The Pearl Essays (Examples)

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Analyzing Essay Question the Pearl
Pages: 2 Words: 659

John Steinbeck, a talented enaissance man and genius, is the writer of The Pearl, which was published in the year 1947. The book is grounded in legend: the author was first introduced to the tale of pearls when gathering specimens of marine biology in the year 1940 from the Gulf of California (or Sea of Cortes). Steinbeck was famous for his remarkable and fascinating activities, such as gathering specimens of marine biology from the Gulf of California. At first, he desired to portray his tale in the form of a movie; however, he ended up portraying it in the form of a short novel, to the great fortune of the literary world. The story serves as a moral tale on evil and avarice, narrating a simple account to convey a great old message (Schmoop, 2016).

The uncomplicated, touching tale of Steinbeck's was published initially in the year 1945, in the American…...



Schmoop. (2016, January 4). The Pearl. Retrieved from Schmoop University: 

Sparknotes. (2016, January 4). The Pearl By John Steinbeck. Retrieved from Sparknotes:

Steinbeck the Pearl
Pages: 6 Words: 1534

Pearl, by John Steinbeck, has been noted as one of the most highly regarded novels in United States since World War . ts appealing characters and obvious allegory have helped to make it a mainstay in American literature.
A parable is a short work, usually fictitious, that illustrates a lesson, often on the subject of good and evil and the novel reads like a one; rich in religious overtones of temptation and greed. This is reminiscent of the New Testament, where many of Christ's lessons are told in parable form. The biblical tone is underscored by Steinbeck's mention in the preface of the struggle between good and evil. Also, like the Bible (and traditional folktales), The Pearl contains little dialogue. The characters speak infrequently, but their thoughts and feelings are made clear through Steinbeck's powerful descriptions. He excelled at selecting the exact word and correct turn of phrase- and his…...


In the original story on which Steinbeck based his own, the fisher sees the pearl as a means of saving his soul through the purchase of Roman Catholic masses "sufficient to pop him out of Purgatory like a squeezed watermelon seed." (Purgatory, in Catholicism, is the temporary place or condition where the repentant sinner is absolved after death, and where mortal sins are punished before the soul can attain salvation.) When the fisher decides to throw the pearl back, he feels like a "free man" despite the insecurity of both his soul and his future.

In the novel, Kino says that the pearl has become his soul. This closely echoes the Gospel According to Matthew in the New Testament, in which the Kingdom of Heaven is compared to a "pearl of great price." The pearl is seen as a symbol of salvation.

Steinbeck did not publish a novel again after winning the Nobel Prize, and died in New York on December 20, 1968. In his writing, he had deeply affected the conscience of Americans by forcing them to look at their most vulnerable and oppressed citizens. He made readers feel troubled, but he also made them remember their dreams and their belief in humanity.

Pearl Gibbs Pearl Mary Gambanyi Gibbs 1901-1983
Pages: 7 Words: 2326

Pearl Gibbs
Pearl Mary (Gambanyi) Gibbs (1901-1983) was one of the major political activists supporting Aboriginal rights in Australia from the 1920s all the way to the 1970s. The highlights of her work include organizing the key -- pickers strike in 1933, being involved in organizing the Day of Mourning in 1938, speaking for the Committee for Aboriginal Citizen ights, calling for Aboriginal representation on the New South Wales board, being the organizing secretary for the new Melbourne-based Council for Aboriginal ights, establishing the Australian Aboriginal Fellowship in 1956, being the first and only female member of the NSW Aboriginal Welfare Board in 1954, and establishing the Australian Aboriginal Fellowship in 1956 (Gilbert, 1983; Goodall, 1983; Goodall, 1988; Horner, 1983). This list of accomplishments is just a scratch on the surface of the life of this amazing political activist and leader. Her activism for the rights of Indigenous peoples was only…...



Attwood, B. (2003). Rights for Aborigines. Sydney: Allen and Unwin.

Attwood, B. & Magowan, F. (2001).Telling stories: Indigenous history and memory in Australia and New Zealand. Sydney: Allen and Unwin.

Celermajer, D. (April 22, 2005). The stolen generation: Aboriginal children In Australia human rights dialogue: "Cultural rights." In Carnegie Council for Ethics and International Affairs. Retrieved November 3, 2012, from

Commonwealth of Australia (2012). Recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in the Constitution: Report of the Expert Panel. Retrieved November 3, 2012 from

Pearl Jam's Do the Evolution Is a
Pages: 3 Words: 1114

Pearl Jam's "Do the Evolution" is a modern take on the evolution of mankind. ritten from a social perspective, the song critiques the conceit that humans are somehow "superior" because they are the most highly evolved, or complex organism on Earth. The complete lyrics for Do the Evolution are listed at the end of this essay.
Pearl Jam's frontman, Eddie Venter, has quickly become the musical voice of Generation X His lyrics are almost always insightful and provocative, and often address important social issues. Do the Evolution is no exception to the rule, as Venter delivers a topical and pointed commentary on current status of what is arguably the most highly evolved animal on the planet: human beings.

From a purely scientific perspective, the process of evolution is simply change over time. Darwin sought to explain the process of evolution by putting forward the theory of evolution by natural selection. Darwin's highly…...


Works Cited

The Pearl Jam Network. 13 May 2002. 

Darwin, Charles On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or, The preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London; Toronto: H. Frowde, Oxford University Press, 1907.

Dawkins, Richard. The Blind watchmaker. New York: Norton, 1986.

Pearl Buck and Rudyard Kipling
Pages: 7 Words: 2365

Fascination with the East: A Realistic Look

Both Rudyard Kipling and Pearl Buck provided their readers with a realistic view of life in the East. Kipling’s Kim was a detailed account of the variety of life in India at the end of the 19th century. Buck’s The Good Earth, chronicled the lives of a peasant family in China as it dealt with the challenges and obstacles of famine, poverty, and oppression. Both authors were very successful in conveying the problems of everyday life in the East to Western readers: each work was hugely popular and captured the imagination of the West by supplying vivid details and characterization through a realistic lens—a lens that only could have been supplied by an author who had personally been there and seen first-hand how life was led in China and India. For that reason, Kim and Buck were able to convey a real sense of…...

Chaucer and Pearl Poet
Pages: 8 Words: 2192

Indeed, few figures are more dominant in any era of literature in any language or cultural tradition, than both Chaucer and the Pearl-Poet are in the way that they tower over the rest of Middle English literature in terms of having crated the most imposing, lasting, and resounding works of literature associated with that time period and that stage of the development of the English language. Indeed, both Chaucer's and the Pearl-Poet's works are indubitably some of the most important and lasting of any works in English literature and without their contributions to the early development of literary style in English, it is difficult to imagine the stage having been properly set for any of the later greats of Modern English, from Shakespeare on down to Joyce. Indeed, for the very fact that their works was so unbelievably influential in even setting the tone for the sort of literature that…...



Chaucer. Canterbury Tales. Retrieved Decmeber 5, 2003, at 


The Pearl." Retrieved December 5, 2003, at   mixed?id=AnoPear&tag=public&images=images/mideng&data=/lv1/Archive/mideng-parsed. -

Intelligence Pearl Harbor Final Judgement
Pages: 1 Words: 345

Short to military dances. The book is riddled with anecdotes such as these that indicate the military was ill prepared for a surprise attack, and in fact were arrogant in their ignorance.
In fact, Clausen's investigation showed the American military knew Japanese codes but ignored them in seeking intelligence; the agencies were unprepared for war or a surprise attack. As the author notes, "Although vested with high commands and responsibilities, they were surprised by the attack. They were unprepared for war. Thus, they were really guilty of criminal neglect of duty" (Clausen & Lee, 1992, p. 228). There was little joint action between the services during and after the attack, and that had a midnight message been decoded, it might have prevented the attack. In short, Pearl Harbor was a series of bungles that resulted in the most horrific naval losses the U.S. has ever endured.


Clausen, H.C. And Lee, B.…...



Clausen, H.C. And Lee, B. (1992). Pearl Harbor: Final Judgement. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc.

Earth Pearl S Buck's Masterpiece
Pages: 4 Words: 1355

Accordingly, ang Lung is overjoyed when he learns that his first child is a son, and he and O-lan attempt to fool any contemptuous spirits into thinking that the child is an undesirable girl: "hat a foolish thing he was doing, walking like this under an open sky, with a beautiful man child for any evil spirit passing by chance through the air to see!... 'hat a pity our child is a female whom no one could want and covered with small pox as well! Let us pray it must die,'" (Buck 54). This is why, when their second child is born a female O-lan says, "It is over once more. It is only a slave this time -- not worth mentioning," (Buck 67). This birth suggests to ang Lung that he is beginning to be cursed by bad luck (Buck 68).
hen the couple's third child is born, also…...


Works Cited

Buck, Pearl S. The Good Earth. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1933.

Family Depicted in Pearl Buck's
Pages: 2 Words: 620

Here we see how ang Lung likes to control different aspects of his household, including his children.
ang Lung's relationship with his daughters represents how individuals can have different attitudes toward men and women. omen are generally very quiet and they are treated more like objects as they are traded and sold for marriage. One of the most powerful scenes in the novel occurs after O-Lan kills her daughter just after giving birth to her. ang Lung realizes that O-Lan killed the child and after he removes the dead baby from his house, he realizes O-Lan was right and thinks, "It is better as it is" (59). Here we see how he realizes O-Lan was right. At the end of the novel, he asks Pear Blossom to poison his "poor fool" (253) of a daughter because there is no hope for her having a decent future. Here we see how…...


Works Cited

Buck, Pearl. The Good Earth. New York: Pocket Books. 1975.

Filipino Culture Pearl of the
Pages: 8 Words: 2344

Guests are also served with sticky rice with coconut milk and sugar cane syrup, altogether wrapped in banana leaves. Especially grown glutinous rice with sugar is served as the traditional dessert in these special occasions. Filipino men love to drink gin and beer and eat balut, which is duck egg hardboiled with the embryo intact. Dog meat is another delicacy eaten by the men (aringer).
Filipinos have also adopted foreign cuisines, including Spanish food, Chinese food, American food and Indian food (ruce, 2011). esides imported cuisines, the different regions and provinces have their own distinct dishes for which they are known. Their vegetables are often mixed with seafood or meat or with whatever can garnish the dish. They also prepare mixed dishes like minced pork with fowl and seafood. They use seasonings on dishes, particularly the very famous patis, herring or bagoong and soy sauce (ruce).

Modern Dating among Filipinos

Dating among…...



Baringer, S. (2011). The Philippines. Countries and their culture. Don Herrington.

Retrieved on February 28, 2011 from

Borlongan, J. (2007). Filipino culture: hospitable, humble and honorable. Yahoo! News

Network: Yahoo! Inc. Retrieved on February 28, 2011 from

Arthurian Literature
Pages: 15 Words: 5193

Pearl Poet's Sir Gawain
The Arthurian Legends are one of the most mysterious of Middle English literature. For many years historians have tried to match King Arthur to one of the Early Kings of Britain, however, all attempts have met without success. It is now generally accepted that King Arthur and the other Knights of the Round table represent a composite of the behaviors and attitudes of people of that time period. The same can be said of the character of Sir Gawain in "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight." As social attitudes changed, so do the ideal characteristics that exemplify virtue and purity. The character Sir Gawain appears in many versions of the Arthurian Legends. The characteristics and attitudes of Sir Gawain seem to shoe a shift over time. The most widely accepted version of the character of Sir Gawain is the version that is attributed to the poet known…...


Works Cited

Abrams, M.H. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. New York W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1993.

Andrew, Malcolm, and Ronald Waldron, eds. The Poems of the Pearl Manuscript. 2d ed.

London: Arnold, 1982; Gordon, E.V., ed. Pearl. Oxford: Clarendon, 1953.

Bishop, Ian. Pearl in Its Setting- A Critical Study of the Structure and Meaning of the Middle English Poem. Oxford: Blackwell, 1968

Anne Hutchinson as the Foundress
Pages: 2 Words: 712

The Widow and Miss Watson see nothing wrong with slavery in modern society, while Huck actually takes actions to end slavery by leading Jim to freedom and treating Jim like a human being.
6. "To be or not to be, that is the bare bodkin."

Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Signet, 2002, p. 143.

The Shakespearean 'actors' Jim and Huck befriend are really charlatans, despite their pretence of learning. They cannot even quote William Shakespeare's Hamlet in his "To be or not to be" soliloquy correctly.

7. "He says anyone who doesn't understand the theorems of Euclid is an idiot."

McCourt, Frank. Angela's Ashes. New York: Scribner, 1999, p.151.

The references to Euclid show the disparity between what is taught in Frank's school by an ambitious teacher and the poverty and ignorance of the rest of the boy's life. It also shows the narrow-mindedness of the principal, who is horrified that young boys…...

Alex King Case Alex Should
Pages: 4 Words: 1241

Right now, long wait times are being reported despite the fact that the crew has the capacity to load and unload twenty trucks a day when they are only dealing with fifteen. The fact that they could handle sixteen trucks a day with one fewer person illustrates at least on part of the inefficiency right away -- if the team has one more person than they need and they are still not capable of reducing wait times, than trucks' times are not being efficiently coordinated.
If, as can be assumed, there is generally more loading occurring in the early part of the day, then perhaps an extra crew person could be hired for the first four hours of the day, with only three remaining for the last four hours. This would have no effect on the overall cost of employment for the loading crew. With the capacity to load twenty-four…...

Infamy 60th Anniversary The Classic
Pages: 2 Words: 721

In addition, Lord does not attempt to sway people's emotions or feelings about the event; he simply reports what happened in chronological order. Another reviewer notes, "Ignoring all of the controversies and avoiding any finger pointing, Lord simply reconstructs, as best anyone can, what happened on that fateful day" (Judd). The book is an unemotional account that becomes emotional and memorable in the reader's eyes, because it is so eloquent in its simplicity and meaning. It is also deeply personal, because of all the personal account, making it abundantly clear this happened to real people who experienced pain, suffering, and emotional damage because of this horrific and unexpected attack. This book is very readable because of the way the author has structured the book, and because it is so personal. It seems to be suitable to a variety of audiences, partly because of its readability, and partly because it…...



Editors. "Day of Infamy." Think to 2001 27 Feb. 2008. 

Greene, Jack. The Midway Campaign, December 7, 1941-June 6, 1942. Conshohocken, PA: Combined Books, 1995.

Judd, Orrin. "Day of Infamy." 2001. 27 Feb. 2008. 

Lord, Walter. Day of Infamy: 60th Anniversary: The Classic Account of the Bombing of Pearl Harbor. New York: Henry Holt Company, 2001.

America at War 1865-Present a Survey of
Pages: 8 Words: 2692

America at War 1865-Present
A Survey of America at War from 1865 to Present

Since the Civil War, America has seldom seen a generation of peace. In fact, a nonstop succession of wars has kept what Eisenhower termed "the military industrial complex" in lucrative business. From the Indian Wars to the World Wars to the Cold War to the war on Terror, Americana has expanded its foothold as an imperial power every step of the way -- even when isolationism appeared to be momentarily in vogue following World War I. This paper will look at the history of the progression of war in America from 1865 to present, showing how that history -- through social, economic, literary, political, and religious changes -- has both shaped and been shaped by American foreign and domestic policy.

Unit Once: 1865-1876

The Civil War had just ended on the home front, but that did not mean that America…...


Reference List

Boyd, J.P. (2000). Indian Wars. Scituate, MA: Digital Scanning, Inc.

Jarecki, E. (2008). The American Way of War. NY: Free Press.

Jones, E.M. (2000). Libido Dominandi. South Bend, IN: St. Augustine's Press.

Morehouse, M. (2007). Fighting in the Jim Crow Army: Black Men and Women

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