Super Bowl Essays (Examples)

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Super Bowl Case Study With the Declining
Pages: 4 Words: 1276

Super Bowl Case Study
With the declining power and reach of traditional marketing media due to technological developments, growing competition and diversification of media channels, the main issue for the Super Bowl is to tap into the potential of word of mouth and buzz marketing to attract advertisements for its commercial profitability. With the decline in popularity of televised sporting events such as the Winter Olympics 2006, the Super Bowl needs to develop innovative marketing strategies to maintain its relevance in the mind of the consumer and marketer.

The Super Bowl is the most widely watched television event in the United States watched by more than 100 million national viewers and 1 billion worldwide. This provides an attractive opportunity for marketers to advertise their products. Because of the strategic value of advertisements spots during the Super Bowl, the advertisements are produced lavishly and possess entertainment value, so much so that 35% of…...



Hung, K., Li, S.Y., & Tse, D.K. (2011). Interpersonal Trust and Platform Credibility in a Chinese Multibrand Online Community. Journal of Advertising, 40(3), 99-112. doi: 10.2753/JOA0091-3367400308.

Kozinets, R.V., de Valck, K., Wojnicki, A.C., & Wilner, S.J.S. (2010). Networked narratives: Understanding Word-of-Mouth Marketing in Online Communities. Journal of Marketing, 74, 71-89. doi: 10.1509/jmkg.74.2.71.

Kumar, A., & Sharma, R. (1998). Marketing Management. Atlantic Publishers.

Lamb, C.W., Hair, J.F., & McDaniel, C. (2012). Essentials of Marketing. Cengage Learning.

Super Bowl Ads as Michman
Pages: 4 Words: 1263

Men in this target market group are concerned about their masculinity and therefore more prone to buy objects that make them feel manlier. If a car promises to mitigate the feminizing effect of being in a committed relationship or in any job that does not involve the demolition derby, then that car might be worth buying. An advertisement like the 2010 Chrysler-Dodge Charger one therefore illustrates well the concepts of target market and predicting consumer behavior.
It is interesting to compare the 2010 Chrysler-Dodge advertisement with the 2011 Chrysler advertisement that aired during the Super Bowl. Although the 2011 advertisement is not for a specific brand of automobile like the Charger, it is nevertheless the same company. In 2011, the advertisement shifts from being puerile as it was in 2010 to being highly sophisticated and well directed. A celebrity endorsement is used, again one that appeals to the target market…...



Kotler, P. & Armstrong, G. (2009). Principles of Marketing (13th Edition). Prentice Hall.

Michman, R.D., Mazze, E.M., Greco, a.J. (2003). Lifestyle Marketing: Reaching the New American Consumer. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Perner, L. (2010). Consumer behavior: The psychology of marketing. USC Marshall. Retrieved online:

1st Super Bowl
Pages: 7 Words: 1746

Super owl I - Defining a Tradition by Defying Tradition
Super owl XXXVII saw the Tampa ay uccaneers win their first Super owl in the history of their franchise. A franchise that was considered the laughing-stock of the NFL during their tumultuous beginnings where every record they had was a losing one (History, 2003). It's fitting in a way, considering the rise of the Super owl came from similar beginnings that the uccaneers won with the force that defines a NFL team, beating Oakland Raiders 48-21.

After all, the first Super owl, played in 1967, found Green ay giving Kansas City a similar thrashing (35-10) amidst skepticism on how successful the AFL would become. To understand the birth of the Super owl, one has to step back in time a bit and rediscover how the AFL came to be.

You could compare the birth of the AFL to the birth of the United…...



Super Bowl History

NFL Online, 2003. 

NFL History Chronology 1961-1970"

NFL History Chronology 1951-1960"

Analyzing the Super Bowl
Pages: 6 Words: 1886

Super Bowl is one of the biggest sporting events of the year. In 2014, it was played on February 2nd between the Seattle Seahawks and the Denver Broncos. hile how the game is played and who wins is very important, there is more to the issue. For example, a large part of the Super Bowl is the media coverage it receives. ith the popularity of the internet, and especially the popularity of micro-blogging sites like Twitter, people who could not be at the game and who do not even own a television (or were not able to watch the game on television) could keep up with all the game had to offer.
Many people watched the game on television, read about it online through fan sites and other outlets, and also followed what was taking place through the #SB48 hashtag on Twitter. Team hashtags were also popular, because they provided even…...


Works Cited

Beech, John, & Chadwick, Simon. The marketing of Sport. Prentice Hall and Financial Times. 2006. Print.

Kotler, Philip & Keller, L. Kevin. Marketing Management 14e. Pearson Education Limited. 2012. Print.

Seattle Seahawks.   2014. Web. .

Diversity of Super Bowl Advertisements
Pages: 2 Words: 797

Superbowl Advertisements
The diversity of super bowl advertisements

Superbowl advertisements: National vs. international audiences

Despite the fact that two urban teams were playing in the 2013 Superbowl, the two most talked-about advertisements featured scenes of classic, American rural life. "God made a farmer" was an advertisement crafted for Dodge AM trucks to celebrate farming culture and generate interest in the vehicles. The life of the American farmer has often been idealized. The advertisement featured artistic, still photographs of American family farmers with a voice-over of excerpts of a speech made to the Future Farmers of America by conservative broadcaster Paul Harvey (Godoy 2012). Only at the very end of the advertisement did its purpose become clear, when the large, Dodge truck was displayed in silence. The other farm-related advertisement was the Budweiser beer commercial that featured a farmer who had raised a Clydesdale foal for the famous Budweiser Company. At the end, the…...



Godoy, Maria. (2013). God made a farmer and the Superbowl made him a star. NPR.


Horowitz, Bruce. 'Gangnam' style Psy to star in Superbowl ad. USA Today. Retrieved:

Dylan Commercial the Super Bowl Provides the
Pages: 2 Words: 578

Dylan Commercial
The Super Bowl provides the advertising industry its largest audience possible as millions flock to their television sets to intake the game and the commercials. As a result, this platform is used by advertising agencies to promote their biggest projects. The purpose of this essay is to critique the Bob Dylan Chrysler commercial which debuted on the 2014 Super Bowl telecast in recent weeks. This essay will discuss this advertisement and its contents by describing how the piece elicits certain emotions and inserts slick propaganda. The essay will also remark on the sad state of affairs of Bob Dylan and his prostitution of his image for this seemingly worthless cause.

As Bob Dylan talks over a piece of horned music, expressing his love for all things America, he is stepping out of his reclusive and boorish self to promote Chrysler autos to the car buying audience of the telecast. The…...



Dylan Chrysler Commerical (2014). Watched on YouTube 18 Feb 2014. Retrieved from

Best Superbowl Commercial of 2014 Tim Tebow T-Mobile Advertisement
Pages: 2 Words: 628

In contrast, the Tebow ad was designed to appeal to younger consumers with a hip attitude -- people who are likely to be hungry for the best cellphone deal they could possibly find. Although the conceit of the advertisement was clever, its message was also clear -- that not having to have a cellphone contract is liberating.
In the advertisement, Tebow is shown doing all the things he can do without an NFL contract: being a doctor, a comedian, a chess master, a bronco rider, etcetera. The images are funny and absurd as but also create a memorable impression in the mind of the viewers that T-Mobile is a company with both a practical plan and an ethos that suits their sensibilities. The advertisement concludes with Tebow making world peace at the UN and being an astronaut. The advertisement was unexpected and slightly surreal, which further contributed to it being…...


Works Cited

"Tim Tebow shows his wild side in a Superbowl ad." ABC News. 31 Jan 2014. 30 Apr 2014.

Super Bowl Ads Super Bowl
Pages: 1 Words: 303

" in the way same the bull effortless smashes through a wooden fence to be with their friend. All; powerful images of friendship associated with the Anheuser-Busch brand.
he second commercial of Parisian Love is one that shows the bewildering and often confusing culture shock of an American student in Paris. he rapid-fire images of queries shows how a romance moves from being casual to being more anchored in commitment, then on to starting a family in France. It is a progression many can identify with and Google successfully shows how their search engine is a useful in creating not only a roadmap to gain greater insights into a new culture but how to navigate a romantic relationship that successfully transitions to marriage. he implicit message is that Google is the lifelong partner anyone can count on to move through…...


The two best SuperBowl 2010 commercials were the Anheuser-Busch Clydesdale Friend and the Google Parisian Love as they both showed how powerful emotions can be quickly and very clearly associated with brands. The Anheuser-Busch commercial showed how powerful friendships are, even when friends have not seen each other in years. The Google Parisian Love shows how the search engine can help to navigate an entirely different and often confusing culture for an English-speaking student traveler.

Beginning with the Anheuser-Busch Clydesdale Friend commercial, the essence of any effective branding and messaging strategy is to infuse emotion with the experience of consuming the product or service. Clearly Anheuser-Busch understands it is not the taste of their beer that matters most; it is the opportunity of consuming it with friends to strengthen friendships. The commercial brings to mind the term the very best friends use to capture their loyalty with is "I would run through a brick wall for them." Tin the way same the bull effortless smashes through a wooden fence to be with their friend. All; powerful images of friendship associated with the Anheuser-Busch brand.

The second commercial of Parisian Love is one that shows the bewildering and often confusing culture shock of an American student in Paris. The rapid-fire images of queries shows how a romance moves from being casual to being more anchored in commitment, then on to starting a family in France. It is a progression many can identify with and Google successfully shows how their search engine is a useful in creating not only a roadmap to gain greater insights into a new culture but how to navigate a romantic relationship that successfully transitions to marriage. The implicit message is that Google is the lifelong partner anyone can count on to move through life's stages.

Ad From the 2011 Super
Pages: 2 Words: 973

This leads to psychological tactics being used between owners and customers. During the slowing economy, everyone wants to earn more and save more. Owners should take care to make the customers feel that they are valuable and that the services owners provide are wanted so that customers are willing to go out to eat and spend money. The rising cost of food can destroy a business if not properly handled.
Businesses can do promotions in order to encourage customers. For example, if a customer spends $10, they get $1 off coupon for the next time. When they come in next time, it is helping to encourage a next time. Customers come again because they want to save money and the customer helps them do that. Another way is to run promotions around holidays and have discounted meals or specials. They could do this on days like Valentine's Day or Christmas.…...

Social Media Engagement
Pages: 4 Words: 1325

super bowl commercials that came out this year and how they targeted different genders. It discusses the role of social media like twitter and websites in speaking out against these ads and criticizing them. The paper lays emphasis on how many companies target certain genders or stereotypes and eventually go on to incur a lot of damage due to the inappropriate advertisements.
The Go daddy commercial was yet another sexist addition to the super bowl line of commercials. Even though the add did manage to get the domain name a lot of business the next day, over all the company incurred a loss of more than seven million dollars for making the commercial (Grinberg, 2013) Surely enough, everyone is used to seeing the sexist commercials every now and then. Sexism and objectifying women has long been used as a media tactic. Apart from objectifying women, gender stereotyping and allotting certain…...



Grinberg, Emanuella. "Sexist Super Bowl Ads? #Notbuyingit, Some Say." 2013. Web. 20 Feb 2013. .

Jenkins, Henry. Spreadable Media. New York: NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2013. Print.

London, Bianca. "Harrods Forced To Apologise And Remove 'Non Gender-Neutral' Books After Twitter Users Scorn Luxury Department Store." Mail Online. 8th February. 2013. Web. 20th January 2013. [ Http://Www.Dailymail.Co.Uk/Femail/Article-2275678/Harrods-Forced-Apologise-Remove-Non-Gender-Neutral-Books-Twitter-Users-Blast-Luxury-Department-Store.Html#Ixzz2kky20s7d ].

Advertisement IT's Halftime in America
Pages: 3 Words: 932

his is because of the fact that Chrysler is now getting back its success, as well as because of the fact that the company now is becoming more and more known worldwide. he utilization of Clint Eastwood was also a stroke of genius. His voice is not only well-known but also authoritative and emotional in a way that only adds credibility to the brand.
he ethos here is thus found on two fronts: the subject of the commercial as well as the way in which it is delivered by Eastwood. When he speaks about Detroit, Eastwood utilizes personal as well-known anecdotes that the country can recognize and that can rally it towards a common goal. In fact, the word 'rally' and the phrase 'acted as one' is utilized many times, as Eastwood stresses, time and again his faith in the strength of the country, as well as its ability to…...


The commercial, in my view, is quite successful. This is because it makes use of fantastic appeals processes, especially pathos and ethos. Eastwood's voice also contributes to this feeling, as it is the perfect voice to deliver a message of hope and of togetherness. One needs only watch this ad to feel truly that Chrysler can come back, and can make a difference in America. And one can also feel that the overall message of hope will truly be true, as America will get back on its feet and will truly overcome the current economic crisis.

The advertisement analyzed here can be found at the following link:

Marketing and Advertising Marketing & Advertising 01
Pages: 2 Words: 724

Marketing and Advertising
Marketing & Advertising

(01) uper Bowl commercials cost millions of dollars (as an example, companies paid an average of $2.6 million for 30 seconds of airtime in uper Bowl XLIV for the chance to reach a projected audience of 90 million viewers worldwide). Go to this site to view the latest uper Bowl ads. Identify which ad you believe was the most effective for domestic and international markets and why.

The advertisement that I believe has the most appeal to domestic markets is the Chrysler Commercial titled "Its Halftime in America." If effectiveness is defined as the ability to cause the consumer to remember the commercial, to encourage the customer to be engaged with the brand, to bring about a positive customer attitude toward the brand, and to tip the consumer toward converting those feelings and perceptions about the brand into a purchase of the product, then this commercial is…...



Statement of Ethics. (2012). American Marketing Association. Retrieved

Corporate Social Marketing. Interlex (2012). Retrieved 

Artic Home Commercial Retrieved

DRNC Forensics Workgroup Planning
Pages: 4 Words: 1261

DNC Forensics Workgroup Planning
It is the duty of this committee to set up sufficient security and forensic measures, while still ensuring "that the event continues safely and at the same time respect Constitutional rights, including freedom of speech and assembly" (Connors, 2007). Because of the highly controversy own nature of politics in the United States today, this will be a calculated effort. Undoubtedly, there will be issues with law enforcement dealing with protesters. The forensics task force must then be fully equipped to investigate any crimes committed sufficiently to produce evidence that can convict individuals later in a court of law.

To get started, it is important to understand what agencies are per feeding and how they will need to contribute their services at the time of the event. For planning purposes, it is important to set these responsibilities as early as possible to ensure that those responsible for early action…...



Backus, W.D., & Chapian, M. (2000). Telling yourself the truth (20th ed.). Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers.

Adams, J.E. (1986). How to help people change. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House.

Bob Hayes -- Sports Hero One of
Pages: 3 Words: 1071

Bob Hayes -- Sports Hero
One of my all-time inspirational heroes is Bob Hayes, known as the only athlete to win a gold medal in the Olympics and also a Super Bowl ring. Hayes as a young man with a great deal of athletic talent grew up in a segregated community in Jacksonville, Florida, but he went on to dazzle the world with his accomplishments. This paper details that rise to fame.

Bob Hayes struggled from childhood on to become what he knew he could become, and his career should serve as a positive role model for any young man caught in a socioeconomically underserved neighborhood with odds against him because of the color of his skin and because of racial stereotyping.

Bob Hayes' Life and Times

Hayes was born to Mary (Green) Hayes and George Sanders on the 20th day of December, 1942 in a ghetto on the east side of Jacksonville, Florida.…...


Works Cited

Gale Biography in Context. "Bob Hayes." Retrieved July 29, 2013, from Biography in Context,

Web. (2013): pp. 1-2.

Pro-Football Hall of Fame. "Bob Hayes." Retrieved July 29, 2013, from 

Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives. "Bob Hayes." Retrieved July 29, 2013, from Biography in Context (2013): pp. 1-3.

Weathertech Company
Pages: 2 Words: 515

Acquiring WeatherTech
WeatherTech is a strong American company with obvious potential for tremendous growth in one of the strongest sectors of the American consumer market: namely, automotive products. More specifically, WeatherTech would be a safe investment for the following reasons:

The company simultaneously caters to one of the strongest consumer markets but is less directly susceptible to economic downturns than are companies that actually manufacture and sell automobiles. pecifically, the American automobile manufacturing sector has traditionally been one of the strongest sectors in American business. Nevertheless, as became apparent during the recent economic recession, consumer spending on automobiles is susceptible to macro-economic variables and fluctuation in the strength of the national economy. Because the company does not actually manufacture automobiles but produces products that are in demand by both new truck purchasers and consumers wishing to extend the working life and quality of their older trucks, the company is much less…...


Source Consulted

WeatherTech. (2014). Homepage. Retrieved online:

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