired experts to redraw school boundaries to be submitted for next year. Under this plan, many students will not be able to stay at their present school. Parents are objecting to the school board about the proposed plan on the basis of: (1) educational quality; (2) increases in travel time; (3) crossing economic and cultural boundaries; (4) effect on property values; and (5) social impacts to children. The objective of this work is to develop a plan to address the concerns of stakeholders giving consideration to who the stakeholders in this situation are and what the negotiation strategy should be to support the school board in their redrawing of the boundaries while simultaneously addressing stakeholder….

SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONSCertified in special education, math, reading, and the social sciences, I also offer a background in business administration that can help school administrators to improve their policies and curriculum.EDUCATIONBarry UniversitySpecialist in Education, 2015Specialist in Reading, 2015Florida International UniversityMBA in Business Administration, 2010Florida A&M UniversityBS in Psychology, 2006EXPERIENCERobert Renick Educational Center, Miami Gardens FLSpecial Education, Math TeacherJan 2011-current Liaison between parents, students, and administrators to develop the best Individualized Education Plan for fifty students each year. Continually improving overall student test scores by 10% Successfully training educators in special education techniques for classroom management and IEP development.Miami-Dade County Schools (Various Locations)Substitute TeacherJan 2007-Dec 2010 Assisted salaried teachers in providing seamless education to 100s of students each year, following lesson plans and curricula. Helped two Miami-Dade schools reach their target results in standardized testing.HONORS AND CERTIFICATIONSProfessional teaching certifications:Reading K-12Math 6-12ESE K-12Elementary Education K-6Social Sciences 6-12.

Danville School District ESOL program handbook contains policies and procedures that help English language learners (ELLs) attain English proficiency. The key components of the handbook include 1) the district’s legal obligations to ELLs and their parents, 2) the district’s procedures for identifying, assessing and placing students in ESOL program, 3) the district’s educational approach and curriculum, 4) the district’s methods and procedures for students exiting from ESOL program, and 5) the district’s method of evaluating the effectiveness of the ESOL program (“Danville School District ESOL Program Handbook,”2019). The remainder of this paper elaborates on how the above key components of the handbook are consistent with language policies reviewed in this course. Danville School District legal obligations to ELLs and their parents
Below are some of the legal reasons why the district has an ESOL program.
The Civil Rights of 1964, Title VI
Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits recipients of federal….

Chicago's School Systems
"CPS recommends closure of four underperforming charter schools" is about the recent determination that four charter schools in the Chicago area will be closed. The reason for shutting down these schools is that they are underperforming, and not adequately serving the students that they are supposed to provide a quality education. Specifically, three of the schools -- Amandla Charter High School, Shabazz/Sizemore Academy Elementary School, and Larry Hawkins High School -- were on the Academic Warning List last year. As such, they were tasked with designing and implementing remediation plans to help their students to perform better. A review of those remediation plans, however, determined that they were not sufficiently implemented during the present school year. Subsequently, Chicago Public Schools has decided to revoke the charter for these institutions. The fourth school, Bronzeville Lighthouse Charter Elementary School, will not get its charter renewed because it has failed….

iverview Gardens School District has a 21.43% suspension rate as of 2015 and a total of 750 suspensions. Numbers may be different for the 2016 school year. The St. Louis School District, which encompasses Clayton School District, has a suspension rate of 29.12% with 3,470 total suspensions (Crouch, 2015). The iverview Gardens School District provides education for students living in the surrounding areas of iverview, Neighbors, Bellefontaine, Castle Point, Moline Acres, as well as other areas of Unincorporated St. Louis County. Clayton School District offers a small teacher-staff -- member ratio at the elementary school level up to the high school level with 11:1, 12:1, and 11:1 students per teacher or staff member.
Clayton High School and iverview Garden High School do not have a program for student suspensions, especially in school student suspensions. Neither do they have out of school student suspension programs that may offer chances for students to….

" The Court followed the guidance of the Office of Special Education Programs, since no definition for "private school or facility" within the IDEA or the accompanying regulations existed. It then applied Nevada law to determine eligibility for IDEA-funded services for home schooling. The Nevada law in force at the time defined "private school" in a way that excluded home-education.
iven this finding, the Hooks then argued that Nevada law and the school district policy violated IDEA. The Court offered a statutory analysis of the language "private school or facility" to stress that the "IDEA leaves discretion to the [s]tates." First, it analyzed the usual meaning of the phrase, stating that the plain language "does not require that exempted home education qualify as a 'private school or facility.'" Then it turned to the OSEP interpretation, because it is the agency "charged with implementing and enforcing the IDEA.

It stated that the school….

If you want to find out more information about education management and administration, the best way to do so may be to talk to an educational administrator.  While they are similar to managers and administrators in other fields, there are unique skills needed in an education environment.  Therefore, it should come as no surprise that almost everyone in this field begins as an educator.

Education management and administration deals with handling how the school runs.  Scheduling, determining what classes a school should offer, determining hiring needs, and handling the teachers are all parts of school administration.  One of....

In our opinion, at this time the most pressing challenge faced by school leaders is safely continuing with student education while also managing the risk of disease posed to people by the current COVID-19 pandemic.  Many school districts immediately scrambled to get technology into place to support distance-learning, but quickly found that while the technology is important for delivery of classroom materials, the technology is only a tool in the hands of educators.  Educators need to be able to teach using the technology, and, if they are unable to do so, they put their students at a disadvantage.

Moving forward,....

There are many different topics to select when writing about online education.  You can approach the essay from the point-of-view of an educator or of a student, and you can also look at it by grade level for K-12 students, for classes for undergraduate and graduate students. You can focus on the challenges that people face as remote learners or the benefits of remote learning.  Many people who are looking at online education today also look at the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on remote learning/ online education and how different school districts and educational institutions have....

1. The impact of budget constraints on local government services
2. Dealing with increasing urbanization and the strain on infrastructure
3. Addressing the affordable housing crisis in local communities
4. The role of local governments in promoting sustainability and combating climate change
5. Managing the effects of population growth on local resources and services
6. Balancing the needs of diverse communities within a local government jurisdiction
7. The challenges of maintaining public safety and emergency response in local government settings
8. Ways local governments can address issues of public health and access to healthcare
9. Implementing effective strategies for community engagement and citizen participation in local....

8 Pages
Term Paper


School District Essential Elements of

Words: 2066
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Probationary employees will thus be monitored more stringently than other personnel during the first 3-6 months of their tenure, to ensure compliance with District's goals and objectives. Full term…

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2 Pages


School Districts Have Been Facing

Words: 652
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

What happens is many of these entities will often provide additional financing for various long-term projects that a school district needs. As they can help to offer funding…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


School Districts Should Prepare Learners for Both

Words: 626
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

school districts should prepare learners for both higher education and professions. This is contrary to the current system where learners enter into educational courses while others join professional…

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3 Pages
Reaction Paper


How Do School Districts Differ in Their Student Achievement

Words: 874
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Reaction Paper

school district achievement are correlated with aggregate socio-economic conditions in the community. The impact of socio-economic class on school performance cannot be underestimated. The phenomenon begins as early…

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6 Pages


Individual Miami School District Negotiation Quality of

Words: 1872
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Individual Miami School District Negotiation Quality of education is very important for the children intellectual and social development. Many parents often base their home buying decisions on the quality of…

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3 Pages
Case Study

Education - Computers

Oregon School District This Is

Words: 855
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

IV. Solution KSCD first tried software-based solutions such as Novell's orderManager and SurfControl's Cyber Patrol, but discovered implementation issues, cumbersome processes and time-consuming updates of content filters and blocked sites.…

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4 Pages


Miami School District Negotiation Over

Words: 1413
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Finally, you would want to discuss how these changes could affect school officials and their views on such efforts. Once you have spoken with all of the different…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Webcams for Years School Districts

Words: 1591
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The school boards in this case actually tried to argue that they only use things like the webcam as a security measure -- blatantly untrue -- butt the…

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3 Pages


Veronica School District 47j Petitioner

Words: 958
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

For their own good and that of their classmates, public school children are routinely required to submit to various physical examinations, and to be vaccinated against various diseases."…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Miami School District Negotiation

Words: 1403
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Miami School District Negotiation The Miami school district, which has announced that due to increases in enrollment that were not expected that the school boundaries for the upcoming year will…

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2 Pages


resume for a teacher in'school district

Words: 174
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Resume

SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONSCertified in special education, math, reading, and the social sciences, I also offer a background in business administration that can help school administrators to improve their policies…

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4 Pages


Bilingual Education Handbook Compare and Contrast

Words: 1292
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Danville School District ESOL program handbook contains policies and procedures that help English language learners (ELLs) attain English proficiency. The key components of the handbook include 1) the district’s…

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2 Pages


Schools Districts and Education Boards

Words: 629
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Chicago's School Systems "CPS recommends closure of four underperforming charter schools" is about the recent determination that four charter schools in the Chicago area will be closed. The reason…

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3 Pages
Case Study


School Districts and School

Words: 984
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

iverview Gardens School District has a 21.43% suspension rate as of 2015 and a total of 750 suspensions. Numbers may be different for the 2016 school year. The St.…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Hooks v School District Case

Words: 559
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" The Court followed the guidance of the Office of Special Education Programs, since no definition for "private school or facility" within the IDEA or the accompanying regulations existed.…

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