Universal Design Essays (Examples)

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Universal Design for Learning and
Pages: 15 Words: 4110

..collaborative teachers also value and build upon the knowledge, personal experiences, language, strategies, and culture that students bring to the learning situation." (ibid)
This teaching procedure has the advantage of being multidirectional and not limited to the teachers directed knowledge only. This obviously allows for a more inclusive approach and for those student at different levels to express themselves in this environment.

The following is an example of how this process should work.

Consider a lesson on insect-eating plants, for example. Few students, and perhaps few teachers, are likely to have direct knowledge about such plants. Thus, when those students who do have relevant experiences are given an opportunity to share them, the whole class is enriched. Moreover, when students see that their experiences and knowledge are valued, they are motivated to listen and learn in new ways, and they are more likely to make important connections between their own learning and "school"…...



Arnot C. (2003) The learning pod. Retrieved August 7, 2005. Web site:  http://education.guardian.co.uk/curriculumonline/story/0,12708,902015,00.html 

Bowe, F.G. (2000). Universal Design in Education: Teaching Nontraditional Students. Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey.

Byra, M., & Jenkins, J. (2000). Matching Instructional Tasks to Learner Ability: The Inclusion Style of Teaching. JOPERD -- The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 71(3), 26. Retrieved August 9, 2005, from Questia database,  http://www.questia.com .

Cawley, J.F., Foley, T.E., & Miller, J. (2003). Science and Students with Mild Disabilities: Principles of Universal Design. Intervention in School & Clinic, 38(3), 160+.

Universal Design the Distinctions Between
Pages: 4 Words: 1416

It addresses the needs of students by "proactively planning for instructional, environmental, and technology supports to allow all students to effectively access and engage in instruction (Basham, Israel, Graden, Poth, & Winston, 2010). esponse to Intervention (TI) provides tiered levels of support to all students, allowing for more intensive and individualized instruction. As Basham et al. point out, TI and UDL share common features and purposes; they are both grounded in research-based practices and attempt to design both environments and solutions enabling all students to learn.
iley, Beard and Strain (2004) discussed virtual manipulatives in an article that addressed special needs. Students with disabilities may have difficulty with teaching tools such as tiles, base ten blocks, geoboards, tangrams and the like; a number of interactive websites have been developed that allow students to work with on-screen manipulatives. These can be good for students like Amos (who is afraid of using…...



Basham, J.D., Israel, M., Graden, J., Poth, R., & Winston, M. (2010). A comprehensive approach to RTI: Embedding universal design for learning and technology. Learning Disability Quarterly 33(4), pp. 243-255.

Beard, L.A., Carpenter, L.B., & Johnston, L. (2011). Assistive technology: Access for all students. 2e Kindle edition. Columbus, Ohio: Merrill.

Judge, S., Floyd, K., Jeffs, T. (2008). Using an assistive technology toolkit to promote inclusion.

Early Childhood Education Journal 36(2), pp. 121-126.

Udl Comments the Universal Design for Learning
Pages: 2 Words: 454

UDL Comments
The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is ironically titled due to its practical application to many diverse and segmented groups of students. egardless of the semantics, the philosophy and approach behind the theories contained in UDL contain solid principles that can be ascertained and implemented by staff and faculty at all levels of education.

In my particular situation there is a unique set of circumstances that ultimately allow for the UDL system to be a worthwhile application of curriculum modification. All the students in my school have unique social and cultural barriers to overcome in order to realize some educational success. Oftentimes these qualities are hidden from plain sight and a deeper and more reasonable approach appears to be necessitated by this cultural diversification.

The UDL approach offers many benefits that are evident in my school situation. Options can be presented that best suit the current students needs. Perhaps the grades…...



Ralabate, P.K. (2011, August 30). Universal Design for Learning: Meeting the Needs of All Students . The ASHA Leader.   -- Meeting-the-Needs-of-All-Students/http://www.asha.org/Publications/leader/2011/110830/Universal-Design-for-Learning 

National UDL Center. (2011). UDL examples and resources. Retrieved from www.udlcenter.org/implementation/examples.

Universal Worker Reorganization of Work
Pages: 5 Words: 1298

Individuals performed low-level jobs (that is, jobs with low prestige, low salaries, and a narrow range of required skills and duties), on the other hand, are generally not satisfied with their jobs and would welcome an increased range of responsibilities. Thus the concept of an universal healthcare worker is especially relevant in a medical context in which a very high degree of the care is provided by personnel who are neither doctors or nurses. Such a locale that is ideal for the insertion of a universal healthcare worker is a long-term care facility.

Increasing the job satisfaction of workers in long-term care facilities is especially important because such facilities experience very high turnover rates. This is expensive for the institution, stressful on the workers, and traumatic for the patients.

While some assisted living facilities still operate within this model the industry as a whole is moving toward a more "holistic" approach to…...



Kolus, K. (2010). Activities angst. Retrieved from  http://www.ltlmagazine.com/ME2/dirmod.asp?sid=&nm=&type=Publishing&mod=Publications::Article&mid=8F3A7027421841978F18BE895F87F791&tier=4&id=4EC15B97B92D47EEA1AE40DF0E4C8292 .

Peter Senge and the Learning Organization.

Widdes, T. (1996). Assisted living's universal worker. Nursing Homes.

Universal Remote as the World
Pages: 3 Words: 892

The universal remote won't take the dog for its evening walk either. Unlike Michael's universal remote in Click, a universal remote will not let people go forward and backward in time. However, the universal remote will change our daily lives.
One problem with existing remote controls is that they are poorly designed. The universal remotes currently available are too cluttered with buttons. Some controls do not work with some systems. The currently proposed product takes care of the clutter problem by working with software interfaces. Furthermore, the proposed remote control is fully customizable by the consumer. More than one universal remote can be programmed with the same parameters to allow several users in one household to have the same set of controls. Alternatively, two users in the same household can customize their own remotes. For example, parents might not want their children to be able to access their car keyless…...



Click. Feature film. Directed by Frank Coraci.

Universal Remote Control. Retrieved Nov 8, 2007 at http://universalremote.com

Secondary Classroom Environment Design Classroom
Pages: 4 Words: 1523


The traditional classroom environment is no longer supportive of student learning and it is critically necessary that educators address the current classroom environment as well as their instructional practice in the classroom if students are to be effectively prepared through education to take their rightful place in a global society characterized by information technology and networked business systems. The classroom environment that is characterized by different learning activities, cooperative and inclusive learning will provide a solid base in learning to prepare students for entrance into the world as effective and functionally adept individuals.


urgstahler, Sheryl (2002) Universal Design in the Classroom and Computer Lab. Washington Education Staff webpage. Online available at http://staff.washington.edu/sherylb/univ_pacer.html.

Riddle, Elizabeth (1999) Lev Vygotsky's Social Development Theory. Helen a. Kellar Institute for Human Disabilities. Online available at http://chd.gmu.edu/immersion/knowledgebase/theorists/constructivism/vygotsky.htm.

10 Design Ideas for Schools of the 21st Century (1998) American School & University. 1 January 1998. HMRH Architects. Online…...



Burgstahler, Sheryl (2002) Universal Design in the Classroom and Computer Lab. Washington Education Staff webpage. Online available at  http://staff.washington.edu/sherylb/univ_pacer.html .

Riddle, Elizabeth (1999) Lev Vygotsky's Social Development Theory. Helen a. Kellar Institute for Human Disabilities. Online available at http://chd.gmu.edu/immersion/knowledgebase/theorists/constructivism/vygotsky.htm.

10 Design Ideas for Schools of the 21st Century (1998) American School & University. 1 January 1998. HMRH Architects. Online available at  http://asumag.com/mag/university_top_design_ideas/ .

Armstrong, Thomas (2000) Multiple Intelligences - Online available at  http://www.thomasarmstrong.com/multiple_intelligences.htm .

Universal Triage System in Emergency
Pages: 8 Words: 2212

Our study is however geared towards the assessment of applicability of the universal triage system in emergency clinical work. The current triage systems are somehow one-sized-fits it all in their design (Veenema,2007).He points out that the main problem with the existing triage methodologies is the fact that they are not tailored for all situations such as weapons victims but are just normal pediatric scenarios. This therefore means that some of the components of the various triage systems are most likely to fail under certain circumstances as a result of the disparity in the physiological baselines used in coining the various triage systems.Veenema then ponders if the solution tom these dilemmas are held in the coining and adoption of a universal triage system.

The research questions that are to be used as the basis of forming hypothesis for the research they are:

Hypothesis 1: Does the use a universal triage system lead…...



Australasian College for Emergency Medicine.( 1993a) Triage (policy document).

Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (1993b)). A National Triage Scale for Australian Emergency Departments (position paper).

Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians. (1999) Canadian Emergency Department Triage and Acuity Scale. Journal of the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians, 1, 1-24

George, J.E. (1995) Triage protocols. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 21, 65-66

Universal Studios Internet Based Marketing
Pages: 4 Words: 1342

Internet-Based Marketing Blog
Internet-based marketing is a concept that has generated considerable attention in the recent past because of the advent of the Internet, which has transformed the world through improving communications. The growth of internet-based marketing has also been influenced by the fact that advertisers are increasingly looking for ways to generate revenue through online platforms given the increase in the number of people who visit websites across the globe on a daily basis. In this quest to generate revenue by reaching more people through advertisements, companies have increasingly used the internet to market their products. Internet marketing is increasingly preferred by companies and entrepreneurs because it offers a cost-effective means for advertising products and generating more revenues as compared to traditional marketing.

An example of a company that has used internet marketing to advertise its products is Universal Studios. The use of the internet as a marketing tool and platform…...



Annacchino, M.A. (2007). The pursuit of new product development: the business development process. Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Ingram, D. (n.d.). The Advantages & Disadvantages of Advertising on the Internet. Retrieved September 12, 2015, from  http://smallbusiness.chron.com/advantages-disadvantages-advertising-internet-4029.html 

"Internet Marketing Avenues for Web-based Company." (n.d.). Hongkiat -- Technology Design Inspiration. Retrieved September 12, 2015, from  http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/marketing-for-internet-startup/

Design Influences
Pages: 6 Words: 2050

Egyptian Hieroglyphics and Other Ancient Symbols on 18th, 19th and 20th Century Surface Pattern Design and Their Influences on Contemporary Design
Hieroglyphics are a system of picture-writing, from the Greek, literally meaning "sacred carvings"; these symbols were used extensively on the walls of Egyptian tombs and temples, as well as columns and in written texts (Cavendish 1970). This paper will provide an analysis of the influence of Egyptian hieroglyphics and other ancient symbols on 18th, 19th and 20th century surface pattern design and their influences on contemporary design, taking account of the impact on design practice of digital techniques today. A discussion of designers from these periods illustrating their work will be followed by suggestions for critical analysis, and an examination of possible philosophical questions to be considered related to a future professional practice. A summary of the research will be provided in the conclusion.

Review and Discussion.

Background and Overview. According…...


Works Cited

Brunner, Hellmut. (2004). Decipherment of hieroglyphic writing: Champollion's decipherment.

In Encyclopedia Britannica [premium service].

Cavendish, Richard. Man, Myth & Magic: An Illustrated Guide to the Supernatural, Vol. 10.

New York: Marshall Cavendish Corporation, 1970.

History and Development of Sound Technologies and Sound Design in Film
Pages: 40 Words: 11249

sound technologies and sound design in Film
Sound in films

Experiments in Early Age


Crucial innovations

Commercialization of sound cinema: U.S., Europe, and Japan

Sound Design

Unified sound in film production

Sound designers in Cinematography

Sound Recording Technologies

History of Sound Recording Technology

Film sound technology

Modern Digital Technology

History of sound in films


Sound Design

Sound Recording Technologies

The film industry is a significant beneficiary of performing arts. The liberal arts combined with latest techniques and advancements experienced a number of stages. The introduction of films and sound in films was a significant development of its times. The introduction of first film along with sound was a unique event and it revolutionized the industry in such a way that it influenced every individual related to the industry to start thinking on creative and innovative grounds for improvements. The stages of films can be identified as silent films shown in theaters and they were narrated live. However the introduction of sound in films was…...



Alten, SR 2008, Audio In Media, Thomson Wadsworth, USA.

Altman, R 2004, Silent Film Sound, Columbia University Press, USA.

Ballou, G 2008, Handbook for sound engineers, Focal Press, USA.

Beck, J & Grajeda, T 2008, Lowering the boom: critical studies in film sound, University of Illinois Press.

Web Design Evolution for Common
Pages: 11 Words: 3229

Skills must be honed that create a functional page that users will view and use as the client hopes them to.
Many new eb designers produce eb pages that seem to ignore fundamental principles of "good design": full of colored backgrounds, animated pictures, multiple colors and styles of text, and little to no navigation or eb-based structure. Even in courses devoted to eb design, students still produce pages that lack unity, coherence and emphasis: "though they [students] seem to understand (and can critique) others' efforts, they're stymied when it's time for production. Few have the skills or experience writing in this medium" (Yancey & ickliff, 2001, p. 180). Similarly, individuals working on their own or working from documentation struggle with being able to create eb pages due to the same lack of experience writing on the eb.

Karper 340)

For this reason, relative examples, as explained in the previous subheading may provide…...


Works Cited

Chan, Henry, Raymond Lee, Tharam Dillon, and Elizabeth Chang. E-Commerce: Fundamentals and Applications. New York: Wiley, 2001.

Castro, Elizabeth HTML 4 for the World Wide Web Berkeley, CA Peachpit Press, 1998.

Dix, Alan. "3 Human-Computer Interaction and Web Design." Handbook of Human Factors in Web Design. Ed. Robert W. Proctor and Kim-Phuong L. Vu. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005. 28-46.

A www.questiaschool.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5002374808

Education -- Universal Truths vs
Pages: 2 Words: 603

, 2005).
Even within the United States, the education system has proven itself to be extremely vulnerable to the detrimental influence of intellectual corruption by the excessive entanglement of ideology and formal education. Specifically, the infamous Scopes Trial featured the criminal prosecution for teaching evolutionary biology because it conflicted with prevailing religious dogma (Davidson, 1999). Much more recently, a conservative political agenda has dominated the educational systems of individual American states in which educational administrative authorities have sought (in some cases, quite successfully) to promote religious or quasi-religious dogma under the very thinly veiled guise of teaching nonsense such as "Intelligent Design" (Feldman, 2005; Mooney, 2005). Specifically, that approach (in conjunction with renewed attempts to challenge the legitimacy of established evolutionary science) was a deliberate attempt to promote particular religious beliefs in a manner designed to circumvent very explicit constitutional prohibition against that church-state entanglement (Feldman, 2005; Mooney, 2005).

Ultimately, the purpose…...



Davidson, K. (1999). Carl Sagan: A Life. New York: Wiley & Sons.

Feldman, N. (2005). Divided by God: America's Church and State Problem and What

We Should Do about it. New York: Farrar, Straus, & Giroux.

Goldfield, D., Abbot, C., Argersinger, J., and Argersinger, P. (2005). Twentieth-Century

Digital Design Just as Most
Pages: 3 Words: 943

We owe our engineers a pat on the back for the part they have played in creating, designing, implementing, and perfecting these new technologies. Technologies that many people take for granted works because of good digital design. Digital cameras, wireless networking hubs, and digital voice recorders all work because of digital logic. Video game consoles and game boy technologies would be absolutely unthinkable without digital design wherewithal. Even cars come with digital circuitry. Next-generation smart technologies such as wired kitchen appliances, home electrical systems, security systems, and entertainment systems, are also becoming commonplace in many countries, testimony to the vast strides we have taken to improve consumer technology for the better.
Critics of digital design usually make two main claims about the way digital design has failed the modern consumer. The first camp claims that digital technologies have made life more complicated. Pointing to the frustration they feel when their…...

Sampling Design & Data Method
Pages: 5 Words: 1442

(362) One additional note on this half of the duel research study was that the pair of applicants with and without fictitious criminal records was rotated throughout the experiment to reduce the odds that a single applicant would alter results if assigned the rigid role of ex-con or clean record applicant.
In the second half of the research study the same set of potential employers was surveyed using a vignette method. The vignette described the scenario of applicants who matched the (tester) applicants. The employers who were screened by asking for the person in charge of hiring at the place of business were then asked to respond to the scenario by answering questions regarding if they would or would not hire or consider hiring the applicant in the vignette. Data was collected utilizing the responses to the survey questions, which avoided direct racial comparisons but simply stated the race of…...


Works Cited

Pager, Devah and Lincoln Quillian.. "Walking the Talk? What Employers Say vs. What They Do." American Sociological Review 70: 2005, 355-380.

Gray, Paul S., John B. Williamson, David a. Karp, and John R. Dalphin the Research Imagination: An Introduction to Qualitative and Quantitative Methods: Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Ozone Design Socks Marketing Feedback
Pages: 3 Words: 899

Maybe even a special area of the website just for them where they could color in a sock and "print" it for a small fee and have it mailed to them? They would love that. Imagine how that would go over around the holidays too, creating socks for special occasions with your kids' artwork on them. It was be very popular I think.
The company has to move to a lighter, more fun-loving type of marketing too. The sock puppet is now the universal symbol of fun. And there is not a single sock puppet in their marketing. How dull is that? There could be more of a focus on "pin the sock on the puppet" games to find the nearest retailer, because today you cannot find that on their site. They also don't really have anything about sizes either, which is, well, inconvenient.


This company looks like it is trying…...

I need a spark of inspiration! Can you share some captivating essay topics related to planned intervention sld?
Words: 693

Captivating Essay Topics Related to Planned Intervention SLD


Planned intervention SLD encompasses a range of educational strategies designed to address the specific learning needs of students with SLD (Specific Learning Disabilities). These interventions aim to improve academic outcomes, foster self-regulation, and promote overall development. Exploring the complexities of planned intervention SLD provides fertile ground for engaging and thought-provoking essay topics.

Essay Topics:

1. The Role of Assessment in Planning Effective Interventions:

Discuss the importance of comprehensive assessments in identifying the unique learning needs of students with SLD.
Examine the role of diagnostic assessments, informal observations, and progress monitoring in tailoring interventions.
Analyze the....

What are the key elements to include in an effective outline for an online education course?
Words: 563

Key Elements of an Effective Outline for an Online Education Course

Crafting a comprehensive and effective outline is essential for the success of any online education course. The outline serves as a roadmap, guiding the development and delivery of the course material while ensuring a cohesive and engaging learning experience for students. Here are the key elements to consider when creating an outline for an online education course:

1. Course Overview

Course Title: Captivating title that accurately reflects the course content
Course Description: Brief summary outlining the course objectives, target audience, and key topics
Learning Objectives: Clearly defined goals and outcomes....

How does incorporating principles of universal design and differentiated instruction enhance the philosophy of teaching special education?
Words: 377

Incorporating principles of universal design and differentiated instruction into the philosophy of teaching special education helps ensure that all students, regardless of their abilities, can access and participate in the learning process.

Universal design focuses on creating environments, materials, and instruction that are accessible to all students, including those with disabilities. This approach not only benefits students with special needs but also benefits all students by promoting inclusive and supportive learning environments. By incorporating universal design principles, special education teachers can create learning experiences that are accessible to all students, regardless of their individual needs and abilities.

Differentiated instruction is a....

How does incorporating principles of universal design and differentiated instruction enhance the philosophy of teaching special education?
Words: 538

Incorporating Universal Design and Differentiated Instruction in Special Education

Integrating principles of universal design and differentiated instruction into special education aligns seamlessly with its underlying philosophy, enhancing its effectiveness in meeting the diverse needs of students with disabilities. This approach fosters inclusive and equitable learning experiences, empowers students to succeed, and aligns with the core principles of individualized education.

Universal Design

Universal design is a proactive approach to designing learning environments, materials, and assessments to make them accessible and usable for all learners, regardless of their abilities, disabilities, or learning styles. By incorporating universal design principles, educators can create learning experiences that are:


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