Socialization Essays (Examples)

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Socialization by the ook And the ed
Sociologists define socialization as "the process by which, through contact with other human beings, one becomes a self-aware, knowledgeable human being, skilled in the ways of a given culture and environment." (Giddens, Duneier, & Appelbaum) There are many ways in which we socialization occurs. Interaction with parents, family, neighbors and community members, teachers and fellow students, and religious leaders all contribute to socialization. Other contributors may include cultural influences such as TV and other media, the influence of a child's native language, religious mores, and various racial, ethnic, or gender messages that arrive from various sources. While psychologists often focus on the influence of early life experiences (such as the relationship between the mother and the infant during breast-feeding and weaning) in socialization, many sociologists tend to focus on broader family and cultural issues.

Certainly for many people, especially those who attend daycare and public….

The teacher can be part of the community that helps to guide the child along in the role of life. It is an important responsibility, but it is just one role to be played. Other members of the community may be equally as responsible, although homeschool moms might beg to differ. One recent study showed that homeschool moms are sometimes fearful about teachers and the community overreaching their boundaries. Concerning homeschool moms, the authors wrote, "they are far too informed to allow their children to participate in the manipulation of numbers as they relate to school performance" (Sanborn, Santos, Montgomery, Caruthers, 2004, pg. 27).

The onslaught of data available through the internet, as well as through other media has informed the latest generation with a relatively large amount of information, more so than at any other time in man's history. Students are more prepared to learn than they were in previous….

review (2008) suggest that professional mentors and role models have a strong influence on the development of professional nurses and that committed, ethical, and empathetic service on the part of those mentors and role models is associated directly with the development of similar approaches on the part of new nurses. That review also indicated that mentors and role models play an important role in helping new nurses form realistic career expectations that minimize dissatisfaction, disillusionment, and diminution of empathy in clinical settings (Murphy, Jones, Edwards, et al., 2008).
The implications of the Price study (2009) suggest that while individuals who choose nursing as a career do exhibit higher levels of empathy and caring as a group than the general population, those qualities are more likely to diminish through the entire course of professional nursing training. This result runs counterintuitive to expectations that professional nursing training would foster those predispositions and….

..that gender differences entry into science and engineering can arise both from differences in the socioeconomic backgrounds of individuals and from differences in access to education." (2001) the following table labeled Figure 1 lists the total number of Ph.D.s in the Labor Force by Sex, Field, and Year of Survey as stated in the work of Long (2001)
Total Number of Ph.D.s in the Labor Force, by Sex, Field, and Year of Survey (Long, 2001)

Engineering Men Women Men Women





Materials Science

Mathematical Sciences Men Women Men Women

Computer Science

Probability & Statistics


Physical Sciences Men Women Men Women






Long (2001) states that evidence exists supporting the idea that inequitable treatment of women in science and engineering is a reality and that the study of Long (2001) accomplished this through: "....citations of historical events and anecdotal accounts. Such information makes it painfully clear that some, and probably many, women faced obstacles that men did not. While stories of….

Piaget stated that he believed some 'primitive' peoples never achieve the final stage of formal operations, reflecting his Eurocentric bias -- and his bias in prioritizing abstraction over concrete reasoning as a theorist. Lawrence Kohlberg has been accused of a similar bias in his conceptualization of moral development. According to Kohlberg, children proceed through a series of six stages in which they first obey out of a fear of punishment, then out of devotion to 'rules,' and only later do they formulate higher ethical principles. In Kohlberg's analysis, at the highest moral level of development, "laws are evaluated in terms of their coherence with basic principles of fairness rather than upheld simply on the basis of their place within an existing social order. Thus, there is an understanding that elements of morality such as regard for life and human welfare transcend particular cultures and societies and are to be upheld….

Socialization Into the Profession
Independent Activity # 2 Socialization

Socialization into the Profession of Nursing

Feng, . & . (2012). Socialization of New Graduate Nurses to Practicing Nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 13(14), 2064-2071.

The purpose of this study was to discover the socialization involvements of new graduate baccalaureate nurses to practicing nurses. According to the article, "Socialization of New Graduate Nurses to Practicing Nurses" by Feng, the way that nurses struggle with the stress of their specialized role has been of interest to both researchers and healthcare administrators over the past 30 years. Work stress of clinical nurses comes mainly from organizational and professional factors. However, few studies have explored the professional and organizational socialization experiences of new graduate nurses. After considering the difficulties in my socialization and into my new role as a N holding a new BSN, it is apparent that the transition needs to be stress free. As stated….

socialization is the process by which we learn to live in a given culture, and the practice of "resocialization."
esocialization." There is something about the term that sounds just a bit "Big Brotherish." While there may be some instances where this practice is valuable, such as in the case of habitual violent criminals, it seems like a practice that should be avoided for most of society. The implications of this process are many. For example, who is ultimately to say that one set of beliefs and values is "wrong" and must be resocialized with a new set of "right" beliefs and values. Who decides what is right and what is wrong? Who has the ultimate power to make those life-changing decisions? The ethics of this practice clearly come into question, as do the methods. How do we judge the effectiveness of this practice, and how do we choose who is….

African-American families are close through many generations and branches of the family tree, often more so than other ethnic and social groups and the proverbs these families share seems to be the twine that binds them together and makes them strong.
In an American society that tends to ignore the influence of elders as they age, it is refreshing to see the important role African-American grandparents play in their family and the transmission of culture, history, and socialization skills. The text notes that grandparents are "the essence of family bonds," and in our country, for a majority of society, that is not always the case. In our mobile society, families draw farther and farther apart, and often, these rich relationships between grandparents and their grandchildren do not take shape. Many ethnic cultures maintain these bonds, creating a tight-knit fabric of family that is much more prone to passing on information,….

socialization agents you selected and explain how these agents influence gender role development across two different cultures. Then, describe two socialization agents that influenced your own gender role development and explain how. Finally, explain how your gender role development might have been affected if you were raised in a different culture.
Culture and gender: The socialization agents of the schools and the popular media

While students may often debate issues related to gender equality in school, schools can also reinforce gender-based stereotypes. Teachers may unintentionally reinforce traditional gender roles by the types of stories they select to read in literature classes; the students they call upon to answer math problems; and the different types of expectations they set for their students. Even within the relatively egalitarian United States, these practices have been observed. In fact, in merica the myth of equality may be far more dangerous in some respects, because of….

While, many of the adults are continuing to cling to the ideas of the past and they are attempting to impose them upon their children. The information from the source that was written by Sherrod, is illustrating the differences in opinions between the various generations. As, the younger generation is more open minded and will look beyond the typical stereotypes. This is significant, because one could argue that the conflict that occurred from Paulus and Thebedi are larger issues surrounding the differences in opinions about the overall role that race is playing within society itself.
Moreover, the woman is Walker's story is an illustration of how racism is used as a tool to be able to maintain the status quo within society. Evidence of this can be seen with observations from Chin (2004), who found that racism is used as a tool to deny particular groups of people access to….

Extended families and the support they provide is essential to the continuation of African-American culture, customs, and heritage, and the mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and nieces of the family, (as the previous article indicated) are often the messengers of these elements of their family's history and preparation for the future.
While many Black parents discuss race with their children, and believe that is an important life lesson for the future, many families do not, as they feel their children will learn this hard lesson on their own, and do not need to make their children feel inferior or lesser than their White counterparts. Others believe if their children do not know about the concept of race and racial inequity, it will not harm them in the future.

Of course, these are all personal parenting choices, and they indicate, that just as in any ethnic group, there are differences in how parents choose….

Socialization Typical socialization agents that most people are exposed to from a young age include family—mother, father, brothers or sisters, grandparents, cousins, uncles, aunts and so on—then there are neighbors, teachers, peers at school. Other socialization agents include people at church, people on the TV that the children watch—even if they are cartoon characters, they still represent a socialization agent in a way. Over time these socialization agents will change. The individual will stop relying so much on family and start focusing more on technology or mass media or peers or school or religion for socialization. Family is probably the most important agent of socialization in the younger stages of development, but once the individual begins to have a sense of independence, that socialization process kicks over into a different direction and the individual wants to be more accepted in other groups than just one’s family. So a church group or….

Feldman Socialization

They will be trained in what the employee needs to know right away. So whether this is certain functional skills or for a low-level retail job it is more likely to learn about the organizational culture, that manager will be able to convey only the needed information during this initial encounter phase.
An important component during the encounter phase is to have a series of seminars over the first few weeks -- perhaps with multiple new employees -- where the employees can receive supplemental training that reinforces what they are learning from their supervisors and from the first trainer. It is also important to have a mentor at this stage. I find that the mentor can be somebody who is in the same position, but who has been around a while and is a good representative. The role of the mentor is just to help the new recruit learn more….

Components of Socialization
Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory consists of five components of socialization. They are the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem and chronosystem. This creative effort attempts to demonstrate each of these components and there effects on an individual in the context of a divorce from the perspective of a child.

Divorce and Collateral Damage

Penny curled up in a ball under the blankets as the angry voices of her parents slipped under the door to her bedroom and attacked her pretty pink ears.

"You're drunk!"

"You're a whore!"

She closed her eyes and covered her ears. The war had been building for as long as the nine-year-old could remember. She suddenly jumped from her bed and ran sobbing into the living room of their middle class suburban home. "Stop!" she sobbed. "Just stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!"

"Screw it," said her father and he walked out the door for the last time.

Divorce was not common among her….

Family, Mass Media and Education as Socialization Factors
A growing body of evidence confirms that agents of socialization play crucial roles in the social development of an individual. Certain agents are identified as being more influential than others, with these agents being responsible for causing the most influence in our lives and playing a major role in the altering of our self-images over the course of our lives. Some of these agents include family (especially parents), schools and peers, work environment, gender and the mass media, among others. The development of a social life and the social relationships of an individual are inextricably related to the influence from these respective agents and how they are manifest in people's day-to-day lives (Henslin, 2013). There are several agents of socialization that have most significantly affected my life, including most especially family, mass media and education. These socialization agents were selected based on….

Sure.  We are happy to provide you links to a few scholarly articles you could use to discuss the benefits of homeschooling. We also want to tell you about a neat research tool on Google that many people do not know exists.  If you go to it narrows down your search results to scholarly articles and books.  It also provides a blurb overview of the resource you are examining and usually links to an abstract in case the blurb is not long enough to let you evaluate whether the source will be useful for your research. ....

In our opinion, at this time the most pressing challenge faced by school leaders is safely continuing with student education while also managing the risk of disease posed to people by the current COVID-19 pandemic.  Many school districts immediately scrambled to get technology into place to support distance-learning, but quickly found that while the technology is important for delivery of classroom materials, the technology is only a tool in the hands of educators.  Educators need to be able to teach using the technology, and, if they are unable to do so, they put their students at a disadvantage.

Moving forward,....

Distance learning is a great topic for a research paper.  Many schools have been moving towards a distance-learning model or at least incorporating distance-learning in their teaching programs.  Of course, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting need for many in-person schools to quickly transition to an online model, distance learning has become even more important.

Distance Learning Essay Outline:

  1. Introduction
    1. Advantages of distance learning
    2. Disadvantages of distance learning
    3. Considerations for educators and students
    4. Thesis Statement
  2. Advantages of distance learning
    1. Accessible to students who cannot be present in brick and mortar school
    2. Can by asynchronous
    3. Flexible for students with special needs
    4. Allows....

4 Pages
Term Paper


Socialization by the Book and the Bed

Words: 1513
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Socialization by the ook And the ed Sociologists define socialization as "the process by which, through contact with other human beings, one becomes a self-aware, knowledgeable human being, skilled in…

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4 Pages


Socialization There Is Likely as

Words: 1204
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

The teacher can be part of the community that helps to guide the child along in the role of life. It is an important responsibility, but it is just…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal

Health - Nursing

Socialization Process and Nursing a

Words: 563
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

review (2008) suggest that professional mentors and role models have a strong influence on the development of professional nurses and that committed, ethical, and empathetic service on the…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Socialization of Girls in the

Words: 2525
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

..that gender differences entry into science and engineering can arise both from differences in the socioeconomic backgrounds of individuals and from differences in access to education." (2001) the following…

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2 Pages


Socialization Freud Piaget Kohlberg Gilligan

Words: 761
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Piaget stated that he believed some 'primitive' peoples never achieve the final stage of formal operations, reflecting his Eurocentric bias -- and his bias in prioritizing abstraction over concrete…

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3 Pages


Socialization Into the Profession of NURSING1

Words: 1617
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Socialization Into the Profession Independent Activity # 2 Socialization Socialization into the Profession of Nursing Feng, . & . (2012). Socialization of New Graduate Nurses to Practicing Nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing,…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Socialization Is the Process by Which We

Words: 731
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

socialization is the process by which we learn to live in a given culture, and the practice of "resocialization." esocialization." There is something about the term that sounds just…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Socialization of Grandchildren Specifically it

Words: 1196
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

African-American families are close through many generations and branches of the family tree, often more so than other ethnic and social groups and the proverbs these families share…

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2 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Socialization Agents You Selected and Explain How

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

socialization agents you selected and explain how these agents influence gender role development across two different cultures. Then, describe two socialization agents that influenced your own gender role…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Socialization Strategies Are Often Influencing

Words: 1056
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

While, many of the adults are continuing to cling to the ideas of the past and they are attempting to impose them upon their children. The information from…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Socialization of Black Children by

Words: 1274
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Extended families and the support they provide is essential to the continuation of African-American culture, customs, and heritage, and the mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and nieces of the family,…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


How Socialization Affects a Person

Words: 606
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Socialization Typical socialization agents that most people are exposed to from a young age include family—mother, father, brothers or sisters, grandparents, cousins, uncles, aunts and so on—then there are neighbors,…

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3 Pages

Business - Management

Feldman Socialization

Words: 929
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

They will be trained in what the employee needs to know right away. So whether this is certain functional skills or for a low-level retail job it is…

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3 Pages


Components of Socialization Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory Consists

Words: 881
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Components of Socialization Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory consists of five components of socialization. They are the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem and chronosystem. This creative effort attempts to demonstrate each of…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Family and Marriage

Family Mass Media and Education as Socialization

Words: 1231
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Family, Mass Media and Education as Socialization Factors A growing body of evidence confirms that agents of socialization play crucial roles in the social development of an individual. Certain…

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