Summer Camp Essays (Examples)

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Summer Camps and Programs in the Development
Pages: 12 Words: 3360

Summer Camps and Programs in the Development of Children
The purpose of this paper is to represent to the reader the importance of organized summer camps and programs in youth development. A special emphasis throughout the paper is placed on the influence of recreation on child development and personal growth.

y defining the effect of the summer camp experience and presenting relevant statistics from reputable opinion leaders, this paper will reveal that summer camp programs play a significant role in the youth development. There are three key development areas discussed in this paper, which include social skills, self-identity, and physical / health.

There are nearly 10,000 camps in the United States accompanying over six million children each summer (National Camp Association). Summer camps have been an American tradition dating back to the early 1900s. The summer curriculum of these camps bring out the excitement of the season, while offering a myriad of…...



Camping gives kids an endless world of good." (Research: Update). (American Camping Associations), by Karla A. Henderson, November 2001.

Outdoor Recreation In America 2000: Addressing Key Societal Concerns, by Roper Starch. Prepared for: The Recreation Roundtable, September 2000.

Youth Development Outcomes of the Camp Experience," A 2001-2003 Research and Training Project of the American Camping Association, October 2001.

Camp Facts," 2001. National Camp Association, Inc., website link online at .

Summer Camp and Children
Pages: 2 Words: 478

Social Services and Government Intervention
The social program that targets children from low income families of interest in this context is the weekend summer camp. This is a program within the township that I hail from. The weekend summer camp is a two day summer program that brings together children from destitute families to be able to be engaged in the summer activities and fun that other children often engage in. it has a well coordinated plan and the children are assisted by volunteers for the two days.

The program runs under the sponsorship of the township dwellers and the local church members who see the worth of the program. A group of volunteers, under an organized coordinator work with the young children to engage in physical activities and interactive activities that are deemed fit for the children. The children often go to different destinations for the two days retreat and the…...



Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services, (2015). Camp Programs.

STEAM Summer Camp Projects
Pages: 6 Words: 1756

STEAM Summer CampProposed Project SummaryThe 2023 STEAM summer camp will be a great opportunity for students to explore the arts and sciences through fun and engaging activities. The camp will provide a supportive and nurturing environment for students to develop their creativity and critical thinking skills. In addition, the camp will give students the opportunity to meet other like-minded individuals and make new friends. The camp will be held from June 12th August 4th, and will be open to students ages 5-14.Programs/ActivitiesOur STEAM summer camp will provide kids with a chance to explore the world of science, technology, engineering, art, and math through a variety of hands-on activities. For example, animal habitat dioramas can teach kids about the different needs of different animals, while also giving them a chance to be creative in designing their own habitats. Making ice cream is a great way to explore the science of…...

Camp Hope From Home Family
Pages: 4 Words: 1131

Children then meet with their devotional groups to discuss how to apply the lesson to their own lives.
While the camp is the main focus of the institution, an extension program for older children of deployed soldiers or those who have died as a result of their deployment is another important feature. This feature presents one-on-one counseling opportunities. The young adults have the opportunity to sit down with Biblical counselors and discuss problems that range from psychological disorders to difficulty connecting with their deployed parent. Although one-on-one counseling is the major component of the extension program, group counseling is also available. Further, the group runs a Bible study once a week that allows young adults to consider their predicaments through a spiritual lens. Knowing that these people are often in college, working, or trying to get their lives on the road, the institution offers some features of the extension program…...

Artek Pioneer Camp the Pioneer
Pages: 6 Words: 2098

But as for the modern version of ARTEK, the writer claims "...the camp has little in common with the ideology that reigned at ARTEK in Soviet times... [and] is similar to boy and girl scout camps in the est."
Indeed, Bransten writes that during the 80th anniversary of ARTEK (August 18, 2005), show business stars like soccer player Andrei Shevchenko and pop music star Ruslana along with movie star (of Ukrainian origin) Milla Jovovich arrived for the celebration. Also attending: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, and Lithuanian President Valdas Adamkus.

Tim Jackson, a British electronics professional and technical programmer visited ARTEK Pioneer Camp in August 1965, when the camp was still under the control of course of the Communist Soviet Union authorities. On his eb site Jackson write poignantly about his stay at ARTEK. He remembers boarding a bus in Simferopol and saying goodbye…...


Works Cited

Berman, Nathan. (1943). The Place of the Child in Present-Day Russia. Social Forces, 21.4,

Bransten, Jeremy. (2005). Ukraine: Artek Celebrates Its 80th Anniversary. Radio Free Europe /

Radio Liberty. Retrieved Feb. 7, 2008, from

Historical Boy's Uniforms. (2001). Individual Pioneer Summer Camps: Artek. Retrieved Feb. 8, 2008 at .

Nazi Concentration and Death Camps
Pages: 25 Words: 8103

The German suffering after the first world war and the humiliation of Germany with other nations gave the Nazis the opportunity to feed hatred of the Jews and at the same time promise that if the People gave in to the Nazi ideology, they would be in the land that would hold them a superior way of life. That the followers of Hitler followed the Ideals as true and that they also created in their own minds the need to eliminate groups of people who disagree like the communists and the Jews was the fundamental cause of the holocaust. Why did it come about? It was argued that while the political climate of the times did not show much promise, Hitler was able to deliver what he promised even if it was based on evil. This gave him ground support. One of the chief supporters of Hitler, and Aman who…...



Abzug, Robert H. 1985. Inside the Vicious Heart: Americans and the Liberation of Nazi

Concentration Camps. Oxford University Press: New York.

Aroneanu, Eugene; Whissen, Thomas. 1996. Inside the Concentration Camps:

Eyewitness Accounts of Life in Hitler's Death Camps. Praeger: Westport, CT.

Indian Camp and The Garden
Pages: 8 Words: 2729

The scene is full of hope and joy, and the use of light helps to illuminate this mood.
Once Laura crosses the road, the scene is described quite differently. At first it is "smoky and dark," however Laura does manage to see in some of the cottages flickers of light in the shadows. These flickers of light represent flickers of hope, but they are far less luminous than those which were presented during the garden party.

"The Indian Camp" also makes use of light and dark imagery as a means of signifying elements of the initiation process. Nick and his father start off their journey in the dark of night, which signifies the lack of knowledge that surrounds Nick, and his blindness to the events that are about to take place in the shanty in the Indian camp. Like Laura's experience in the village, Nick too is able to see specks…...


Works Cited

Hemingway, Ernest. "Indian Camp." Stories of Initiation. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Sprachen GmbH, 2009. 7-12..

Mansfield, Katherine. "The Garden Party." Stories of Initiation. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Sprachen GmbH, 2009. 46-64.

Mordecai, Marcus. "What is an Initiation Story?" Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 19, No. 2 (Winter, 1960), pp. 221-228

Rock Decided to Meet Lucas
Pages: 11 Words: 3404

Miami was where it all happened. I dated then. I guess you could say I had a life. Back then, if I were to be living under any rock, it had to be a very beautiful one, such as limestone, the kind of limestone that grew in small crevices on the road leading up to my grandfather's home on the island. I felt then that Prince Charming would come, eventually and when he did he wasn't going anywhere. After all, I am amazing; he must just not have received the memo quite yet. All of this was in the past and the time was now. I had been through enough doubt and feeling that I was some creature living under a rock. I was going to meet him and this situation would be resolved. Tonight was my coming out from under the rock.

Lucas. His name is Lucas Walker. We are…...

Enviroprop the Following Project Is
Pages: 2 Words: 557

It is therefore quite important to evaluate each experience on its own merits, as well as to how well each experience is integrated into the overall picture. An evaluation form has been developed for each participant as well as the parents of that participant. The evaluation form will be handed out at the end of each of the camps (whether the attendee stayed for a one-week or the full three-week course will be noted) for completion and return to the directors of the camp.
After the evaluation forms have been returned, the responses contained therein will be analyzed and broken down into categories pertaining to each camp experience and how it (they) were perceived by the campers. Follow-up questionnaires can be sent to each participant on a bi-yearly basis in order to gauge what type of long-term effects the camps continue to have on the participants.

The project is proposed to…...

Job Application
Pages: 3 Words: 870

Job Application
Why are you applying for a role in your chosen area? (Demonstrate your suitability for the position(s) sought.)

In September of 2002, I graduated with honors with a degree in Civil Electronic Engineering from the Free University of Brussels (V.U.B). Although I enjoyed studying this discipline and pursuing my degree, I have come to realize that my naturally extroverted personality is far more suited and more fulfilled in the fast-paced world of business and finance. This is why I have decided to apply for an entry-level position for the Financial Management Program (FMP) at General Electric.

I do not only seek an education for myself in my new, chosen field. I also believe that my background has given me, as a person, a good deal that I can offer to GE as a company. A civil electronic engineer, such as myself, is often confronted with highly complex mathematical and IT problems.…...

Accept My Application for Admission
Pages: 1 Words: 347

For 2006 and 2007, I have been accepted into the Explorer Program at Mt. Carmel East Hospital. During this time, I also participated on my high school soccer team. I feel I have experience and enthusiasm to offer the medical program and a degree from your institution would be my stepping-stone into the career I have always seen for myself.
I hope to complete my education as soon as possible and obtain a position in a pediatric facility where I can help other children that suffered as I did when I was young. The nursing staff helped me through that difficult time, and I hope to do the same for other children. I also hope to become involved in some type of pediatric cancer research. I feel I can best accomplish these goals with a degree from your institution, as its reputation for medical education is well-known and respected throughout…...

Leadership Challenge
Pages: 2 Words: 783

person's life experience, there will appear opportunities to step into and fulfill a leadership role in a particular situation. Each person is presented with these chances for leadership, but not every person takes the risk and practices his/her style of leadership. In my life, I have tried not to shy away from opportunities for leadership. While I am comfortable occupying the position of team member, it is important to experience what it is like to be in a leadership role on occasion, at least, if not often. I contend for the importance for people to experience both sides of the team situation, as a leader and not as one. It can help one understand what leadership means and the consequences of leadership. I have often read of quotations regarding how leadership experiences illuminate the quality and quantity of a person's character. Therefore, from this perspective, if a person wants…...

International Regulation of Tourism in Antarctica
Pages: 75 Words: 19613

International egulation of Tourism in Antarctica
Since the mid-1980s, Antarctica has been an increasingly popular tourist destination, despite the relative danger of visiting the largest, least explored -- and arguably least understood -- continent on earth. Beginning with the 1959 treaty establishing Antarctica as an international zone free of claims of sovereignty by nation's that had been instrumental in establishing research stations there, there has been almost constant negotiation about how to administer regulations pertaining to the preservation of life forms on the continent, what those regulations should be, and what sanctions should be applied and by whom.

To understand the depths of the negotiations, and the potential for discord, it is necessary to understand what the continent offer the 65% of global nations that are party to the 1959 and all subsequent treaties. To understand the possible future of Antarctica, it is necessary to outline treaty attempts to minimize commercial interests…...



Antarctica. Siyabona Africa Web site. Retrieved September 28, 2004 at

Chile Web site. Retrieved September 17, 2004 at 

Australia urges regulation as tourism to Antarctica escalates. (2004, March 24) Agence France Presse English. Retrieved September 14, 2004 at .

Bulgaria in Antarctica. Retrieved September 15, 2004 at

Project Management Scope Management Small LAN's Inc
Pages: 10 Words: 2784

Project Management
Scope Management

Small LAN's Inc. installed a Local Area Network at the new Spring Academy Childcare Center. The project came in a few weeks late becaue of a failure in the planning procees and the overall partner's communications. "In directing the intent of the project, the plan must clearly identify the project objectives, goals, and any special influences or constraints on the project scope." (Stuckenbruck, 100) In order to compete in the twenty first century, Small LAN's Inc. turned in a rather low bid to acquire this work and with today's tighter corporate budgets and reduced resources, Spring Academy Childcare Center accepted.

For this particular project, the project scope consisted of Small LAN's Inc. taking the lead in purchasing all necessary equipment and then professionally installing an entire network over the course of twenty three days. The project had a start date of May 17, 2002. The deadline was set because…...


Works Cited

Deal, Terrence E., and Allan A. Kennedy. The New Corporate Cultures: Revitalizing the Workplace After Downsizing, Mergers, and Reengineering. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publishing, 1999.

Kennedy, Allan A. The End of Shareholder Value: Corporations at the Crossroads. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Books, 2000.

Madu, Christian N. Management of New Technologies for Global Competitiveness. Westport: Quorum Books, 1993.

Stuckenbruck, Linn C. The Implementation of Project Management: The Professional's Handbook. Reading: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1981.

SPORT2SPORT Agnecy Analysis Sport 2
Pages: 20 Words: 5224

This aspect is greatly leveraged upon by Sport2Sport as different target populations share their experiences on company's Facebook page. There is also an aspect of quick customer response having the potential of going viral over the internet. This makes companies such as Sport2Sport to focus on customer satisfaction and prompt response. Although it may seem untraditional not to focus on traditional advertising and marketing mediums, the paradigm shift in approach to marketing and advertisement has led this agency to effectively spend their marketing budget on online campaigns and maintenance of web-presence.
IV- Organizational structure

Better Business Bureau (BBB) has reported that Sport2Sport is a limited liability company (LLC) with its current rating at A-. The highest possible rating that an agency can get with BBB is A+ (BBB Business eview, 2013). The length of time that the firm is in business is the only potentially negative factor reported by the BBB.…...



Annual Report. (2013). Sport2Sport Limited Liability Company Annual Report. DEPARTMNET of the SECRETARY of STATE, North Carolina NC. Retrieved from: [ ]

BBB Business Review. (2013). Better Business Bureau: Business Review Sport2Sport LLC. Retrieved from: [ ]

CNN Money. (2012). Best Places to Live. Retrieved from: ( n.d). Sport2Sport. Retrieved from: [ ]

How does attending a summer sleep-away camp as a child shape one\'s overall development and well-being, ultimately influencing their thesis on the benefits of such experiences?
Words: 215

Attending a summer sleep-away camp as a child is ultimately a positive experience due to the opportunities for personal growth, fostering of independence, and development of lasting friendships that it provides, outweighing any potential drawbacks. This experience can shape one's overall development and well-being in a multitude of ways. By being away from home, children learn to adapt to new environments, become more self-reliant, and develop problem-solving skills. They also have the opportunity to engage in new activities and challenges, which can help build confidence and a sense of accomplishment.

Furthermore, the friendships formed at summer camps can be incredibly impactful. These....

How does attending a summer sleep-away camp as a child shape one\'s overall development and well-being, ultimately influencing their thesis on the benefits of such experiences?
Words: 497

Summer sleep-away camp experiences during childhood hold transformative power, shaping individuals' overall development and well-being in myriad ways. These immersive environments foster independence, social skills, personal growth, and a profound appreciation for nature, laying a foundation that influences their perspectives and outlooks later in life.

Independence and Self-Reliance

At camp, children are thrust into a setting where they are expected to manage their daily routines and responsibilities independently. They learn to make their beds, pack their belongings, and adhere to schedules without parental supervision. This newfound autonomy cultivates a sense of self-reliance and prepares them for future challenges.

Social Development and Teamwork

Camp provides....

What are the most in-demand part-time jobs for students?
Words: 436

Most In-Demand Part-Time Jobs for Students

Balancing academic responsibilities with earning an income can be challenging for students. However, numerous part-time job opportunities align with students' schedules and provide valuable experience and financial support. Here are some of the most in-demand part-time jobs for students:

1. Retail Sales Associate:

- Assisting customers with purchases, providing product information, and maintaining store displays
- Flexible hours and potential for discounts on merchandise

2. Customer Service Representative:

- Answering phone calls, responding to email inquiries, and resolving customer issues
- Requires excellent communication and interpersonal skills

3. Food Service Worker:

- Preparing and serving food, taking orders, and maintaining cleanliness in restaurants....

How did attending Horse Haven Ranch summer camp change my career path at 11?
Words: 753

1. Attending Horse Haven Ranch summer camp at 11 changed my career path by introducing me to the world of horses and igniting a passion for equine-related professions.

2. The hands-on experience and education I received at the camp instilled a sense of confidence and knowledge about horse care, which ultimately shaped my desire to pursue a career in the equine industry.

3. Through interactions with experienced professionals at the camp, I was able to explore different career options within the equine field and gained valuable insights that guided my future educational and career decisions.

4. The connections and relationships....

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